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For the second time, enoa launches an open call to welcome artists, makers, creators - to participate in

our Immersive Residency programme.


This programme is about welcoming a cohort of brilliant mid-career artists who do not have opera within
their creative practice and who are curious about adding it. The offer is a year-long introduction to opera
through a series of workshops and a bespoke relationship with an enoa institution.

enoa’s objective is to break down existing barriers to the opera field, to meet and create a cohort of
new artists, to broaden its perspectives, in the hope that more artists are inspired to make opera in the
future. That said, there is no defined output for this programme. It is a process of exploration and a
chance to find out a bit more about opera as an art form.

Discover our manifesto and commitments to equality and diversity.

>>> Meet the first generation of Immersive Residency artists

To apply: link to application form here

Deadline: October 20th, 2022 (11:59pm CET)

If you want to meet us, you can check the enoa who’s who.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Sophie or Lucile at info@enoa-


enoa is the European network of opera academies, composed of 12 members, which has been
supporting and accompanying artists in training and creation for 12 years. The network firmly believes
that the future of opera in Europe depends on the sector being open to a greater diversity of artists as
well as being open to exploring innovative operas celebrating stories that reflect the world today.

>>> Discover what lies behind our 2020-2024 programme in 2 minutes!


This is a 12-month programme. We offer the chance to apply to a specific institution within the network.


This programme is not to develop a specific opera project. This is not a creation residency, the focus
will rather be on learning about of the opera sector.

Immersive Residency cohort activities - The network will develop three collective workshops to frame
the residencies:

- A kick-off workshop (February 2023) - to share knowledge about the opera field

- A ‘try on opera’ workshop (Summer 2023) - to experiment with making opera

- A closing workshop (Spring 2024) - to reflect on your experience and next steps

Individual activities with your institution - These activities will be based on your needs and interests
and the possibilities of your hosting institution. It will include:

- Feedback on your application

- Mentorship throughout the whole residency
- Regular check-in with enoa team & institution
- Opportunity to share your work with your hosting institution either remotely or in person
- Opportunity to attend opera or musical theatre rehearsals and/or performances
- At least 3 meetings with sector professionals

Your residency activities could also include, based on your needs and the possibilities of your hosting
institution: shadowing, R&D space, singing lessons, others mentoring, possibility to attend enoa training
workshops (examples of previous workshops here), etc.

These activities will be discussed and planned with your hosting institution at your regular check-ins.

Financial/logistical support - Each resident will benefit from a grant which will cover:

- international travels and accommodation costs

- mentoring or teaching fees (if applicable)
- activities costs (ie. workshops, tickets to performances, etc.)

The grant will be handled directly by the hosting institution.

If selected, the teams agree to take part in the communication activities of the network.


There is no fee for participation.
Duration - 12 months (February 2023 – March 2024)

Hosting institution

o Britten Pears Arts – United-Kingdom

o Dutch National Opera & ballet, Netherlands
o Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, France
o Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal
o Palau de les Art, Spain
o Operosa, Serbia
o Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, Belgium
o Theaterakademie August Everding, Germany
o Théâtres de la Ville du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
o Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, Poland

To best match the artist to the institution you need to apply to a specific institution - in order to make
you choose the best suited institution for your profile and to create the best residency possible, you will
find, following this link, a description of each institution.


If you want to apply to several institutions, you need to prepare a different application for each
institution you apply for.


We are looking for artists who:

- are makers, creators from any artistic speciality
- do not have opera within their creative practice and are new to enoa
- are curious about opera and interested in adding it to their creative practice

What do we mean by mid-career?

 minimum of five-year experience - after training working in your chosen artistic practice(s)
 you might have had a gap in your artistic practice
 no age limit

You must be able to understand and speak English and must be European based (ie. your current living
city is in Europe).

The enoa network is open to every formal or informal artistic background.

The enoa network is actively seeking to support artists currently under-represented in the opera world
for historical, cultural or social reasons.

>>> You can check enoa values and statement in our manifesto.


We want to make this opportunity as accessible as possible. If required, we will provide any successful
applicant with an access rider.

We also want the application process to be as accessible as possible so if this format does not work
for you then please let us know at and we will do our best to facilitate
your needs.


You will submit your application via an online form. You can only apply to one institution per online
form. This application will include:

1. Personal information

2. A video of intent (4 minutes maximum) for the network to meet you and your artistic work
⇒ You can answer the following questions: Introduce yourself. Describe your creative practice. Why are
you curious about opera and why do you want to expand your creative practice at this point in your

3. Supporting material for your application:

- A short bio (200 words maximum)
- Up to three links or files to existing work that you feel best represents yourself and your work
(video excerpts cannot last longer than 8 minutes)

4. Questions about your application: please download this document and fill in your answers to the
- What is exciting to you about applying to your chosen institution?
- Why do you think it would be a good match?
- What do you think you could bring to the Immersive Residency cohort?

*If you cannot create this video, please do not hesitate to contact Lucile or Sophie at info@enoa-

Your application must be sent before October 20th, 2022 (11:59pm CET). We will not be able to accept
late applications.


- To share those documents: you’ll be asked to upload them all on a platform like Dropbox or Google
Drive or use file transfer service like WeTransfer or Smash and paste the link in the form.

- Privacy settings:
• If you are using Dropbox or Google Drive, please, be careful to share a link with public access settings
• If you are sharing videos from YouTube, please be careful to set the privacy settings of the video on
"public" or "unlisted"

- enoa is a European network and, in order to share every application we receive with our members, we
need to have an English version of it. Nevertheless, you can submit your video in another language if
you add English subtitles to the video

 WARNING: After you have clicked on "Submit" in the online form, your application will be send so
please, make sure to double check it using the arrows beforehand!


What are we basing our decisions on?

✔ Whether or not this feels like a useful and meaningful intervention for your artistic
✔ Whether you are genuinely curious about opera and the opera form
✔ What you could bring to the cohort of artists
✔ Whether or not your practice has the potential to contribute to opera as an art form
at some point in the future
✔ Whether your profile is matching with the hosting institution you are applying for



October 20th, 2022 (11:59pm CET) Deadline to apply

October to November 2022 Analysis of the applications by a reading panel and pre-selection of
up to 50 applications.
Non-selected projects will be informed. Teams will receive written
feedback in the following months.

November 2022 to beginning of Analysis of the pre-selected applications by the selection committee
January 2023

January 2023 Confirmation of the selected projects

End of February 2023 Kick-off workshop and beginning of the Immersive Residency

Spring 2024 End of the Immersive Residency


First round:

Your application will be reviewed by an external reading panel made up of independent experts:
o Sjaron Minailo – Director and performer, Israel / Netherlands, more info here
o Caitlin Smith – Composer and writer / former resident of the Immersive Residencies
programme, Canada / Austria, more info here
o Kate Wyatt – Creative producer, Royal Opera House and associated producer, Curated Place,
United-Kingdom, more info here

The reading panel will assess all the applications and make a pre-selection of up to 50 applications.

Second round:

These pre-selected applications will proceed to a selection committee composed of enoa hosting

One application per institution will be selected to participate to the Immersive Residency programme.

The enoa network commits to offer a personalised feedback on every application.

All the non-selected artist will therefore receive written feedback in a few months following the end
of the selection process.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Sophie or Lucile at info@enoa-

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