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Santander School Student___Keysy Maudith Duarte Pardo

10:01_______________________ I. Monica is going to study in the United States. Read the

letter she wrote to her friend Teresa and answer the questions Dear Teresa, This is the last
letter I’m writing to you from Venezuela for some time. Next week I’m going to school in
Boulder, Colorado. It’s part of the Rotary Club exchange program, and I´m going to study there
for a year. My mother is very sad that I’m leaving, but my father says it’s going to be a very
good experience and great opportunity to improve my English. I’m very excited. They say
Boulder is a beautiful town in the mountains. It’s near Aspen, the place where the rich and the
famous go to ski. I’m going to Aspen, and I’m going to learn how to ski. Maybe I’ll meet a rich,
famous and good- looking young man. Your friend, Monica 1. Where is Monica going to study?
___ United States____________ 2. How long is she going to stay there? _____one year___ 3.
Why is Monica’s mother sad? ___ is sad because monica leaves_ 4. Where is Boulder__ This is
close to Aspen______ 5. What does Monica want to learn? ___ Wants to improve your
English_____ II. You are inviting to a camping. Write 4 activities participants are going to do. In
the morning,____ do exercise



Start with the most complicated task___ In the afternoon,______ Read books

Tell stories with fun spin


Learn and tell jokes_____ In the evening,____ Eat

Go for a walk

Take a shower or a hot bath.

Make SLUMBER Party____ At the weekend,__ Do exercise

Visit green spaces

Collaborate with a foundation

Go to the zoo_____ III. Answer. a.What do you use the backpack for?_____ Keep school
things_______________________ b.What do you use the trainers for? ____ It helps me
exercise me__ IV. Answer about you. Give complete answers Use in/on/ at a. When is your
birthday? _____ in April 16._______________________ b. When were you born? ______ On
April 16, 2006___(complete date) c. At what time are you going to bed tonight? at 11:00
p.m._____________________ d. Where do you live? _ in San
Francisco__________________________ e. When are we going to have the next English class?
________ on Friday_________________ IV. Write about your family’s plans for next week. a.
(negative)My father/my mother ___ My father does not want to go out __ b. (positive)My
brother ____________ my sister if she wants to play_________________ c. (negative) I
________ I do not want to go out_____________________________ d. A question (?) to your
best friend about his/her plans for next weekend._ I do not want to go out_____________ e.
An activity you are going to do on Sunday. ___ go out with friends____

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