Question Bank - Module Wise

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Question Bank

1. With a neat block diagram discuss the basic operational concept of a computer.

2. Explain the structure of single bus with a neat diagram

3. Define an addressing mode. Explain any 5 addressing modes with example.

4. Explain BIG-ENDIAN and LITTLE-ENDIAN methods of byte addressing with proper
5. Explain the basic performance equation.
6. What are assembler directives? Explain the various assembler directives with example?
7. Explain Rotate and Shift instructions with example
8. What is Subroutine? Analyze the use of call and return instruction with assembly language
program code
9. Explain with neat diagram Basic Input/Output Operations.

10. Discuss briefly encoding of machine instructions.

11. Questions to find the effective address of operands and questions of shift, rotate
instructions. LShiftL #2,R1

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