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Processing Plan For 500-800 Birds Per Hour People need to kill, scald and pick People need

to eviscerate and pack : _______ person : _______ person

Slaughtering process

Use Slaughtering Overhead Conveyer (SOC) to shackling and slaughtering the bird. In performing Halal procedure, before slaughtering the bird, make sure the slaughter use only the sharp knife. It is best to ensure trachea, larynx and major blood vessels below the lower jaw are cut without affect the spinal cord. This method allows blood boiled out of the animal body and produce clean meat. If the spinal cord is cut, the nerve fibres to the heart are damaged causing cardiac arrest and the blood accumulated in the flesh. Do not use Electrical stunner or Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Stunner. It is to avoid the bird feel any pain before being slaughter. Use Controlled Atmosphere System (CAS) to stun the bird because it will not cause harm to the bird that use Argon (Ar) or Nitrogen (Ni2). It will cause bird to experience Anoxia/hypoxia (lack of oxygen) differ from suffocation/asphyxiation. The reason is that birds have chemical receptors in their lungs (intrapulmonary chemoreceptors, or IPCs) that are acutely sensitive to carbon dioxide but insensitive to anoxia and hypoxia (subnormal levels of oxygen). 'Stunning water' is that by passing electricity not exceeding 40 volts (designation by JAKIM) to the water and then head of chicken who has been suspended is passed through the water for 1 to 2 seconds. Chickens will be anesthetized during the slaughter. If the chicken is slaughtered after 2 minutes, then it will be refreshed. (Instrument made abroad is not the same as in Malaysia due to voltage is higher). Do not cut the head off as the bird is bled. This is to avoid an undesirable appearance. The head should be remaining even though after the evisceration process. Bleeding time estimation is about 1minute and 15 seconds. Scald and Defeathering After birds are bled, they should be scalded then pick as soon as they can be loaded into the Poultry Scalding Machine (PSM). When analysing damaged birds, please note if birds show a bruise, check whether the bruise happened before the bird was killed or during death shudder. A bled bird will not bruise. The darker the bruise, the older the injury. Extending scalding time will cause skin tear-age. It usually happens at the breast an inner thigh. Fatty tissue under the skin should not liquefy. If fat breakdown occurs,

scald is too hot. After scalding, then the chicken will go through defeathering process Fowl Feather Removal Machine (FFRM) to remove the feather. Recommended Scald Capacities are: Model No. : ____________ Length of Scald : ____________ Bird Scalded At : ____________ One Time Scald Temperature: _____ (oF) _____ (oC)

Recommended Defeathering Capacities are: Model No. Length of Defeathering Bird Picked At Defeather One Time : ____________ : ____________ : ____________

Capacities Are Not Guaranteed All capacities indicated for individual or for complete systems are approximate. The capacities depends on many factors including but not limited to labour force experience, plant layout, whether or not equipment is operated under continuous production and size of birds. Capacities indicated generally assume a _______ kilogram chicken. If the birds are not sufficiently scalded, we recommend a longer scald, not higher the temperature. Make sure the PSM is properly vented and the vent is open. Without venting, heat builds up under the scalder and can cause equipment damage. Also, efficiency will be reduced resulting in higher gas consumption. With practice, you can achieve a yellow skin if desired. A bird has two skins. The outer yellow skin is usually loosened in the scald. However, if you drop the scald temperature to 127oF (53oC), the outer yellow skin should remain in place. Scald for the same length of time, just drop the temperature. There are markets for feet. Should you elect to market them, you can get them in presentable condition. Scald the feet twice (1 minute each time) and pick for 30 seconds. The skin should be removed and you should have a marketable item. Eviscerate Do not run the Evisceration Overhead Conveyer (EOC) any faster than necessary to get the production as you need.

One worker can remove feet (at hock) by using Auto Leg Cutter (ALC) and cut oil glands (at base of tail). This is normally done before birds on the shackle. Position a cart near this area to collect the feet. A second worker can hang the bird on the shackle, hook the head (3 point suspension), cut skin up the back of the neck and pull crop. A third worker opens the tail, cut and pulls vent. A fourth worker drams entrails separating heart, liver and gizzard (giblet mass), discarding offal. Care must be taken to pull the intestines without rupture. Contamination can result if the operation is improperly performed. A fifth worker can separate giblets, carefully pinch gall from liver or cut it with heart liver shears. The gall may cause contamination and discoloration if broken. The sack can be removed from around the heart with tour fingers. Trim tubes with shears. The sixth worker can split, wash and trim gizzards (a hack saw blade works well for splitting open the gizzard). Trim gizzard shears. Fat lining will be removed by peeler. The seventh worker can mechanically peel gizzards, move giblets to chill area, refill and ice giblet pans. This worker will not be busy all the time, but this procedure is hard to combine with another. The eight worker will remove the lungs and wash the cavity. The ninth worker will remove the head, cut the neck at the base and use Head Puller. Then perform a carcass wash and inspection, and then drop into the chill tank. A supervisor can stock, rinse and move shill tanks as well as perform spot inspections After carcasses and giblets are chilled, 2 workers can drain and wrap giblets, drain carcass, pack giblets in carcass and bag to prepare for freezing.

Chill Consult a refrigeration or ice machine manufacturer or other experts about chilling your birds. This can be capital intensive part of your operation. Purchase equipment that can be serviced in your locale. Purchase an ice bin allows you to run ice machine 24 hours a day. Chilling is necessary to reduce pathogen development. Chilling by itself will reduce pathogens. Birds need to be thoroughly washed as well. Birds need to be chilled to below 40oF (4oC), i.e. 35-37oF (2-3oC) within 4 hours of death. Maintenance of bird at this temperature can give shelf life of 7-10 days. The inside of carcass should be chilled to this temperature. Cubed, diced, flaked or shaved ice works better than ice chunks. The amount of ice depends on the ratio of ice to water and also depend on the temperature of the room where chilling is performed.

For chilling, ______ kg ice per bird. There is where the water in your chill tank is about 35oF (2oC) and where room temperature is 68-70oF (20-25oC). To maintain the birds in a cooler, estimate _______ kg in a tray for 20 birds. Using Chill Pump Model No. _______ will help your ice go further. Dont overload your chill tanks. Capacities are approximately for ________ chickens. You will probably need two workers to ice, make boxes, pack boxes, weigh and stack or load. A foreman should handle one of these positions as packing ____ boxes of bird per hour. Be sure to train one of them and make them responsible for assuring birds are properly chilled. You will need two wheel trucks for moving coops and ice boxes.

Exhibit 1 WORKER REQUIREMENTS TO PROCESS 800 BIRDS PER HOUR USING SKILLED WORKER 1. Unload coops - - hang on Water Stunner/ SOC 2. Poultry Scalding Machine (PSM) 3. Fowl Feather Removal Machine (FFRM) 4. Hang on Evisceration Overhead Conveyer 5. Open tail/ pull vent (J cut) 6. Pull entrails separating giblet mass 7. Separate giblet mass/ pinch gall/ trim heart 8. Split/wash/trim gizzard 9. Peel gizzards/ tend to giblets 10. Remove lungs/ wash cavity 11. Remove head/ remove neck/ carcass wash 12. Supervisor/ work chill tanks/ inspection 13. Packaging/ general help 2 persons 1 person 1 person 1 person 1 person 1 person 1 person 1 person 1 person 1 person 1 person 2 person 2 person 16 persons

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