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DATA STRUCTURES AND APPLICATIONS 150533 MopuLe 1] Imtreduction to Data Structures I A ae te Apuseliged format fox : fotgamizine, end Atoring deta . ! Dolartnchnee are clamitiel info Q shapes (O Linens dettaahnchares (i) Non-linean dataatmmehwres the clements a dela ahaclure one Abred _ Seapacrrbally then it & “calles! linear detachnebvre- t J cE " shawks Queuee and Linked bisle - i els Frnelite ase not a doved tm requertial “orden Inge it le Called mon- — linens del, Ge: Trees ant Graph. che. primitive, deka types one the bbaric debe hyper Het ore available in _ameoat sf the. progam mun Vomeanaget. The prenihes dats hyper ate ured a _ nepueserd, dingle value fat ches tof poet dole Ae. __ cher ello = - = ind m= 6) ae fleet 6 = 22) athe. sada tapes lak ase derived Ta palonars dala kot an Non- paanitive doh _ There. dla eh ane Ured te « ise ou v. Nen-primidive cleda type is alec Called a2 derived dota hype = Exo Array Strachere, Onion, Stack, Quene, Linked lit ete. | handay NQaeijmde Hebe Fendi} 4 | Ty the idewtipia ce met defined, theo ip clays end tornpiled and exeaded. otherume, cle or tindude: tionh ckdefine E EN. aint (Aste bard ab); cea; dea: \ aienty (* Cad, Arrays and Stings ped ie ao are 2 E AS she fi arahion “awn. peek a ge a ay h geod live dimensional arrays — wih an exemple? fae a Z ; ~~ ) - ; Whed ih am arrey’ Hoe ina Binge dimennon array Uta Aeclared and “intialiged? ioe an exon? Hove te declare and ihalje the Whe hoe aomenaion ee a An array wa collection Comaiatin “Fetatet dda tern a same oe mH % 4 a _ emery all the dads iden ane Strela Conk = meron loca *Declarchen | Soplay | _dalabype erreny- name Lae] a where dota type. Apecegien auc nd kind ag Vales ea 9 Atere ath 22 inh flock. cod Triteligahen: Sigolax | dodahgpe ewreumame [ig] -S4 M Vnis phere dodahype Apeciger tole kinel of Values on _ array tom Atore Awh on int) fled, Choa ete array mame Ka mame to _ideyhfy an array ‘ amd it & aval ¢ idenhage Sige Apecigice The maxivmuim number Ff elemenbs an ervey tam aleve and if must be an imesh Value (4ve) er Vasialle Vi Var. Nin axe the Wat of values enclosed roithin _ Gy end Aeparated bey Comma Ecomple tint als] = 410, 15, 20.85, 303; ” y [re [is [ae Tas [se] __ _ ate] at] ab] ab] at] Exeplkaitnd als] = ilo, is.a6c3s . E (ie [is Tx Tee) ae] at) bj] ai) st) Exampbs tint af 1 = $10, 15, 20, 25,303 | (re is ae |as [se 1 at) al] aG) al) at) Exam yt iol ated: : atel=\o) —_ a aly =i55 alzj}= ao / Exaropl ot Int as) = $10, 18,20.25,30,253, [LEGA vreau vsith theo chmenaions are called shoo i tckanendiond av A +a dimensional ¢ array ta area <3 5 Aub ese Aubacripla, tshere fe ; ide 3" ag] [colwrne ee where cledatype 2 pecigice tolwd kind gt Values on arrar com store auch as int, ses ed, char ete. ay mame is a same to | jerrtigg am eskag emd it val” c iden biger: rf rene bythe anny Aige Apectpier the maximum um a Colimna ba atelte) | ately | abe) atite | atin] [ate] , \abite | aPity abies | atsits) | fon) [aby by Column © lighere dalahge Apeciges that kind ef Values en _orrey tom ahore pcan fats plead, cha ete. ¥ ervey name U a veme do identy, on array and this a valid c islersb.ger. ‘RWHZe Apedperthe marionum number ef reed ' the ren J _! colaige espe she maximum numbes 4 Columns tn the ar Ais O3,-- Any are Hye Valuer Aaa goed to Of vets ou bay bn ere the Valuer arnguedd tp 1 010 & Boon. Exewmple i int alaltal=¢ L1e, ao, 308, £5, 10, 15%, $100, Joo, Bec} , 7 T24 ey 33 Exaroplea | int _alAl[zl= flo, 26,30, 8, 10, 15, 120,200, __ 300, % 46 35 Examples tet aL tale§ 0, 20, 30, B10, 15, Ie, 200, ase Example 4 tind al TB]: f1¢,40,30,3,5,113 | Exempt 5 cht af T= 3.8.75 [fT Tye menbien the type g ota 2) Explain vst am exam 7 theta te acce the Vdlermmenk ep ta own? OR : cExplain the alep inyelveal reading amd wechinge ise chimenss ere ia a Arrep ave clewnigich trl 2 hype enaienal aves ~ errienal anrag- 4 + 7 5 _ For accemoime, 00 imetivicdmal elerment ef ei “dianenaional aroha, the array aubacsipl sual be Eye int atsl; io vaccean te tnd ale] et dlemd alge wing afd threngh a[] we can accom 5 interna: ae ming ale) threngh afn-i}we en adcens this mplished eanily wing lecping Comatenct. S Meat generally wred leopin _ elemento Joan atey & for loop _ PK Reading nn elemerde x) ee L afi) int 1 y,7=3) or (sojicemisigt) Ey folie; tems ite) . oe TO ~_ aeomg (Gat tabi); ney (Fl kali; fos is oj ign itt) = For acceraing, on individusl elemenl ef The _ tie dimensional arrag, the array Arubscript t smut be ured Exame int afAIEe) 5 “Vo access the I clement ie M4 ree and a column ateltel, fo eccenthe gM clemed & Are and at eclumn alelfi], avd Ao on . iy peneral tp atcens the elemedt in 5 yo and 2 “Colum all (il, whe m uw the 26 number and 1 & the Column number To veod and tote all the elemenls im hoo dimensional army, Q for loops ave veqmired (meted for loops). Outer for leep gives “the number see and inmer for leep onvet the number ¢ columns: " _ [To read oman _elemenk x] dechze igmsigd) gerlice: idem i4t) — pe et pie jgen-ty pet = 7 Acorns (Ya, ealiltpD: Acang (ta, —— : 7 Lx To. cliaplany * wenn _elemends im MATRIX for %/ for(izorigrm: Vad _ fori opigem-15i 4+) sk 2 _ ~ felis =o jsmijttd . fexlj=0; jax jj +4) $e prinlg Cat Farr aal prin (eal, ALTE): 3 eas) eee _ pink (bs wae parallel aricap ) Exploin ih an example _ the arrays told me the eblen Aubscripts > a loop are Called ous “Example. [x Copy elernenh sing oe steg RAL _als}= an 4s ©, B, 10% 5 = Sar D An axrex (eqwence) 1 Shing. and ib & fevmimatek k TA cause 5 literal ip enclosed by oulde amcte “the Sine, ne “one ere: NULL character i Tniticligedion: sien: Sti mey Cam be inchabized a follews. _ ‘Sepectan | Cehas tes: ame [Sx] = Sting Value } ’ Where Sho Value Can be qpeeup ig clotaddias emdlaved wsithid double qreld: or ete of _hatadon (Chamets Conbanle) _ _ nets = Ta iret Care mull character is appended coctomnially Wk he end tring by Ke compiles. An the Aero Case it iB mecemany arn Ve wll chanacler explicitly af the end of te thing org the programme 9g Exell ze tra Lic] = “¢ Pregesms! 5 TERRE mELP Ela ae Pehl “the Sige =f the obove Abma Aki i 10 The length ff te abeve thing anys Examples: chat Alea nal= pee PL yo gus eds, A é 1 s 4 - mE TEL ~)a ey Examples: char ais a2 A Atespo]='c' 5 Ales[a]=' ahale]="y Atap = ‘ul; abs [i='o) ats Tiras ats fJ=*P! “ates [S]= ‘9 Abs [5] ='m'; i_ahabd= 05 Example: char Aby ayers Program ches ath Tra] sic) Wie, v0 att Va NOES oes eo. rz-eaays 9 u 7 _ ay Te lal alee Examples: char as [ic] ='C Pregqram'; || ILLEGAL Example g: char Ae [a] ="C_ Preagrem! j I ILLEqAL Bxormpler: char aha L]="xy2"; Examplee: char Abgly-t'x,'y ah \o WB Bylo be Slaps | invelved hm gt ond Lom tin ’ 2 ~____. fing? | cur ieee pS in the Ahn LAWL only € & Afeved. ol 23 45678 9 awl (e fo Became Beary Ale character ee cond eta TK Reading, Shin i) Ok mae aa tas? re __ gk ARIS; — oo fic uyer enters © _ ating awl _Complele np 2 (2 3 4 5 6 T 8 79 —_ ae Tele fel ale Te se ma a Shona wane, pene x Char Atel Pel =" c Pre puTPUT int Welcome te the ¢ Lub’) Ttoalcome + the C Lert | oe pong (*: 7s", dtl); 2 Prearam Welcome te ¢ We C Preqran ——aee eee 14 "8G Explain ang 8 ahing manipulation fanciers th an exarmple ? &€®) iS Unl slime rncoupalation Wbiary -pnchione ana explous hs them isi example? Some Ff the shime, wramiplehon functions “Fagin in the dtandend’ Ubrany [abing. hfane ao Neves : ) Ahlen (44) > Rehom the lenath g the abine ah- __a) .Atrepyy (cert, Av) ~ Copies Acurce Sting arelts the dleahmnehion bing clerk Dabnerg Clea, Axe n) > Copier “my chayacters from dource Ating areto destination dhing dest A) ac atx)—> Compares.g Ahimgs abi ond Meo B)Abenemp (Ab, Abi.) Compares yy characters from Artima, Abi ith ching ates 6) abriconp (Abt, Abra) — Compares 2 Abimeys Atl and Afra, bd mot Cae Aenaitive DAlmicmp (ir, Ahan) —> Compares In! chavactem af Q Ahinep Abl and Aha, bid not Coa e. tenaitive __§) atvcedt (Ah Aha) —> Aad ox Oppends oF Concelenales ating are al the end of dhing abl 4) Atrtet (At, Agqmbel) —> Replaces all_chavactera op aly tik “the given Agmbel le) Atenaet (Ate, Aigmbeh 7)? Replaces 'n_charachrs q thing : Ate ath the given Aymbook uAtrrev (At) > Reverper the characters iy a gee Arig, Abe ts) Abncak (ARI, Alea n)—> Appenda iret tn’ characters 7 abng, Alta ot the end of abing Ath ) Alor (Ah) —> Converts the Abang alt to lowereare, uy) abups (Ab) —> Comveste the Ahing, Abb Uppertore 7 — ——40- ang The Haas be folloroa : a _ pone length = Atle (ab): _ Thi sumehion renee the c heogth the ahing ahi counts all the character» tpte ‘e"_except yo". Se, ar emph, aking hao len, th zero Earle :/% Prreerram to find the leneth of the Sting 3¢/ _ ae isyelude << Stdio-h> _ a $= a inctude < Shing-hy aman 0 4 [henge Shing © Preqrem a] * Rpyidel rc) | Sting ae = Lia es to tke headea of ate The ageiln & ; “destination eas det the _aiye =f Aow __ content of twee the onginal aq cest ose lost. ose lost Example: /& Program te ahewo the wage of Ahepy ec] ok tmelde Cstdio.b> oh includa < Sting -by _ mes 0) as chor Arc[é]="Kssem" } chon destte] ; Ateepey (det, ave); prot ( Destinahon Sting 275) 40k); 3 OUTPUT * Destination Shine = Kssem | $ Streak (Sei Sh2) | Shine Conetenation. _ Lite degenek to the ida file ahing. bl The agniax a _folleves a7 Atresk Csr, Str); “hia function appends (adle)all the chavacte of thing At2 te he end fF Ahing ain. a The nuit character f Anne ahi & seplacect be tha ferat character of Alina hz. For dope conchncdtion, athe programmer has te check sahetan “Fhe alge q atong Abts loge enough b Atore a ating t _ length tri + tha ¢ NO _ = Example /x Program +b add hor stings using thet0 x Finds Cadio-h> 4 Fe iebe Shing mar \) _ che ati [se], a2 D8)? _ponly CEmte the qual a gear, ; ~ pam Enter The second Shin a\n"); ee Gah: —— ao aired (All, Ate) Fl 7 ; “pring (Conedlanafed Shing = 780 ARD7 estore the foal Shing, Computerel | — a | Enter the Aecond Shing Proqammingel Conetleneted” Shing = Computerregramming. Xe Atelwr lsh) * Shine lower _ iThiia degined ty eae ‘pking bi Ths Agnte ow Folletos / = : Hihaw Cab); —_— This ee al he characters of qe thine __ pty isto Lower cone elunacters. —- ea x Pog tp Convert “the given Abing into Tower ¢ cove &/ FB indute hothio- ns +# inebade € String-h> — main() Z -_ } _ cas ARf2e; — r : pra Enter ang Seng) = x ann (Ate) _ hor (Ab); _ el eonverked Shing Enter ong Son Compote; *€ Convete] Sting = computer —F\Nvhet We a -function® Wwilka ic progam te ind te dere ef a mumbes Kring. Suction’ = A large pregram com be avid inte wrknagenlle pieces Called redler tobere each module : . lees \e Apecigic tach. “Thus, the funchor affen called —medeles ane tely-Contained Arnal prograrrs that Gurney _ out Adyne Apecizic, well depined Jaaks _ The are & type of funchens: ae GO) Lively [Guill] Predegemed punches Gi) baer Dagirel Ranchers (UDF) [Programme depin A che 7 Functions thal one loved wycthe librany, ane called 7 library fumehons. Ex i agit 0, pant O, Aeampl) ke. Funcheos thed See vention bup the wser/P marek Ho clo some Apecific task & colley user defined -funchens Ext Arent), pach pial O), ewbe() ete _ 1x Program to find tbe cube =f a muwenbes sing fonchonr] — thincde CMdio-h> \ _ ink erbe(iok m5 \ main () a = \ int num, vu; pink CEnter ang eT Beary (Pat, ker) 5 a ooo yes = Curbe(num); 7 — poy ( Cube PA = 7-4", num, 5) : yo _. int enbeCint ) _ : - yehon HEN ourpeT =| Enle any inten | ae a’ Structures avd Unions Ag 4 4 Ateackee ? explain dhe & Soils Ps Shudure ton veh on example? ‘Hero chive & diggererd an avy 2 Ex plato | decay. deckwation sf a Shuctre any example} 7 ER What % a Atmechiwe atta Tape? Explain 2 Defone a STRUCTORE? Explain Stuchive vals Spex aud example ? _ Shuchwe ua Collechion of related data theme of “digferect clan hy pet fn ara is a Cllechion reer af deta clemerde Atored Beqpertally one aster the ofr io smemery. The Sepolen f Stnchwe Ws ay -follevos: 7 [ichee abnd oo kegroord _| tape! members rotvich tells ‘he Compiles. De Toba | _ type memrber2; ahmchve | & Ee: clegined _ : facrome oo wel ty idee” | a ee = i typem membern; “ke abuehre- EE fegpel. types bypen tole ks | He deta type in ©) Inclucking anclir __Shohure - { smemberl, member 2 am evhber ene the [members sf the athnchwe 1 as Shucluves Can be declared in ackggerent rou | ed Sheets _ Deetiee tithe : : Gi) “as dletined Struchure JWeaged ects oo Ihe Atmehire depmition “petodiated us, a a Tag imame & Called tor Bhenchre- In the Shrdwre depmihon the Wenger _ lee byte keprord Atmuet & call 4 tne the fipalan ond example A Tagged Strechve © Perr aly | eee char _addwers [28] 2 int empid ; a EMPpLeyee a “5 dagname name, addres, emprd, dala members of the OP “7 $s re. | a (Gd Stuchwe withent deg: © Tn The ctheehare lepinition the dag rome & ephienad, ithe Strucure _dlepenition vaithed a “tog mame & calles ee wiked —_ The Saget and enomple ff Atrere vibeut a — 7 Lerss ~. Sy ah Example 2 Abmet i ~ typel vert char name Lig]: eypeR Nor2> char eee Baas i tot empid pape Yea; leak olen a 3 Abwchore -Vaosalle Fempus sib exemple hew te hee 4 crecte Arndone waing “Raped ? e ezined “Stonchore The pete Cape. 2 clefimibon) ki kequerd enables the progamme ow a nerd data type nome sorcthe wt deta Hype eS Dat deypedes _exiatin citvtype newdatahype s __ =, Type int “INTEGER BaBs typedeg te dsfine Atmchre types the Segrtan eee f Fype defined Ahchore 5 <9 fleet Halang + _ Lemp! =f’ Arvada", “Bengaluru”, 10,25 200, 625 7 char namelis]: char addreu[sc]> = ae td erp ds a ancla's , & S ‘Lil expla sits om romp howd ty accom te membem \ 4 she Shrchyve! VA Ahvelwre member & generally accesped Wine, ‘1. lt) _eperedey- g ¢ <3 xb an mi Lov SLAW, emmph exp) park Salen it SW, empl aalary) 12 | Explein ee Concept of Nested Shudits ih on Sxormole 2 . A cabencbove that Contalne ancthe, Ahmehve aa ile onember % Glled a meted Ahriechne. [Exeen ple! Consider the STUDENT ingoamation like name, vst ond marks f 3 4 “The marks of 5 avlgule tan be defined in Ke ahve oe follow ! ~ Shrek Selegect : ; - me omekLs ~ int maaks> ; wt ranks 3 2 EP “New, tke Complele sladek infor motion Combining, ‘ mesme, VEN and amenks of 3° Aebgub con be “represented Laing a Atmeke ax Aheron below! hgpedy Ahnek i cher name lis); tet USNy —_ - And —_ marke; : _ : SStupent —_ STUDENT S; Vaio altine Vesiae S mmembera of the ebove shuchre i" Com be _accened Sivralealey, te _accen Le members of «tbe atrahine Selopst, Bhuekee Voriable marke ahold be Used. [#10 acon Strdert name, vin & make f & Subyub x7 S.nmame S. vs So marks mans — ~ Sorat banca B= S- marks. marks 3 at |. | dha 13 | Expleso Almchire wil an example? + 4 f In ¢ lan gusge woe have arr totes and “ichavacherp: Lt also Aupporls: array gq ahackondl J Shuchwve Defcoution: if a | ~ 7 tapes aro _ + chan named: eae TT =o Tek omnask; ~ - STUDENT, + STUDENT sfid]s ; . TThe_ingormation of 15 stdend Can be accened at follows: SliJ-name S[i}. bon . sf} smanks ~Beonpl Jk © pregnarn do sead amd diaplers Shdend 4 information ing onhay of shuelures #/ Wf include <$4Bo HD : _ smato 0 chen namely het Usui olmak = a forizesiensitt) : & ” prik Center td. Studert lefarl\n', (40)! Atoae((fs: sh SpA‘, SLilname, . [i], Usn, | & SET)- amare): - 3 a prisaty(t Studerd dear aren"), _ aeme\t USN usn\t Markel") gelize: iene) x - iS : pa (Cy sty: ster ay, SEi}- name , SLi}. USN, v _ sb} marks) 3 y - = I. - Ghee how a Almebwe variable u parsed ar a pecan etin te a -fexhion it, on example Werke a & pregeem hk pee Almchne Vamall ae nchion ax gurnert 2 A_-function mary 1, be Called poreing ‘the nmnerrbers the Atmelwve ow ache parame Fp JAC pee me dumonshale porting, indvides! Members fe Atmefwre are ce by wing te + (cles) oper omembers Yop the Ahuchse fo'fpinebon’ %) - oF tenclude ¢ Shbto-h> _ * fares a . : = | chang, & + Tanain OUTPUT: 7 WL pot pre f2.323 Piece pops ceaaaa] B Haplay (px. pigs = i voiding int g, tot WD : 4 ny (2 prot( the Coordinaty: ff tke pert oe Fd ord tL, a,b); L a tha tndiiduel member gttae dhuckire b afencton + ia_amore tediove oe the mumber of Ahmchire member os in ereanet. “This disadvantage Cam ‘be overcome xy pening the tobe A hmebwe. ie — nocenple 2 J& CP. wm te_dlenors! le, _pemming “the le Re imikee oa fonclin xf tl + aaa h> Sopa c eee a eae ~ Eat we ; _ _ vot gs _ ‘3 pens;, __ Veid diaglan (pot)? nate op ke pork one aed ST \ Te) abe % oo file? Exphio heto the file een and le clove funehions Shavdled m0), ; q ‘oa y a Al Big $l pee] ond_clove funchions\ wif erguensch! l ‘What -o rot ? ans amy 2 Fle funchons, wie on =r Ke? : <— Explain -fepen(> amd -telone() funchors. Able We a Collechifs of alata abore_om dak. Ale epen: Opening a file dene Py 4 Gall be the funchon fopert),tohiely_ aT the operating , the name tie _efile te be ed | and Vibes the gile tude be opened for reading inpet) or for variting Cont pt), si PT eae we Si _Segnten : Rilepoioter = fopen ( Eplorard. “modd);- there “Silepeizter a Varcable of of chee PILE ond it Combainu a pointer to the Ahrewin avreinted ist gle if the file epena Auecemgully, othersiae it Gonaives NULL filename. mame fe oe By be epened mode =. tate accen wnede, Ht imeludet: "—» Open a fle 4 fos reading “whe epers a ple for iorting | e _ ats Sper 4 fle fer appellin Fra FILE Kefps KZ, Hippy oe - __fpl= fopenl' Shadert- tat’ '0)s _ foe Tee opin (‘Student tx txt "1"; = —_ _ fphz fopem. ('Studed tet", “0D; classmate ote. 15. [Lohat are Sely regetienbial Shuetaves? Horo te [deme a mede im Clan 2 A Selp reerential ~ Shuchye ia a Shudure lishich has at least one fod which Ga pointer Ito Aame abuclure Examplil! Consider. the -follersin Ahucure depimition. | dAbuet mode 7 ! § | ink ingo: Atak rede xlink; | gi [obra iyo ib an inten pret hich Containe the impormakion. ~ : link & a potmley feld oud Vemee i} ahoold contain jhe addres. It normall conlan< the addres of the mext node isthe let. i 1% Stucke depnition for a nede x] - | Abuck mede_ _ | Lt | ink Ingo s Abud mede xlinks &: | Agpedeg Atret nede “3NODE: - = A pointer Yerable feret Con be declared as follows: | Nepe frat | oR { Abud nede x feral: 7 ote || Both the dleclavahorns ane tame, Aince Nebe and Tabud nede % veid main L eal. Union bee inf “marks ; char grade: look } evcentare | BSTUDENT g STUDENT S> sameck = 100 prin ("Masks = -/I\n" S-marks); S: erode -'A'; prin (“Grade = 1-¢\n", 5. grade): S. percentage = 49-99) prink U Perterbace =/--24', S.peveentase): ; , d $ f d ovuTpor: Macks classmate ete. Page 16.4)|Lohot is the dizperence behoeen Stodure and Union? | Structure Union 4. || The. ketpsorel Atrud & wed [L.Tthe keepeord Union & ured He Aegine a Ahuehive _ [te clefine a terion [LOHR a variable & ancinted la Lohen a Variable ae ae dum f alge gis member. | y each lis eyecder than & equal ty | tall mof_atgect ether members sith a Abuchive,the Compiler | lallocedes the meme: : [member Tthe Aizeg Ahucuye | ' Altering the value of am Lsith a union, the Compiles allocates the meme: be Considering the 4iz¢ of the largest member. $e, Ane Jj unien 6b eopwl te He sige ‘ef lergedt memba. | of lenges meen - is. Allerine the. value Ff the member ral) Shes | ef the abuchwe The addrese 4 cach a [sill Ioe in ancendin lordicetes thet memory fer each rember sill stark at oxder "This | ther member Values. The addvens Bowne for all the membemm of a union. [This indieakes thet eve’ member begin at eae! Apperert ofpret values _ y ero. aa _ B.|Tmcevidual members Con be 6. Only one member or _ acceased ak ang time dice be accened at a dime a eparate memory & vearerved dine meme: _[Hor each rmembar. by. each member - Pointers pee | 17. Tigi aap tipday ou Ie pe senile H bye A__peinter is a vale talidh hells the the | addvene 4 amother Vatialle- “The pointes eens ng he ~fillewing_cipolon —— 2 Kk Vaniablename; tte detahype —» Basic or —watadipined ‘defolrpa. a [ ind Vi bes a eF Vasuialole. | Notiatlename =v 3 c idenbien Example: tek 4 + dur b; : i | ___fleet wes _. ____Ahoet STUDENT X83 ) L& inte “9 Vasial Lint eps Le peiatet Vedic = _ p=kay /x oddven sf a 22a emed to p xs | 13. 2 Whed is 5 frikes? Si se tase adv: salaye ond [ leak ~ Stat we a eS: tahich heles the ales a amdhes Votwolh. - (Advantages: i ‘ty Porerters provide, “direct _accen te rmemeng- 2) Pointers provide 4a te_xebon eo than ene value. from the fumchion. Basadel| > Reducer the” tee dp and _Complaxty ¢ | . 25> Potater alloros ua te Am! en eme’ ° allecalion amd = pf on a 8 Peimbens wath build Complex deta sbrelurer | ike Linked " Link, 5 tack quenea,trece, re | a Bieedventnge es Vare Alowes than normal Variable oo > Sncnied pen ft a gp —_—— _ alloted block needs te be - foo all Cthesisiae, it welds ead to Dy poibslera ave pdebe seth ine neotrect Values, at ig jon : = —_ | diedoy, 2 errr. ‘ i 2 - Pointers can also be aie de atore “the odddlvers Oj ebro, Conder an ethos Yat tabich held 5 l deere int_a[5] = £5. leis d025h dt wes be slered tr the memory of at) att at) ate) td fd lo 1S. 20 | 28 4000 V0) leon. Te08 Veoh Toes Toe TT we Teag - _ The Atashng oddbrein of the above arhay & $000 1 is aleo called na thas addveny’ ofthe estoy. fox Whe above Db heee, pointer Can be Created ar Ahoren belero: at MPL —— [ ps £alel; Ideexioen adsrers Gopexst element —- ~& =a! heen, base adver ic oddren Sook elemmud (ite ste eet is i sided p tooele be, _ Vion the value f000__ p_tsill lee poe LC heen afte ao eee tg —s Atatern = (ato),! aleo - sede gen the eee te the _peintes P.- __ Jo access the fern: a) enay Uae. = ee ciser, the. folle edina Alatermiet Can be. wed’ Ty (atid. TT Bequivaled ali] - os ats] a 5,10, 16,10,26}3 it sumo: ink XP; o ee — porate); Ch) pa; (om) p= (ate ROLig@ ith) _aum = =Aum + FPS pts lp mic Memory Management fanchions J 20° bOI 10. mnie rnemerg allecohon! Write amd i oat ‘c memon, alleechon * . the disrevent 10am me! _ jens aoa in ¢° ave as Follows: UW) amallee) 7 (i)_callee Ofer alleedion (i) veallee CJ (i) free O_—* for deallocdion . } mallee | memreng allocation. = “Thie_cfunch'en ie ured tte _alleeste “tn omemeny dusting the tun tome. The pustehype fox “Ibi . . jem ib available in < shh b-h> and and /o TF ablgy_ God + (ORLFIDHX2 = FOV > Lo afij] = 4o9ot C/¥2 Fo) ¥2 = 7094 > 30 aLIL] = 909° + CK2 HID ¥2 = 9096 > Ho 4D) fe] = F090 + (2K2 to) ¥2 =9098 +50 aL] = Jodo + Ox2 +42 =9100 ae Column Mayor Order Im a bev aimensional wt p the elements are ttered i Column. mie fockion, Hhes it ia Called Column- major order E ampll: Consider an ame al2JE31 in sed to Store i> tay) Values 10,20, 20,40, 50 ond Go. The. 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