Complete With The Correct Question Word:: What What Where Why How What) When Who Who Where

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Student: Natalia Melgarejo

Complete with the correct question word:

1) What Is your name? 6) What is your phone number?
2) where are you from? 7) Why are you so happy?
3) How old are you? 8) What is your favourite colour?
4) When is your birthday? 9) Who is your favourite singer?
5) Who is your best friend? 10) Where do you live?

Read the article and answer the questions:

James Blunt is an ex soldier who is now a singer. He lives in Ibiza, Spain.
I live in a beautiful old house. It’s about 150 years old and it’s on a hill with a lot of trees.
From my window I have a fantastic view of the sea.
I usually get up at about 9.30, and I have a shower. I always wear jeans and a t-shirt. Clothes
don’t really interest me. I have two pairs of jeans, one jacket and six t-shirts. I never have
breakfast, I’m not hungry in the morning, I make a fire and clean the house. Then I play the
piano or sit on the sofa and play the guitar.
I live near a small village. For lunch I go and buy bread and a tin of tuna or ham and cheese.
I never cook. After lunch I sometimes work in the garden. I don’t have a tv (I only have a
music system and my music collection)
In the evening I usually go out with friends. We have dinner at one of the old Spanish bars,
and then we sometimes go to a club. I go to bed very late, When I’m in bed I look out of the
window at the night sky and think how wonderful life is.

1) Where does James live?

James lives in Ibiza, Spain.
2) What time does he get up?
He usually gets up around 9.30.
3) What clothes does he wear?
James always wears jeans and a T-shirt.
4) Does he have breakfast? Why?
He never has breakfast, because he is not hungry in the morning.
Student: Natalia Melgarejo

5) What does he do in the morning?

In the morning, he lights a fire and cleans the house.
6) What does he have for lunch?
The lunch bread and tuna or ham and cheese.
7) What does he do after lunch?
After lunch he works in the garden.
8) Does he watch tv?
No, he doesn't have television.
9) What does he do in the evening?
James usually goes out with friends at night.

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