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published: 28 June 2012

HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00192

The power of emotional valence—from cognitive to

affective processes in reading
Ulrike Altmann 1,2*, Isabel C. Bohrn 1,2 , Oliver Lubrich 2,3 , Winfried Menninghaus 2,4 and
Arthur M. Jacobs 1,2,5
Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Languages of Emotion, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
German and Comparative Literature, Universität Bern, Switzerland
Department of Philosophy and Humanities, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Dahlem Institute for Neuroimaging of Emotion, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Edited by: The comprehension of stories requires the reader to imagine the cognitive and affective
John J. Foxe, Albert Einstein College states of the characters. The content of many stories is unpleasant, as they often deal with
of Medicine, USA
conflict, disturbance or crisis. Nevertheless, unpleasant stories can be liked and enjoyed.
Reviewed by:
In this fMRI study, we used a parametric approach to examine (1) the capacity of increasing
Eveline De Bruin, Unilever R&D
Vlaardingen, Netherlands negative valence of story contents to activate the mentalizing network (cognitive and
Ted Altschuler, Albert Einstein affective theory of mind, ToM), and (2) the neural substrate of liking negatively valenced
College of Medicine, USA narratives. A set of 80 short narratives was compiled, ranging from neutral to negative
*Correspondence: emotional valence. For each story mean rating values on valence and liking were obtained
Ulrike Altmann, Department of
from a group of 32 participants in a prestudy, and later included as parametric regressors
Education and Psychology, Freie
Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter in the fMRI analysis. Another group of 24 participants passively read the narratives in a
Allee 45, Berlin 14195, Germany. three Tesla MRI scanner. Results revealed a stronger engagement of affective ToM-related
e-mail: brain areas with increasingly negative story valence. Stories that were unpleasant, but
simultaneously liked, engaged the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), which might reflect
the moral exploration of the story content. Further analysis showed that the more the
mPFC becomes engaged during the reading of negatively valenced stories, the more
coactivation can be observed in other brain areas related to the neural processing of
affective ToM and empathy.
Keywords: emotion, empathy, fMRI, liking, literature, reading, theory of mind

INTRODUCTION mind (ToM) stories (Abu-Akel and Shamay-Tsoory, 2011; Brink

Humans are storytellers. They share daily experiences, tell each et al., 2011; Schnell et al., 2011; Walter, 2012). In these studies,
other anecdotes, and exchange gossip (Baumeister et al., 2004; individuals are often asked to make explicit cognitive and affec-
Dunbar, 2004). Besides producing and performing live narratives tive attributions to auditory or visually presented stories, and
(McAdams Dan, 2001; Habermas and de Silveira, 2008), individ- the material is primarily selected for its capacity to invoke men-
uals also extensively consume stories: we read them in newspapers tal state attributions. What has not been investigated so far is
and magazines, in biographies and novels, via videotext or on the question to what extent the emotional valence of such sto-
the internet (for the purpose of this paper, we will use the term ries might contribute to ToM related neural processes. Usually,
story in a broad sense synonymous with narrative). Yet even when no data concerning the valence of ToM stories were included in
stories have a negative content, as they deal with conflicts or the analysis or reported as a selection criterion (but see Berthoz
crises, individuals not only understand, but also appreciate or et al., 2002; Brink et al., 2011). In the current study, we there-
enjoy them. In a study by Berthoz et al. (2002), for example, sto- fore took a reversed approach and investigated the contribution
ries with endings that were either embarrassing or violated social of emotionally valenced story contents to ToM-related process-
norms were rated as funnier compared to stories whose endings ing in a passive reading task. In particular, we were interested
reaffirmed normative social behavior. in whether increasing negative story valence would engage not
We have, however, only limited knowledge about the neural only more brain regions related to affective processing, but also
processing of the emotional valence of stories. On the one hand, invite a stronger engagement of ToM-related regions. Story com-
research on the neural effects of valence focuses primarily on prehension seems to be closely linked to ToM, as it presupposes
the level of single words (Kuchinke et al., 2005; see Citron, 2012 the understanding of actions and intentions of real or invented
for a review) or sentences (Willems et al., 2010; Kuchinke et al., protagonists (Ferstl et al., 2008).
2011). On the other hand, there is extensive literature on the In a recent meta-analysis, Mar (2011) reported a profound
cognitive and emotional neural processing underlying theory of overlap between text-based ToM studies and non-text-based ToM

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studies that used cartoons, pictures, animations or games as stim- and empathic reactions towards the characters as well as on
uli. Common activations comprised the dorsomedial prefrontal moral judgments of the outcomes the characters were confronted
cortex (dmPFC), bilateral posterior superior temporal sulcus with (deserved/undeserved). Correspondingly, increased sad film
(pSTS), right temproparietal junction (TPJ), left inferior frontal enjoyment was reported for viewers with high empathy (de Wied
gyrus (IFG), bilateral medial temporal gyrus (MTG), and ante- et al., 1994). In a study on crime drama, Raney (2002) found
rior STS. Moreover, the analysis revealed large overlaps between that (a) the enjoyment of unpleasant contents was predicted by
the ToM network and results from studies that primarily inves- moral judgments and that (b) moral judgments were predicted by
tigated comprehension of texts with a narrative structure rather empathy. Parkinson and colleagues (2011) investigated the neural
than ToM. processing during moral judgments of stories containing harm,
The literature distinguishes two components of ToM: cogni- dishonesty, or disgust. The dmPFC was the only region that all
tive ToM and affective ToM (see Walter, 2012 for a recent review). scenarios had in common and that therefore might represents
Cognitive ToM refers to mental state attribution in general (goals, a general underlying evaluative processing. Together, these stud-
intentions and desires of others) and engages a network com- ies led us to the following assumptions: (1) If moral judgment is
prising the dmPFC, STS, and TPJ, as reflected in the meta-study associated with the enjoyment of unpleasant stories, as reported
by Mar (2011). Affective ToM can be used almost synonymously for crime drama by Raney (2002), the dmPFC might be espe-
with cognitive empathy and relates to the capacity to understand cially involved when negatively valenced (unpleasant) narratives
another’s affective state. Although the actual experience of a cor- are simultaneously liked. (2) If moral judgments of narratives are
responding affective state is explicitly not assumed within the related to empathy, coactivation of empathy-related brain regions
framework of this concept, recent data suggest an interplay of and dmPFC can be expected.
cognitive and affective processes (Schnell et al., 2011). Growing evidence suggests that reading (especially reading fic-
The first aim of the current study was to investigate the inter- tion) has the capacity to modify personality traits (Djikic et al.,
play of negative story content and ToM. We used a set of short 2009) and is associated with better performance on scales of
narrative texts that were either neutral or negative in valence. empathy and social abilities (Mar et al., 2006). Therefore, further
The neutral stories deal with everyday events and actions. They insight in the affective processes in reading can help to inform
meet the definition of prototypical third-person narratives as they us about their contribution to ToM-related processes and their
“have a telic structure including an agent, a goal and a causal potential capacity to enhance ToM development.
sequence connecting the agent’s various actions with the achieve- To sum up, we hypothesized that (1) passive reading and com-
ment or nonachievement of the goal.” (Hogan, 2003, p. 205). prehension of both stories with neutral and negative valence
According to Bruner (1986, p. 35), good “storytelling, inevitably, should engage the cognitive ToM network. (2) We further pre-
is about compelling human plights that are “accessible” to read- dicted that increasing negative story valence leads to (a) similar
ers.” (Bruner, 1986, p. 35). “Access” to a story presupposes the activation patterns of affect-related brain regions as found in pre-
comprehension of actions, intentions and goals of its protag- vious studies on single-word and sentence level. Moreover, we
onists, and should thus be closely linked with ToM processes expected to find (b) the affective ToM network to be involved, as
(Mason and Just, 2009; Mar, 2011). We therefore assume that, the negative valence is intertwined with the plights and conflicts
compared to their neutral counterparts, the negative stories we the protagonists are confronted with. Neutral narratives should
used were more effective in their potential to engage ToM, as their invite less ToM processes because the protagonists (and along
negative valence is related to the above mentioned “plights”. with them the reader) can follow their goals and intentions with-
For the understanding of affective processes in reading, the out major disturbances or complications. (3) We expected to find
consideration of valence might be one aspect to consider. The an interaction effect of negative valence and liking. In detail, read-
issue of liking could be another one. Highly interesting art- ing stories that are considered negative but simultaneously liked
work can be disturbing and unpleasant (Turner and Silvia, 2006), should especially engage the mPFC, reflecting the moral moni-
and it has been known since Aristotle’s work on tragedy that toring of the characters and the plights they have to deal with.
narrative contents do not have to be pleasurable in the sense (a) This region should show a functional coupling with brain
of positive valence in order to be liked. The second aim of areas related to ToM and affective processing.
the current study was to investigate the neural substrate of
liking negatively valenced narratives. This at first glance para- METHODS
doxical tendency to like and enjoy unpleasant contents has MATERIAL
been investigated in media psychology regarding different narra- We used 80 short narratives (mean number of words: 48, range:
tive contexts, including tragic television news and crime drama 41–57), adopting half of them from the so called black stories,
(Zillmann et al., 1998; Raney, 2002; Raney and Bryant, 2002). a narrative-based game (© moses Verlag GmbH, 47906 Kempen,
The enjoyment of unpleasant stories is not limited to a pos- The plot of these stories was negatively
itive ending; in fact, a film without happy-end can also be valenced (crimes, disasters, accidents), comparable to the con-
enjoyed (Schramm and Wirth, 2010). How can liking unpleas- tent of daily news stories, but also of novels or crime stories. For
ant stories be explained? Disposition-based theories (Zillmann, the other half of the material, we created 40 additional narratives
1994) postulate the involvement of two key factors: empathy that had comparable content settings but were neutral in valence.
with the character and moral evaluation. Accordingly, the enjoy- In these stories, protagonists pursued their goals smoothly and
ment of unpleasant stories depends on the affective disposition were not confronted with plights. Negative and neutral narratives

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were matched on the number of protagonists, sentences, words, as well as the presentation of the narratives across conditions,
and syllables, as well as on word frequency and comprehensi- but all participants read exactly the same set of black stories
bility. We conducted a prestudy with 32 participants (16 female, and neutral narratives. During the fMRI experiment, a nar-
16 male) in order to make sure that content and style of the neg- rative was presented for 20 s, displayed on five lines (shown
ative and the neutral narratives included only events that could 4 s each). Prior to the story, a context label (either “Real” or
possibly occur, and that they could be read under two context- “Invented”) was presented for 3 s. Participants were requested
label conditions (“real,” “invented”) which were used during the to read the text silently and solve a verification task following
task in the MRI scanner. A second group of 32 participants each text. By means of a cue (“Real?” or “Invented?”) partici-
(16 female, mean age = 24.6; SD = 4.3) rated the material on pants were either asked, as an attention control task, whether
valence (“How do you perceive the text?”, scale from −3-“very the story they just read was real, or they were asked whether it
negative” to 3-“very positive”) and liking (“Do you like the text?,” was invented. Participants answered by pressing a button (“yes,”
scale from 1-“I do not like it at all” to 7-“I like it very much”). The “no”). The verification cues were presented in a pseudorandom-
resulting mean rating values of each scale were then used in the ized order to avoid motor preparation during the reading phase
fMRI experiment to modulate parametric regressors for the effect and to assure an equal assignment of question cues and required
of valence and liking during reading (please refer to Table A7 in responses with regard to each condition. Additionally, partici-
the appendix for further details on the prestudy). pants completed the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI; Davis,
1983; German version: Paulus, 2009), which provides a four-
PARTICIPANTS dimensional self-report estimate of empathy. In this study, we
Twenty-four healthy, right-handed volunteers (12 female, mean focus on the “empathic concern” subscale, which assesses the
age = 26.5; SD = 6.7) took part in the study. Participants were individual tendency to feel concern and compassion for other
German native speakers and skilled readers (assessed with a people, because empathic concern was found to be associated
screening test that provides normdata for adults; SLS—Salzburger with increased interest in tragic television news (Hoffner et al.,
Lesescreening, unpublished version). Only participants who did 2009) as well as with the perception of a liked partner being
not know the game black stories and were naive to its content were in pain (Singer et al., 2004). Empathic concern scores showed
included. All participants had normal or corrected-to-normal a mean of 13.09 and a standard deviation of 1.79 (correspond-
vision and gave informed written consent in accordance with the ing mean of German population norms = 14.56, SD = 2.94;
local research ethics committee. norm data retrieved from Paulus, C., “Normtabellen des SPF,”
last modified November 21, 2011, http://bildungswissenschaften.
A 2 × 2 repeated measures design was applied with one factor
varying the story-type (“negative,” “neutral”) and a second fac- fMRI DATA ACQUISITION
tor varying the context in which a story was presented (“real,” Functional data were acquired on a Siemens Tim Trio 3 T MR
“invented”). 20 stories were shown in each factor combina- imager at 3 T field strength. Four runs of 425 volumes were mea-
tion (Figure 1). We pseudo-randomized the order of conditions sured using a T2∗ weighted echo-planar sequence [slice thickness,

FIGURE 1 | Experimental design and stimuli.

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3 mm; no gap; 37 slices; repetition time (TR), 2 s; echo time level random effects analysis [reported whole brain corrected
(TE), 30 ms; flip angle, 90◦ ; matrix, 64 × 64; field of view (FOV), (p < 0.05) using FDR, k = 20 voxels]. Finally, we repeated the
192 mm; voxel-size 3.0 × 3.0 × 3.0 mm], and individual high- analysis with individual scores on the empathic concern scale of
resolution T1-weighted anatomical data (MPRAGE-sequence) the IRI as covariate to examine areas of the brain that showed
were acquired (176 slices; FOV, 256; TE, 2.52; TR, 1.9; matrix, a stronger coupling with mPFC depending on the individual ten-
256 × 256; resolution 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 mm; sagittal plane; slice dency to feel concern for other people [cluster level corrected (p <
thickness, 1 mm). 0.05) using Monte Carlo simulations as implemented in Brain
Voyager, initial voxel level threshold p < 0.001 uncorrected].
Analysis of fMRI data was conducted with Brain Voyager QX [2.0] RESULTS
(Brain Innovation, Maastricht, Netherlands; Goebel et al., 2006). CONJUNCTION OF NEGATIVE AND NEUTRAL NARRATIVES
Functional Data were corrected for head-motion and for differ- Prior to the analysis that focused on emotional valence, we
ent slice scan times using cubic spline interpolation. To remove applied a conjunction analysis in order to assess the com-
low-frequency signal drifts, a high-pass filter was applied with mon effects of neutral and negative narratives (Table A1 and
a cutoff period three times the block length. Spatial smoothing Figure 2A). This analysis revealed that neutral and negative nar-
was performed using a Gaussian filter of 8 mm, full width at ratives share extensive activation patterns including brain areas
half maximum. The functional maps of each participant were that are regularly reported for cognitive ToM, namely the dmPFC
then transformed into standard Talairach space (Talairach and (BA 9), bilateral TP (TP: BA 38), and posterior superior temporal
Tournoux, 1988). gyrus (pSTG: BA 22/39).
Whole-brain statistical analysis was performed according to
the general linear model as implemented in Brain Voyager QX. On PARAMETRIC EFFECTS
the first level, the model was generated with two blocked regres- First, we analyzed the parametric effect of negative valence
sors for the reading of stories (negative, neutral) and two blocked (Table A2 and Figure 2B). This led to subcortical activations in
regressors for the instruction and attention task periods. Three the left striatum (caudate body), left mediodorsal thalamus, and
different models were constructed: (1) the first model included left amygdala. Furthermore, the analyses revealed an extensive
an additional parametric regressor containing the mean valence fronto-temporal network including the left mPFC (mPFC: BA
for each story/narrative, (2) the second model was added by a 8/9), the bilateral IFG (IFG: BA 45/47), and the TP (TP: BA 38),
parametric regressor containing the mean liking values for each the left fusiform/parahippocampal gyrus (BA 20/36), the bilateral
story/narrative (3) and in the third model we added the para- middle temporal gyrus (MTG: BA 21) and STG (BA 22), as well
metric interaction term of valence and liking (valence × liking). as the bilateral posterior superior temporal gyrus extending to the
For each model, individual contrast images from the first level temporal parietal junction (STG/TPJ: BA 39).
analysis were then applied to a second level random effects group Second, we analyzed the parametric effect of liking (Table A3).
analysis, in which we tested for the parametric effects of (1) read- Activations were found in the bilateral anterior STG/TP (BA 38),
ing negatively valenced stories (2) liking of texts, and (3) the anterior MTG (BA 21), IFG (IFG: BA 45/47), lingual/fusiform
corresponding interaction (valence × liking). All parametric con- gyrus (BA 18/19), and left posterior cingulate cortex (PCC:
trasts were reported whole brain corrected (p < 0.05) using false BA 30).
discovery rate (FDR), and with an extend threshold of k = 20 Third, we analyzed the parametric interaction effect of valence
voxels for the resulting clusters. and liking (Table A4 and Figure 2C). Increasing negative valence
In correspondence with our initial hypotheses, we identified combined with increasing values of liking was associated with
the mPFC as involved in the interaction of negative valence × activations in the bilateral mPFC (BA 9, 32), supramarginal
liking and selected it as the seed region for further psychophys- gyrus/TPJ (BA 39/40), and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortx
iological interaction (PPI) analysis (Friston et al., 1997) with a (DLPFC: BA 8).
sphere of 10 mm around the peak voxel (−9, 41, 16). PPI analysis
provides a measure for task related functional connectivity— PPI ANALYSIS
it allows identifying brain regions that show a stronger co- Next, we examined the results of the PPI analysis with the mPFC
activation during one task (reading negative stories) as compared as the seed region, as this region revealed an interaction effect of
to another (reading neutral stories). Particularly we were inter- valence × liking (Table A5 and Figure 3). Several regions showed
ested in whether valence-specific mPFC activation (i.e., reading a stronger coactivation with the mPFC during the reading of
negative stories) is “coupled” with emotion and ToM-related the negatively valenced stories as compared to the neutral narra-
brain areas, especially the temporal poles (TP), the IFG, and the tives (negative > neutral). Such coactivations could be observed
temporoparietal junction (TPJ). The PPI regressor was calcu- bilaterally in the IGF extending into the insula (BA 45/47/13),
lated as the element-by-element product of the mean corrected the thalamus, the supramarginal gyrus (BA 40), and the vmPFC
mPFC region of interest, and the task vector coding for the (BA 10) as well as in the left amygdala, the right dorsal striatum
valence-specific effect of reading black stories compared to read- and the dorsal ACC (BA 32).
ing neutral narratives. To identify areas of the brain that showed An additional PPI analysis was applied to take the individ-
increased activity while reading black stories when mPFC activity ual tendency to feel concern for other people into account. It
increased, individual PPI regressors where entered into a second was tested which areas of the brain showed higher functional

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FIGURE 2 | (A) Brain activation for story reading — conjunction negative story valence combined with increasing story
of negative stories and neutral stories (B) Parametric effect of liking—Parametric interaction of valence × linking, whole brain
increasing negative valence (C) Brain activation for increasing corrected (p < 0.05) using FDR.

connectivity with mPFC during reading negative stories, depend- person’s affective state. In a recent study, Schnell and colleagues
ing on self-report scores at the empathic concern scale. The (Schnell et al., 2011) investigated cognitive empathy and found a
bilateral anterior insula (BA 13) and the right posterior cingu- simultaneous activation of the anterior mentalizing network and
late cortex (BA 31) (Table A5 and Figure 4) showed a stronger limbic structures, including the left amygdala, when affective as
coupling with mPFC for individuals who reported a stronger ten- compared to non-affective visuospatial states had to be inferred.
dency to feel concern for other people [cluster level corrected This network could also be observed when the participants made
(p < 0.05), initial voxel level threshold p < 0.001 uncorrected]. affective judgments about social contexts from their own point
of view, without being explicitly asked to adopt a third-person
DISCUSSION perspective. This fits the requirements of the task used in the cur-
THE INTERPLAY OF STORY VALENCE AND ToM rent experiment, as our participants were asked simply to read the
This study aimed to investigate the hypothesis that narratives short narratives.
with negatively valenced content invite for an increased engage- In line with those previous findings our results suggest a close
ment of the affective mentalizing network (cognitive empathy). link between affective and cognitive components for mentaliz-
The conjunction analysis between neutral and negatively valenced ing. Two key areas of cognitive ToM, the dmPFC and the TPJ,
narratives showed that they share the cognitive ToM network, were also related to valence. Particularly, the dmPFC and the TPJ
including dmPFC, bilateral TP, and left pSTS. region seem to increase activation when updates of character-
As hypothesized, these regions became more engaged with related information and the processing of intentions are needed
increasing negative valence. The parametric analysis of valence (Saxe and Wexler, 2005; Mason and Just, 2009). In a study of
revealed activations in the bilateral posterior STS/TPJ and the Hooker and colleagues (Hooker et al., 2008), participants had
anterior subdivision of the mentalizing network, comprising to infer the emotional responses of characters in social scenes.
dmPFC, TP, and aSTS/MTG. This network appears to be espe- In order to predict correctly whether an emotional response of
cially involved when mental state reasoning requires the inter- a character might change or remain constant participants had
play of cognitive and affective components (cognitive empathy; to update their character-related information. In line with our
Preston and de Waal, 2002), e.g., for the inference of another results, the engagement of regions associated with mentalizing

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FIGURE 3 | Brain regions showing positive connectivity with mPFC while reading negative stories compared to reading neutral stories, whole brain
corrected (p < 0.05) using FDR.

FIGURE 4 | Positive connectivity between mPFC and the anterior insula mPFC–connectivity while reading negative stories compared to reading
correlates with the individual tendency to feel concern for other people neutral stories), cluster level corrected (p < 0.05), initial voxel level
(Positive correlation between the empathic concern scale and threshold p < 0.001 uncorrected.

(STS/TPJ, mPFC, TP) and with emotion (IFG, thalamus) was other hand, the characters could act upon their goals without
higher when the emotions of a character were likely to change major disturbances. Apparently, the conflicts implicated in the
and unlikely to remain constant. negative stories evoke more attributions of goals and thoughts
These observations are compatible with the negative sto- to the characters, as opposed to the neutral, everyday stories.
ries in the current study: here, the intentions and emotions Such attributions and inferences are essential for understand-
of the characters often changed as they were confronted with ing the character and the story at large. And with increas-
several “plights” (Bruner, 1986). In the neutral stories, on the ingly negative emotional valence, reading stories also engaged

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the bilateral IFG and additional subcortical structures com- unpleasant story contents (Raney, 2002; Parkinson et al., 2011).
monly involved in emotion processing, namely the bilateral dorsal Further studies will be needed to systematically investigate the
striatum (caudate body), left mediodorsal thalamus, and left potential role of moral reasoning and its relationship to empa-
amygdala. thy for affective and aesthetic processes in reading. Empathy and
The thalamus appears to be involved in general emotion moral reasoning about characters provide two possible factors
processing, independent of valence (Lane et al., 1997; Goldin which influence enjoyment in reading. Others are very likely
et al., 2005) or social/nonsocial content (Britton et al., 2006) involved as well, for instance stylistic features (Miall and Kuiken,
and has been shown to be involved when subjects empathize 1994; Jacobs, 2011) and provided details (see Green et al., 2004
with a protagonist suffering a threat (emotional empathy) com- for an overview). A major challenge for future research will
pared to empathizing with a protagonist in a neutral every- be the implementation of paradigms that allow us to follow
day (cognitive empathy) situation (Nummenmaa et al., 2008). the temporal dynamics of reading, particularly of longer, well-
Engagement of the amygdala has been reported for viewing pic- crafted stories. As Green and Brock (2000) showed, well-crafted,
tures of negative emotion (Lane et al., 1997) and watching sad canonical stories were rated as more immersive. First steps in
films (Goldin et al., 2005), but, similar to the thalamus, this that direction have already been made (e.g., Wallentin et al.,
structure is presumably more sensitive to the salience than to 2011).
the valence of affective stimuli (Phan et al., 2004; Britton et al.,
In correspondence with our results, a recent meta analysis The values for valence and liking that were used for the paramet-
(Mar, 2011) identified lefthemispheric amygdala activation to ric analysis of the fMRI study reflect mean data that were derived
be associated with story-based ToM, whereas righthemispheric from a prestudy and as such treated as characteristics of the sto-
activation was found for nonstory-based ToM. ries. The fact that we did not use individual subject ratings of the
The IFG, which showed to be responsive to both emotional fMRI sample might limit the conclusions that can be drawn from
valence and liking in the present study, is considered a possi- the results.
ble human analogue to the mirror neuron system (Rizzolatti and We decided for an implicit reading task as it was one pur-
Craighero, 2004; Iacoboni, 2009). It was reported for the imita- pose of the study to assess the interplay of valence, liking and
tion and observation of emotion in pictures (Carr et al., 2003), ToM during (as much as possible) natural reading of stories. Post
imagery of emotional scripts (Sabatinelli et al., 2006), and might scan data of individual subjects for valence and liking might have
also play a role in affective mentalizing (Schnell et al., 2011). In strengthened the results. On the other hand, the usage of pretest
correspondence with our results, Hynes et al. (2006) observed data allowed preventing subjects from fatigue effects, likely aris-
the orbital part of the bilateral IFG (BA 47) and the left IFG ing for rating the 80 stories again during an additional postscan
(BA 11) to be more strongly engaged in emotional perspective session. Moreover, it has been shown that especially liking judg-
taking than in cognitive perspective taking in a story-based men- ments can change with repeated exposure (Tan et al., 2006), which
talizing task. Furthermore, potential mirror neuron activation in might have distorted our data. The standard deviations for liking
bilateral IFG and STS was found to correlate with empathy scores judgments were comparable to those of valence (Table A7). Thus,
(Schulte-Rüther et al., 2007). it could be excluded that the evaluation of liking implies lower
intersubject agreement than the evaluation of valence. Similar
LIKING OF UNPLEASANT STORY CONTENTS observations have been made for judging the attractiveness of
The parametric interaction analysis showed that when valence faces (for an overview see Chatterjee et al., 2009) and for reading
and liking come together, the activation peak of the mPFC moves poems (Martindale and Dailey, 1995). Given these potential lim-
inferiorly and closer to the anterior cingulate gyrus (−9, 41, 16), itations, we consider a similar study using postscan rating data
compared to the activation peak resulting from the parametric desirable as to further inform us about individual effects in the
valence effect alone (−6, 44, 31). For reading negatively valenced reader and to strengthen the present results.
narratives (as compared to neutral ones) this region showed a
functional coupling not only with regions related to ToM, but also CONCLUSION
with regions known to be involved in affective empathy (amyg- To summarize, taking the emotional valence (from neutral to
dale, anterior insula, midcingulate cortex, and IFG; Walter, 2012). negative) of the content of stories into account reveals the
These results were supported by the additional result showing a full scale of ToM-related processing, ranging from cognitive
stronger functional coupling between the mPFC seed region and and affective ToM to components of affective empathy through
bilateral anterior insula engagement when the magnitude of the top-down processing during reading (Walter, 2012). Therefore,
participant’s empathic concern is taken into account. Similar cor- it seems worthwhile to include valence for the investigation
relations between the anterior insula and self-reported empathy of ToM and related processes either as a variable of inter-
have been observed for empathy of social pain (Masten et al., est or as control variable (e.g., between conditions of inter-
2011), and for the observation of other individuals receiving pain est and control conditions). Given the extensive use of stories
(Singer et al., 2004, 2006). in our daily life, their capacity to provide simulations of the
These results support our initial hypotheses derived from social world (Mar and Oatley, 2008), and to evoke even emo-
media psychology, which assumed that moral evaluations and tional reactions as complex as liking unpleasant contents, we
empathic reactions to characters in stories influence liking of should attempt to improve our understanding of the underlying

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Altmann et al. Emotional valence of stories and ToM

mechanisms and of how these processes might relate to learning for Neuroimaging of Emotion (D.I.N.E.), Freie Universität
and development. Berlin. We are grateful to Christine Knoop for helpful
comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. We also
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS thank Isabel Amberger, Moritz Matejka, Anja Wenzel, and
This research was supported by the DFG-funded Cluster of Skadi Wilke for their help in subject recruitment and data
Excellence “Languages of Emotion” and the Dahlem Institute acquisition.

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Altmann et al. Emotional valence of stories and ToM

Table A1 | Brain activation for story reading (negative stories AND neutral stories).

Cluster size Region BA Talairach coordinates Max. t-value


820 Inferior Frontal Gyrus 9 R 54.0 20.0 22.0 6.396.391

Postcentral Gyrus 3 R 60.0 −10.0 25.0 6.249.121
Precentral Gyrus 4 R 48.0 −13.0 52.0 5.192.021
Middle Frontal Gyrus 6 R 27.0 −13.0 61.0 4.339.577
Precentral Gyrus 6 R 39.0 −1.0 31.0 3.511.845
954 Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 R 48.0 −10.0 −11.0 9.289.865
Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 R 48.0 11.0 −14.0 8.176.331
posterior Insula 13 R 42.0 −19.0 −8.0 7.638.433
Superior Temporal Gyrus extending 22 R 42.0 −28.0 −2.0 6.806.289
into posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus

Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 R 33.0 26.0 −29.0 4.523.798

Middle Frontal Gyrus 11/47 R 27.0 38.0 −17.0 4.029.813
10940 Lingual Gyrus 18 R 12.0 −79.0 −5.0 41.358.112
Lingual Gyrus 18 L −12.0 −79.0 −5.0 21.272.240
Lingual Gyrus 17 L −21.0 −91.0 −2.0 19.262.949
Cerebellum * L −27.0 −73.0 −14.0 16.760.603
Precentral Gyrus 4 L −48.0 −7.0 43.0 13.336.107
Fusiform Gyrus 37 L −39.0 −61.0 −14.0 13.138.165
Cuneus 17 L −24.0 −82.0 13.0 12.455.202
Superior Temporal Gyrus extending into 22 L −54.0 −25.0 1.0 11.726.843
into posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus

Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 L −57.0 −10.0 −5.0 11.552.003

Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 L −51.0 8.0 −11.0 10.425.444
Lateral Geniculum Body L −21.0 −25.0 −2.0 9.180.390
Cerebellum * R 33.0 −55.0 −14.0 9.042.595
Thalamus * L −6.0 −28.0 −5.0 8.535.957
Middle Frontal Gyrus 9 L −39.0 11.0 22.0 6.862.788
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 47 L −39.0 26.0 −2.0 6.730.738
Parahippocampal Gyrus 35 L −21.0 −28.0 −14.0 5.937.679
Cerebellum * R 0.0 −49.0 −32.0 5.328.261
Sub-Gyral 20 L −36.0 −16.0 −17.0 4.988.610
Parahippocampal Gyrus 35 R 21.0 −28.0 −14.0 4.333.858
Parahippocampal Gyrus 34 L −18.0 −10.0 −14.0 4.179.035
Precentral Gyrus 4 L −27.0 −22.0 64.0 3.165.962
53 Medial Frontal Gyrus 9 L −6.0 53.0 34.0 3.812.754
Medial Frontal Gyrus 9 L −6.0 53.0 34.0 3.812.754
38 Caudate Body L −6.0 5.0 13.0 3.740.989
Putamen L −18.0 −1.0 10.0 3.450.212
167 Medial Frontal Gyrus 6 L −6.0 −1.0 55.0 6.942.378
38 Thalamus * L −9.0 −13.0 7.0 5.033.025

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Table A2 | Brain activation for increasing negative story valence.

Cluster size Region BA Talairach coordinates Max. t-value


1556 Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 R 45.0 2.0 −23.0 −7.062.107

Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 R 45.0 −22.0 −5.0 −6.687.765
Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 R 57.0 −49.0 10.0 −5.981.107
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 11 R 24.0 32.0 −20.0 −5.366.148
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 47 R 48.0 29.0 −5.0 −5.282.379
Parahippocampal Gyrus 36 R 39.0 −22.0 −20.0 −5.018.050
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45 R 48.0 23.0 10.0 −4.731.057
Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 R 48.0 −55.0 16.0 −4.456.529
Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 R 27.0 5.0 −38.0 −2.992.173
192 Cerebellum * R 21.0 −67.0 −29.0 −5.451.882
113 Caudate Body R 9.0 2.0 13.0 −5.290.515
22 Cerebellar Tonsil * R 6.0 −46.0 −35.0 −4.393.444
23 Medial Frontal Gyrus 11 L −3.0 47.0 −17.0 −5.042.429
713 Medial Frontal Gyrus 9 L −6.0 44.0 31.0 −7.031.443
Superior Frontal Gyrus 8 L −6.0 26.0 49.0 −5.530.106
Superior Frontal Gyrus 6 L −9.0 14.0 55.0 −4.287.555
28 Cerebellum * L −30.0 −88.0 −38.0 −5.304.901
3605 Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 L −54.0 −1.0 −23.0 −7.581.751
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 44 L −45.0 11.0 19.0 −7.456.018
Middle Temporal Gyrus 22 L −54.0 −43.0 1.0 −7.107.245
Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 L −42.0 17.0 −23.0 −6.966.726
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 11 L −24.0 32.0 −20.0 −6.805.636
Sub-Gyral 21 L −48.0 −28.0 −2.0 −6.792.051
Superior Temporal Gyrus 39 L −42.0 −58.0 19.0 −6.568.569
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 47 L −45.0 29.0 −5.0 −6.332.211
Caudate Body L −9.0 2.0 13.0 −5.455.053
Medial Dorsal Nucleus L −9.0 −16.0 10.0 −5.293.430
Amygdala L −18.0 −7.0 −8.0 −4.422.447
Fusiform Gyrus 20 L −39.0 −34.0 −17.0 −4.391.698
Uncus 28 L −27.0 2.0 −29.0 −4.382.841
Fusiform Gyrus 37 L −39.0 −43.0 −11.0 −4.220.282
Middle Frontal Gyrus 6 L −39.0 5.0 43.0 −4.129.689
Brainstem, Red Nucleus L −6.0 −25.0 −5.0 −3.936.012
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 47 L −57.0 32.0 −17.0 −3.860.281
Putamen L −27.0 −13.0 −8.0 −3.533.775
Middle Frontal Gyrus 8 L −33.0 20.0 40.0 −3.268.400

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Table A3 | Brain activation for increasing story liking.

Cluster size Region BA Talairach coordinates Max. t-value


103 Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45 R 54.0 20.0 10.0 4.666.930

518 Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 R 42.0 14.0 −20.0 5.721.092
Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 R 54.0 20.0 −26.0 5.406.403
Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 R 57.0 −1.0 −14.0 5.036.968
Sub-Gyral 21 R 48.0 −10.0 −11.0 4.972.412
Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 R 45.0 −25.0 −5.0 4.305.095
30 Precuneus 31 R 24.0 −73.0 22.0 4.332.990
25 Medial Frontal Gyrus 6 L −6.0 2.0 61.0 4.623.124
52 Parahippocampal Gyrus 28 L −21.0 −25.0 −8.0 3.635.541
Cerebellum * L −3.0 −31.0 −5.0 3.600.545
3341 Middle Temporal Gyrus 22 L −54.0 −43.0 4.0 5.587.103
Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 L −48.0 11.0 −11.0 5.542.369
Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 L −48.0 −19.0 −5.0 5.364.425
Precentral Gyrus 6 L −45.0 −4.0 40.0 5.353.443
Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 L −54.0 −49.0 13.0 5.306.046
Cerebellum * R 21.0 −73.0 −23.0 4.993.320
Middle Occipital Gyrus 18 R 30.0 −79.0 −5.0 4.934.392
Cuneus 19 L −21.0 −88.0 28.0 4.894.963
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45 L −57.0 14.0 19.0 4.853.875
Lingual Gyrus 17 R 12.0 −88.0 −2.0 4.847.248
Cuneus 18 L −18.0 −94.0 13.0 4.788.170
Middle Occipital Gyrus 18 R 24.0 −94.0 10.0 4.667.599
Cerebellum * L −33.0 −61.0 −8.0 4.616.873
Middle Occipital Gyrus 19 L −27.0 −88.0 10.0 4.599.266
Inferior Occipital Gyrus 18 R 30.0 −94.0 −5.0 4.459.953
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45 L −51.0 26.0 4.0 4.417.239
Cuneus 30 R 6.0 −70.0 7.0 4.352.642
Middle Occipital Gyrus 18 L −36.0 −88.0 1.0 4.331.434
Cerebellum * L −15.0 −76.0 −11.0 4.291.461
Fusiform Gyrus 19 L −27.0 −82.0 −14.0 4.161.860
Fusiform Gyrus 37 L −39.0 −43.0 −11.0 4.049.331
Lingual Gyrus 19 R 15.0 −55.0 −2.0 4.028.108
Lingual Gyrus 18 L −18.0 −55.0 4.0 3.980.167
Cuneus 17 L −9.0 −76.0 10.0 3.888.908
Cerebellum * R 33.0 −58.0 −11.0 3.844.507
Inferior Occipital Gyrus 18 L −42.0 −88.0 −14.0 3.833.167
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 11 L −27.0 29.0 −23.0 3.559.359
Cerebellum * L −27.0 −37.0 −17.0
Parahippocampal Gyrus 30 R 15.0 −43.0 1.0 3.483.598

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Table A4 | Brain activation for increasing negative story valence combined with increasing story liking (valence × linking).

Cluster size Region BA Talairach coordinates Max. t-value


266 Supramarginal Gyrus 40 L −57.0 −46.0 31.0 −5.475.258

Superior Occipital Gyrus 19 L −36.0 −79.0 31.0 −4.544.866
132 Medial Frontal Gyrus 9/32 L −9.0 41.0 16.0 −4.970.238
Medial Frontal Gyrus 9 L −9.0 41.0 28.0 −4.356.964
Superior Frontal Gyrus 9 L −18.0 44.0 28.0 −3.743.781
112 Middle Frontal Gyrus 8 L −36.0 23.0 40.0 −4.474.544
34 Middle Frontal Gyrus 10 L −42.0 56.0 7.0 −4.382.877
Middle Frontal Gyrus 10 L −33.0 47.0 −2.0 −3.886.662
38 Cerebellum * R 33.0 −70.0 −35.0 −3.703.044

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Table A5 | Brain regions showing positive connectivity with mPFC while reading negative stories > reading neutral stories.

Cluster size Region BA Talairach coordinates Max. t-value


84 Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 R 48.0 −1.0 −17.0 5.344.678

Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 R 42.0 11.0 −20.0 5.268.341
941 Precentral Gyrus 6 R 42.0 −1.0 34.0 6.347.430
Middle Frontal Gyrus 9 R 33.0 17.0 31.0 5.649.367
Middle Frontal Gyrus 46 R 51.0 29.0 19.0 5.334.372
Putamen R 18.0 8.0 4.0 5.243.031
Putamen R 30.0 −1.0 7.0 5.216.119
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 10/46 R 48.0 35.0 1.0 5.191.519
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 10 R 39.0 47.0 1.0 5.183.762
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 9 R 36.0 8.0 22.0 5.183.069
Inferior Frontal Gyrus extending into Insula 45/47/13 R 48.0 20.0 4.0 5.168.429
Caudate Head R 18.0 17.0 1.0 4.853.752
Thalamus * R 9.0 −1.0 4.0 4.456.534
192 Supramarginal Gyrus 40 R 42.0 −43.0 34.0 6.638.423
Precentral Gyrus 4 R 45.0 −19.0 34.0 4.753.923
Inferior Parietal Lobule 40 R 57.0 −34.0 34.0 4.307.735
37 Fusiform Gyrus 37 R 42.0 −52.0 −11.0 4.580.812
299 Putamen R 33.0 −22.0 −2.0 5.305.676
Hippocampus R 27.0 −13.0 −14.0 5.082.986
Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 R 48.0 −37.0 7.0 4.951.488
Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 R 45.0 −22.0 −5.0 4.709.594
Caudate Tail R 36.0 −43.0 10.0 4.463.713
95 Superior Frontal Gyrus 10 R 12.0 56.0 −8.0 4.874.894
Superior Frontal Gyrus 10 R 27.0 65.0 1.0 4.775.339
Superior Frontal Gyrus 10 R 15.0 68.0 7.0 4.741.182
119 Cingulate Gyrus 32 R 6.0 14.0 37.0 5.477.295
70 Posterior Cingulate 29 L 0.0 −43.0 10.0 5.409.723
Posterior Cingulate 23 R 3.0 −37.0 22.0 4.375.017
49 Cerebellum * L −3.0 −58.0 1.0 4.554.553
104 Thalamus (ventral lateral nucleus) L −18.0 −16.0 10.0 4.994.545
Thalamus (anterior nucleus) L −6.0 −7.0 10.0 4.737.922
33 Middle Frontal Gyrus 9 L −24.0 29.0 34.0 4.578.666
728 Amygdala L −33.0 −7.0 −14.0 6.569.848
Superior Temporal Gyrus 38 L −45.0 20.0 −23.0 6.025.189
Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 L −48.0 −4.0 −14.0 5.425.207
Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 L −48.0 −22.0 −8.0 5.288.910
Inferior Frontal Gyrus extending into Insula 47/13 L −30.0 14.0 −17.0 5.172.719
Putamen L −21.0 11.0 4.0 4.972.111
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 9 L −45.0 5.0 34.0 4.660.889
Middle Frontal Gyrus 46 L −42.0 17.0 19.0 4.500.771
Inferior Frontal Gyrus extending into Insula 9/13 L −33.0 8.0 22.0 4.102.611
Precentral Gyrus 6 L −57.0 −4.0 37.0 3.943.306
1027 Inferior Parietal Lobule 40 L −48.0 −25.0 25.0 6.028.291
Inferior Parietal Lobule 40 L −39.0 −49.0 37.0 5.800.646
Inferior Parietal Lobule 40 L −51.0 −34.0 34.0 5.711.774
Postcentral Gyrus 2 L −36.0 −25.0 37.0 5.598.609
Precuneus 7 R 24.0 −67.0 28.0 4.901.719
Precuneus 7 R 6.0 −52.0 34.0 4.705.517
Superior Temporal Gyrus 13 L −51.0 −43.0 19.0 4.411.334
Precuneus 31 L −18.0 −73.0 28.0 4.256.221
Insula 13 L −30.0 −22.0 25.0 4.077.991
Precuneus 7 L −18.0 −64.0 40.0 3.988.875

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience June 2012 | Volume 6 | Article 192 | 14

Altmann et al. Emotional valence of stories and ToM

Table A6 | Brain regions showing positive connectivity with mPFC depending on individual tendency to put feel concern for other people
(Positive correlation between the empathic concern scale and mPFC–connectivity while reading negative stories > reading neutral stories).

Cluster size Region BA Talairach coordinates Max. t-value


81 Inferior Frontal Gyrus/Anterior Insula 47/13 R 33 29 1 0.785256

Putamen R 24 8 −5 0.655270
17 Posterior Cingulate 31 R 18 −58 19 0.719141
16 Middle Frontal Gyrus 8 L −33 17 43 0.830213
53 Insula 13 L −36 14 −2 0.733469

Table A7 | Prestudy results for valence and liking.

Conditions Valence Liking

(Scale −3 to +3) (Scale 1–7)

Mean SD Mean SD

Negative stories −1.36 0.60 3.67 0.63

Neutral stories 0.52 0.38 3.60 0.51

Mean values for each story were used in the fMRI experiment to modulate parametric regressors for the effect of valence and liking during reading. A 2 × 2 repeated
measures ANOVA was conducted with the factors story type (negative, neutral) and context (real, invented) to examine whether participant’s judgments of valence
reflect a clear differentiation between stories that have been categorized as neutral or negative in earlier studies during the stimulus selection phase. The main
effect for story type [F(1, 31) = 72.83, p < 0.001] showed that this is the case. Results revealed no main effect of context [F(1, 31) < 1, p < 0.717] and no context ×
story type interaction [F(1, 31) = 3.67, p < 0.065]. We did not find any effect for liking judgments. Stories were equally liked, independently of valence [F(1, 31) < 1,
p < 0.741] or context labelling [F(1, 31) = 1.33, p < 0.258].
Descriptive data on the item level show a clear difference on average valence for negative stories (M = −1.36, SD = 0.60) and neutral stories (M = 0.52, SD = 0.38).
Average liking values are very similar for negative (M = 3.67, SD = 0.63) and neutral (M = 3.60, SD = 0.51) texts. The latter finding fits nicely to the observation
that an object must not provide positive valence in order to be liked.

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience June 2012 | Volume 6 | Article 192 | 15

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' Brain Connectivity > Vol. 3, No. 6 > Original Articles Figures References Related Details

& Open Access

Short- and Long-
Term Effects of a Novel on
Connectivity in the Brain
Gregory S. Berns ( , Kristina Blaine, Michael J. Prietula, and Brandon E. Pye

Published Online: 9 Dec 2013 Information

Copyright 2013, Mary Ann

Abstract Liebert, Inc.

We sought to determine whether reading a novel causes measurable To cite this article:
changes in resting-state connectivity of the brain and how long these
Gregory S. Berns, Kristina Blaine,
changes persist. Incorporating a within-subjects design, participants Michael J. Prietula, and Brandon E.
received resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans on Pye.
Short- and Long-Term Effects of a
19 consecutive days. First, baseline resting state data for a “washin”
Novel on Connectivity in the Brain.
period were taken for each participant for 5 days. For the next 9 days, Brain Connectivity. Dec 2013.
participants read 1/9th of a novel during the evening and resting-state 590-600.
data were taken the next morning. Finally, resting-state data for a “wash-
out” period were taken for 5 days after the conclusion of the novel. On %
Published in
the days after the reading, signi^cant increases in connectivity were Volume: 3 Issue 6: December 9,
centered on hubs in the left angular/supramarginal gyri and right 2013
posterior temporal gyri. These hubs corresponded to regions previously Online Ahead of Print:
October 9, 2013
associated with perspective taking and story comprehension, and the Online Ahead of Editing:
changes exhibited a timecourse that decayed rapidly after the August 29, 2013
completionWeof use
the cookies
novel. Long-term
to give youchanges in connectivity,
a better experience which
on By continuing to use our site, you are agreeing to
persisted for several days after the reading, were observed in bilateral Keywords
somatosensory cortex, suggesting a potential mechanism for
“embodied semantics.” connectivity fMRI

“ reading resting state

A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly
exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.– William
Styron, Conversations with William Styron.

Most people can identify books that have made great impressions on
them and, subjectively, changed the way they think. Some can even
point to a book that has changed their life. Stephen King, for example,
said that Lord of the Flies changed his life, “because it is both a story
with a message and because it is a great tale of adventure.” Joyce Carol
Oates pointed to Alice in Wonderland as “the book that most in_uenced
her imaginative life.” It seems plausible that if something as simple as a
book can leave the impression that one's life has been changed, then
perhaps it is powerful enough to cause changes in brain function and
structure. Here, we test this possibility by using functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) to track changes in resting-state brain activity
on a daily basis over a period of 3 weeks, during which individuals read
a complete novel.

Novels are stories, and stories are complicated objects of

communication (Abbott, 2008).* Although several linguistic and literary
theories describe what constitutes a story, neurobiological research has
just begun to elucidate brain networks that are active when processing
stories. To date, these studies have focused on the immediate response
to short stories (Mar, 2011). In other words, current neurobiological
theory of stories describes the network of brain regions that is active
and presumably responsible for cognitive processing of stories while
they are being consumed. While active tasks have traditionally been
used to identify functional networks within the brain, resting-state fMRI
has become a common tool to identify consistent patterns of correlated
activity, termed resting-state networks (RSNs) (Biswal et al., 1995, 2010;
Kelly et al., 2012; Raichle et al., 2001).

Cognitive and emotional interventions have been demonstrated to

cause transient changes in functional connectivity (Harrison et al.,
2008; Hasson et al., 2009; Mackey et al., 2013; Stevens et al., 2010), but
it is not known how long these changes last. Some changes appear to
be due to transient activation of speci^c regions, which persists for
minutes to hours (Hasson et al., 2009); while others may persist for
longer periods of time and may represent cortical reorganization
(Mackey et al., 2013). A limitation of these studies that makes it digcult
to determine what are short- and long-term changes is the small
number of resting-state scans actually performed.

To determine a timescale over which connectivity changes persist, we

measured changes in resting-state connectivity as a result of reading a
novel. We chose a novel over a short story because the length and
depth of the novel would afford a set of repeated engagements with
associated, unique stimuli (sections of the novel) set in a broader,
controlled stimulus context that could be consumed between several
scanning periods. A within-subjects design was selected for this pilot
study because of its substantive control of individual variability,
statistical power, and economic advantages in this type of study
(Anderson, 2001; Shadish et al., 2002).

Materials and Methods

A total of 21 participants were studied. Two were excluded from the
fMRI analyses: one for insugcient attendance, and the other for image
abnormalities. Before the experiment, participants were screened for
the presence of medical and psychiatric diagnoses, and none were
taking medications. There were 12 female and 9 male participants
between the ages of 19 and 27 (mean 21.5). Emory University's
Institutional Review Board approved all procedures, and all participants
gave written informed consent.

Reading material
Each participant was subject to 19 consecutive days (July 18, 2011–
August 5, 2011) of resting-state scans that consisted of a total
appointment time of less than 30 min at the same time each day. The
^rst 5 days and last 5 days were “wash-in” and “washout” sessions,
respectively. Each of the middle 9 scans was preceded by reading
approximately 1/9th of the novel (Pompeii: A Novel, by Robert Harris,
Fawcett, 2003). This novel was chosen because it was based on true
events but written as historical ^ction and conveyed in a classic
narrative arc (Freytag, 1900). During the “washin” and “wash-out”
sessions, the participants did not perform any other tasks except for the
resting-state scan (Fig. 1). For each of the other 9 days, the story days,
the participants performed the resting-state scan after taking a quiz and
self-report about the effect of the material presented in the portion of
the novel that was assigned for the previous night and included a ^ve-
point rating scale of how arousing the reading was (see Supplementary
Data for quizzes; Supplementary Data are available online at Through repeated scans, each participant
served as his or her own control to measure changes in resting-state
connectivity after the consumption of the novel.
FIG. 1.  Design of experiment (above). Participants underwent resting-
state functional magnetic resonance imaging scans on 19 consecutive
days (black arrows). On the evening before the middle 9 days of
scanning, participants read a portion of the novel, Pompeii. The mean
arousal rating across participants (below) showed a rising trend toward
the climax of the novel (error bars±1 standard error).

The scanning was performed on a Siemens 3T Trio. Each participant
received only one T1-weighted structural image (TR=2600 ms, TE=3.93 
ms, _ip angle=8°, 224×256 matrix, 176 sagittal slices, and 1 mm cubic
voxel size) throughout the duration of the experiment. One functional
resting-state scan was acquired each day (223 volumes, TR=2000 ms,
TE=30 ms, _ip angle=73°, FOV=192 mm, 64×64 matrix, 33 axial slices,
and 3×3×3.5 mm resolution with an added 10% gap in the z-direction,
resulting in a resolution of 3×3×3.85 mm). Participants were instructed
to rest quietly with eyes closed.

All of the preprocessing was performed using the 1000 Functional
Connectomes Scripts available from NITRC ( The only
modi^cation to these scripts was the addition of an iterative loop to
cycle through the 19days of data. The scripts performed the following
preprocessing procedures using FSL (Analysis Group, FMRIB) and AFNI
(NIMH). First, the anatomical image was deobliqued and reorientated to
the coordinate space that is compatible with FSL. Next, the image was
skull stripped.

The resting-state functional images were preprocessed through a multi-

step procedure. The images were deobliqued and reoriented similarly to
the anatomical images. A mean functional image was computed to
serve as a target for motion correction. Using 3dvolreg, the functional
images were then aligned to the mean image using two-pass Fourier
interpolation. To decrease edge artifacts from Fourier interpolation, a
zero pad of four voxels was added around the edges and stripped off
after motion correction. The images were then skull stripped to create a
mask that was then applied to the motion-corrected data. To allow for
full magnetization and settling on any startle responses from the onset
of the scanning, the eighth volume was used for registration to the
anatomical image. Spatial smoothing was performed using a 6-mm
Gaussian kernel. Grand mean scaling was performed with an intensity
normalization to 10,000. A low-pass ^lter of 0.1 Hz and a high-pass ^lter
of 0.005 Hz were applied for temporal ^ltering. The images were
detrended by calculating the mean of the temporally ^ltered image and
detrending with the addition of Legendre polynomials of an order up to
and including two. An image that was the addition of both the mean and
detrended image was created.

Three separate registration alignments were performed. The functional

(using the eighth image acquisition as a template) to anatomical
alignment was produced using a trilinear interpolation (six degrees of
freedom). The anatomical to standard brain (MNI152_T1) was created
again using a trilinear interpolation (12 degrees of freedom). The
transformation matrices of both of these steps were saved. A third
matrix, for the ability to transform between functional to standard, was
created by concatenating the matrices of the previous two steps. The
inverse of each of these matrices was also produced, providing the
option of registering freely between any combination of functional,
anatomical, or standard images.

Segmentation was performed to create individual images for each

tissue type and individual probability maps. The tissue types recognized
as cerebrospinal _uid (CSF) and white matter (WM) were masked.
These masks were used to control for nuisance signals. We utilized the
global signal, WM and CSF segmentation masks, and the six motion
parameters to adjust the functional signals for the effects of
physiological noise and motion (Yan et al., 2013). Although adjustment
for global signals is controversial, we opted to take a conservative
approach and control for physiological noise (Fox et al., 2009). This
approach may protect against false positives but may introduce
spurious negative correlations (Murphy et al., 2013; Weissenbacher et
al., 2009), so our analysis focused only on changes in positive

Two of the participants were not present on the ^rst day of scanning,
and a third was absent on the last day of scanning. Therefore, the 19
participants were analyzed over 17 consecutive days of scanning (days

Using a prede^ned network of 160 regions of interest (ROI) (Dosenbach

et al., 2010), we extracted the time series of each ROI for spheres of 6 
mm radius for each person on each day. We chose this set of ROIs
because the number of ROIs strikes a balance between a reasonable
number and good cortical coverage. Because the original paper was a
developmental neuroscience study, our results on reading are
particularly relevant to the study of cognitive development. This yielded
a four-dimensional matrix of ROI×volume×person×day
(160×223×19×17). Next, we computed the pairwise cross-correlation
between ROIs for each scan session (Mackey et al., 2013), yielding a
matrix with dimensions 160×160×19×17. We then applied the Fisher z-
transformation to normalize the correlation coegcients, which are
bounded by±1.

Statistics were performed using the Network-Based Statistics (NBS)

Connectome v1.2 (Zalesky et al., 2010). All connections in the z-
transformed correlation matrices were submitted to a one-sided t-test
to see which individual connections were signi^cantly different based
on the speci^ed contrast. The design matrix for these tests included a
column for each day and dummy variables for each subject to control
for subjectwise differences in mean correlations. Thus, there were 36
columns (17 days + 19 subjects). Contrasts were speci^ed as vectors of
differences across the 17 day-columns (see below). Due to the large
number of elements in the correlation matrix (12,720 unique elements),
connections that surpassed p<0.001 (t=3.32) in signi^cance were then
submitted to a permutation test to control for familywise error rate. NBS
is more sensitive to detecting networks of topologically connected
nodes, while the related approach—false discovery rate—is more
sensitive to strong, focal connections. Since we assume that a novel
engages many regions, its effects are likely to be extended over a
network of connections rather than a small number of connections. For
this reason, we used the NBS intensity statistic. For each contrast, 5000
permutations were performed. Permutations were restricted to be done
within subjects only.

Three sets of contrasts were speci^ed. First, to determine whether there

were any signi^cant changes in connectivity between the beginning and
the end of the story, we examined the contrasts: [washout−washin] and
[washin−washout]. Second, to determine short-term changes in
connectivity as a result of the story and potential reactivation due to the
daily quiz, we contrasted: [story−washin−washout], with appropriate
weightings for the different number of days. Finally, to determine long-
term changes that were related to the story but persisted beyond the
reading days, we contrasted: [story+washout−washin], again with
appropriate weightings for the different number of days.

Networks were visualized by displaying nodes and connections in

BrainNet Viewer ( Timeseries for each
network were computed by averaging the correlation coegcients in
each connection of the network for each subject on each day and then
computing the mean and standard error across subjects for each day.
Consistent with theories of plot structure, the mean arousal ratings of
the story rose consistently throughout the story and culminated with the
climax—the eruption of the volcano and the destruction of Pompeii (Fig.

For the ^rst set of contrasts, [washout−washin] showed positive

correlations that changed signi^cantly between the beginning and the
end of the story. This was a small network of eight nodes and eight
connections, all in the cerebellum (Table 1 and Fig. 2). The timeseries of
this network showed both a monotonic trend throughout most days, but
interestingly, the largest increase in correlation was after the ^rst night's
reading. During the story days, the correlation _uctuated, but not below
pre-story levels, and rose on the last story day with a continued rise
after the story. The opposite contrast, [washin−washout] revealed a
slow decline in correlations within a network between the left
cerebellum and left pre/post central gyrus. These correlations were
generally low (<0.1) and decreased to ∼0.05 by the end of the
experiment. Given these monotonic trends and preponderance of
connectivity changes within cerebellar regions, we do not consider
these changes related to the story.

FIG. 2.  Networks associated with increased connectivity after the

novel [p=0.022 corrected for familywise error rate (FWER)] and
decreased connectivity (p=0.003 corrected for FWER). Both networks
showed generally monotonic changes in correlation strength with time,
suggesting that these changes may not be related directly to the novel
itself. It is noteworthy that both networks have strong hubs in the

Table 1. Washout Versus Washin Connections

Node MNI Label Node MNI Label

Washout>washin (p=0.022)

  −6 L cerebellum 131 −34 L

120 −60 −67 cerebellum
−15 −29
  1 Cerebellar 131 −34 L
130 −66 vermis −67 cerebellum
−24 −29

  −24 L cerebellum 140 33 R

109 −54 −73 cerebellum
−21 −30

  −24 L cerebellum 150 −21 L

109 −54 −79 cerebellum
−21 −33

  −6 L cerebellum 150 −21 L

120 −60 −79 cerebellum
−15 −33

  −6 L cerebellum 151 −6 L
120 −60 −79 cerebellum
−15 −33

  1 Cerebellar 151 −6 L
130 −66 vermis −79 cerebellum
−24 −33

  −34 L cerebellum 155 18 R

131 −67 −81 cerebellum
−29 −33

Washout<washin (p=0.003)

   −6 L mid 43 0 SMA
30 17 cingulate −1
34 52

   −2 ACC 103 −59 L middle

19 30 −47 temporal
27 11
   −6 L mid 103 −59 L middle
30 17 cingulate −47 temporal
34 11

   −12 L thalamus 103 −59 L middle

57 −12 −47 temporal
6 11

   11 R thalamus 103 −59 L middle

58 −12 −47 temporal
6 11

   −30 L putamen 103 −59 L middle

61 −14 −47 temporal
1 11

   0 SMA 109 −24 L

43 −1 −54 cerebellum
52 −21

   −42 L insula 109 −24 L

48 −3 −54 cerebellum
11 −21

   −38 L pre/post 110 −37 L

62 −15 central g −54 cerebellum
59 −37

   −42 L insula 113 −34 L

48 3 −57 cerebellum
11 −24

   −38 L pre/post 113 −34 L

75 −27 central g −57 cerebellum
60 −24

   −42 L insula 120 −6 L

48 −3 −60 cerebellum
11 −15

   −38 L pre/post 120 −6 L

62 −15 central g −60 cerebellum
59 −15

   −38 L pre/post 120 −6 L

75 −27 central g −60 cerebellum
60 −15

   −42 L insula 121 −25 L

48 −3 −60 cerebellum
11 −34

   0 SMA 128 21 R
31 15 −64 cerebellum
45 −22

   0 SMA 128 21 R
43 −1 −64 cerebellum
52 −22

   −42 L insula 130 1 Cerebellar

48 −3 −66 vermis
11 −24

   −38 L pre/post 130 1 Cerebellar

75 −27 central g −66 vermis
60 −24

   −42 L insula 131 −34 L

48 −3 −67 cerebellum
11 −29

   −55 L 136 −9 L
97 −44 supramarginal −72 precuneus
30 g 41

  −59 L middle 136 −9 L

103 −47 temporal −72 precuneus
11 41

Node is the node number based on the sorting in table S6 by

Dosenbach et al. (2010). Network signi^cance is based on 5000
permutations, correcting for FWER. MNI are x, y, z coordinates. Label
is based on AFNI “whereami” function and CA_ML_18_MNIA atlas.

FWER, familywise error rate; MNI, montreal neurologic institute; AFNI,

analysis of functional neuroimage.

To isolate the short-term changes associated with reading the story, we

combined the washin and washout periods and contrasted them with
the story days. This contrast identi^ed three independent networks that
had signi^cant increases in connectivity during the story days (Table 2).
Network 1 had a prominent hub around the left angular and
supramarginal gyri with connections to both the precuneus and medial
frontal lobe (Fig. 3). There was also a signi^cant connection to the left
lingual gyrus in the vicinity of the hippocampus. The timecourse of
correlations within this network showed a striking pattern of a sharp
rise on the ^rst story day, reaching its peak on the last story day,
followed by a nonlinear decay. Network 2 was a bilaterally distributed
network without prominent hubs (Fig. 4). Signi^cant connections were
mostly posterior and located in the superior temporal gyri and cuneus
(Table 2). The timecourse was not as clearly related to the story, with
correlations peaking on the second story day and then declining. The
correlations were also lower than in Network 1. Finally, Network 3 had
signi^cant connections between a hub in the right middle temporal
gyrus and the left pre/post central gyrus and left superior temporal
gyrus (Fig. 5). The timecourse of correlations of this network showed
the same striking increase with the onset of the story. Unlike Network 1,
this network did not have a nonlinear decay. The magnitude of
correlations were similar to that of Network 1.

FIG. 3.  Network 1 (p=0.009 corrected for FWER) of nodes and

connections with signi^cantly increased correlation during story versus
nonstory days. This network was concentrated in a hub around the left
angular and supramarginal gyri, with connections to medial prefrontal
cortex. The timecourse of correlations across days showed a sharp rise
beginning on the ^rst post-story day and a decay after the end of the

FIG. 4.  Network 2 (p=0.012 corrected for FWER) of nodes and

connections with signi^cantly increased correlation during story versus
nonstory days. This sparse network was located in posterior temporal
gyri with connections to the cuneus. The timecourse of correlations
across days showed a rise beginning on the ^rst post-story and peaking
on the second story day, followed by a decline throughout.

FIG. 5.  Network 3 (p=0.023 corrected for FWER) of nodes and

connections with signi^cantly increased correlation during story versus
nonstory days. This sparse network was located in posterior temporal
gyri with connections to the central sulcus. The timecourse of
correlations across days showed a sharp rise beginning on the ^rst
post-story that was sustained at a relatively constant level throughout
the story, followed by a sharp decline post-story.

Table 2. Story Versus Nonstory Connections

Node MNI Label Node MNI

Network 1 (p=0.009)

 90 −8 L lingual 97 −55 L

−41 g/hippocampus −44 supramarginal
3 30 g

 11 −11 L sup medial g 104 −53 L angular g

45 −50
17 39

 13 8 R ACC 104 −53 L angular g

42 −50
−5 39

 17 23 R sup frontal g 104 −53 L angular g

33 −50
47 39
 17 23 R sup frontal g 107 44 R angular g
33 −52
47 47

 97 −55 L supramarginal g 108 −5 L precuneus

−44 −52
30 17

  −53 L angular g 108 −5 L precuneus

104 −50 −52
39 17

 97 −55 L supramarginal g 111 10 R precuneus

−44 −55
30 17

 97 −55 L supramarginal g 115 −11 L precuneus

−44 −58
30 17

  −53 L angular g 134 −36 L angular g

104 −50 −69
39 40

 97 −55 L supramarginal g 136 −9 L precuneus

−44 −72
30 41

  −53 L angular g 136 −9 L precuneus

104 −50 −72
39 41

 97 −55 L supramarginal g 141 −2 L cuneus

−44 −75
30 32
 97 −55 L supramarginal g 155 18 R cerebellum
−44 −81
30 −33

Network 2 (p=0.012)

 43 0 SMA 82 −41 L sup temp g

−1 −37
52 16

 70 42 R sup temp g 86 34 R post central

−24 −39 g
17 65

 82 −41 L sup temp g 129 19 R lingual g

−37 −66
16 −1

 64 −47 L post central g 145 −16 L sup occipital

−18 −76 g/cuneus
50 33

 82 −41 L sup temp g 145 −16 L sup occipital

−37 −76 g/cuneus
16 33

 89 58 R sup 145 −16 L sup occipital

−41 temp/supramarginal −76 g/cuneus
20 g 33

 51 46 R post central 148 15 R cuneus

−8 g/insula −77
24 32

 70 42 R sup temp g/insula 148 15 R cuneus

−24 −77
17 32
 89 58 R sup 148 15 R cuneus
−41 temp/supramarginal −77
20 g 32

 82 −41 L sup temp g 156 −37 L inf occipital

−37 −83 g
16 −2

Network 3 (p=0.023)

 60 59 R sup temp g 68 −54 L sup temp g

−13 −22
8 9

 68 −54 L sup temp g 77 −24 L post central

−22 −30 g
9 64

 49 −44 L post central g 123 46 R middle temp

−6 −62 g
49 5

 62 −38 L precentral g 123 46 R middle temp

−15 −62 g
59 5

 68 −54 L sup temp g 123 46 R middle temp

−22 −62 g
9 5

 69 41 R pre/post central g 123 46 R middle temp

−23 −62 g
55 5

 75 −38 L pre/post central g 123 46 R middle temp

−27 −62 g
60 5
 75 −38 L pre/post central g 135 39 R middle
−27 −71 temp/occipital
60 13 g

Node is the node number based on the sorting in table S6 by

Dosenbach et al. (2010). Network signi^cance is based on 5000
permutations, correcting for FWER. MNI are x, y, z coordinates. Label
is based on AFNI “whereami” function and CA_ML_18_MNIA atlas.

To identify potential long-term changes in connectivity, we contrasted

[story+washout−washin]. This contrast identi^ed increases in
correlation during story days and persisted during the washout period.
One network was identi^ed with bilateral connections between pre/post
central gyri, middle and superior temporal gyri, and insula (Table 3 and
Fig. 6). The timecourse of correlations showed the increase occurring
with the onset of the story, peaking on the sixth or eighth story day, and
declining slightly afterward. All the correlations during the washout days
were higher than the washin period (Fig. 6).

FIG. 6.  Network (p=0.001 corrected for FWER) of nodes and

connections with signi^cantly increased correlation during story days
and that persisted beyond the story. This network was located
bilaterally around the central sulcus with sparse connections to the
insula and occipital regions. The timecourse of correlations across days
showed a gradual rise beginning on the ^rst post-story day that was
sustained beyond the end of the novel.

Table 3. Story+Washout Versus Washin Connections

Node MNI Label Node MNI Label

Story+washout>washin (p=0.001)

 18 34 R inf 42 43 R insula

32 frontal 1
7 g/insula 12

 53 44 R 62 −38 L
−11 pre/post −15 precentral
38 central g 59 g

 42 43 R insula 69 41 R
1 −23 pre/post
12 55 central g

 43 0 SMA 69 41 R
−1 −23 pre/post
52 55 central g

 49 −44 L post 70 42 R sup

−6 central g −24 temp g
49 17

 52 −54 L 74 18 R
−9 pre/post −27 pre/post
23 central g 62 central g

 51 46 R 75 −38 L
−8 pre/post −27 pre/post
24 central g 60 central g

 70 42 R sup 75 −38 L

−24 temp g −27 pre/post
17 60 central g

 54 −47 L 76 −30 L insula

−12 pre/post −28
36 central g 9

 74 18 R 76 −30 L insula

−27 pre/post −28
62 central g 9

 62 −38 L 77 −24 L post

−15 precentral −30 central g
59 g 64
 64 −47 L post 77 −24 L post
−18 central g −30 central g
50 64

 69 41 R 77 −24 L post

−23 pre/post −30 central g
55 central g 64

 62 −38 L 78 51 R
−15 precentral −30 sup/mid
59 g 5 temp g

 70 42 R sup 78 51 R
−24 temp g −30 sup/mid
17 5 temp g

 74 18 R 78 51 R
−27 pre/post −30 sup/mid
62 central g 5 temp g

 76 −30 L insula 82 −41 L sup

−28 −37 temp g
9 16

 64 −47 L post 83 −53 L sup/mid

−18 central g −37 temp g
50 13

 42 43 R insula 95 43 R
1 −43 sup/mid
12 8 temp g

 82 −41 L sup 118 −34 L inf

−37 temp g −60 occipital
16 −5 g

 49 −44 L 123 46 R middle

−6 pre/post −62 temp g
49 central g 5

 52 −54 L 123 46 R middle

−9 pre/post −62 temp g
23 central g 5

 65 46 R 123 46 R middle

−20 pre/post −62 temp g
45 central g 5

 69 41 R 123 46 R middle

−23 pre/post −62 temp g
55 central g 5

 64 −47 L post 145 −16 L sup

−18 central g −76 occipital
50 33 g/cuneus

 65 46 R 145 −16 L sup

−20 pre/post −76 occipital
45 central g 33 g/cuneus

 95 43 R 145 −16 L sup

−43 sup/mid −76 occipital
8 temp g 33 g/cuneus

 82 −41 L sup 156 −37 L inf

−37 temp g −83 occipital
16 −2 g

Node is the node number based on the sorting in table S6 by

Dosenbach et al. (2010). Network signi^cance is based on 5000
permutations, correcting for FWER. MNI are x, y, z coordinates. Label
is based on AFNI “whereami” function and CA_ML_18_MNIA atlas.

Before interpreting the changes in RSNs, it is worth examining the
repeatability of resting-state scans. Previous work has shown that three
resting-state scans—two within an hour and one 5–16 months later—
demonstrated a modest to high degree of repeatability in the spatial
components identi^ed through temporal concatenation independent
component analysis (ICA) as well as targeted ROIs (Damoiseaux et al.,
2006; Shehzad et al., 2009; Zuo et al., 2010), especially if signals from
the CSF were regressed out as nuisance variables (Chang and Glover,
2009; Li et al., 2012). Similar test–retest reliability from temporal
concatenation ICA was obtained in older adults scanned twice, 1 year
apart (Guo et al., 2012). Measures of theoretical graph connectivity
showed moderate test–retest reliability, depending on temporal ^lter
parameters (Braun et al., 2012). Therefore, RSNs are a viable measure
of brain network reorganization due to a salient experience, as these
networks appear relatively stable and reliable across time in the
absence of signi^cant events. This raises the question of whether
reading a novel is sugciently powerful to cause a detectable
reorganization of cortical networks.

The timescale of the effect of a novel may be both short and long term.
Short-term effects might be observed immediately after reading. For
example, RSNs are known to be altered by recent language
comprehension tasks (Hasson et al., 2009) as well as visual
categorization tasks (Stevens et al., 2010). Although the chapter
readings were performed during the evenings before scans, the quizzes
occurred just before the scan. The quizzes, therefore, might be
responsible for such immediate changes in resting state, though the
tasks differ in their orientation. The primary (evening) task involved

Pactive consumption of the story, while the next morning the quiz task
S involved re_ection of the story, where the latter task would likely engage
in areas associated with autobiographical recall. The magnitude of the
arousal score was not signi^cantly correlated with the changes in
connectivity. Even so, recent evidence suggests that resting-state
changes persist for a day after a cognitive intervention, such as
neurofeedback with a “focusing” effect on loci of activity (Harmelech et
al., 2013). Thus, although the reading quiz may be partly responsible for
short-term changes in RSNs, there is now evidence that these changes
may also be due to carryover from the previous evening.

Considering both the evening carryover and the quiz reactivation as

short-term effects, three independent cortical networks demonstrated
increases in connectivity as a result of the novel. Network 1 (Fig. 3)
displayed the strongest localization to a hub centered around the left
angular and supramarginal gyrus with increases in connectivity to both
the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and cuneus. The timecourse of
correlation within this network displayed a nonlinear decay during the
washout period that is consistent with a lingering, but decaying effect.
This decay suggests that the changes were not solely due to the quiz,
which would have had more of an on–off effect as seen in Network 3
(Fig. 5). The nodal center around the left angular gyrus in Network 1 is
consistent with this region's well-known role in language
comprehension. A recent meta-analysis of theory of mind studies
identi^ed the left angular gyrus as the third most likely region to be
activated if the task was story based (behind right angular gyrus and
MPFC—both of which also appear in Network 1) (Mar, 2011). Thus, the
implication is that the activation of these regions during the evening
reading carried over to the next morning as changes in connectivity.

One explanation expands on the concept of resting state as a dynamic

organizational construct (Deco et al., 2011). These “resting-state”
networks marshal the brain's earlier functional engagement of the novel,
particularly the multimodal associative regions around the
temporoparietal junction (TPJ) (angular and supramarginal gyri, and
middle and superior temporal gyri). This interpretation rests on the
principle that the brain is a prediction engine. That is, the resting state
of the brain is best viewed as being in a “constant inner state of
exploration, in which the brain generates predictions about the likely
network con^guration that would be optimal for a given impending
input” (Deco et al., 2011). Accordingly, since earlier cognitive
experiences may modulate the resting-state connectivity maps, the task
of reading Pompeii conditionally altered the resting state of our
participants with a bias toward a hybrid mentalizing-narrative network
con^guration even though they were not actively engaged in a task.

Could these speci^c neural effects be mere consequences not related

to story consumption? Variance attributed to the story consumption
“treatment” certainly contains an error term, but the resultant network
components identi^ed are distinctly task speci^c and revealed across
participants rising above the heterogeneous in_uences of their “off-
task” (reading days) as well as “pre-task” (washin period) experiential
milieu. It is, however, possible, that the observed changes in
connectivity could be due to the overall experimental context of being
scanned after reading chapters from a novel—the experiment itself
triggers an active process of remembering the previous night's reading,
which was further primed by a quiz. Even so, the fact that reading a
novel caused changes in cortical connectivity places a bound on the
stability of RSNs. While largely stable, the resting state should properly
be conceived of as quasi-static and subject to both short- and long-term
dynamic recon^gurations.
Longer-term changes in connectivity were identi^ed by the contrast of
[story+washout−washin]. This contrast identi^ed connections that
increased in strength during the story days and remained elevated after
the novel (Fig. 6). This network was heavily concentrated around the
central sulcus bilaterally with connections to bilateral posterior
temporal gyri and insula. This network corresponds closely to a
previously identi^ed RSN comprising somatosensory and motor regions
(De Luca et al., 2006). Correlated _uctuations in motor cortex are well
known and may not be due to a speci^c cognitive process (Biswal et al.,
1995; Xiong et al., 1999). Thus, we are left with the question as to why
these correlations increased with the onset of the novel.

One possibility for increases in somatosensory cortex connectivity is

that reading a novel invokes neural activity that is associated with bodily
sensations. This is called the theory of “embodied semantics” (Aziz-
Zadeh and Damasio, 2008). Somatosensory cortex activation has been
previously demonstrated by the reading of metaphors, especially if they
are tactile metaphors (Lacey et al., 2012). It is plausible that the act of
reading a novel places the reader in the body of the protagonist, which
may alter somatosensory and motor cortex connectivity. It is interesting
to note, however, that the regions previously called the “protagonist
network”—dorsomedial PFC and right TPJ (Mason and Just, 2009)—
constitute a very different network than the somatosensory regions and
bear more similarity to the networks we identi^ed as having short-term
changes. This network can be compared with the predominately
cerebellar network identi^ed by the [washout−washin] contrast (Fig. 2).
Although the latter represents the most obvious change from before
and after the novel, the timecourse is largely monotonic and not clearly
related to the novel per se. However, it is possible that both the
cerebellar changes and the somatosensory changes re_ect changes in
motor control related to the act of reading. Such processes might relate
to oculomotor coordination and attention, for example, and have
nothing to do with the content of the novel.

In summary, we have demonstrated that across the likely array of

diverse experiences encountered by our participants, there was a
detectable and signi^cant common alteration of their RSN associated
with reading sections of a novel the previous evening. Moreover, these
changes could be segregated into networks associated with short-term
changes originating near the left angular gyrus and long-term changes
dispersed bilaterally in somatosensory cortex. It remains an open
question for further study as to how lasting these effects are, but our
results suggest a potential mechanism by which reading stories not
only strengthen language processing regions but also affect the
individual through embodied semantics in sensorimotor regions.
This research was supported by a grant from DARPA (D11AP00289).
The views, opinions, and/or ^ndings contained in this article are those
of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the ogcial
views or policies, either expressed or implied, of the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency or the Department of Defense. This work was
approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited. The authors are
grateful for the input of Andrew Brooks, Lisa LaViers, W. Gavin Ekins,
and Ting Li.

Author Disclosure Statement

No competing ^nancial interests exist.

*“Story” and “narrative” are often used interchangeably. Technically,

narrative (vs. expository text) is the representation of events, consisting
of a story (as a sequence of events, participating characters, and causal
associations linking acts) and discourse (how the story is physically
conveyed). Thus, all conveyed stories are mediated by a narrative
discourse (e.g., voice, text, video, actors).4

) * +
© 2023 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. All rights reserved, USA and
Call us toll free at (800) M-LIEBERT (800-654-3237).
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Think abouteveryone
who buys books for
the fun of it a big
corporations thatfeed

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don'tknow if I'll reread books
but some
give me
the vibe

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If extintrins

I do

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Research Report
Psychological Science

Becoming a Vampire Without Being Bitten: 22(8) 990–994

© The Author(s) 2011
Reprints and permission:
The Narrative Collective-Assimilation
DOI: 10.1177/0956797611415541


Shira Gabriel and Ariana F. Young

University at Buffalo, State University of New York

We propose the narrative collective-assimilation hypothesis—that experiencing a narrative leads one to psychologically become a
part of the collective described within the narrative. In a test of this hypothesis, participants read passages from either a book
about wizards (from the Harry Potter series) or a book about vampires (from the Twilight series). Both implicit and explicit
measures revealed that participants who read about wizards psychologically became wizards, whereas those who read about
vampires psychologically became vampires. The results also suggested that narrative collective assimilation is psychologically
meaningful and relates to the basic human need for connection. Specifically, the tendency to fulfill belongingness needs through
group affiliation moderated the extent to which narrative collective assimilation occurred, and narrative collective assimilation
led to increases in life satisfaction and positive mood, two primary outcomes of belonging. The implications for the importance
of narratives, the need to belong to groups, and social surrogacy are discussed.

need to belong, collective identity, reading, social identity
Received 2/2/11; Revision accepted 4/8/11

We read to know we are not alone. Narratives have previously been linked to fulfillment of
—C. S. Lewis in Shadowlands (Attenborough, 1993) belongingness needs, albeit in a less direct manner. For exam-
ple, correlational data suggest that narratives increase social
Humans are driven by a need for social connection (Baumeis- skills by enabling people to learn the rules of human interac- mimic
ter & Leary, 1995; Maslow, 1968), which propels them to tion and empathy (Mar & Oatley, 2008; Mar, Oatley, Hirsch,
affiliate with collectives (i.e., groups).1 Purportedly, the sur- dela Paz, & Peterson, 2006; Oatley, 1999). In addition, identi-
vival value of collective life for humans’ evolutionary ances- fying with characters while reading a narrative leads to a
tors (Caporael & Brewer, 1995; Wilson, 1978) led to the merging ofbecome
you self withprotagonist
the characters (Sestir & Green, 2010).
evolution of internal mechanisms that propel modern humans Further, narratives play a role in alleviating loneliness, such
to form and join collectives (Stevens & Fiske, 1995). These that people are drawn to familiar narratives when they feel
mechanisms predispose people to experience pleasure, such as lonely, feel less lonely after engaging in familiar narratives,

increased life satisfaction and positive affect, from collective and engage in narratives to decrease the detrimental effects of
affiliations (Baumeister & Leary, 1995; Myers, 1992). The social rejection (Derrick, Gabriel, & Hugenberg, 2009).
potency of the desire for collective bonds leads people to eas- Finally, many of the neural regions that are activated when
ily assimilate collective identities, even on the basis of the people read about activities overlap substantially with the
most minimal criteria (Tajfel, 1970). People may even assimi- regions that are activated when people imagine and actuallyactivation
tending late a collective to which they do not belong, adopting its engage in the activities (Speer, Reynolds, Swallow, & Zacks,officio
fitin behaviors, attitudes, and traits (DeMarree, Wheeler, & Petty, 2009).
2005; Kawakami, Young, & Dovidio, 2002). Here, we propose
that narratives provide the positive experience of connection
to a collective. Specifically, we propose and examine the nar-
Corresponding Author:
rative collective-assimilation hypothesis, the hypothesis that Shira Gabriel, Department of Psychology, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Park
experiencing a narrative leads to psychological assimilation of Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260
the collective described within the narrative. E-mail:
Narrative Collective Assimilation 991

In summary, previous research demonstrates that there is a identification with vampires relative to wizards. Participants
strong human desire to belong to collectives and that people completed two critical blocks, each consisting of 40 trials. In
easily assimilate collective identities. Further, people are one critical block, participants were instructed to categorize
drawn to narratives when they feel lonely, and the brain “me” words (myself, mine) and “wizard” words (wand, broom-
regions activated during reading of narratives are highly stick, spells, potions) using the same response key and to cate-
similar to the regions involved in actual behavior. Thus, dispa- gorize “not me” words (they, theirs) and “vampire” words
rate branches of research imply the narrative collective- (blood, undead, fangs, bitten) using another response key. In the
assimilation hypothesis. In the experiment reported here, we other critical block, these pairings were reversed. Participants
tested this hypothesis by examining whether reading a passage were instructed to respond as quickly and accurately as possi-
from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Rowling, 1999) ble. The underlying rationale for the IAT is that the speed with
would lead participants to “become” wizards, and reading a which participants respond to two stimuli using the same key is
passage from Twilight (Meyer, 2005) would lead participants an indication of implicit associations between the two catego-
to “become” vampires. We also tested the hypothesis that ries. In identity IATs, it is assumed that people are quicker to
narrative collective assimilation would be moderated by level respond to trials in which the self is indicated with the same key
of collective self-construal; that is, we expected that the more as the assimilated collective than to trials in which the self is
participants tended to fulfill their social needs through identi- indicated with the same key as some other group (Gabriel
fication with collectives, the more they would exhibit narra- et al., 2010). Thus, we predicted that participants who read the
tive collective assimilation. Finally, we reasoned that narrative Harry Potter chapters would respond more quickly when “me”
collective assimilation would lead to the same effects as sati- words and “wizard” words were categorized using the same key
ated belongingness needs—life satisfaction and positive rather than different keys, whereas those who read the Twilight
mood—and we tested this hypothesis as well. chapter would respond more quickly when “me” words and
“vampire” words were categorized using the same key rather
than different keys.
Method We next administered an explicit (albeit somewhat indirect)
Participants were 140 undergraduates (72 men, 68 women; measure of collective assimilation, which we call the Twilight/
79% White; mean age = 19 years) at the University at Buffalo, Harry Potter Narrative Collective-Assimilation Scale. Embed-
State University of New York. They had completed the Collec- ded among filler questions were three items designed to mea-
tive and Relational Self-Construal Scales (Cross, Bacon, & sure collective assimilation of Twilight vampires (“Compared
Morris, 2000; Gabriel & Gardner, 1999), measures of the ten- to the average person, how high do you think you could jump?”
dency to fulfill the need to belong through collective and rela- “How long could you go without sleep?” and “How sharp are
tional bonds, during a mass-testing session earlier in the your teeth?”) and three items designed to measure collective
semester. An example item from the Collective Self-Construal assimilation of Harry Potter wizards (“How British do you
Scale is, “When I join a group, I usually develop a strong sense feel?” “Do you think, if you tried really hard, you might be
of identification with that group.” able to make an object move just using the power of your
Participants were told that the purpose of the study was to mind?” and “Do you think you might ever be able to make
examine people’s responses to books and movies. First, par- yourself disappear and reappear somewhere else?”).
ticipants read a passage from either Twilight (Meyer, 2005) or Participants then completed the Transportation Scale, a
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Rowling, 1999), with measure of level of absorption into a story (Green & Brock,
the direction that they should read as they would normally do 2000); a five-item version of the Positive and Negative Affect
when reading for their own pleasure. Participants in the Twi- Schedule (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988), a measure of
light condition read chapter 13 (“Confessions”), in which mood; a single-item life-satisfaction measure (“Right now, in
Edward (a vampire) describes what it is like to be a vampire to most ways my life is close to my ideal”; Schimmack & Oishi,
his romantic interest, Bella. Participants in the Harry Potter 2005); and questions about the books and participants’ reading
condition read chapters 7 (“The Sorting Hat”) and 8 (“The habits.
Potions Master”), in which Harry and his friends (all wizards)
are sorted into “houses” and Harry first encounters Severus
Snape. Participants advanced to the next part of the experi- Results
ment when they finished the assigned passage or when 30 min IAT scores were calculated by subtracting the mean response
had elapsed. Participants read for an average of 25.5 min. latencies for trials that paired “me” words with “vampire”
After participants finished reading, they completed an iden- words and “not me” words with “wizard” words from the
tity Implicit Association Test (identity IAT; Gabriel, Kawakami, mean response latencies for trials that paired “me” words with
Bartak, Kang, & Mann, 2010; Nosek, Banaji, & Greenwald, “wizard” words and “not me” words with “vampire” words.
2002), the scores from which were our main dependent vari- Thus, higher (positive) IAT scores indicated stronger associa-
able. This response latency task assessed participants’ implicit tions between the self and vampires, whereas lower (negative)
992 Gabriel, Young

IAT scores reflected stronger associations between the self and salient in-group, β = 0.38, t(128) = 3.67, p < .001, semipartial
wizards. Five participants were excluded from analysis r2 = .07, participants high in collective self-construal (1 SD
because more than 10% of their response latencies were less above the mean) identified even more strongly with that group,
than 300 ms.2 Scores on the explicit measure, the Twilight/ β = 0.72, t(128) = 6.83, p < .001, semipartial r2 = .25. In other
Harry Potter Narrative Collective-Assimilation Scale, were words, the more participants tended to fulfill their social needs
computed by averaging responses to the wizard items (α = .43) through collective identification, the more narrative collective
and responses to the vampire items (α = .60) separately, con- assimilation they exhibited.3
verting these averages to z scores, and then subtracting the Next, we examined the explicit measure, scores on the
z score for wizard items from the z score for vampire items. Twilight/Harry Potter Narrative Collective-Assimilation Scale.
Mood was calculated by reverse-scoring the negative-mood The overall regression was significant, F(3, 132) = 3.43, p = .02.
items and averaging these scores with the scores for positive The narrative collective-assimilation hypothesis was again
items (α = .61). confirmed: Participants who read the Harry Potter chapters
Scores on the identity IAT were examined using multiple self-identified as wizards (M = −0.14), whereas participants
regression analyses recommended by Aiken and West (1991). who read the Twilight chapter self-identified as vampires (M =
The predictor variables were collective self-construal, book 0.15), t(132) = 2.17, p = .03, semipartial r2 = .07. The hypothesis
read (represented as a dichotomous variable: 0 = Harry Potter; that collective assimilation would be moderated by collective
1 = Twilight), and the interaction of collective self-construal self-construal was again supported, β = 0.27, t(132) = 2.17,
and book read. All predictors were centered at their means (as p = .002, semipartial r2 = .03 (see Fig. 2). Participants who
were all predictors in subsequent analyses). All regression were high in collective self-construal exhibited narrative
terms were entered into the model and interpreted simultane- collective assimilation, β = 0.033, t(132) = 2.75, p = .007,
ously. The overall regression was significant, F(3, 128) = semipartial r2 = .05, whereas those low in collective self-construal
20.04, p < .001. The narrative collective-assimilation hypoth- did not, p = .75.4
esis was confirmed: Participants who read the Harry Potter To test the third hypothesis, that narrative collective assimi-
chapters self-identified as wizards (M = −0.27), whereas par- lation leads to the same effects as satiating the need to belong
ticipants who read the Twilight chapter self-identified as vam- (i.e., increased life satisfaction and improved mood), we com-
pires (M = 0.30), t(131) = 7.54, p < .001; semipartial r2 = .30. puted overall narrative collective assimilation by reversing the
Our second hypothesis was that narrative collective IAT scores for participants in the Harry Potter condition. Thus,
assimilation would be moderated by level of collective self- for people in both conditions, higher, positive collective-
construal. Indeed, analysis of the identity IAT scores revealed assimilation scores meant greater collective assimilation. As
that the Collective Self-Construal × Book Read interaction expected, greater narrative collective assimilation predicted
was significant, β = −0.17, t(128) = 2.34, p = .02, semipartial both increased life satisfaction (β = 0.215, p = .012) and
r2 = .03 (see Fig. 1). Although participants low in collective increased mood (β = 0.18, p = .04). Increased life satisfaction
self-construal (1 SD below the mean) became members of the also predicted increased mood (β = 0.275, p = .001). To test for
Narrative Collective-Assimilation Score

0.5 High CSC 0.3


High CSC Low CSC

0.4 0.2


0.3 0.1
0.2 0
IAT Score

0.1 –0.1


–0.1 –0.3

–0.2 –0.4
–0.3 –0.5
–0.4 –0.6
–0.5 Harry Potter Twilight –0.7 Harry Potter Twilight
Passage Passage Passage Passage
Fig. 1. Score on the implicit measure of narrative collective assimilation (the Fig. 2. Score on the explicit measure of narrative collective assimilation (the
identity Implicit Association Test, or IAT) as a function of book read and level Twilight/Harry Potter Narrative Collective-Assimilation Scale) as a function of
of collective self-construal (CSC). Positive values indicate identification with book read and level of collective self-construal (CSC). Higher values indicate
vampires, whereas negative values indicate identification with wizards. “High” identification with vampires, whereas lower values indicate identification with
CSC was defined as 1 standard deviation above the mean, and “low” CSC was wizards. “High” CSC was defined as 1 standard deviation above the mean, and
defined as 1 standard deviation below the mean. “low” CSC was defined as 1 standard deviation below the mean.
Narrative Collective Assimilation 993

mediation, we regressed positive mood on overall narrative celebrities; Derrick, Gabriel, & Tippin, 2008) and remind one of
collective assimilation and life satisfaction simultaneously. existing relationships (i.e., foods can have cognitive associa-
Increased life satisfaction still predicted mood (β = 0.275, p = tions with primary relationship partners; Troisi & Gabriel, 2011).
.001), but the relationship between narrative collective assimi- The current research suggests another mechanism for social sur-
lation and mood was no longer significant (β = 0.121, p = .153; rogacy: affiliation with symbolic groups.
see Fig. 3). A Sobel test confirmed that the mediation was sig- Finally, the current research increases what is known about
nificant (z = 1.95, p = .05).5 In other words, narrative collec- the ability of collective connections to fulfill belongingness
tive assimilation put participants in a good mood because it needs. Although connections to groups have long been identi-
made them feel better about their lives. fied as a means of social connection, most research on the
need to belong has tended to focus on relational bonds (Bau-
meister & Leary, 1995). This is surprising given the preva-
Discussion lence of group identifications in society (e.g., team fandom,
The proposed narrative collective-assimilation hypothesis was family groups, ethnic-group affiliation). The present research
supported by results for both explicit and implicit measures; adds to what is known about the utility and availability of col-
participants who read the Harry Potter chapters associated lective identities by demonstrating the ease and consequences
themselves with wizards, whereas those who read the Twilight of collective assimilation.
chapter associated themselves with vampires. Furthermore, The pleasure of immersing oneself in narratives is not sur-
for both measures, the effects were moderated by the degree to prising or novel to anyone who has ever been lucky enough to
which participants tended to fulfill their belongingness needs get lost in a good book. However, the current research sug-
through collectives. This finding supports our argument that gests that books give readers more than an opportunity to tune
narrative collective assimilation is related to the desire to out and submerge themselves in fantasy worlds. Books pro-
belong to groups. Also supportive of the link between narra- vide the opportunity for social connection and the blissful
tive collective assimilation and belongingness needs is our calm that comes from becoming a part of something larger
finding that greater narrative collective assimilation predicted than oneself for a precious, fleeting moment.
increased life satisfaction and positive affect, two common
outcomes of a satiated need to belong. Acknowledgments
This research complements and extends previous research The authors would like to thank Amanda Arnst, Jessica Egles, Alyssa
on narratives and fulfillment of social needs (e.g., Mar & Oat- Geisler, Kelly Law, Michael Neste, Nicole Wilcocks, and Rachel
ley, 2008). For example, although previous research found that Wollenberg for their help with data collection.
narratives alleviate loneliness (Derrick et al., 2009), no spe-
cific mechanism for that action was identified. The current Declaration of Conflicting Interests
research suggests that narratives alleviate loneliness by pro- The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with
viding a collective identity that is easily assumed and psycho- respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
logically rewarding.
This research also increases understanding of how social sur- Notes
rogates, or symbolic means of fulfilling relationships, function. 1. The other component of the need to belong is the need to have
Previous research demonstrated that social surrogates can intimate relationships (Brewer & Gardner, 1996).
provide symbolic relationship partners (i.e., affiliation with 2. Seven participants indicated suspicion when probed about the
experiment (i.e., they thought the study was examining whether
reading a book would change one’s personality). Analyses exclud-
Narrative 0.18* (0.12)
Positive ing these participants yielded results indistinguishable from those
Mood obtained when these participants were included, so they were not
removed from the sample.
3. Liking of the book, transportation, relational self-construal, and
previous exposure to the book also interacted with book read. How-
0.215** 0.275** (0.267**) ever, when all of the interactions and main effects were entered into
Increased the model concurrently, only the two-way interactions of book read
Life with collective self-construal and liking of the book remained. The
Satisfaction more participants liked the book, the stronger the collective assim-
Fig. 3. Results of the analysis of increased life satisfaction as a mediator ilation. More details on this and other analyses are available upon
of the relationship between narrative collective assimilation and positive request from the first author.
mood. The figure shows standardized regression coefficients; values outside 4. No other variables, including relational self-construal, were sig-
parentheses were obtained when each predictor was entered into the model
nificant moderators of the effect of book read on the explicit measure.
separately, and values inside parentheses were obtained when the predictors
were entered simultaneously. Asterisks indicate significant coefficients (*p 5. The alternate mediation model, with mood as a mediator of
.05; **p .01). the relationship between narrative collective assimilation and life
994 Gabriel, Young

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doi: 10.1093/scan/nsv114
Advance Access Publication Date: 4 September 2015
Original Article

Reading fiction and reading minds: the role of

simulation in the default network
Diana I. Tamir,1 Andrew B. Bricker,2 David Dodell-Feder,3 and
Jason P. Mitchell3
Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, 2Department of English, McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and 3Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
Correspondence should be addressed to Diana I. Tamir, Peretsman-Scully Hall, Washington Street, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA.

Research in psychology has suggested that reading fiction can improve individuals’ social-cognitive abilities. Findings from
neuroscience show that reading and social cognition both recruit the default network, a network which is known to support
our capacity to simulate hypothetical scenes, spaces and mental states. The current research tests the hypothesis that
fiction reading enhances social cognition because it serves to exercise the default subnetwork involved in theory of mind.
While undergoing functional neuroimaging, participants read literary passages that differed along two dimensions: (i) vivid
vs abstract and (ii) social vs non-social. Analyses revealed distinct subnetworks of the default network respond to the two
dimensions of interest: the medial temporal lobe subnetwork responded preferentially to vivid passages, with or without
social content; the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) subnetwork responded preferentially to passages with social and
abstract content. Analyses also demonstrated that participants who read fiction most often also showed the strongest social
cognition performance. Finally, mediation analysis showed that activity in the dmPFC subnetwork in response to the social
content mediated this relation, suggesting that the simulation of social content in fiction plays a role in fiction’s ability to
enhance readers’ social cognition.

Key words: fiction; reading; theory of mind; default network; simulation; functional MRI

Introduction who demonstrate greater civic engagement, including higher

Readers of fiction can transcend the here-and-now to experi- levels of volunteering, donating and voting, than non-readers
ence worlds, people and mental states that differ vastly from (Katz, 2006). How might reading effect its influence on these
their local reality. The consequences of reading, however, ex- individuals?
tend far beyond the subjective experience of any one individual. Recent research in psychology suggests that readers make
Researchers from fields as diverse as evolutionary psychology, good citizens because reading may improve one’s ability to em-
literary studies and anthropology have independently credited pathize with and understand the thoughts and feelings of other
literacy as a possible explanation for such fundamental societal people. Readers of fiction score higher on measures of empathy
shifts as the decline in human violence over the past few centu- and theory of mind (ToM)—the ability to think about others’
ries, the development of desire-based over rule-based social thoughts and feelings—than non-readers, even after controlling
interactions, and the advent of ‘modern subjectivity’ (Lukacs, for age, gender, intelligence and personality factors (Mar et al.,
1920; Watt, 1957; Ong, 1982; McKeon, 1987; Habermas, 1991; 2006, 2009, 2010). Developmental work has likewise shown a
Pinker, 2011). Such large-scale societal impacts may neverthe- correlation between reading and social cognition. Children be-
less begin with small behavioral changes in individual readers, tween the ages of four and six who were exposed to more

Received: 25 May 2015; Revised: 1 September 2015; Accepted: 1 September 2015

C The Author (2015). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:

216 | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2016, Vol. 11, No. 2

juvenile fiction performed better at ToM tasks than children et al., 2001; Buckner and Carroll, 2007; Schacter and Addis, 2007;
with less exposure, again controlling for such potentially con- Spreng et al., 2009). The default network is recruited whenever
founding factors as age, gender, vocabulary and parental in- people conjure up experiences outside of their local experiences,
come (Mar et al., 2010). Other developmental work has similarly such as thinking about the future or the past, mentally construct-
demonstrated that the frequency of parent–child picture book ing places and spaces, imagining hypothetical events and think-
reading and parents’ use of mental state terms predict false- ing about another’s perspective (Okuda et al., 2003; Addis et al.,
belief task performance (Adrian et al., 2005), and that the use of 2007; Buckner and Carroll, 2007; Hassabis et al., 2007; Schacter
stories that contain more emotional, social and psychologically et al., 2007; Szpunar et al., 2007; Botzung et al., 2008; Hassabis and
convincing content predicts empathy and socioemotional ad- Maguire, 2009; Tamir and Mitchell, 2011). The entirety of the de-
justment (Aram and Aviram, 2009). Recent experimental re- fault network has been associated with simulation in general but
search has further shown that fiction reading plays a causal research has also demonstrated that two distinct subnetworks of
rather than just correlational role in the development of social- the default network are recruited differentially when simulating
cognitive skills, such that among adults, fiction reading en- vivid spatial content and mental content, respectively (Andrews-
hances ToM performance (Kidd and Castano, 2013) and em- Hanna et al., 2010). More specifically, scene construction and the
pathy (Bal and Veltkamp, 2013). simulation of vivid physical spaces rely on neural structures
However, not all reading improves social cognition. One within more ventral aspects of the default network, such as the
study found that after controlling for demographic factors, per- ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), hippocampal and para-
sonality traits and exposure to non-fiction and other fiction hippocampal gyri and retrosplenial cortex (Hassabis et al., 2007;
genres, only exposure to Romance significantly predicted ToM Hassabis and Maguire, 2009), structures that comprise the default
performance (Fong et al., 2013). In another series of studies, network’s MTL subnetwork. Conversely, studies of human social
though high-quality ‘literary’ fiction consistently improved so- cognition suggest that thinking about people and mental states
cial cognition, lower-quality fiction and non-fiction did not recruits a separate set of regions, including the dorsomedial pre-
(Kidd and Castano, 2013). Indeed, people who regularly read frontal cortex (dmPFC), anterior temporal poles and TPJ (Mitchell
non-fiction do not have better social abilities and may have et al., 2002; Saxe and Wexler, 2005; Mitchell, 2008), structures that
worse social abilities than more infrequent readers of non- comprise the default mode’s dmPFC subnetwork. Researchers
fiction (Mar et al., 2006, 2009). However, at least one study found have noted the overlap between the dmPFC subnetwork and the
that people randomly assigned to read either literary fiction or network of brain regions associated with ToM, suggesting that
literary non-fiction did not differ in empathy change pre- to ToM may rely on simulation processes (Andrews-Hanna et al., processing
post-reading; only when taking participants’ openness into ac-
count did the expected difference between fiction and non-
2010; Spreng and Grady, 2010; Mars et al., 2012).
Fiction reading, which engenders simulations of vivid and
fiction emerge (Djikic et al., 2013). social content, also recruits the default network (Mar, 2004,
Developmental research further suggests that quality and 2011). Thus, the overlap between reading and simulation is per-
genre may not be the only features that moderate reading’s abil- haps unsurprising, given that narratives often invoke vivid de-
ity to improve social cognition; content, and the kinds of cogni- scriptive language to transport readers to far-off places, and
tive demands that a piece makes on readers, may also play an engage readers with characters’ actions, interactions and men-
world important role. In one experiment, children who read books
that required them to construct their own social interpretations
tal states. Both the simulation of physical spaces and of mental
entities provides a plausible explanation for why reading reli-
building performed better on social-cognition tasks than children ably activates the default network (Mar, 2004; Yarkoni et al.,
exposed to stories that explicitly provided such metacognitive 2008, 2011; Mason and Just, 2009; Speer et al., 2009). However,
language (Peskin and Astington, 2004). In a similar vein, adults the relation between default network activity and the simula-
assigned to read fiction over a 1-week period demonstrated tion of scenes and minds, respectively, during fiction reading
positive changes in empathy only when they reported high has yet to be explicitly tested. This study first empirically tests
emotional transportation into the story (Bal and Veltkamp, the hypothesis that reading recruits the default network be-
2013), suggesting that immersion into and simulation of the cause it evokes both of these types of simulation.
mental and emotional lives of the characters may be the mech- In addition, we capitalize on this hypothesized overlap be-
anism of change. tween simulation and fiction reading to test the hypothesis
Taken together, these findings suggest that the effectiveness that, by recruiting the default network while reading, readers
with which literature improves social cognition may depend on may practice the types of simulation necessary for solving so- reading
how well it demands attention to others’ mental states. That is, cial tasks. However, not all types of simulation should play a is plastic
perhaps literary fiction improves social cognition to the extent commensurate role in the relation between reading and for real
that it requires readers to mentally construct social contexts. enhanced social cognition. As suggested by previous research world
Such high-quality practice in simulation—or the capacity to ex- (Peskin and Astington, 2004), only simulations of social content scenarios
perience realities outside of the ‘here-and-now’, including should provide relevant social practice, whereas simulations of
hypothetical events, distant worlds, and other people’s subject- non-social scenes, events or hypothetical scenarios should fail
ive experience—then translates into real-world consequences to provide relevant social practice. This proposed dynamic rela-
for readers’ social cognition (Zunshine, 2006). tionship between neural function and experience is supported
Because we now know a great deal about the neural networks by neuroplasticity literature, which has demonstrated that re-
involved in such simulation processes, work in neuroimaging peated engagement in cognitive processes can lead to positive
presents a unique way to test this prediction. In particular, our changes in the neural networks supporting those cognitive
brain’s default network, which comprises the medial prefrontal processes (Draganski and May, 2008; Klingberg, 2010; Anguera
cortex (mPFC), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), posterior superior et al., 2013; Lovden et al., 2013; Merzenich et al., 2014). Thus, here,
temporal sulcus (pSTS), temporal parietal junction (TPJ), anterior repeated engagement in social simulation vis-à-vis fiction read-
medial temporal gyrus and medial temporal lobes (MTLs), is re- ing may lead to beneficial changes in the default network,
sponsible for supporting our capacity for simulation (Raichle which may carry concomitant benefits for social ability. Said
D. I. Tamir et al. | 217

otherwise, fiction reading may impact social ability through its features: Social passages were selected to be highly social and
effect on the neural system supporting social simulation. We personal, and contain either one person or groups of people;
note the possibility that individuals who have greater ToM abil- Vivid passages were selected to be high on vividness and move-
ity may read more fiction, in which case greater ToM ability ment and low on abstractness. There were a total of four pas-
may predispose individuals to engage in more simulation, sage types. Vivid/Social passages describe vivid scenes or
which may make reading fiction more enjoyable. However, cur- events that include references to mental states, individuals or
rent empirical work suggests a causal effect of fiction reading groups of people. Vivid/Non-social passages describe vivid
on ToM (Peskin and Astington, 2004; Mar et al., 2010; Bal and physical scenes or events but lack references to mental states,
Veltkamp, 2013; Kidd and Castano, 2013), rather than the re- individuals or groups of people. Abstract/Social passages use
verse. Thus, taken together, we further hypothesize that neural abstract language and thus lack easily imagined physical scenes
activity while simulating social content, but not vivid physical but include references to mental states, individuals or groups of
scenes, should mediate the relation between fiction reading people. Finally, Abstract/Non-social passages use abstract lan-
and ToM. guage and lack imaginable physical scenes, people and mental
To test these hypotheses, participants in this study under- states. Importantly, the four types of passages did not differ in
went functional neuroimaging scanning while they read literary their pretest ratings of boringness or wordiness or in average
excerpts designed to engender both simulations of vivid phys- reading time (Supplementary Materials B).
ical scenes and simulations of social content. Outside of the During scanning, participants read 13 passages of each type,
scanner, participants provided measures of their reading behav- for a total of 52 passages. In addition, 13 fixation periods (each
ior and ToM ability. We expect that reading, which engenders lasting 30 s) were included. The 52 passages and fixation periods
simulation, should preferentially recruit the default network. were presented in a random order for each participant, divided
More specifically, simulations of vivid scenes should evoke ac- among five consecutive runs of 442 s each.
tivity in the MTL subnetwork of the default network whereas
simulations of social content should evoke activity in the
dmPFC subnetwork of the default network. Further, we expect fMRI data acquisition and analysis
that the extent of fiction reading should predict ToM perform- Functional data were acquired using a gradient-echo echo-pla-
ance, replicating previous research on the relation between nar pulse sequence (TR ¼ 2 s; TE ¼ 30 ms) on a 3T Siemens Trio.
reading and social cognition. Finally, to the extent that simula- Images were acquired using 36 axial, interleaved slices with a
tion of social content provides the practice necessary for im- thickness of 3 mm (0.5 mm skip) and 3 " 3 in-plane resolution
provements in social cognition, we expect that neural activity and online motion correction. Functional images were prepro-
specific to social simulations should mediate this relation be- cessed and analyzed using SPM8 (Wellcome Department of
tween fiction reading and ToM. Cognitive Neurology, London, UK;
spm/). Data were first spatially realigned to correct for head
movement and then unwarped to reduce image distortions.
Method Images were then normalized to a standard anatomical space
Participants (3 mm isotropic voxels) based on the ICBM 152 brain template
(Montreal Neurological Institute). Normalized images were then
Twenty-six (16 female) right-handed, native English speakers spatially smoothed using an 8 mm FWHM Gaussian kernel.
with no history of neurological problems participated in this Preprocessed images were analyzed using a general linear
study (M age ¼ 21.2 years; range ¼ 19–26 years). All participants model in which the events were modeled using a canonical
provided consent in a manner approved by the Committee on hemodynamic response function and covariates of no interest
the Use of Human Subjects at Harvard University. (session mean, linear trends and six motion realignment par-
ameters). Events began at the onset of the presentation of the
passage and lasted for a duration of either 30 s, or until the par-
fMRI reading task ticipant indicated that he or she had finished reading the pas-
While undergoing fMRI scanning, participants read a series sage by pressing a button. Trials were conditionalized based on
of literary passages, excerpted from a wide variety of sources, the type of passage presented, resulting in four conditions of
including novels, biographies, magazines, newspapers and self- interest: Vivid/Social, Vivid/Non-social, Abstract/Social and
help books (Supplementary Materials A). Each passage came Abstract/Non-social. To test whether reading recruited the de-
from a unique source. For each trial, participants were pre- fault network, primary analyses identified voxels in which
sented with one passage to read (M length ¼ 85 words; BOLD response differed along the two dimensions of interest;
range ¼ 56–106). Instructions emphasized that participants that is, vividness (Vivid/Social þ Vivid/Non-social) > (Abstract/
should pay full attention as they read each passage and that Social þ Abstract/Non-social) and sociality (Vivid/
they did not need to finish reading the passage within the time Social þ Abstract/Social) > (Vivid/Non—social). Analyses were
allotted. Passages remained on screen for up to 30 s. performed individually for each participant, and contrast
Participants pressed a button under their index finger if they images generated within each participant were subsequently
finished the passage before 30 s after which the passage was entered into a second-level analysis treating participants as a
replaced by a fixation cross for the remainder of the 30 s period. random effect. Group level whole-brain contrasts employed an
Four seconds of fixation followed each 30 s reading period. experiment-wise threshold of P < 0.05 corrected for multiple
Passages varied systematically along two orthogonal dimen- comparisons per Slotnick and Schacter’s (2004) specifications;
sions: (i) the vividness with which they described physical Monte Carlo simulations indicated use of a statistical criterion
scenes (Vivid vs Abstract) and (ii) whether or not they described of 54 or more contiguous voxels at a voxel-wise threshold of
a person or a person’s mental content (Social vs Non-social). P < 0.01.
Passages were selected and categorized based on the pretest To test the hypothesis that the MTL subnetwork would pref-
ratings of a separate set of participants across a variety of erentially respond to the vividness of passages and the dmPFC
218 | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2016, Vol. 11, No. 2

subnetwork to the socialness of passages, we assessed neural outcome, (iii) accidental harm—neutral intention/negative out-
responses to the reading task in independently defined regions- come and (iv) attempted harm—negative intention/neutral out-
of-interest (ROIs). ROIs were defined as 8 mm spheres centered come. After reading each vignette, participants judged the
on the coordinates for each of the 11 regions independently permissibility of the actor’s behavior on a scale from 1 (forbid-
identified by Andrews-Hanna (2010). Using functional connect- den) to 5 (permissible). Participants read and answered all moral
ivity analyses, Andrews-Hanna et al. (2010) identified 11 default judgment questions at their own pace. Given that the intention
network regions, divided into three functionally and anatomic- differs from the outcome in the accidental and attempted harm
ally distinct subnetworks: (i) a MTL subnetwork that comprises scenarios, judgments of moral permissibility reflect the extent
the hippocampal formation, parahippocampal cortex, retrosple- to which participants take into account the actor’s intention as
nial cortex, posterior intraparietal lobe and vmPFC; (ii) a dmPFC opposed to the outcome. Thus, to the extent that participants
subnetwork that comprises the dmPFC, temporal pole, lateral consider the actor’s intention, participants should judge the ac-
temporal cortex and temporal-parietal junction; and (iii) a ‘core’ tion in accidental harm scenarios as more permissible and judge
subnetwork that comprises the PCC and mPFC (Andrews-Hanna the action in attempted harm scenarios as less permissible (see
et al., 2010). Parameter estimates for the Social > Non-social and Supplementary Materials C for more information). Using this
Vivid > Abstract contrasts were extracted from these ROIs to task, previous researchers have shown that responses to these
examine how each subnetwork responds to simulating physical two scenario types provide a sensitive measure of ToM (Young
and mental events during reading. Activity within each subnet- et al., 2010a,b; Moran et al., 2011).
work was then calculated as the average parameter among the
regions composing that network. Follow-up analyses evaluated fMRI reading task memory assessment. Finally, participants com-
individual ROI response within each network. Four outliers pleted a surprise memory assessment for the stimuli presented
(>2.5 s.d. of the mean) were identified and Winsorized by during the reading task. This task measured the extent to which
replacing them with the next highest non-outlying value and they had remained attentive during the scanning session based
adding 10% of that value to maintain variance. Of note, the dir- on their ability to recognize a series of sentences that either had
ection and significance of the findings did not change when been presented during scanning (‘old’) or had not been seen
using the Winsorized values. (‘new’). Performance was assessed by calculating d-prime for
each participant (Supplementary Materials D).
Behavioral measures
In addition to the reading task, participants also completed be- Brain-behavior analysis
havioral surveys outside of the scanner. We measured partici-
One outlier was identified in the moral judgment data and was
pants’ exposure to both fiction and non-fiction and their social-
Winsorized. We evaluated the relationship between the behav-
cognitive abilities to assess whether participants showed the
ioral measures with bivariate Pearson correlations. These val-
expected relation between fiction reading and ToM (Mar et al.,
ues are accompanied by bias-corrected and accelerated 95% CIs
2006, 2009).
generated from 5000 bootstrap samples in SPSS. To evaluate the
hypothesis that fiction reading impacts ToM ability, in part,
Fiction reading. Participants completed the author recognition through its effect on the neural bases of social simulation, we
test (ART) to assess the extent to which they read fiction and tested a mediation model with fiction reading (fiction ART
non-fiction in their daily lives. This measure was originally de- score) as the predictor variable, neural activity for social simula-
veloped by Stanovich and West (1989) but participants in this tion as the mediator and as an index of ToM ability, perform-
study saw the most recently updated and validated version of ance on the moral judgment task as the outcome variable. We
the ART developed by Mar et al. (2006). For this test, participants used a non-parametric bootstrapping procedure to estimate the
were presented with the names of fiction authors (50 names), indirect effect; that is, the path from the predictor to the out-
non-fiction authors (50 names) and 40 foils, and were asked to come variable through the mediator (fiction reading ! neural
place checkmarks next to the names that they recognized as au- basis of social simulation ! ToM ability). Estimates of the indir-
thors. Participants needed only to recognize a name as that of ect effect are accompanied by bias-corrected and accelerated
an author but were not required to have read any of the author’s 95% CIs derived from 5000 bootstrap samples. As measures of
work. Participants were told that some of the names were of effect size, we provide the proportion of variance accounted for
people who are not writers. In this way the ART discourages by the mediated effect (R2med) and, as recommended by
guessing and overcomes potential issues of self-report bias. Preacher and Kelley (2011), j2, which represents the ratio of in-
Following Stanovich and West (1989), fiction and non-fiction direct effect observed relative to the maximum possible indirect
ART scores were calculated separately as the number of fiction effect. This analysis was implemented in SPSS with the
or non-fiction author names a participant recognized, respect- PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2013).
ively, minus the number of foils they reported recognizing.

ToM. Participants also completed a ToM task that assessed the Results
extent to which they spontaneously think about intentions
fMRI results
when judging an individual’s behavior. For this task, partici-
pants read 48 vignettes in which an actor engages in a behavior Our primary analyses identified brain regions that responded to
with either a negative or neutral outcome, on the basis of either the two features of interest: (i) the vividness with which pas-
a negative or a neutral intention (Young et al., 2010a). The nega- sages described physical scenes and events and (ii) whether or
tive and neutral intentions were fully counterbalanced with the not they described a person or a person’s mental content.
negative and neutral outcomes across 48 stimuli, resulting in 12 Consistent with earlier research, both vivid passages and social
vignettes of four types: (i) no harm—neutral intention/neutral passages recruited regions of the default network significantly
outcome, (ii) intentional harm—negative intention/negative more than abstract and non-social passages. A whole-brain
D. I. Tamir et al. | 219

random-effects contrast of Social>Non-social passages revealed interaction effects between the social and vivid factors were
activity in dmPFC, vmPFC, lateral temporal cortex from the observed, F(1, 25) ¼ 0.01, P ¼ 0.92, partial g2 ¼ 0.00.
temporal pole to the TPJ bilaterally, bilateral hippocampi and bi- The core subnetwork did not show differential responses to
lateral IFG (Figure 1A; Table 1). A whole-brain random-effects Social vs Non-social passages, F(1, 25) ¼ 0.48, P ¼ 0.49, d ¼ 0.14 or
contrasts of Vivid>Abstract passages revealed robust activity Vivid vs Abstract passages, F(1, 25) ¼ 1.50, P ¼ 0.23, d ¼ $0.24. No
in MTL structures, including hippocampus and parahippocam- interaction effects between the social and vivid factors were
pus bilaterally, retrosplenial cortex and precuneus (Figure 1B; observed, F(1, 25) ¼ 0.18, P ¼ 0.67, partial g2 ¼ 0.01. Responses in
Table 1). individual regions within the network are presented in
To test the hypothesis that subnetworks of the default net- Supplementary Materials E.
work respond differentially to each of these two features of the Thus, both the whole-brain and ROI analyses suggest that
passages, we assessed neural responses to the four passage the default network does indeed respond differentially to liter-
types within the three subnetworks identified by Andrews- ary passages depending on their content. Different subnetworks
Hanna et al. (2010) (Figure 1C). Consistent with the whole-brain of the default network distinguished between the vividness of a
analysis demonstrating that the subnetworks differentially re- passage and the social content of a passage. The MTL network
spond to the social content and vividness of the passages, a 3 responded most robustly to passages designed to be easy to
Subnetwork (Core, MTL, dmPFC) " 2 Vividness (Vivid, simulate because they are rich in vivid details, whereas the
Abstract) " 2 Sociality (Social, Non-Social) repeated-measures dmPFC subnetwork responds most robustly to passages de-
ANOVA revealed an interaction between Subnetwork and signed to be easy to simulate because they contain references to
Sociality, F(2, 50) ¼ 3.51, P ¼ 0.04, partial g2 ¼ 0.12, Subnetwork people or mental states.
and Vividness, F(2, 50) ¼ 19.64, P < 0.001, partial g2 ¼ 0.44, and a
three-way interaction between Subnetwork, Sociality and
Vividness, F(2, 50) ¼ 4.96, P ¼ 0.01, partial g2 ¼ 0.17.
Behavioral results
Follow-up 2 " 2 repeated-measures ANOVA within subnet- Performance on the scanner task and behavioral measures
works revealed that the vividness of the passages significantly are presented in Supplementary Materials D and F, respect-
affected activity in the MTL subnetwork, F(1, 25) ¼ 4.38, P < 0.05, ively. We found that people who read more fiction were more
Cohen’s d ¼ 0.42, but the presence of people or mental content likely to take intentions into account when judging attempted
in the passages had no effect on the MTL subnetwork, F(1, harm scenarios (i.e. negative intention/neutral outcomes).
25) ¼ 0.21, P ¼ 0.65, d ¼ 0.09. This suggests that the MTL network Specifically, participants’ fiction ART scores were
responded most robustly to passages that vividly described significantly correlated with their ratings on the moral judg-
scenes but did not differentiate between passages with or ment task, r(24) ¼ $0.44, P ¼ 0.02, 95% CI [$0.66, $0.12] (Figure
without people. No interaction effects between the social and 2C), such that greater fiction reading was associated with
vivid factors were observed, F(1, 25) ¼ 2.66, P ¼ 0.12, partial judging actions as less permissible on attempted harm
g2 ¼ 0.10. scenarios.
In contrast, a 2 " 2 repeated-measures ANOVA over activity This positive association between reading and ToM was
in the dmPFC subnetwork revealed two main effects. First, the specific to fiction reading. Non-fiction ART scores among par-
presence of people in the passages significantly affected activity ticipants did not correlate with moral judgments of failed
in the dmPFC subnetwork, F(1, 25) ¼ 8.21, P < 0.01, d ¼ 0.57, such harm, r(24) ¼ $0.15, P ¼ 0.48, 95% CI [$0.48, 0.22], even though
that this subnetwork responded more robustly to the presence the extent to which participants read fiction and non-fiction
of people and mental states in literary passages. Unexpectedly, was highly correlated, r(24) ¼ 0.80, P < 0.001, 95% CI [0.64, 0.91].
we also observed a second main effect: abstract passages eli- Such findings replicate numerous previous studies that dem-
cited more activity in the dmPFC subnetwork than vivid pas- onstrate that exposure to fiction, but not non-fiction, predicts
sages, F(1, 25) ¼ 28.72, P ¼ 0.001, d ¼ 1.07, suggesting that the enhanced ToM (Mar et al., 2006, 2009, 2010; Kidd and Castano,
dmPFC subnetwork responds robustly to abstract content. No 2013).

Fig 1. BOLD differences for main effect of (A) Social > Non-social (B) Vivid > Abstract, (C) and results of ROI analysis of both contrasts. Both whole-brain and ROI analyses
show that the dmPFC subnetwork of the default network responded most robustly to literary passages containing people or mental content, whereas the MTL subnet-
work responded most robustly to vivid physical descriptions.
220 | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2016, Vol. 11, No. 2

Table 1. Peak voxel and cluster size for all regions obtained from a Table 1. (continued)
contrast of Social > Non-social and Vivid > Abstract (cluster-level cor- Anatomic label x y z Volume Max t
rected P < 0.05)
Cerebellum 30 $83 $26 2659 6.12
Anatomic label x y z Volume Max t
$42 $73 $22 167 3.99
Middle frontal gyrus $46 11 52 1294 5.78
40 59 $4 814 4.22
Social > non-social
Inferior parietal lobule 44 $57 40 1132 4.69
Anterior temporal pole 34 31 $42 5362 6.99
Occipital cortex 46 $83 $4 272 4.43
$44 9 $36 6189 6.96
$4 $91 $20 71 3.51
Primary motor cortex $42 $15 72 1159 6.94
36 $83 18 78 3.40
54 1 58 591 5.74
PCC $2 $43 32 191 3.90
22 $5 84 202 4.49
Inferior frontal gyrus 60 27 6 502 5.21
46 29 $10 88 3.39
Brain-behavior results
Cerebellum 26 $83 $34 586 5.01
$26 $79 $38 146 4.21 Based on the extant literature, we hypothesized that the neural
0 $51 $36 77 3.12 basis of social simulation would explain the link between fiction
Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex $10 59 46 1741 4.75 reading and ToM ability. That is, fiction reading improves ToM,
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex 6 49 $14 302 4.38 in part, through its effect on the neural basis of social simula-
Occipital cortex 16 $107 24 55 3.98 tion. Because reading mental and vivid physical passages differ-
$8 $81 10 139 3.57 entially recruited distinct subnetworks of the default network,
$50 $97 6 55 3.43 we were able to address this question using dmPFC subnetwork
16 $79 14 61 2.86 activity to social passages as an index of social simulation. If fic-
Non-social > social tion reading enhances ToM because doing so activates or trains
Inferior temporal gyrus $58 $55 $12 2554 7.45 the neural networks involved in ToM (i.e. the dmPFC subnet-
Middle frontal gyrus 48 37 24 16836 7.02 work), then we would expect the dmPFC subnetwork response
$30 35 $12 6.85
to the mental simulations to mediate the relation between fic-
Inferior parietal lobule $50 $49 52 12634 6.78
tion reading and ToM.
52 $41 50 6.10
These questions were addressed with mediation analysis.
Middle temporal gyrus 60 $47 $10 1028 6.08
The paths between the predictor (fiction ART), mediator (dmPFC
Superior temporal gyrus 52 1 $6 1186 4.68
subnetwork activity for Social > Non-social) and outcome vari-
$52 $7 $2 142 4.29
Parahippocampal gyrus 24 $37 $4 113 4.40
able (moral judgments on the attempted harm scenarios) were
$32 $43 $10 589 3.85 significant in the predicted directions (Figure 2): fiction reading
34 $21 $32 60 3.26 was positively associated with considering actors’ intention
Cerebellum 56 $67 $42 348 4.14 when making moral judgments, and with dmPFC subnetwork
Insula $36 13 4 451 3.98 activity; dmPFC subnetwork activity was positively associated
Occipital cortex 44 $75 4 98 3.48 with considering actors’ intention when making moral judg-
Vivid > abstract ments. Importantly, the direct effect of fiction reading on moral
Parahippocampal gyrus 18 $13 $20 1038 6.82 judgments was no longer significant when controlling for
Inferior parietal lobule $66 $35 38 1098 6.71 dmPFC subnetwork activity. Bootstrap analysis of the indirect
62 $39 44 58 3.01 effect (coefficient ¼ $0.02, SE ¼ 0.01) generated a CI that did not
Fusiform gyrus $34 $35 $20 1556 6.63 encompass zero, 95% CI [$0.05, $0.001], indicating that dmPFC
Angular gyrus $36 $87 36 809 6.37 subnetwork activity mediated the relationship between fiction
44 $75 32 640 4.77 reading and moral judgments (R2med ¼ 0.16, 95% CI [0.02, 0.37];
Middle temporal gyrus $52 $63 $2 679 5.54 j2 ¼ 0.21, 95% CI [0.03, 0.46]).
PCC 10 $53 14 1743 4.94 Since the dmPFC subsystem also responded preferentially to
Middle frontal gyrus $38 35 18 931 4.88
abstract vs vivid passages, one possibility is that simulation of
48 51 24 66 3.21
abstract and non-social features of fiction in this subsystem
Inferior frontal gyrus 48 31 6 326 3.98
contributed to the mediated effect. We evaluated this possibility
22 27 $12 162 3.38
by running an additional mediation model controlling for the
Precuneus $8 $35 46 378 3.60
dmPFC subnetwork’s response to Abstract > Vivid passages. The
STS $40 $1 $20 87 3.29
Superior frontal gyrus 22 13 48 76 3.01
findings remain unchanged (Supplementary Materials G).
Abstract > vivid Another possibility is that fiction reading may impact ToM
Superior temporal gyrus $50 11 $24 10531 9.10 through its effect on the neural system selective for non-social
Inferior frontal gyrus $50 27 $12 8.25 simulation of vivid scenes. To evaluate this idea, we tested one
64 19 22 61 3.36 additional model using neural activity in the MTL subnetwork
62 9 38 166 3.26 for Vivid > Abstract as the mediator. Bootstrap analysis of the
Middle temporal gyrus $60 $23 $6 10531 7.96 indirect effect revealed that non-social simulation of vivid
64 $41 $12 2546 6.31 scenes also did not mediate the relation between fiction and
Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex $10 49 46 4539 8.08 ToM ability (Supplementary Materials H).
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex 0 43 $20 1478 6.71
Temporo-parietal junction $52 $63 30 1929 6.70 Discussion
Insula $32 3 8 591 6.54
The link between fiction reading and ToM occurs at multiple
continued levels of analysis. Psychologically, fiction readers possess
D. I. Tamir et al. | 221

Fig 2. Depiction of significant correlations between (A) fiction reading scores on the fiction ART and dmPFC subnetwork activity during Social > Non-social passages, (B)
between dmPFC subnetwork activity during Social > Non-social passages default activity and ToM task performance and (C) between fiction reading and ToM task per-
formance. (D) The effect of fiction reading on ToM task performance through dmPFC subnetwork activity for social passages. Bootstrap analysis of the indirect effect
indicated that dmPFC subnetwork activity mediated the relationship between fiction reading and ToM task performance. Unstandardized path coefficients shown with
SE in parentheses for each path. The dotted line represents the direct effect of fiction reading on ToM task performance (i.e. controlling for the effect of dmPFC subnet-
work activity). Note that the ‘More Intention’ and ‘Less Intention’ anchors on plots B and C are for visualization purposes only; participants rated each story on the
Moral Judgment Task from 1 (forbidden) to 5 (permissible). *P < 0.05.

stronger social-cognitive abilities than both non-readers and was significantly more responsive to abstract content than vivid
non-fiction readers (Mar et al., 2006, 2009, 2010). Historically, physical content. This finding may be consistent with prior lit-
highly literate societies, especially societies that produced psy- erature on semantic and conceptual processing. For example,
chologically rich literature, function more empathically and less prior work has found dmPFC and left TPJ to be preferentially
violently than less literate societies (Lukacs, 1920; Watt, 1957; engaged during abstract or high-level construal tasks (e.g. gen-
Ong, 1982; McKeon, 1987; Habermas, 1991; Pinker, 2011). And erating semantic categories) vs low-level construal tasks (e.g.
neurally, fiction reading and social cognition recruit an overlap- describing visual characteristics) regardless of the social con-
ping neural network (i.e. the default network) (Mar, 2004, 2011). tent (Baetens et al., 2014), a finding that has been further sub-
This study not only replicates previous findings that fiction stantiated with meta-analytic data (Binder et al., 2009).
reading both enhances social cognition and recruits the default Similarly, focusing on the abstract features of personal memo-
network but also draws together these findings to test two ries preferentially recruits dmPFC and left TPJ, whereas focusing
hypotheses about the nature of this relation between reading on concrete features of personal memories recruits aspects of
fiction and ToM. the MTL subsystem (D’Argembeau et al., 2014). Thus, our find-
First, this study demonstrates that fiction reading recruits ings regarding the preferential response of the dmPFC subnet-
the default network because it elicits at least two distinct types work to abstract vs vivid passages converge with other findings
of simulation: the simulation of vivid physical scenes and the on the role of this network in abstract processing.
simulation of people and minds. Each type of simulation re- Second, this study capitalized on these neural findings to
cruited distinct subnetworks of the default network. Consistent test the hypothesis that fiction reading improves ToM by pro-
with prior work evaluating non-social vs social scene construc- viding readers with the opportunity to exercise or practice men-
tion (Hassabis et al., 2014), simulations of physical scenes pri- tal simulation capacities that are also recruited during social-
marily recruited the MTL subnetwork of the default network, cognitive tasks. Said otherwise, fiction reading may impact ToM
while simulations of people and minds primarily recruited the through its influence on the neural basis of social simulation.
dmPFC subnetwork of the default network. Interestingly, and Mediation analysis was consistent with this idea. Specifically,
unexpectedly, this study also found that the dmPFC subnetwork we found that dmPFC subnetwork response to simulating
222 | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2016, Vol. 11, No. 2

people and minds mediated the relation between fiction read- content; multi-level psychological inferences (‘she believed that
ing and ToM. This effect was not changed when controlling for he believed . . . ’); free-indirect discourse (or the rendering of
the dmPFC subnetwork’s response to non-social abstract infor- first-person thoughts into third-person narration); and physical
mation. Furthermore, using MTL subnetwork activity to vivid vs actions linked to psychological states, thoughts and emotions
abstract scenes, we further ruled out the possibility that fiction (e.g. facial expressions and postures). Further narrative elem-
reading impacts ToM through its effect on non-social simula- ents, such as issues related to first- and third-person narration,
tion. Together, the results suggest that any positive effect of also present opportunities for further research into the relation
reading fiction on social-cognitive abilities might be due to the among fiction, social-cognitive abilities and simulation.
influence of reading on neural networks involved in simulating The current findings must be interpreted in the context of
social content and not non-social vivid scenes. This finding is several limitations. For one, given our sample size, the brain-
consistent with that of behavioral work demonstrating that fic- behavior correlations and mediation findings may be overesti-
tion reading over a 1-week period was associated with an in- mates of the true population effect (Button et al., 2013).
crease in empathy only when readers reported a high level of Additionally, though it is tempting to draw a causal inference
transportation (i.e. simulation) of the characters’ mental lives from the mediation findings, the current data are cross-
and story events (Bal and Veltkamp, 2013). We note that re- sectional and cannot definitively speak to a causal relationship
search in this field is nascent, and as such alternative models between the variables. As such, future longitudinal research
may be viable. For example, a reverse mediation model whereby should endeavor to establish that fiction reading enhances so-
ToM causally impacts the amount of fiction reading through its cial-cognitive abilities. Such a connection would hold extremely
impact on social simulation. However, the model tested here, in important real-world implications, perhaps guiding the direc-
which fiction reading impacts ToM through its effect on social tion of higher education and social initiatives more broadly, as
simulation specifically, is most consistent with the extant lit- well as potentially providing a tolerable and cost-effective inter-
erature regarding the nature and direction of the relations be- vention for social cognitive deficits in clinical populations.
tween the variables. However, this is not to preclude the possibility that future re-
These findings also suggest that future research should search might establish an inverse relation: that social-cognitive
focus on the content of literature to understand the relation be- abilities instead cause people to read fiction. In either case,
tween reading and ToM. Literature that effectively engages a there is still a great deal to be learned about the nature of social
reader in social content should be most likely to improve ToM; cognition, its relation to fiction reading, and their impacts on
literature that does not successfully engage a reader in social both personal choices and behavior.
thought, or that taxes a reader’s imagination only with hypo-
thetical events and places, should not. Previous researchers
have studied how genre (fiction vs non-fiction) or the quality Acknowledgments
(literary vs non-literary) of such works improves ToM (e.g. Fong
The authors thank John Bender, Susanna Carmona, Juan
et al., 2013; Kidd and Castano, 2013). The current research
Manuel Contreras, Eshin Jolly, Joe Moran, Brandi Newell,
manipulated content irrespective of genre. As such, these find-
ings suggest a need to reinterpret previous findings in terms of Kenneth Parreno, Amitai Shenhav, Emma Templeton,
content, and the kinds of cognitive demands that content Blakey Vermeule, Adam Waytz and Jamil Zaki for helpful
makes on readers. For example, literary fiction may just more advice and assistance.
effectively depict social content than low-quality literature, and
fiction may more often traffic in social content than non-
fiction. Funding
Nevertheless, the fact that the social content of a passage
Andrew Bricker was supported by fellowships from the
may play an important role in shaping social cognition raises
important consequences for future research in both psychology Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
and literary studies alike. For instance, our study does not dis- and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
cretely define and test every kind of social or mental inter-
action. That is, our ‘social’ passages sometimes contain either
one person or groups of people; they depict either the appear- Supplementary data
ance of an individual or describe a character’s abstract mental
Supplementary data are available at SCAN online.
content; or they describe purely social interactions among
groups of individuals. For both the psychologist and the literary Conflict of interest. None declared.
scholar, a closer analysis of the content of the ‘social’ passages
might reveal which aspects of social interaction and mental
content fiction readers respond to most robustly, both neurally References
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