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CSS Flex Wrap

Flex Wrap is a very useful property in case of overflow of content. By default, CSS Flexbox
tries to fit all the elements in a single row, it can result into overflow of content outside of
the flex-container.

Flex Wrap property automatically places the flex-items in the next row, when they don't
fit in a single row.

Flex-wrap: Wrap; - It activates the Wrap property. Now, all the overflown content will slip
into next row and out of the container.

Flex-wrap: Wrap-reverse; - It also wraps the content but all the flex-items will be
wrapped in a reverse order.

Flex-wrap: Nowrap; - It is the default value, flex-items won't get wrapped.

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CSS Flex Flow (Shorthand property)

CSS Flex Flow property is a shorthand property in which we can combine both Flex-
direction and Flex-Wrap properties. We can give the values for both the properties just
by separating them with a space.

<Flex-direction> <Flex-wrap>;

Example- Flex-flow: column wrap;

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<!DOCTYPE html>
.flex-container {
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
background-color: Tomato;
.flex-items {
background-color: #f1f1f1;
width: 100px;
margin: 5px;
text-align: center;
height: 40px;
font-size: 20px;
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="flex-items">1</div>
<div class="flex-items">2</div>
<div class="flex-items">3</div>
<div class="flex-items">4</div>
<div class="flex-items">5</div>
<div class="flex-items">6</div>

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Justify Content of a Row in CSS Flexbox

Justify Content property is used when you want to align the flex-items to be displayed in a
particular manner along the row(main axis).

It horizontally aligns the item as specified. It justifies the extra horizontal space present in a

For example, It can place items at the start, end or center and it can also manipulate the
space around the flex-items.

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There are different values that you can set to justify content:

justify-content:flex-start; - It places the flex-items at the starting of the flex(along the main
axis), i.e., extreme left.
justify-content:flex-end; - It places the flex-items at the ending of the flex(along the main
axis), i.e., extreme right.
justify-content:center; - It simply place the items in the center of the row. This
property along with align-items:center; is very useful in
centering the content within a flex-container.
justify-content:space-between; - It is a very useful property when there is some extra
space left in a row. It equally distribute the extra space in-between the flex-
items. The first and last item gets placed at left and right ends respectively and
then the space gets distributed between them. Look at the example to clarify its
justify-content:space-around; - This property will distribute equal amount of space to both left and
right side of a flex-item.

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Align Items in CSS Flexbox

Align Items positions the flex-items along the vertical space(cross axis).

If there is some vertical space left around the flex-items, then that space can be justified
by using align-items property.

It works same as justify-content but in cross axis.

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align-items:flex-start; - It places the flex-items at the starting of the flex(cross axis,

align-items:flex-end; - It places the flex-items at the ending of the flex, i.e., at the bottom
of the container.

align-items:center; - It aligns all the items in the center of the cross axis.

align-items:baseline; - This property aligns all the flex items on their baselines. The center
point of all the flex-items would be on a same straight line. It will get cleared in the

align-items:stretch; - This will stretch all the flex-items' height to fill all the available vertical
space. Remember that for stretch to work, the height of the flex-items should be set to

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Align-Content of a column in CSS Flexbox

Align-content is similar to justify-content but it works on the cross axis(vertical axis). It will
align the items on the vertical axis, if, there is some extra space left. It is a little bit different
than previous properties, there are some conditions that should be met, for it to work:

• There property flex-flow should be set to wrap or wrap-reverse.

• There should be multiple rows. It doesn't show any effect on a single row.

So, it is clear from the above conditions that this property will only work when the
flex-flow:wrap/wrap-reverse gets engaged, otherwise not.

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There are different values that can be set to align-content:

align-content:flex-start; - It places the flex items at the starting of the cross axis(vertical).

align-content:flex-end; - It aligns the flex-items at the end of the cross axis, i.e., bottom.

align-content:center; - All the items gets aligned in the center.

align-content:space-around; - This property will distribute equal amount of space to both

top and bottom side of a flex-items.

align-content:space-between; - It equally distribute the extra vertical space in-between the


align-content:stretch; - This property will stretch the height of all the flex-items to fill-up
the extra space present inside the container. Remember to use height:auto; on flex-items
for this property to show effect.
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If Align-content is used on a single row with wrap property active, then the
properties flex-start, flex-end, center and stretch will work but space-between
and space-around won't work.

It is same as using align-items, so for single rows, never use align-content, use

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Flex Items Properties

Order of Flex-Items

You can set order of display for the individual flex-items. By default, the items are ordered
according to their source code but in a flexbox this order can be changed.

For example, an item which is added in the last, inside a flexbox can be displayed in the
start by using order property.

The default order property for the flex items is 0. The order property accept integer
values. Any item with a lower order value than the other will be before the other items.

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<!DOCTYPE html>
.flex-container {
display: flex;
background-color: #f1f1f1;

.flex-items {
background-color: Tomato;
color: white;
width: 100px;
margin: 10px;
text-align: center;
height: 50px;
font-size: 25px;

<h1>Order Property</h1>
<div class="flex-container">
<div style="order: 4" class="flex-items">1</div>
<div style="order: 2" class="flex-items">2</div>
<div style="order: 1" class="flex-items">3</div>
<div style="order: 3" class="flex-items">4</div>
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