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Discussion Unit # 1

Cyber Security Regulations providers a comprehensive introduction and guidelines for securing
IT and computer systems as well as the precious data of any organization or individual with
intent to deploy these regulations for defensing their IT infrastructure against the cyber threats
and information theft. These security attacks include Computer Viruses, Worms, Phishing
Attacks, Denial of Services (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Servcies (DDoS) attacks, Cross
Scripting Attacks (XSS), Unauthorized System Access, Control System Attacks and even from
the online financial frauds regarding ecommerce activities. Cyber Security Regulations ensures
the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity and Authentication) traits related to the organizations and
individuals information and data. The Cyber Security Regulations enforces to companies and
business organizations for deployment of cyber security systems such as Firewalls, Intrusion
Detection and Prevention Systems and for taking other preventive measures like encrypted
communications, implementation of Login/Password security measures for defensing against the
security attacks [1].
Cyber Security Regulatory agencies plays a vital role for deployment of defense against cyber-
attacks and works collaboratively with Government and private sector business organizations for
improvement of cyber security measures. Cyber Security Regulatory agencies constitute cyber
laws after analyzing cyber security risks after keeping in view the directive and input of industry,
banking and business organization’s regulators. Cyber Security Regulatory agencies also develop
and provides comprehensive cyber security preventive measures guidelines and plans for
creating security defense and including cyber security as a factor of regulatory examination for
defeating cybersecurity attacks. The federal government is responsible for deputing
cybersecurity regulatory agencies for enforcement of cybersecurity regulations and laws with
collaboration of administrative agencies. These cyber security regulatory agencies are required to
be expert for constituting and enforcement of cybersecurity regulations. These cybersecurity
regulatory agencies are deputed because it is a complex task for federal government legislators to
establish laws for different domain timely and regulated and enforced by the federal government
agencies in time and actual spirit.
The federal government administrative procedure act asks to deputed cybersecurity regulatory
agencies beside the congress and judicial courts for developing and enforcement of cybersecurity
regulations and laws. The cybersecurity regulatory agencies then responsible for establishing
rules and regulations and announced the sanctions for enforcement and compliance for defensing
the cybersecurity attacks in organizations. Every Regulation and Act constituted by the
cybersecurity regulatory agency should be considered equivalent to the regulations and acts
legislated by the federal government or congress. All organizations, institutions and business
companies are responsible and bounded for enforcement of legislated cybersecurity regulations
and should be accountable for violating regulations of cybersecurity agencies. Furthermore,
cybersecurity agency also have rights for establishing a company that have to follow procedures
when issues related to personal identifiable information or personal health information are
required to address. The audit, compliance and privacy procedures also have to follow that can
cause for increasing the cybersecurity defense implementation in any organizations.
The strategies for effective enforcement of cybersecurity regulations and laws include the
providing of awareness regarding cybersecurity laws, collaboration with business organizations,
leveraging trusted resources, response plan implementation, security risk assessment [2], setting
the security goals, developing security regulations and policies and establishing economic


[1] Cyber-security regulation (2022) Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: (Accessed: January 11, 2023).

[2] How to plan & develop an effective cyber security strategy (2023) PurpleSec. Available at: (Accessed: January 11, 2023).

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