Electronics Chapter 2: Diodes Basics: Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra 1

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Electronics Chapter 2 : Diodes Basics

Table of Contents

Diode terminology
Diode symbol and convention : current flow and voltage drop
Current Voltage characteristic & exponential model, semi-log plot
Operating region
DC operating point (quiescent point) and load line, graphical analysis
Constant Voltage Drop (CVD) model
Diode circuit calculation using the CVD model, step by step
Circuits simulation : Simetrix

Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra 1

Diode terminology

Concept Description
Diode A non linear two-terminal device, that rectifies the current : the current passes
only in one direction
Switch The diode acts as a switch allowing or preventing the current to flow
Forward bias Biasing the diode in such a way so that the device allows themaximum current
flow, i.e. in only one direction
Reverse bias Bias voltage applied to the diode with a polarity such that no current flows, the
opposite of forward bias
Forward Voltage VD Forward Voltage Drop : The voltage drop between the two diode terminals
which results from the flow of forward current
Forward Current ID The current flowing through the diode under forward bias condition

Light emitting diodes A LED generates visible light when current passes through, when forward biased

Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra 2

Diode symbol and convention
Directions for current and voltage are deduced
from the passive convention sign.
For an ID current flow from Anode to Cathode :

Anode Cathode
Anode Cathode
+ -
As a reminder, the cathode is identified as the letter K
which flows from high potential/volatge (positive)
to low potential/voltage (negative),
K the voltage drop VD can be drawn.

Tips : the arrow in the diode symbol shows

the direction of the forward current flow (See later…)

Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra 3

𝐼 =𝑓 𝑉
Current Voltage characteristic can be plotted
on a lin-lin scale
Circuit for the current-voltage characteristic measurement

Explain how to measure VD and ID?


In practice :
V1 is a rampe voltage from 0V to 20V • For VD<0  ID  0, reverse bias, no current flow, the current is blocked
Choose for R1 values 1k, then 10k , then • For VD  0.6V, known as the knee voltage, the current strongly increases.
100k • For VD>0.7V, forward bias, a strong current flows through the diode
Diode 1N400x series family • The tangent of the vertical current increase cuts the axis of the abscissa
Measure VD and ID for each resistor, varying V1 at VD  0.7V
from 0V to 20V • In forward bias mode, the ID current flows with no limit, and the voltage
drop across the diode is 0.7V
• R1 limits the current in the circuit (protection)
• A diode is a non linear device : In forward bias, the current flows, and the voltage drop across
the diode is 0.7V, in reverse bias, the current is blocked. The current flow in one way,
Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra but not in the other way. 4
Exponential model of the diode

y-axis lin scale

Linear plot
A semilog plot of the I-V characteristics shows a straight line

Data (ID, VD) are related according to

an exponential relationship 𝐼 =𝑓 𝑉
x-axis lin scale

𝑞𝑉 𝑉 0.6 0.7 0.8

𝐼 = 𝐼 exp − 1 = 𝐼 exp −1
𝜂𝑘𝑇 𝜂𝑉

y-axis log scale

Semilog plot
IS saturation current (10 nA), q electron charge 1.602 10-16C, T
temperature in Kelvin, k Bolzmann constant,  the diode ideality.

is the thermal voltage  25.9mV at room temperature.

x-axis lin scale
ID Tips : the diode symbol like an arrow,
shows the direction of the permitted
+ - forward current flow
Tips : the current flowing through the diode
VD is controlled by the voltage drop across it

Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra 5

Operating region

Forward current

+ -
The diode works like a switch
Open Closed switch &
switch Voltage drop ( 0.7V)
The voltage drop is
to low to drive a
Reverse bias significant current Forward bias

Reverse bias Forward bias


Low saturation Vknee The diode starts
current conducting at knee voltage
Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra 6
DC operating point

Objective : deduce from the I-V characteristic of a diode, the voltage drop across the diode, and its current flow,
when the diode is used in a given circuit. We will use a graphical method known as the load line analysis.
 Curve ID=f(VD)
 The ID current follows an exponential law with VD ID
𝑞𝑉 𝑉
𝐼 = 𝐼 exp − 1 = 𝐼 exp −1
𝜂𝑘𝑇 𝜂𝑉
The 2 conditions are
 KVL must be satisfied by the circuit simultaneously met at
VD the point of intersection
ID 𝑉 −𝑉 −𝑉 =0
𝑉 − 𝑉 − +𝑅𝐼 =0 𝑉 ,𝐼
+ VR = R ID
𝑉 − 𝑉 = 𝑅𝐼
 KVL straight line ≡ load line
In the (ID, VD) plane 𝐼 = −
coordinates, this is a straight
line equation VD
𝑉 ,𝐼 Is the quiescent point, DC operating point, DCOP
Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra 7
From the behaviour of a diode (null current in reverse bias, strong increase
Constant Voltage Drop model of the current in forward bias with a resulting voltage drop  0.7V), a
simplified model can replace the exponential model :
We will then consider that in forward bias, the current
flows with no limit, and the voltage drop across the
diode is equal to 0.7V .
For circuit calculation in DC mode, using the Constant Voltage
Drop model:
• Make the assumption that the diode is forward biased
• Therefore, draw the permitted ID current flow through the
diode, and the VD voltage drop between the diode terminals
• Write the KVL equation, apply the Ohm law
• Find the literal expression of the current ID
• Calculate the numerical value of the current ID, with VD=0.7V 𝑉 < 0.7𝑉 𝑉 ≅ 0.7𝑉
(CVD model) 𝐼 ≅0 𝐼 >0
If the current is positive, the assumption is true,
and the diode is indeed forward biased.
If the current is negative, the assumption is false,
the current flow in opposite direction, hence the
diode is reverse-biased, i.e. an open circuit.
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CVD step by step

See face-to-face lecture…

Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra 9

Circuits simulation : Simetrix
Voltage measurement : CTRL + N
Step by step procedure Current measurement : CTRL + I


Schematic design Analysis mode : DC

DC measurements
Operating Point

Electronics 2 - Eric Christoffel - Unistra 10

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