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CUN- Programa de diseño gráfico – Historia del diseño I

Reflection on Design in Latin America

Challenges and evolution of design in Latin America

Jessica Lorena Neira López

This writing is a reflection of design in Latin America, based on the reading of the text of (Sarale, 2020) who, through a historical view
of design and a reading of society and communication, speaks of the challenges of today's designer who must adapt to changes in
society and to the forefront of the world from a global position that allows them to be an intermediary between culture, society, territory,
but above all the subjectivity of individuals.

Keywords: Design, Latin America, reflection, revolution, emotions

INTRODUCTION somewhat isolated from the evolution of the world, yet it

still has great representatives who have stood out
The society of knowledge, communication and design is a worldwide.
society in constant change and evolution, at first this was
seen in a sequential and not very dynamic way, in which the
This time in which a virus has invaded the world and
object of knowledge or product was the end of the design
somehow puts us in an equal place before the world, in
that creates the model of society, which is permeated by
which we are forced to connect with others and evolve in
various changes throughout history, in which various
aspects in which we were stagnant, and design It is one of
revolutions mobilized world thought, firstly the industrial
these, of course, the revolution at the level of information
revolution towards a focus on technologies leaving the
and communication technologies (ICTs) is a phenomenon
subject aside, then various Revolutions generated
that has been on the rise since the middle of the 20th
throughout the twentieth century mobilized this to a critical
understanding of society in which this is the one that
permeates changes at the communication and design level,
In this desire to be part of the new world of the market,
emotions being one of the primary aspects to take into
design seeks to understand new languages and new
account at the time of create, aspects that Latin American
dimensions of time, which changes the way of producing,
designers must take into account when they stand out in the
interpreting and understanding reality and therefore culture
was global.
(Sarale, 2020) citing Bauman, who proposes a metaphor for
CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE liquidity, refers to the fact that the design must make the
guidelines more flexible and deregulate, "transferring the
Throughout history, design has played an important role in responsibility for their construction to individuals."
the history of the world and its evolution itself, this has led
to a shift from object-centered design to the conception of In this sense, design and designers assume a critical position
design centered on the human, on the emotions, in relation to the world of the consumer market by focusing
subjectivities and complexities. not on the construction of a subject for the consumer but
on a consumption for the subject. “Design determines the
These changes described above arise from the twentieth communication guidelines. And regarding the globalization
century after the industrial revolution that gives a return to of markets, he mentions the role of buyers "
life as it was known, not only economically, but also socially.
It can be said that in the face of this, Latin America has been This is why design must be an instrument that not only
responds to consumption and the growth of the neoliberal adapting speech and emotion.
economy, but it must assume an even more important role
in which it is located as an articulator of culture, and the Innovation desing -driven: The designer from the place of
context in order to actively contribute to territorial knowledge is the mediator between thinking globally and
development and sustainability so that design is a primary acting from local.
actor for quality of life and social well-being.
Design for the territory: local systems are self-regulating
Design today systems that must be directed by a government and design
Strategic design: Helps define the mission of the company practices must be strategic and participatory.
in its social context
Participatory design: In addition to involving the user in the
Product system: It is responsible for innovation where project development process, it also involves other experts
communication is responsible for making the product to study the context and its human factors.
visible, in which empathy with the target subject is key to


Sarale, L. A. (2020). “En busca de una Utopía Latinoamericana del Diseño. Aportes a la creación de un modelo de
implementación del diseño en nuestros territorios”. Revista i+a, investigación más acción, N° 23, p. 72-86

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