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There is growing evidence that there is a link
between social media and depression. In se-
veral recent studies, adolescent and young
adult users who spend more time on Insta-
gram, Facebook, and other platforms showed
a dramatically higher rate of depression.
Nowadays the media are part of a large part
of our lives, from the moment we are born, the
birth is registered and our families are infor-
med, we learn to type before grabbing the pen-
cil, which opens a great branch of possibilities,
but perhaps it also encloses us in a duty to be, a
Although connecting with the world of the me-
dia and social networks are harmless by them-
selves when used in moderation, in excess they
can affect the mental well-being of young people
and adults since people with low self-esteem to
find themselves situated with these means is can
get worse and using them constantly this is identi-
fied in an abrupt way, it can help to decrease and
duty to appear, a duty to appear, and we grow control in an appropriate way, the fact of interac-
by pretending and trying to assume the life that ting offline helps not to increase these symptoms
projects us, subjecting our Ego to hide behind of self-esteem and depression helping to streng-
all those social mandates, behind debts and then ties with close people and being able to see
mediatic impositions, which what they do is that the reality that they are missing.
we forget ourselves and we are in existential cri-
sis that triggers various current disorders such as The invitation is for us to enjoy the media and so-
depression, anguish and stress which can be so cial networks without allowing our true selves to
overwhelming as to lead us to suicide. feel subdued by this.

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