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Title of Project

General Information about Technology Integrated Educational Lesson Plan

Subject Area: Food and Nutrition

Grade Level: Grade 5

Timeframe: Two 45 Minutes class periods

Materials Needed:

Standard paper writing material

Internet connection

Microsoft Word

Microsoft excels



Technology Tools:


Florida Standards recommends the development of exclusive, mobile friendly and

development-oriented students lesson plans.

ISTE/Technology Skills Standards recommends the development of students who are

empowered towards leveraging technology and taking active role in choosing, achieving

and demonstrating competency in their learning process.

ISTE/Technology Skills Standards also provide for the development of students who are

digital citizens. It focuses on developing students who know the rights, responsibilities

and opportunities that come with operating in the digital world.

Learning Objectives:

Students will know and be able to:

 Write informative and conclusive summaries about their daily dietary intake and

provide reasons for their various quantities of nutrients intake.

 Provide clear and properly developed writing that indicate knowledge of food and

nutritional needs and show importance of different food nutrients in the body.

 Provide clear and concise mathematical representation of food nutrients intake

using excel spreadsheet and read and interpret power points content.

Introduction to Project: In this lesson project, students will learn how to balance their diets and

ensure that they eat the foods that contain all the nutrients that build the body and enhance body

immunity. Students will have an opportunity to research and list their favorite foods and their

daily food nutrients composition. They will then be taught how to determine the quantity of

nutrients in the foods they take and represent their findings in a numerical data through excel


Procedures: The PowerPoints contain guidelines that students will use as reference point as the

teacher continues with the lesson plan. The teacher will also refer to the power points while

addressing some of the critical issues in the lesson plan.

1. The teacher will present the purpose of the lesson to the students and help them

understand how the purpose will be achieved. The purpose of the lesson is to help the

student understand their level of nutrients intake and make them understand how to

balance their diets. Students will the learn how to document the data in Microsoft

spreadsheet for presentation.

2. The teacher will help students to open their internet browsers and identify the nutritional

content of some of the foods that they love and how to calculate the nutritional content

based on body weight and mass. The teacher will allow students to pick their desired

nutritional content and plan their meals based on their choices

3. Teacher will use excel spreadsheet to show student how to enter data about their

nutritional intake and value on the spreadsheet. This will help them to calculate their

current consumption rate and understand their nutritional needs

4. Students will have the opportunity to share their spreadsheet and compare with their

fellow students in class.

5. Students will be instructed to translate the content of the spreadsheet in a 2 page

Microsoft word document, where they will highlight their findings and recommend their

own future nutritional path.

Technology Integration: Some of the most significant technologies used in the lesson plan

include the excel spreadsheet, the Microsoft web browser, and the PowerPoint presentation.

 Excel Spreadsheet: The excel spreadsheet will help the students and teacher translate

their nutritional intake into numerical data.

 Microsoft Web Browser; The web browser will help students as a search engine where

they can gain information on the nutritional content of the foods that they eat and

translate them into numerical data.

 PowerPoint Presentation: The PowerPoint presentation will provide details on lesson

plan, the potential problematic areas and significant changes that can enhance the their


Practice and Extension:

Students should be able to use the information they gained from the lesson to change their meal

plans and ensure they have a balanced diet.

Part of the extension is to provide a new set of data on their daily nutritional intake and show

how they have changed.

They should be able to provide another excel spreadsheet indicating their diet and their daily

nutrients intake within the next one week.

Assessment Plan

Things to Assess Assessment Strategy

Content Knowledge (list what Researching and collecting data correctly

content knowledge you are Making of a simple and clear spreadsheet

assessing; can refer to the Production of readable data

standards you listed) Development of informative and comprehendible

interpretation of the data in Microsoft word.

ISTE/Technology Skills Making spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel

Using an internet browser effectively

Collaboration/Teamwork Skills Students will share ideas on meal plans, and exchange

spreadsheets for comparison.

Other skills? (optional) Learning how to interpret numerical data to Microsoft word


Universal Design Accommodations:

Addressing Needs of Gifted Students: Gifted students can provide two spreadsheets to

help them cope up with the others in learning content.

Addressing Needs of Low Achieving Student: Such students will be taken through

repeated lesson plans and have them provided with an extra lesson.

Multiple ways of Presentation:





Multiple ways of Interacting:

Group work

Face-to-face conversations

Visual Presentation

Multiple forms of Assessment:

Homework Assessment

Student Assessment

Teacher 3-2-1 Assessment

Second Language Accommodations:

Honoring Different Cultures:

Students can build their daily dietary intake using their cultural foods

Addressing Digital Divide:

The School computer lab will be available for the students to use to address the digital


Support ESOL Students



Students can be better parts of an effective lesson plan if they can gain knowledge from

experience. The lesson plan shows that there are different ways of incorporating technology into

lessons to enhance understanding of students in current school averments.

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