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I. Introduction: .

The Medieval Times was not a “Dark Ages” because, during this
period, there were
advances in agriculture and math; the Church became the most powerful force;
furthermore, the growth of monasticism implicated in the values of today’s Western.

II. Subtopic: Why Dark Ages

A. Historiadores
1. Renascentismo
2. Iluminismo
B. Protestantism

III. Subtopic: Church

A. Values
1. Monasticism
a. St. Benedict
b. Abadia de São Vitor (Hugo e Guilherme)
2. Reformas
a. São Francisco
b. Pope Gregory the Great
c. Pope Gregory VII
B. Philosophy
1. Patristica
a. Boécio
b. Santo Isidoro de Sevilha
2. Escolastica
a. Saint Tomas of Aquinas (prince of escolastica)
b. Saint Bonaventure
c. Saint Anselm of Canterbury

IV. Subtopic: Politics

A. Roman Empire and monopolization
B. Charlemagne
C. Monopolization of power
1 Magna Carta
2. English Parliament

V. Subtopic: Education
A. Schools
1. Monastic
2. Cathedral
3. Trivium and Quadrivium
B. Universities

VI. Subtopic: Math

A. Al-Khwarizmi
B. Fibonacci

VII. Subtopic: Agriculture

A. Medieval Warm Period
1. What
2. Significance
B. Inventions
1. Iron shoes
2. Horse collar
3. Heavy Plough

VIII. Conclusion

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