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Seat No: ______________ Enrollment No: ____________________

B.Tech. Winter 2019 - 20 Examination
Semester: 8 Date: 10/12/2019
Subject Code: 03105452 Time: 10:30am to 01:00pm
Subject Name: Cyber Physical System Total Marks: 60
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Start new question on new page.

Q.1 Objective Type Questions - (All are compulsory) (Each of one mark) (15)
1. The Two wire interface is also called as _________.
b) SPI
c) I2C
2. XMPP Full form is ________.
3. Define actuators.
4. Which of the following functions are available in basic structure arduino IDE program?
a) build() and loop()
b) setup() and build()
c) setup() and loop()
d) loop() and build() and setup()
5. _____________ sent by slaves on one or more of dedicated advertisement channels for discovery.
a) Advertising Frame
b) Data Frame
c) Physical Frame
d) None of the above
6. _____________ routing utilizes opportunistic forwarding.
7. Give full name for 6LoWPAN.
8. Which of the following protocol is used to provide security to CoAP?
a) SecCoAP
c) CSP
9. Which of the following is not offered by Cloud Computing?
a) IaaS
b) PaaS
c) SaaS
d) DaaS
10. What is the unit of delay amount given in following delay function used in Arduino code?
a) Seconds
b) Microseconds
c) Milliseconds
d) Nanoseconds
11. Imagine that two IoT devices need to send each other any kind of information but are unable to
do so because they “speak a different language”. What is the category of above mentioned issue?
a) Connectivity
b) Interoperability
c) Heterogeneity of data
d) Reliability
12. Choose the correct arduino Shield from following
a) Arduino WiFi
b) Arduino Robot
c) Arduino Uno
d) Arduino yun
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13. Which of the following library is required to create Pin object in micropython?
a) adc
b) pin
c) machine
d) digitalpin
14. ___________ Devices can be connected to Zigbee at a time.
a) 10-15
b) 5-10
c) 50000
d) More than 65000
15. How many analog pins are available in NodeMCU (ESP82666)?
a) 3
b) 6
c) 1
d) 2
Q.2 Answer the following questions. (Attempt any three) (15)
A) Explain five layer architecture of IoT.
B) Define cloud computing and Fog computing. Compare the role of cloud computing and fog
computing in IoT.
C) Write a program (arduino code/micropython) to blink LED in ascending order.
D) Write a short note on “Security and privacy issues in IoT”
Q.3 A) Write an arduino program to read voltage value of LM35 (analog) sensor. Convert the voltage (07)
value into appropriate temperature using the step size and print it on the serial prompt.
B) What is embedded system? List out applications of embedded system. List out and explain Design (08)
challenges of embedded system.
B) Write a short note on : “Efficient Waste Management in Smart Cities” (08)
Q.4 A) What is pub/sub mechanism in MQTT protocol? Explain with example. What is the role of broker (07)
in pub/sub mechanism? Briefly explain with example how MQTT topics are created.
A) Explain different CoAP messaging modes with neat diagram. (07)
B) Differentiate: NodeMCU and Arduino (08)

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