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Gallup Strengths: Ideation, Woo, Communication, Activator, Adaptability

VIA: Social Intelligence, Leadership, Love, Teamwork, Humor

What is it about my Strengths (Gallup or VIA) that I want to learn?

○ How I can utilize them in professional and personal settings

○ When to highlight my strengths and values
○ How I can use them to help me take
● What skills can I further develop as a result of knowing and utilizing my
○ Public speaking
○ Sense of self
○ Career plan
● How could I implement my strengths to help a group, project or team to
○ Activating the initial start of projects
○ Influencing others to participate in a specific project or goal
○ Keep things fun and lighthearted
○ Communicate and create effective ideas
○ Ensure people feel accepted, loved, and valued
● How can I use this to help others develop as leaders?
○ Inspire others to lead and step up
○ Ask questions and input
○ Support and communicate others ideas or plans

Stated Goal:

I will be presenting a program that I have been working on with two coaches
over the past year. This plays into my strengths and values because I am using
abilities like woo, ideation, love, social intelligence to promote something to
help the well being of others. This plays heavily into leadership as I am using
public speaking abilities to discuss a topic that is important and relevant to
superachievers embracing their slow, self-care, side.
Planned Activity/Method:

I will present a LIVESLOW program presentation on 4/13.


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Reflection Statement:

What did you learn? I learned that I can start activating my goals now! I feel I
communicated effectively and realized that people need this type of work and
are receptive to it.

How did you grow or change? I strengthened my skills in public speaking and
was able to communicate with my classmates about where they struggle with

How did you grow and/or use your Strengths? I flexed my woo muscle and
ideation. I expressed these mainly through love for people and social

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