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Im wijayarathna sknh holding registration no 2018 e 143 Heres the motivation and background section here I

would like to present to you a proposed solution for the waste management challenges faced by the Jaffna region
in Sri Lanka. As we all know, the increasing urbanization, changing lifestyles, and population growth have led to a
significant increase in waste generation in Jaffna. This has resulted in environmental and health hazards, such as
waste being disposed of in open areas or dumped in water bodies.

To address this critical issue, we propose the implementation of waste-to-energy generation using anaerobic
digestion technology. This technology involves breaking down organic waste using microorganisms to produce
biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide that can be used as a renewable energy source.

The implementation of waste-to-energy facilities using this technology can have several positive impacts. Firstly, it
can significantly reduce the volume of waste and greenhouse gas emissions in Jaffna, leading to better
environmental and public health outcomes. Secondly, it can contribute to renewable energy production,
addressing the energy demands of the region while also reducing the dependence on non-renewable energy

The proposed solution can set a model for sustainable waste management practices in Jaffna, contributing to the
region's overall development. According to a survey conducted by JICA, the waste generation amount in Jaffna
Municipal Council is 104.87 tons per day, and the waste generation rate is 1.297 kg per person per day. These
statistics highlight the urgent need for action and the potential impact that waste-to-energy generation can have.

In conclusion, the proposed solution of waste-to-energy generation using anaerobic digestion technology is a
practical and sustainable solution for the waste management challenges faced by Jaffna. It can significantly reduce
waste volume, greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to renewable energy production. I hope that this
proposal will receive your support, and together, we can work towards a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable

Thank you.

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