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Health Opportunities Through Physical Education

Worksheet: Lifelong Fitness, Health, and Wellness

Name: ________________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: ______________

1. Write out the definitions of the following terms:

a. Health:

b. Wellness:

c. Physical fitness:

2. Write down the components of health- and skill-related physical fitness under the headings

Health related (6) Skill related (5)

3. Write down your favorite physical activity in the space provided:

4. Using the lists you wrote for question 2, circle what you believe are the two most important
health-related physical fitness components and the two most important skill-related fitness
components for your favorite physical activity. Provide a brief explanation for each below.

5. Write down one job you think you might like to do in the future:

Health Opportunities Through Physical Education
6. Write down two components of physical fitness you think are important for that job and explain

7. Read over the guidelines in the Self-Management feature of the Fitness, Health, and Wellness
for All chapter. List three guidelines below that seem most important to you.

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