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A Nigerian tale entitled ‘’ The Talking Skull” was written by an excellent author who (unknown
yet) skillfully created a masterpiece. The author of the story aims to give some entertainment and a
lesson at the same time, and base on my personal perception I would prefer this kind of narratives
because it does not only entertain you but also gives you an important lesson in life. (to add up that it
also gives the reader a surprising plot twist at the end that will really amazed the reader and leave an
impression that will be a remarkable reaction).

To further explain (Discuss) the story’s plot/ sequence, the story started when a hunter goes in
a bush somewhere in the forest and found an old human skull. And when the soldier asked the skull
“what brought you here” while the skull replies “Talking brought me here” then the hunter immediately
was surprised (when it answered). Later that day the hunter run to the King and reported it, yet the king
didn’t believe him and wants an evidence, so he sent his guard (soldiers) to accompany the huntsman
into the bush, as they arrived where the talking skull was located, the huntsman immediately asked for
the skull to speak. However, the skull never answered even when the hunter begs, again when he
cannot prove it, he was then beheaded and on the last scenes, when the guards are gone the skull
opens it jaw and asks the dead huntsman’s head “What brought you here” likewise the (hunters’ skull)
answers “Talking brought me here”

Additionally, the author's goal in telling the narrative is not to undermine good influences, but
rather to teach readers when speaking is appropriate and when it is not because doing so might
occasionally put you in danger or because you issue. The author uses the talking skull as an illustration of
what may occur if people continued to overshare or, in other circumstances, what might occur when
people do things that are simply too much and have a negative result. Moreover, the characters serve as
allegories of moral and ethical values by depicting the hunter who found the talking skull, who might be
compared to someone who learns something and instantly attempts to spread it, which could ultimately
be unpleasant.

(Furthermore, in the narrative the author does not seek to corrupt a negative influence but
instead a positive influence, which is to give a lesson that not all the time you should open your mouth
and speak nor share your thoughts because sometimes talking can put you to danger or problem. The
author uses the talking skull as a product of something that they will probably end up when they kept on
oversharing or in the other scenarios are when people are doing things that are just too much that they
will probably end up in a bad way. Moreover, the characters represent an allegorize moral and ethical
principles by, representing the hunter who discovered the talking skull where you can picture a person
who founds out something and immediately tries to gossip it that in the end may possibly unpleasant.)

In conclusion, the story makes a strong point, which is to teach a vital lesson: occasionally,
sharing too much information or things you know might have unfavorable consequences. And in my
viewpoint, I am astonished by the writer's delivery of the context as I was by the story's conclusion. And
with that, I'd pass this along to others because it's truly a masterpiece that will leave readers with a
memorable expression or feeling as well as delight and instruct them.
(In conclusion, the tale conveys a clear message, which is to give an important lesson, that
sometimes sharing to much information or things that you know may lead you to a negative outcome.
And on my perception, I am amazed by how the writer delivered the context, because I was really
amazed on the ending part of the story. And with that I would recommend this to others, because it is)
really such a masterpiece that will leave a remarkable expression or feeling in the readers that will also
entertain and teach a lesson to them.


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