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LAURA A. NODOLF NIDLAND COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY (42) 6864411 00 N. Laing, St, 200 ‘Midland, Texas 79701, sessenseeneuensnenssneneseeePREGS RELEASEM#++##tnevanenenaeneeensnee ‘April 27, 2023 Re: Dismissal of Cause Number CRS8382, CRS8383, CRS8384, or CRSE38S (On April 25% Set, Jenny Alonzo was called by Assistant District Attomey, Jenifer Lively, to testify about Sgt. Alonzo’s role as te lea investigator in what has become known as the “Trinity Case.” During, her testimony, Sgt. Alonzo repeatedly testified about a meeting hold between her, Set. Rosemary Shrp, Assistant Distict Attomey (ADA) Jennifer Lively, and me. Sgt. Alonzo further testified that I, Laura Nodolf, acting as the Midland County Distiet Attomey, directed her to obtain warrants against the administrators at ‘Trinity School. This testimony is categorically false. No such mesting ever occurred. tis common for members of the Midland County Distriet Attorney's Office, ineluding myself, to offer legal advice and opinions regaving ative investigations. However, nether myself nor any prosecutor in my office, possess the authority to direct any law enforcement agency to arrestor no aes, any suspect {na case. When a crime is reported to law enforcement, similar tothe way the complaint was made inthe ‘Teiity Cas, law enforeement i not required to clear cae through the Midland County District Atiomey's Oftice prior to an artet being mace. Regarding the arest warans and complaints in he Trinity Case that ‘were drafted and signed by Sat. Alonzo, the only discussion between the Midland County District Attomey's Office and Sgt. Alonzo was when ADA Jennifer Lively offered to review any warrants prior fo them being signed by judge. ADA Lively was never asked to review any arest warrants. ADA Lively and I both Jearmod tha the warrants had been served both through local news outlets, Based on the testimony presented by Sat. Alonzn the prosecutors assigned tothe ease including [ADA Lively, unanimously agreed that Sgt, Alonzo's testimony ad compromised the case the point ha it could no longer be proven beyonda reasonable doubt, When a case cannot be proven beyond a resonable doubt the just results to dismiss the case

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