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Coffee Break
Sit back and appreciate your life. Relax with a
cup of coffee of tea and make a point of consciously bringing to mind all that you have to be
grateful for.
Consider your blessings: a place to sit...a cup to drink from...a drink to
enjoy...what could be better? Gaze upon your surroundings and see all that
is around you. Are you not truly blessed? This fairy would love to have a lei surely cup with
you. So often we take for granted what we have. It's time to
live in a constant state of gratitude. Gratitude plays a big part in the process
of attracting what you desire into your life. Gratitude tells the Universe that
you are ready to welcome more good into your life. It is a vital part of your
manifestation process. To reach the state of gratitude you need to stop and
place yourself into a receptive state of mind. Relax and calmly consider your
life and all that you have been blessed with. Whatever thoughts you think
are reflected in your body. So it is important to take these small breaks and
to just sink into serenity. Remember to take the time to relax and rejuvenate
Be sure to notice even the smallest blessings that surround you! A wonderful
fragrance on the wind...a butterfly flying by...a baby's smile and laugh..
the most subtle sigh. You can find a blessing in everything in your world.
just be open to it.
Oh life that lives in all creation
Grant me the ability to just Be.
Help me call upon my inner sight
in order to see everything is in my world
in its true beauty and majesty
I gratefully abide by your love.
So be it!
Take a longer coffee break today!

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