Problem-Based Learning in Developing Scientific Literacy in Senior High School Students

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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

Osmeña Blvd. Cebu City, 6000 Philippines

Center of Training (COT) | Center of Excellence (COE) | Level IV Accredited

Telephone No.: (032) 231 8044

Concept Paper 3

1. What is your proposed topic/study?

Problem-based Learning in Developing Scientific Literacy of Senior High School


2. What is the reason why you want to pursue the topic/study? Cite the
latest studies and existing scenarios.

Every day, we must respond to inquiries which solutions significantly rely on scientific data,

such as those about climate change or the safety of vaccines. As an educator, one of the

competencies needed for the students to understand and learn are those happenings in their

surroundings that affect their lives. As the environment evolves, biodiversity-related issues are

now becoming a worry. biological diversity concerns are directly related to daily life. Students'

lives should inspire them to apply their critical thinking abilities. Environmental issues frequently

contain values that are ill-defined and contentious, so involvement in the socio-scientific aspect

of the issue encourages students to apply the ideas, principles, and practices of science to the

issue. Social, political, ethical, and economic considerations also have an impact on the issue

(Santika et al, 2018).

Some of the most important socio-scientific challenges in recent decades include global

warming and climate change. The impact of human activity as well as natural phenomena are just

two of the many variables that contribute to these problems. Human energy consumption has a

considerable impact on climate change and the average earth’s surface temperature, especially

in the food supply, livestock, industry, and transportation sectors.

According to the report published in 2019 by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the

Philippines is the country most at risk from the climate crisis and is labeled as the world’s most

hungry for more information on climate change but also wants to keep using fossil fuel for the

growth of the economy. This has called attention to experts and although the country bears less

responsibility than rich nations for causing global warming, this can increase, if ever more fossil

fuels will be burned.

As the world embraces innovations in technology, we are also improving our daily living

and the environment that supports our everyday life. The result of the agricultural and

pharmaceutical sectors’ development of recombinant DNA technologies are Genetically Modified

organisms (GMO). Information about the cloning of animals and the recent completion of the

Human Genome Project (HGP), as well as methods for DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy, and

other applications by the end of the 20th century, had raised significant moral and ethical

questions about the use of these technologies.

Socio-scientific concerns involve the use of science, are important to society, and

frequently generate ethical and moral conundrums (Morris, 2014). Genetic engineering and air

pollution are two examples of these problems. SSI are controversial issues that have societal

importance and strong connections to scientific concepts (Sadler, 2011; Zeidler, 2014). Socio-

scientific issues (SSI) have started to appear in recent decades based on the interactions between

science, technology, and society.

Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, there is no right or incorrect answer to

the SSI question of whether it is necessary to require individuals to wear facemasks (Cebesoy et.

al, 2021). SSI do not have a clear solution (Sadler, 2011) and the instructional framework requires

students to participate in discourse and argumentation as they utilize their understanding of

science concepts (Zeidler & Kahn, 2014) and the nature of science (NOS) (Herman, 2018) to

make informed decisions. The nature of science (NOS) is a crucial part of scientific literacy that

improves students' comprehension of scientific ideas and empowers them to make rational
decisions about personally and socially relevant scientific concerns.

According to the Wellcome Global Monitor survey last 2018, which is a United Kingdom-

based independent health and science foundation, the Philippines is among the 19 countries in

which 32% of people have “high trust” in scientists and 78% believe that the works of scientists

benefit them despite being one of the lowest rankings in STEM Education (PISA 2018 result).

High scientific trust does not, however, always imply that new information can easily change

behavior. According to a US study, people have more faith in practitioners than in scholars. As

long as it fits within their means of subsistence, the average Filipino pays attention to scientific

recommendations (Liwag, 2021).

The 2018 NAT result shows that in problem-solving and critical thinking skills, students

scored very low in Math and Science. Consequently, in the 2018 PISA result, the Philippines

scored second to the lowest in science among all the participating countries. This has called the

attention of the Philippine Department of Education which recognizes the “gaps” in education and

reflects that there is an urgency of improving the quality of education. Students are also low in

Reading comprehension and Math which are also important skills in learning Science.

According to Gleason, Melancon, and Keline (2010), scientific literacy is the ability to

identify, assess, and communicate scientifically and technologically competent perspectives on

issues that underpin national and local decisions. Liras and Arenas (2010) emphasized that the

requirement for impartiality and objectivity in scientific knowledge is fundamental to its legitimacy

and that the power it exerts should be founded primarily on empowering citizens to address social


It is important for schools to teach students about contentious topics like SSI and how to

make informed judgments (Cebesoy et. al, 2021). Students need to have active involvement in

the development of argumentation abilities, the capacity to distinguish between scientific and

nonscientific topics, and the ability to identify trustworthy evidence and data (Zeidler et, al, 2009)

and improve their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Problem-based learning method has
not yet been used by many teachers in facilitating Genetics classes. My fellow educators would

get an understanding of the significance and the implications of this approach which makes it

easier for pupils to comprehend abstract ideas and makes them more likely to digest and

remember information. It will aid also in improving the performance of Philippine learners and be

able to compete globally.

3. What theory supports your study/topic?

The teaching strategy is one element that affects how students acquire and retain

knowledge. Thus, the study will be anchored on Barrows and Tamblin’s (1960) Problem-

based Learning Method which was based on Jean Piaget’s Constructivist Learning

Theory. It uses open-ended and ill-structured problems that mirror real-world problems.

Nature of Science is an important construct within the overarching framework of

scientific literacy. Science instruction based on student exploration of socio-scientific

issues (SSI) has been presented as a powerful strategy for supporting science learning

and the development of scientific literacy (Presley et. al, 2013).

In their 2003 study, Ratcliffe and Grace found that including socio-scientific topics

in secondary science lessons, helped students better understand how science and

society interact while also allowing them to assess the strengths and flaws of their own

arguments (Sadler, 2004; Zeidler, 2005). It also provides a context for NOS by providing

real-world societal issues in which students must employ their understanding of NOS as

they develop into informed citizens (Herman, 2018; Loughran, 2007).

According to Berland and Hammer (2012), if students are given enough

opportunities inside the classroom, they become more engaged in expressing their
opinions than is typical. The social contact between and among the students influenced

how well their decision-making abilities were developed in a good way. Socio-scientific-

issues-based learning can promote scientific reasoning in science classrooms

(Khajornkhae, 2021). It is a tool for essential learning in the turbulent modern

environment. With the aid of this education, children can evaluate and respond in

accordance with the nature of science, and the scientific method, develop higher-order

thinking skills and engage in rational discussion.

Devilee (2008), stated that students are better able to apply their knowledge and

abilities outside of the classroom thanks to the challenges' authenticity, which also helps

them get ready for the profession and a world that is changing quickly. Due to the open-

ended character of the problems, students have the freedom to approach them in a variety

of ways and deviate from the main theme to pursue other interests. Giving students

influence over the learning process piques their attention and spurs learning.

According also to Torp and Sage (2002) The benefits of PBL include improvement

in students’ motivation, higher-order thinking skills, learning how to learn skills by making

learning relevant to the real world, and encountering students with authentic situations.

In addition, learners’ endeavors for finding a solution and generating strategies for the

problems provide self-regulated learning and learning how to learn. Problem-based

learning can also enhance reasoning and concept development among undergraduate

college students by presenting content within authentic contexts (Bledsoe, 2011).

Many contend that PBL is an effective and interesting learning technique that

promotes long-term retention and transferable learning (Jones et al. 1996 and Stepien et

al. 1993). PBL helps students build self-directed learning skills, improves their critical
thinking, and makes it simpler for them to remember and apply what they have learned in

new or unfamiliar contexts. PBL departs from the standard instructional model by

reorganizing typical teacher-student interactions in favor of the student's active, self-

directed learning (Evensen & Hmelo 2000 Maxwell et al. 2001).

Problem-Based Learning is a learning model that is marked by a real problem, and

real-world problems as a context for students to learn critical and problem-solving skills

and gain knowledge (Setyosari, 2006). The Problem-Based Learning method can be of

great help along with lecturing to improve students' achievement and knowledge retention

(Namnabati, 2011). We might then assume that the advantage of problem-based

learning lies not in better acquisition or recall of new concepts but rather in the potential

for greater understanding reflected in an integration of the new concept with existing

knowledge and, with it, the possibility of restructuring and improved conceptual coherence

(Capun & Khun, 2004)

Problem-based learning method would help students to be able to better acquire

information and retain concepts in Genetics. This would make it possible for science

teachers to use this strategy in addressing developing scientific literacy in senior high

school students.

4. How do you intend to go about the study?

The researcher will identify the respondents of the study ideally students from

public high schools through convenience sampling and submit my study protocol and

other requirements to Research Ethics Committee. Once the study is approved by REC,

I will conduct a pre-test and post-test to obtain the data and information needed to
determine the effectiveness of Problem-based instruction in improving students’ scientific

literacy and understanding of the nature of Science.

The researcher will compose a lesson plan that is consist of the teaching units and

objectives acquired from the lessons prescribed by the Department of Education (DepEd)

under the K-12 Enhanced Basic Curriculum Guide in Science. Topics include Earth and

Life Science: Climate Change and General Biology: Cloning and the researcher will use

the selected teaching approach in the class.

The researcher will be creating 2 lesson plans for the experimental and control

group. The Socio-scientific issues-based approach will be used in the experimental group

and the conventional lecture method will be used in the control group.

There will be two groups of respondents for this study. Each group will be given a

pre-test about their scientific literacy skills: critical thinking/problem solving,

communication, and collaboration. After the pre-test, the experimental group will be

exposed to the Socio-scientific issues-based approach while the control group will just be

exposed to the conventional approach.

The study's pre-post quasi-experimental design will have a control team. The

researcher will design a multiple-choice test, which will be planned using a Table of

Specifications (TOS) to cater to their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The test

will cover the subject matter related to climate change and cloning. The exam will be given

as a pre-test and a post-test and will be given both before and after the treatment. The

goal of the test is to evaluate how well the Socio-scientific issues-based approach works

for enhancing students’ scientific literacy. Professors or advisers will submit and validate

the instruments that will be utilized, such as the test, lesson plans, and activities using the
Socio-scientific issues-based approach. The researcher will also devise a lesson plan

with a Socio-scientific issues-based method where activities will cater communication and

collaboration skills of the students.

Both groups will be given a post-test for their critical thinking skills and knowledge

and concept retention. The results will then be compared through a T-test and analyzed

and interpreted if there’s a significant difference between the test performance of the

control and experimental group.

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