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The twins towers:

Hello, my name is Natalia and today I am going to talk to

you about a topic that I have been very interested in these
last few months, the topic is the twin towers, well let's start
with what happens on September 11, 2001, well basically
The attacks of September 11, 2001, were a series of four
suicide terrorist attacks committed in the United States on
the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, by the militant
Islamic terrorist group Al Qaeda. That morning, four
commercial airliners traveling from the northeastern United
States to Los Angeles and San Francisco were hijacked mid-
flight by 19 Al Qaeda terrorists. The first plane to reach their
target was American Airlines Flight 11. It crashed into the
North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in New
York City's Lower Manhattan at 8:46 a.m. m. Seventeen
minutes later, at 9:03 a.m. m., the South Tower of the World
Trade Center was hit by United Airlines Flight 175. Both
110-story towers collapsed in one hour and forty-two
minutes, leading to the collapse of the other World Trade
Center structures, including 7 World Trade Center, and
significant damage to surrounding buildings. That is
practically what happened on September 11, 2001.
Well, approximately that day there were 2,996 dead,
including 19 terrorists and 24 disappeared.
On September 11, 2011, the 9-11 Memorial Museum was

And since the museum already exists, the "9-11 memorial"
in that museum there are several original structures of the
buildings, belongings of the guests and pilots, there you find
letters from people saying goodbye to their family, The
entire museum is underground and above groundand of the
museum there are some huge fountains that have the fall
below and that is exactly where the towers were located,
around the fountains there are all the names of the people
who died, and well the truth is that I had no interest in this
subject before, but when I witnessed all this in person, seeing
all those people who died, the photos.
And what has made me more interested in this subject is how
dangerous terrorist attacks are, since this type of attack
causes kidnappings, murders, sabotage, explosions, which
cause great damage, and especially if it damages innocent
people, who had family, friends, jobs, and dreams that they
still had to fulfill. And well, not in all cases they lead to
death, but it can cause broken bones, injuries, disability,
long-term chronic pain and sensory disorders, and they may
have this problem for the rest of their lives. But
unfortunately in the In the case of the planes that collided
with the towers and the people who lived in the buildings,
there were a total of 2,996 deaths, just think about each of
those people, and their families or the life they had ahead of
You never know when your life might end, so enjoy every
moment. Thanks you o much for your attention.

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