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Mason Childs


Junior English

5 October 2022

American Dream

The American dream is Much harder to achieve today than the previous generations. The

American dream is an opportunity for freedom that grants people success. Anyone can achieve

the American dream but for some, it is more difficult for others and many obstacles come along

with achieving the American dream.

Living the American dream is an ultimate goal for American citizens although there are

challenges that can occur along the way. First, many people tend to forget about others and

believe things are only achievable for a certain type of person. For example, race tends to play a

huge role in where only certain people can achieve the American dream, as Hughes states in the

poem, “I am the darker brother they send me to eat in the kitchen when company

comes”(Hughes). Commonly, people believe that only white Americans can achieve the dream.

Langston Hughes, an African American, calls out people by saying everyone forgot about him

and mentions that he was a server for people and that's how people treat him so they believe he

cannot achieve the American dream. Langston Hughes is bringing the minds of the people back

to slavery. He is identifying that the African American community is still treated harshly, despite

being over fifty years removed from slavery. Despite these obstacles, Hughes writes with an

optimistic tone. He still believes that a more equal America is possible. Similar to Hughes's not

being able to access the American dream due to others, Cho (------). Cho was a young Chinese
man and the article stated “ One moment we are Americans the next I called my parents a few

nights ago to tell them to be cautious stepping out of the house because they might be targets of

verbal or even physical abuse”(Cho). Race plays a huge factor in the American dream because

others can hold people back from achieving it because of certain things. John Cho is explaining

the time during covid when he had to tell his parents that it isn't the safest time to be outside due

to people pinning the coronavirus on their race. John Cho's family and race had to face hatred

from the stereotypes that were being put on them during the time of the pandemic. Again the race

of people played a huge factor because it had made the people being stereotyped brought down

from achieving the success everyone desires. Another challenge that holds many people back

from achieving the American dream is debt and such. Debt and bills cause a massive problem

that holds many Americans back which makes many people work extremely hard to support their

families. For example, A guy works three jobs every day to support his family. In the interview

from ABC News, the man stated, even though he works three jobs his family falls behind in bills

that need to pay off so while he supports his family that includes his two kids he needs to pay

bills (ABC News). Just when he believes that his family is going to be in a good state of time for

money he gets piled up with bills that need to be paid off. While trying to support his kids and

wife, the bills being paid do not help that. This is one of the biggest problems because this will

be an ongoing event that they can't surpass. Lastly, one of the biggest problems that many people

have is that everyone can achieve the American dream and everyone has forgotten about it. “The

American dream may be forgotten because people tend to struggle in today's world to gain more

than their parents (Lu). Money is harder to access in today's world than back in the day so many

tend to think they can't access the American dream cause their parents were able to gain more

than them back in the day. When most look at their money compared to their parents they think
they can achieve the American dream and then forget about it due to money being harder to gain

In today's world. Many factors come into play when it comes to achieving the American dream

and success due to debt, Bills, and people overall giving up.

In general, The American dream has become much harder to access in today's world for

multiple reasons. Millions of people are held back from accessing the American dream due to

race and stereotypes because people feel the need to hold others back. The American dream is

also harder to access when people fall behind early in life. The American dream has had a

changed perspective over time from many people due to it being harder to achieve as well as

multiple struggles.
Works Cited

Cho, John. “Coronavirus Reminds Asian Americans Belonging Is Conditional.” Los Angeles

Times, 22 Apr. 2020,


Hughes, Langston. “I, Too.” Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, 2 Oct. 2022,

Lu, Marcus. “Is the American Dream over? Here’s What the Data Says.” World Economic

Forum, World Economic Forum, 2 Sept. 2020,


“Pennsylvania Firefighter Works Three Jobs to Support His Family: Part 1.” ABC News,

directed by A. B. C. News, ABC,

part-44772397. Accessed 28 Sept. 2022.

American Dream Essay Rubric

Skill Advanced Proficient Foundational Not

Thesis establishes a Appears in first Identifies a topic
complex claim paragraph

Thesis establishes a
topic and a claim

Thesis Comments:

Includes specific, Includes multiple pieces Includes two or

meaningful, and of evidence (from 4 fewer sources
well-chosen evidence sources) that clearly
that relates to the relate to the thesis Some evidence
thesis relates to the thesis
Includes multiple pieces
of evidence in each body
Evidence paragraph

Explains well-selected Explains how evidence Summarizes
points of comparison supports topic sentence sources
among sources and of individual paragraphs
evidence and their
connection to the Explains how evidence
thesis supports the thesis of
Analysis the essay


Clearly explains Explains how the Little connection

relationships among texts/sources are between texts;
texts (how they related, though points difficult for the
confirm or challenge could be more selective reader to see how
each other, build on or better developed the texts are
each other, provide related
Synthesis differing perspectives, Includes multiple
etc.) sources in each body


No errors in MLA format Heading is correctly Some elements

formatted missing or some
errors in MLA
Pages are numbered format

In-text citations are

correctly formatted

Works Cited format:

hanging indent,
MLA Format double-spaced,
alphabetized, starts on a
new page
Works Cited: each source
entry is in correct MLA

All quotes are correctly Most quotes are correctly Shows evidence of ….
integrated integrated basic proofreading

Shows evidence of Follows essay

Conventions careful proofreading organization

Shows evidence of



I think you have a thesis that is grounded in good ideas, as well as evidence that could be

effective, but we need to do some more work to get this essay to an effective place. In terms of

proofreading, you need to:

● Fix capitalization of proper nouns

● Properly cite sources in text

● Fix hanging quotes (i.e. quotes without introductions)

● Introduce texts into the essay with full titles and authors names

In terms of content, you can make your analysis a lot more specific and effective. You have

many places where you start to analyze, but drop off before saying anything substantial.

Additionally, you need to synthesize specific statements (using transition word/phrases - “Both

texts demonstrate… Although Cho believes this…)

Please consider coming to talk with me, revising, then resubmitting.

Grade: C

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