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Do you think your spirituality has significant contribution on the way

you face adversities or challenges in performing your duties and
responsibilities as school administrator? What made you say so?

Respondent 1: Spiritual values is the most significant attribute to face the

challenges in life. This made me relax and calm.

Respondent 2: Yes, because if you are spiritually firm, challenges will be

easily solved and I am able to find positive impacts rather focus on
negative side.

Respondent 3: Yes, I always anchor my daily activities in life on my spiritual


Respondent 4: Yes, we need God's guidance, knowledge and wisdom.

Respondent 5: Yes, I think my spirituality contribute much the way I face the
challenges in performing my duties and responsibilities because before I
decide, I ask the guidance of the divine providence.

Respondent 6: Very big YES. Being a Catholic and a follower of Santisima

Trinidad Spiritual Charismatic Community, it taught me to gradually
change my being. Being considerate, accepting, forgiving and forgetting
the faults of others, and even God-dependent as far as his guidance and
will is concern.

Respondent 7: Yes, it has a significant contribution on the way I face

obstacles or challenges as administrator. It is because when problems
come, I always pray and ask for God's guidance.

Respondent 8: Spirituality contributed great in my performance of school

responsibilities especially when adversities occur along the way.

Respondent 9: Yes, I believe that our spirituality has a big impact in facing
adversities in performing our duties and responsibilities. With our trust
of the unknown, we have source of strength in times of problems.

Respondent 10: Yes, I call on God when I have difficulties in the workplace.

Respondent 11: Yes, as a strong believer of the supreme being, I am positive

that my spiritual foundation has greatly contributed to my leadership
experiences and challenges. Morality, integrity among others are
essential in our day-to-day decision-making.
Respondent 12: Yes, as an administrator, facing adversities or challenges in
my duties, my moral and spiritual integrity makes my determination
strong for the progress.

Respondent 13: Spirituality has a contribution in facing the challenges in my

works. It made me strong by the teachings and reminders in the church
which may become as a goal-oriented person and hold on to the
promises of Christ.

Respondent 14: It helps a lot. Aside from our tasks as an administrator, we

are also bonded by the tasks and challenges in line with the spiritual

Respondent 15: Yes, my spirituality has significant contribution in facing

challenges because I am able to relax my mind to find ways to solve my

Respondent 16: Very much! Spiritually helped me find positive meaning in

every circumstance I encountered.

Respondent 17: Yes, my decision-making and effectivity in doing my

responsibility are really affected by the spiritually inclined. I'm saying
this based on my experience because I always let God be my refuge and
my constant partner in dealing with challenges in line with my
administrative tasks.

Respondent 18: Yes, as a school head it’s a big responsibility to perform our
duties and responsibilities.

Respondent 19: Yes, because I believe that God knows everything.

Respondent 20: Certainly. I include in my prayers the intentions in relation to

my duties and responsibilities as school administrator.

2. In what ways do your emotions negatively and/or positively affect

your performance and decisions as school administrator when you are
into challenging situations? Can you cite some examples?

Respondent 1: Sometimes negative emotions is more than positive but rather

in situation I keep on changing my mindset for some challenges.

Respondent 2: For me, when it hit my personal life or being. Most especially
when my children and family are involved.
Respondent 3: My emotion affects me negatively when I am angry and utter
hurting words to the teachers. This weaken the spirit of cooperation and
teamwork in the workplace.

Respondent 4: My emotion affects me positively in a way that I will strive to

excel when somebody underestimate my capacity.

Respondent 5: I intend to strive hard in times of challenging situations.

Respondent 6: Human as I am, I also have negative emotions but often

consider that my personal views are/and or should not be paralleled
with my performance as administrator. Specially in making decisions, it
must not be in time with such challenging situations.

Respondent 7: Sometimes it negatively affects my performance because the

emotions make me lost interest in performing my job. But oftentimes
positively I take it as a challenge that pushes me to do well in my job as

Respondent 8: Both positive and negative emotion affect my performance and

decisions as school administrator but I shouldn't make it cause my
action to have disastrous result to myself and to my subordinates.

Respondent 9: Our positive emotions or negative emotions greatly affects our

performance. It can limit or give us the direction our works. When we
are happy we tend to do more, when we are sad/angry or negative
emotion we tend to be down in our work.

Respondent 10: I am challenged or motivated to excel when I am humiliated.

Respondent 11: When you focus on your emotions, it may distort or is

detrimental in making decision.

Respondent 12: Positive emotions contributes progress to our department.

Negative emotions make us fall in our administration.

Respondent 13: When subordinates were doing well I am also inspired and be
able to come up with a good decision and action. In a reverse situation,
I may also show my negative emotion when teachers showed bad action.

Respondent 14: Negative and positive challenges are parts of our mission.
There are times that my plans become futile. But still, I consider these
as challenges to continue the mission being entrusted.
Respondent 15: Negative emotions affect my performance and decisions as
school administrator because it will affect my focus and goals of the

Respondent 16: I can be very emotional/sensitive but what makes it beneficial

to my workplace is that I can show humility at all costs even when my
colleagues humiliate and insulted me.

Respondent 17: Ex. When you are emotionally happy in a certain moment
then you can give promises that would bring joy to others out of that
emotions that you are having at the moment. In the contrary, looking at
the negative side of it, when you can utter unpleasant words and could
tender a wrong decision which could lead to a bad consequence later

Respondent 18: As a school administrator I should control my emotion when I

encountered some challenges.

Respondent 19: If I have family problems.

Respondent 20: My emotion negatively affect my job in a way that I loss

interest in doing more or beyond what is expected of me when there are
conflicts in the workplace.

3. What are specific stressful situations in the workplace which you find
most difficult to handle or deal with? How would you usually try to
handle such situations?

Respondent 1: Colleagues who are on same my age, difficult to handle but

always finds ways to solve the situation.

Respondent 2: Issues between teachers are mostly difficult to handle, since

we're unique individual having different point of view.

Respondent 3: When an over-aged pupil challenged my leadership. I consult

or refer the situation to the higher authorities.

Respondent 4: To be assured of commitment of teachers in his/her teaching

to make non-reader a reader.

Respondent 5: When deadlines are too closed. Overtime is the action I made.

Respondent 6: My most stressful situation in the workplace which I consider

most difficult to handle was when I have a teacher who is often
absent/leave classes for family. And when parents were complaining,
and what I did was teaching his pupils in time of his absence.
Respondent 7: The stressful situations I encountered are uncooperative
teachers in which I need to adjust/accept the situation with patience.
The lack of funding for school buildings.

Respondent 8: When one of the subordinates is a self-centered and could

hardly accept any any possibility.

Respondent 9: The most stressful situation in the workplace is dealing with

differences. It takes a lot of effort to deal with each other’s personality.

Respondent 10: Conducting large meetings or assemblies. I delegate most of

the tasks to the teachers.

Respondent 11: Overlapping of activities. It affects my focus which sometimes

lead to non-efficient performance. My main duties/functions are
sometimes compromised because of "many" "add-ons" or other
related/additional works.

Respondent 12: Paperworks and deadlines. I usually delegate it to some


Respondent 13: In the event that one teacher makes many excuses to the
point that the prime duties were not done. Giving her/him a one-on-one
agreement to do the duties next time.

Respondent 14: There are stressful experiences which I encountered. But

right there and there, these are settled. Teachers problems. I have to
listen them. They listen to me. Everything is settled peacefully.

Respondent 15: Handling personal problem of teachers that leads to poor

performance. I usually mediate and talk with the teachers involved
proper forum.

Respondent 16: Human resource management is the hardest for me. I have
learned to be calm, patient and humble just to preserve harmonious
relationship within our workplace.

Respondent 17: The most stressful activity of an administrator is enduring

liquidation and other MOOE related duties. In my case, I am handling 3
schools that caused me more tedious in managing this task. Yet by
God's grace, I made to handle this by letting someone as my partner of
and also with the help and cooperation with my teachers.
Respondent 18: If sometimes a teacher comes to school not on time and do it
successively every week.

Respondent 19: Different attitudes of the teachers.

Respondent 20: Having a co-teacher who is not doing his work as a teacher. I
consulted already our district in-charge about this.

4. If you could only choose between the gaining the ability to lessen
occupational stressors or gain the ability to increase level of
resilience to improve your functioning as a school administrator,
which one would you choose? What made you choose it?

Respondent 1: I believe that circumstances are vitamins of the champions. We

don't grow if things are easy. We grow when we are being tested.
Resilience is the key.

Respondent 2: Gain the ability to increase level of resilience to improve

functioning as a school administrator in order to adapt any stress that
will come my way.

Respondent 3: I would choose to gain the ability to increase level of resilience

to improve my effectiveness as an administrator.

Respondent 4: Gaining the ability to increase level of resilience to improve as

a school administrator.

Respondent 5: I choose gaining the ability to increase level of resilience

because the presence of stressors cannot be avoided. It is normal in the
life of a leader.

Respondent 6: My gaining ability is teaching by doing. I often do the first

move to motivate my colleagues, thus harmonious relationship is
attained. Being true to myself being transparent in all my undertakings
as school head.

Respondent 7: I will choose to gain the ability to increase level of resilience to

be resilient on whatever difficulties that will come along the way.

Respondent 8: Gaining the ability to increase level of resilience to improve

more functioning as a school administrator. It made me work happy
and motivated.

Respondent 9: Gain the ability to increase level of resilience. It takes a positive

mentality to easily lessen the stress level of individual.
Respondent 10: Increase resilience because the presence of stressors is
normal and cannot be avoided.

Respondent 11: I'll choose gaining ability to increase level of resilience.

Occupational stressors are given/definite in whichever field. As an
administrator, developing adaptability and flexibility in any situation is
a way of increasing resilience. It is a unique Filipino character which
likened us to a bamboo that dances with the wind and survives any

Respondent 12: Gain the ability to increase level of resilience - Stressors are
there already in every side of our life, so just overcome them all, and do
what best for you to improve yourself

Respondent 13: I will choose increase the level of resilience because when we
increase our resilience, we can stand still even we are bombarded with
different duties which make us a productive individual in our position.

Respondent 14: As previously said, stresses are parts of who am I as an

administrator. It's ok for me if these stresses will be present in my
workplace. These will totally equip me as an administrator.

Respondent 15: Gain the ability to increase level of resilience to improve my

function as school head so that I can use it for the future challenges.

Respondent 16: I choose to gain resilience because it will make me strong to

deal with the occupational stressors.

Respondent 17: I'd rather choose gaining the ability to increase resilience to
improve the level of functioning as an administrator. The stressors are
already embedded in the tasks whether it would be lesson or not, the
only thing matters is on how you handle these stressors to improve your
tasks. I believe that good administrator is the one that is distinct,
resilient, committed, or passionate in performing his duties for the
goodness of the school.

Respondent 18: It is better to be resilient. It will make me a strong leader.

Respondent 19: The ability to increase level of resilience to improve my

functioning as a school administrator because I want to grow and be

Respondent 20: I choose to gain the ability to increase the level of resilience to
improve from functioning as a school administrator.
5. If you could ask DepEd to help you to become more resilient in
dealing with stressful circumstances in school, what would you ask
for? What made you ask for it?

Respondent 1: Integrate trainings on positive moral values among school


Respondent 2: Refreshing personnel in their calling as teachers in DepEd so

that they will be respectful to their leaders and do good even in the
absence of their school heads.

Respondent 3: I would like to ask increase in salary to all teachers. I am

aware of the teachers’ situation.

Respondent 4: Strengthen spirituality among school heads to make me more

diligent in my job for the glory of God.

Respondent 5: Offer refresher courses on personality development so that I

will be reminded on positive values that are essential in effective
performance of my task.

Respondent 6: I want to ask for personnel that would be purely and

specifically assigned in liquidating MOOE disbursements.

Respondent 7: Stress debriefing seminar and budget for new school building.

Respondent 8: Additional ICT equipment to cope up with technological


Respondent 9: Ask for school/personnel retreat. It can open up of opportunity

to distress and collect our emotions and process it.

Respondent 10: I ask for training on workplace resilience. It will enhance


Respondent 11: Provision of non-teaching personnel - to improve efficiency.

Clear description of functions/duties - to achieve quality.

Respondent 12: Minimize paper works and focus in pupils’ learning.

Respondent 13: I would ask to the department that benefits will be increased
so that my focus on my duties will be improved and I don't anymore
think about the things that would give me and my family a better life.
Respondent 14: Focus on the following: benefits of the teachers, psycho-social
of the teachers, monthly follow-up on the academics of the teachers
including (the classroom) their problems with the learners.

Respondent 15: Psychological training and seminar.

Respondent 16: I think it would be the support of a well-planned programs

and project of DepEd. Those that give teachers ample time to teach and
innovate them doing paper works. Support of provision for non-
teaching personnel (ex. ICT and etc.) because these also affect me as
instructional leader.

Respondent 18: I ask for more personnel to do other administrative tasks so

that I can focus on my instructional tasks.

Respondent 17: To hire a certain individual who can assist me in doing the
MOOE related chores and tasks. In short, hiring a staff who is able to
manage and handle administrative task in school is of great help to the
department. I hope it would be realized soon.

Respondent 19: To work only Monday to Friday with time 7:00-11:30am and
1:00 -4:00pm for family reasons.

Respondent 20: I need moral support by way of recognizing my effort. It will

inspire me to do more.

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