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Course Number: ENG 101

Course Name: Beginning English Composition

Start & End Date: April 10- June 18
Day(s) & Time: Online
Credit Hours: 5 QH
Campus Location: Online
Delivery Method: Online

Instructor: Karen Olesch

Phone: 772-579-2154
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7am-8am via zoom and by appointment
Please use my calendly to schedule an appointment


Course Description
This is the first course in a two-term sequence of composition courses. English Composition is
designed to develop students’ abilities to think, organize, and express their ideas clearly and
effectively in writing. This course incorporates reading, writing, discussion, collaboration, and
critical thinking. Emphasis is placed on the various forms of expository writing such as
description, narration, and argumentation. The class time is split between the classroom and
online work, some in an adaptive learning environment.


Instructional Materials

Required Textbooks:
English Composition with Integrated Review 2nd edition
Publisher: Hawkes Learning
Year: 2022
Author: Katherine Cleveland
ISBN: 9781642774719

Recommended Textbooks: None

Other required materials:

A computer

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Microsoft Office 365
Internet Access
D2L ePortfolio (located under Other Tools in D2L)

Course Goals and Expected Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Write in clear, unified American English prose with few errors in grammar or mechanics
that rise to the level of distraction for the reader.
2. Write in a variety of modes, including reflection, description, definition, and persuasion.
3. Write for personal and academic purposes and audiences, integrating diverse perspectives
and contexts.
4. Invent, draft, and revise following structured process-writing strategies, to refine writing
and communicate effectively.
5. Utilize basic standards and best practices for argument writing, including a focused thesis
and relevant supporting evidence.
6. Utilize principles of active reading and rhetorical analysis in response to a variety of texts.
7. Define various forms of plagiarism and give examples of best practices in academic
8. Locate appropriate sources of valid, reliable, and credible information for use in the
college environment

IDEA Objectives for this course:

NLU uses the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction survey to collect students’ feedback on
learning and satisfaction in their coursework. Instructors select which of the IDEA Learning
Objectives are most closely related to their course goals and expected outcomes, and students are
asked to rate their learning in these areas during the course. For this course, those objectives are:

Essential: Developing skills in expressing oneself orally or in writing.

Essential: Developing creative capacities (writing, inventing, designing, performing in art,
music drama, etc.).
Important: Gaining factual knowledge (terminology, classifications, methods, trends).
Important: Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories.
Important: Learning how to find and use resources for answering questions or solving


Expected Course Practices, Attendance Requirements, and Class Participation

Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to attend every class and participate in class discussions and activities to
ensure maximum class engagement and success. This means being prepared prior to coming to
class by completing assigned readings, Adaptive Courseware assignments, and milestones. All
assignments must be posted by the due date listed in the course schedule.

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Students are expected to attend every class throughout the given term in the modality listed in the
course catalog. For example, all in-person classes should be attended in-person, and virtual
classes should be attended virtually via Zoom. In the event that a student needs to miss class,
they should contact the instructor to determine the most effective way to make-up the class time.
For in-person classes, students are permitted to attend class via Zoom only in extenuating
circumstances that prevent them from attending in person AND with approval from the instructor
- students should communicate proactively with instructors prior to class to request approval.
These circumstances may include medical emergencies or other unexpected situations that
severely impact the student’s ability to attend class. In the event a student attends class via
Zoom, they are expected to actively participate and engage in class as they would in-person in
order to be marked present (e.g. - participate in discussions, answer questions, and be present, as
needed, with the camera on, etc.).

Cancelled Class or Holiday

If a session does not meet due to cancellation or holiday, instructors will provide an alternative
learning activity that students must complete outside of class time in order to replace the missed
face-to-face time.

Posting and Participation Policy:

In order for you to receive the maximum points for each assignment, students need to achieve
mastery on the assignment’s competency. Be sure you review the course rubrics for specific
requirements. You need to come to class on time and be active in class discussions and activities.

Late Policy

All work will be turned in by the assignment deadline. Extensions may be granted at the
instructor’s discretion.

Extensions may be granted for:

● Extenuating circumstances. Students must communicate this need to the instructor,

preferably prior to the due date, and the two will agree to a revised timeline. Twenty-four
to forty-eight hours is considered standard for grace periods. Instructors may alter this
depending upon the circumstances.
● Severe extenuating circumstances can be determined and negotiated, in consultation with
the student’s coach/advisor. These circumstances may include medical emergencies or
other situations that severely impact the student’s ability to complete course work.
● ADA accommodations that have been issued by the NLU ADA Coordinator. All ADA
accommodations will take precedence over instructor and departmental policies.

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Resubmissions may be considered by the instructor if the assignment is submitted on time.
Resubmissions may be allowed (with instructor approval) for work that requires edits to meet
minimal requirements, within 5 days of receiving faculty feedback, without penalty.

Incentive Points
It is possible for students to receive “incentive points” at the instructor’s discretion. These points
can mean the difference between an “A” and a “B,” so be sure to keep in touch with your
instructor about these opportunities.

Possible point options:

● High Attendance (Up to 2 percentage points)
Examples of this are when students fully attend at least 90% of classes on time and notify
their instructor prior to any absences to request an excused absence.
● Thoughtful, Engaged Participation, Building Teamwork Capabilities in Yourself
and Others, or Demonstrating Respect (Up to 3 percentage points)
Examples of this are when students contribute to classroom activities thoughtfully, while
not distracting from classroom climate, or students engage in group activities in the spirit
of cooperation and collaboration, encouraging growth for all members. Students are also
eligible for incentive points when they are active listeners, empathetic, and courteous
towards others during and outside of class.

Co-requisite Lab
If enrolled in Co-requisite Lab for English 101 (ENG 101L), 10% of your ENG 101 course grade
is calculated from your ENG 101L grade. These sessions are mandatory and will be calculated
into your grade for this class.

IAI Credit
In order to receive IAI credit, students must earn a “C” or better in the course.

Etiquette Expectations
Blended courses require an understanding of certain etiquette principles for online
communications, as described below:

● It is expected that students will use polite and dignified language in all communications
(either electronic or verbal) with fellow students and the instructor.
● When communicating by electronic means (whether by email, blogs, discussions, or
using any other collaborative tool), students should avoid abbreviations as much as
possible and use Standard English.
● Special attention should be given to communicating with correct spelling and grammar
for complex topics, as it avoids misunderstanding or errors.

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism

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Students are expected to be honest and ethical in pursuit of their academic goals in accordance
with National Louis University’s Academic Honesty policy. Students found to have engaged in
academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action and may be dismissed from the University.
Faculty has the right to analyze and evaluate students' course work.

Course Schedule and Assignments

Week/ Meeting Date Assignment(s): Due Date:

1 Online Discussion: Introduce yourself April 12

Annotation Assignment 1: Memoir April 14

Milestone 1: Personal Essay April 16

2 Online Discussion April 19

HAWKES Adaptive Courseware:

● Diagnostic Test (ungraded) April 23
● The Introduction
● The Conclusion

Annotation Assignment 2: Compare/ Contrast April 23

3 Online Discussion April 26

Milestone 2: Sensory Essay April 30

4 Online Discussion May 3

HAWKES Adaptive Courseware: May 7

● Writing to Argue
● Thesis and Purpose Statements
● Body Paragraphs

Annotation Assignment 3: Essay Structure May 7

5 Online Discussion May 10

Milestone 3: Definition Essay May 14

6 Online Discussion May 17

HAWKES Adaptive Courseware: May 21

● Basics of APA Style
● Integrating Sources Into Your Writing
● Revision

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Annotation Assignment 4: Finding Credible May 21

7 Online Discussion May 24

Milestone 4: Research Essay May 28

8 Online Discussion May 31

HAWKES Adaptive Courseware:

● Common Sentence Errors
● Spelling Commonly Confused Words June 4
● Using Consistent Subjects and Verbs
● Maintaining Consistent Tense and

9 Online Discussion June 7

Begin work on Final Project: ePortfolio Final Project due

Chapbook next week!

10 Online Discussion June 14

Final Project: ePortfolio Chapbook June 18

Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

Evaluation Percentage
Diagnostic Essay 3%
Milestone 1: Personal Essay
Milestones 22%
Milestone 2: Sensory Essay
Milestone 3: Definition Essay
Milestone 4: Research Essay
Final Project: ePortfolio Chapbook 40%
HAWKES/Adaptive Courseware 15%
Annotation Assignments 5%
Annotation Assignment 1: Memoir
Annotation Assignment 2: Compare/Contrast
Annotation Assignment 3: Essay Structure
Annotation Assignment 4: Finding Credible Sources
Co-requisite Lab for English 101 (ENG 101L) 10%

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Discussions 15%

TOTAL 100%

Course work will be graded on the following scale:

Letter Grade
Final Percentage
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
<60 F

Technology and Computer Literacy Requirements

Students are expected to have basic computer literacy skills and access to technology that
supports student learning. The university’s technology resources are available on the LMS
Student Resource site.

To be successful in this course, students must be able to:

● Access the internet including the NLU online learning management system (D2L)
● Save and upload files
● Use Microsoft Office applications and open PDF documents
● Access digital course materials including electronic textbooks (if applicable)


Equal Opportunity
National Louis University affords equal opportunity to all qualified persons regardless of race,
color, age, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, disability,
political beliefs, marital status, military status, and unfavorable military discharge other than

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 and university policy, we
work hard to ensure that all facilities and programs are accessible to students with special needs.
For information about accessibility or to request special accommodations, contact the Student
Accommodations Coordinator at 312-261-3329 or

If you have academic accommodations approved by the Student Accommodations Coordinator,

please see your instructor for an alternate submission schedule.

Students who believe they or someone in the NLU community is being discriminated against,
please complete an Incident Report so the university can investigate. Incident Reports can be
filed at

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Sexual Respect & Title IX

In the event that you choose to write or speak about having survived sexualized violence,
including rape, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, federal law and
university policies require that your instructor share this information with Dr. Danielle Laban,
Title IX Coordinator. Danielle or a trusted colleague will contact you to let you know about
accommodations and support services at NLU, as well as options for holding accountable the
person who harmed you. It is your decision to respond to the outreach from the University.

● For more information about Sexual Respect and Title IX at NLU:
● To report incidents of violence, self-harm, suicidal behaviors, sexual harassment,
or other issues that affect you or someone you care about, use the NLU “Let Us
Know” page at
● If you wish to seek a confidential source for support and do not want the
University notified, instead of disclosing this information to your instructor,
coach, or reporting to “Let Us Know,” you can speak confidentially with the
University’s confidential advisor – Cindy Danzell at Our
confidential advisor can connect you with support services and help explore your
options now, or in the future. Additional confidential sources can be found online


Academic Honesty and Plagiarism

For resources on how to cite properly and avoid plagiarism, please visit the NLU Library &
Learning Support’s guide at

Help Desk & Technical User Support

Help Desk staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through a toll-free number. To reach
the Help Desk, call 866-813-1177, dial x4357 on campus or e-mail at

Library & Learning Support (LLS)

The Library & Learning Support is your go-to resource for starting research, accessing online
and print collections, individual tutoring, workshops, and placement assessments. Call 800-443-
5522 x3376 or email us at

The NLU Virtual Bookstore offers textbook rentals, new and used textbooks, eTextbooks and
textbook buybacks. For more information, contact Customer Service at 877-284-6744 or email

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