Eme2040 - Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

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Adding Two and Three Digit Numbers

General Information about Technology Integrated Educational Lesson Plan

Subject Area: Math

Grade Level: 2nd

Timeframe: Two 30-minute lessons

Materials Needed:

- Dry erase marker

- Dry erase board
- School Issued Chromebook


- Google Slides
- Kahoot
- Google Docs
- Google Classroom

Technology Tools:

- Chromebook

Student Objectives and Common Core Standards:

Students will be able to:

- Compose and decompose three-digit numbers in multiple ways using hundreds, tens
and ones. Demonstrate each composition or decomposition with objects, drawings and
expressions or equations. (MA.2.NSO.1.2)
- Identify the number that is ten more, ten less, one hundred more and one hundred less
than a given three-digit number. (MA.2.NSO.2.2)
- Use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by
creating new, useful or imaginative solutions. (ISTE 1.4)

Introduction to Project:

The purpose of this lesson is to teach second grade students how to use varying
strategies to add two and three-digit numbers together. During the duration of the lesson, I will
introduce the topic with a Google Slide, then further reinforce their skills with an interactive
Google Doc worksheet, and finally I will complete the lesson using a Kahoot as a means of
The students will follow along a Google Slides presentation as the teacher teaches the lesson.

1. The teacher will explain the purpose of the lesson to the students. The purpose of the
lesson is to teach second grade students to add two two-digit numbers together, a
two-digit and three-digit number together, as well as adding two three-digit numbers
together. To introduce the topic, the teacher will also give examples of how this may be
useful in real life scenarios.
2. The teacher will launch the Google Slide to start the lesson. The Slides will explain how
to add two-digit and three-digit numbers together, while also showing different ways to
solve the problem. After each new strategy, an example problem is shown. The students
will answer the problem with the strategy taught on their dry erase board.
3. The presentation will finish with an example problem that the students will answer using
the strategy they enjoyed the most. They will then find a partner and share the strategy
they used, along with the answer they found. The teacher will walk around, and then she
will reveal the correct answer.

Technology Integration

4. Once the lesson has been taught to the students, they will open their school issued
chromebooks, and log onto their teachers Google Classroom. Once they, they will open
the interactive Google Doc that the teacher has made available to each student,
5. Students will now complete the worksheet, which shows an answer to a question that
was asked. Once the letters are put in the correct order, the answer makes sense.
6. The teacher will then ask the students what they got as an answer, she will hear all
answers even if some are wrong.
7. The teacher will then reveal the correct answers, and what the correct secret word is.


The teacher will first allow the students to use self assessment. If the students have any further
questions about the lesson, the teacher will answer them now.

Student Self-Assessment:

4 - I understand the lesson and can help a friend!

3 - I understand the lesson!

2 - I need a little more help.

1 - Even with help, I don’t understand.

The teacher will evaluate the students using a Kahoot. The teacher will be able to see what the
students got right and wrong. Using the data from the Kahoot, the students will be placed into
groups of exemplary, proficient, approaching, and needs development.

Kahoot link:

Exemplary: The student has gotten almost every, or every, question correct, and they are
ready to move on to the next lesson. The student is above level.

Proficient: The student has gotten the majority of the questions correct. If the teacher
were to move on to the next lesson, they would not fall behind. The student is on level.

Approaching: The student has gotten 40-60% of the questions correct. With some help
and a little reinforcement, they will become proficient. The student is almost proficient

Needs Development: The student has gotten none, or close to none, of the answers
correct. The students need a lot of reinforcement to become proficient.

Practice and Extension:

Students will use what they have learned in class to complete the following questions on their
homework worksheet:

42+78= 376+41=

62+15= 872+63=

54+37= 428+631=

12+24= 352+286=

135+21= 791+193=

491+38= 846+735=

The students have written in their agenda the lesson that they learned in class, as well as the
homework they have been assigned. That way the parents are aware of what their child is

Assessment Plan:
Things to Assess Assessment Strategy

Content Knowledge: Students will be able to 1. Student self-assessment - students

add two two-digit numbers, a two-digit and are able to place themselves in
three-digit number, and two three-digit groups of how comfortable they are
numbers together with a lesson
2. Kahoot - students are able to answer
a series of questions that will give the
teacher quantifiable data, for their

Technology Skills: Use a variety of 1. The students answer example

technologies within a design process to problems on a Google Slide
identify and solve problems by creating new, 2. The students complete an interactive
useful or imaginative solutions worksheet
3. The students partake in a Kahoot

Collaboration/Teamwork Skills 1. Students are able to share ideas and

answers with a partner. They are able
to be exposed to new ways to solve
the same problem.

Other Skills 1. Students become more equipped with

using technology as a part of their

Universal Design Accommodations:

Addressing Needs of Gifted Students:

- Gifted students are able to find another gifted student and pair up to work on
math problems that are able to challenge them.
- Gifted students will have the option to be a “teacher” and help a classmate who
needs more help.

Addressing Needs of Low Achieving Student:

- Students will only have to do the even, or odd, on homework.

- The students will not have to complete the interactive Google Doc because the
teacher will pull small groups during that time to help strengthen the low
achieving students’ skills.

Multiple ways of Presentation:

- Google Slide
- Lecture
- Interactive Google Doc

Multiple ways of Interacting:

- Visually: the students will be able to see the presentation

- Auditory: the students will be able to hear the lesson
- Kinesthetically: the students will be able to use base ten model blocks to solve

Multiple forms of Assessment:

- Student self Assessment

- Teacher Assessment
- Interactive Google Doc
- Homework

Second Language Accommodations:

Honoring Different Cultures:

- Students are able to complete the math problems in the language that they feel
most comfortable with.
- If any images of people are used in any part of the lesson, they will be of
culturally diverse people.
- Students are able to give examples that coincide with their culture.

Addressing Digital Divide:

- All students are issued a school district chromebook. That is what will be used
during the duration of this lesson.

Support ESOL Students:

- A translator will be available if one is needed.

- I will propose the use of Ascend Math. It is a resource that is targeted towards
Spanish speakers. It includes video-based lessons and directions, audio with
practice problems, and student study guides.


In today’s lesson, students were taught how to add two two-digit numbers, a two-digit
and three-digit number, and two three-digit numbers together. They were able to hone their skills
with an interactive Google Doc, a Kahoot, and homework problems. While learning the lesson,
the students became comfortable with using technology as a part of their lesson.
Kahoot link:

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