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Effects of Rheological Properties and

Processing Parameters on ABS Thermoforming


'Deparhnent of Materials Science and Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, IMA 02139
2PolymersDivision of Bayer Corporation
Springfield, MA 01 151

Understanding effects of material and processing parameters on the thermoform-

ing process is critical to the optimization of processing conditions and the develop-
ment of better materials for high quality products. In this study we investigated the
influence of both rheological properties and processing parameters on the part
thickness distribution of a vacuum snap-back forming process. Rheological proper-
ties included uniaxial and biaxial elongational viscosity and strain hardening and/or
softening while processing parameters included friction coefficient, heat transfer
coefficient, and sheet and mold temperatures. The Wagner two parameter nonlinear
viscoelastic constitutive model was used to describe rheological behavior and was
fit to shear and elongational experimental data. The linear viscoelastic properties
along with the Wagner model were utilized for numerical simulation of the thermo-
forming operation. Simulations of pre-stretched vacuum thennoforming with a rela-
tively complex mold for a commercial refrigerator liner were conducted. The effects
of nonlinear rheological behavior were determined by arbitrarily changing model
parameters. This allows determination of which rheological features (i-e., elonga-
tional mode, viscosity, and strain hardening and/or softeningl are most critical to
the vacuum snap-back thermoforming operation. We found that rheological and
friction properties showed a predominant role over other processing parameters for
uniform thickness distribution.

INTRODUCTION and the incidence of webs which are caused by the

gathering of excess material. Heterogeneous polymeric
T hermofonning is a processing method in which a
heated thermoplastic sheet is deformed and shaped
over a mold geometry by mechanical, air, or vacuum
systems and specifically rubber modified polymeric
materials such as acrylonitrile-butadiene-styreneco-
polymers (ASS) are of particular interest since they
pressure. There are many kinds of thennoforming tech-
possess excellent properties for consumer goods (tough-
niques, ranging from simple vacuum or drape form-
ness, durability, chemical and heat resistance to name
ing, in which the softened polymer sheet is simply
a few) and can be produced over a wide range of proc-
draped over a male or female mold to more complex
essing temperature.
processes in which a pre-stretching stage of the poly-
The primary objectives of the present study are to
mer sheet is included before contacting the mold (1-3).
investigate the effects of rheological properties and
Pre-stretching techniques such as plug assist and
processing parameters on thermoforming behavior,
snap-back forming are used to obtain more accurate
thus providing fundamental information for process
and uniform thickness distribution of parts thermo-
improvement. Understanding the effects of material
formed in complex geometries. Uniform thickness dis-
and processing parameters on polymer processing is
tribution and optimum average thickness are very im-
very important to establish optimum processing con-
portant properties for manufacturing high quality parts
ditions and develop better materials for high quality
economically. Some of the main processing problems in
products. There are a number of experimental (4-13)
thermoformed parts include uneven thickness distri-
and simulation (14-32) efforts devoted to establishing
bution, excess thinning in certain locations of the parts,
optimum processing conditions such as temperatures,
pressure, and friction coefficient and to investigating
'corresponding author the effects of material variables such as elongational

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Effects of Rheological Properties and Processing Parameters on ABS Thennofonning

viscosity behavior or melt strength on thermoforming on performance of the thermoforming operation. The
performance. Despite these investigations, the effects methods of obtaining friction coefficients and their tem-
of material and processing parameters on the per- perature dependence are not clearly explained. Tsai
formance of thermoforming operations are not well (33)reported that the friction between a sheet and a
understood. Also, little work has been devoted to un- moid is a function of temperature in which the friction
derstanding the basic relation between melt failure increased dramatically near the glass transition tem-
(i.e., necking, melt or brittle rupture), strain harden- perature of polystyrene. He pointed out that because of
ing and/or softening and thermoforming operation of friction, the thickness distribution of a thermoformed
heterogeneous polymeric systems like ABS polymer part can be manipulated by mold temperature with
(30, 31, 33-37). Investigation of rheological behavior vacuum and/or pressure assistance. However, he did
during uniaxial and biaxial stretching is necessary for not show the effect of the friction coefficient on the
prediction of material performance in a variety of com- thickness distribution of thermoformed parts quanti-
mercial applications such as thermoforming and blow tatively. It is expected that if both the sheet and mold
molding, and it is also fundamental for polymer rheol- temperatures are very high, the friction force would be
ogy and processing. extremely high in the area where contact first oc-
It is well known that a good thermoforming material curred. As a result, the thickness distribution of ther-
must have enough viscous character to provide flow moformed parts becomes nonuniform.
under the applied stress and sufficient elastic char- The primary reason for computer simulation of
acter to avoid excessive thinning. Viscoelastic consti- thermoforming is to provide hndamental information
tutive models are required to describe both viscous concerning the effects of design variables (i.e., thermo-
and elastic property of polymer. However, many previ- forming technique, the shape and curvature of plug
ous investigators (14-25) used the hyperelastic model and/or mold), processing variables (i.e., mold speed,
to describe the rheological properties, after assuming pressure, temperature, and friction property between
that the polymer follows elastic behavior under the sheet and mold), and material variables (i.e., sheet
conditions of relatively high strain rate in the thermo- thickness, rheological properties, and thermal stabil-
forming process. They reported that this assumption ity) on the important properties of final thermoformed
may be quite sufficient for predicting the thickness parts. Because there are many parameters, which af-
distribution. However, most of these works have con- fect the performance of a thermoforming operation, it
cerned simple vacuum or drape forming techniques is very difficult to design the process and optimize
and molds of simple geometry. Several investigators processing conditions and material properties by trial
(26-3 1)reported in their recent studies that viscoelas- and error without the basic information obtained from
tic constitutive models were more proper for describ- computer simulation.
ing rheological properties during thermoforming op- In this study simulations of the thermoforming proc-
erations. On the other hand, Laroche and Erchiqui ess were conducted using commercial software (T-SIM@,
(32) compared the predictability of both hyperelastic T-SIM CZ Ltd.). By arbitrarily changing the parame-
and viscoelastic constitutive models for vacuum ther- ters in the constitutive equation (a and p parameters
moforming process and concluded that both models of Wagner model) we have constructed variations in
gave similar results and over-predicted the thickness the rheological behavior in terms of the nonlinear vis-
distribution of thermoformed parts. Generally, the vis- coelastic regime, strain hardening and/or softening,
coelastic constitutive models are required to accurately and the temperature sensitivity of elongational behav-
predict the elongational behavior including elonga- ior. This allowed us to determine which processing and
tionai viscosity and strain hardening and/or softening rheological features are most critical for the thermo-
by fitting of experimental data as a function of strain forming operation.
rate and time. Based on a previous study, we used the
Wagner model (38), which is a K-BKZ type (39,40) sin- EXPERIMENTAL
gle integral nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model,
in this study. The fitting and rheological properties of
ABS polymer by viscoelastic constitutive models were We studied a commercial ABS copolymer from Bayer
summarized more detail in our previous study (41). Corporation widely used in thermoforming of large
Several works (19, 20, 26, 29-31, 33) devoted to parts. The copolymer matrix (styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN)
understanding the effect of friction between the sheet copolymer, M , = 70,000) consisted of 30 wt% acry-
and mold on thermoforming performance concluded lonitrile and 70 wt% styrene. The glass transition
that friction between the sheet and mold played a very temperature of the copolymer was Tg = 125°C. The
important role in determining the thickness distribu- grafted rubber phase is primarily a narrow distribu-
tion of thermoformed parts, especially in pre-stretch- tion with weight average diameter of 0.2 p,m constitut-
ing techniques such as plug assist thermoforming. ing about 13wtYo rubber in the total composition. The
Almost all recent studies used the coulomb friction AI3S density at 25°C. thermal conductivity, and heat
model to describe the partial slip condition between capacity, which were provided by Bayer Corporation,
the sheet and polymer. However, they did not show are 1050 Kg/cm2, 0.105 W/m K, and 2093 J/kg K,
quantitatively the effect of different friction coefficients respectively. The material was extruded into 2.5 or

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Je Kyun Lee, Terry L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott

3 mm thick sheets for thermofonning experiments and

the shrinkage of sheet in extrusion direction and cross
direction were 15% and - 5%. respectively. Based on
transmission electron micrographs of the materials,
the rubber particles were well-dispersed with no ob-
servable particle agglomeration.
The usual Lodge network model (43) was used to de-
Rheological Measurements scribe the memory function:
Tensile stress growth coefficients in uniaxial elonga-
tion were measured on a Meissner-type extensional
rheometer (Rheometrics RME) for the melt ternpera-
tures from 140-200°C and constant elongation rates The following Arrhenius relation was used to de-
E = 0.01-1.0 s-l which are typical for processing op- scribe the temperature dependence of material rheo-
erations. The basic operating principle and detailed logical behavior during thermoforming simulation.
description of Meissner’s extensional rheometer can
be found in (42)and Rheometrics literature. Yo (T)= Yo, (To) eXP[-A(T-TlJl (51
Shear measurements were performed on the ARES where q: (To)is the zero shear viscosity at reference
mechanical spectrometer by Rheometric Scientific (Pis- temperature To, q0 (T) is the zero shear viscosity at
cataway, N.J.). The shear experiments were conducted temperature T, and A is a fitted constant.
on 8 and 25 mm diameter samples cut from the 3 mm
thick extruded ABS sheet using parallel plate and cone- Measurement of Friction Coefficients
and-plate geometries. Small strain oscillatory shear
The dynamic friction coefficients at different temper-
measurements were used to determine linear visco-
atures were obtained using the parallel plate fixtures
elastic spectra of the material in the frequency range
of Rheometric Mechanical Spectrometer (RMS-800EH)
from 10-2-102 s-l and in the temperature range from
with the 200 gm-cm transducer. Disc specimens of
140-200°C. The shear stress growth coefficient meas-
25-33 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness were com-
urements for the start-up of steady shear were per-
pression molded after drying the polymer sheet at 65°C
formed for the shear rates = 0.001-10.0 s-l at 170°C.
under vacuum for 16 hours. A disposable flat alumi-
The samples were examined after the experiment to
num disc plate of either 25 or 50 mm diameter was
ensure their uniformity and the absence of the edge
used as an actual friction surface. Between each run
instability. Details of the rheological measurements
the aluminum plate was washed with acetone to re-
can be found in (411.
move any residual polymer or additives. The instru-
ment was operated in steady shear where a lower
Viscoelastic Constitutive Model
parallel plate fixture was rotated at a continuous rate
In this study the Wagner model, which is a K-BKZ of 1 rpm. The specimen assemblies were loaded and
type single integral nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive brought to 90°C without making any contact with the
model, was fit to shear and eiongational experimental aluminum friction surface. The transducer was zeroed
data to obtain 01 and p parameters. K-BKZ type single for both torque and normal force and then, the run
integral models have the following general form: started. Measurements were made in temperature
steps of either 5 or lO”C, depending on the tempera-
T = - P& + & ture region, and the time required for temperature
changes was 5- 10 minutes. All runswere made under

[=7 1
= q~-~‘)[d4~1.z2&
Yt’)+ 4 ) 2 ( Z l J 2 ) 5 ( ~ ’ ) I d ~ ’
(1) N, atmosphere to prevent from oxidative degradation.
A thermocouple inside the lower tool contacted the
bottom friction surface and was used to indicate the
temperature of the sliding surfaces. The dynamic fric-
where G;l(t’) and C&(t’)are the Finger strain tensor tion coefficient was calculated using the relationship
and Cauchy strain tensor respectively, M(t - t‘) is the between torque and normal force measured as follows:
memory function, ll(t,t’) and I,(t,t’) are the first two
invariants of the Finger tensor (the third invariant f=-(’) 3
I, = 1 for incompressible fluids), and damping func- 2R FN
tions +1 (I1. 12), +2 (I1. I,) are defined as follows: where, R = sample radius, r = torque, F, is the nor-
Wagner model: mal force. The results obtained below 140°Cwere very
reproducible. However, the accuracy of the experi-
= exp(-p[d, + (1- u)Z, - 3]0.5), & = 0 (2) mental friction coefficients measured at higher tem-
peratures over 140°C is questionable due to low vis-
Also, the first two invariants of the Finger tensor, cosity of polymer (the friction force exceeded the melt
Il(t,t’) and 12(t,t’)for uniaxial and biaxial elongational strength) and sticking of the polymer to the fixture
flow are as follows: surface. Figure I provides a schematic illustration of


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Effects of Rheological Properties and Processing Parameters on ABS Thermoforming

2.5 I

80 100 120 140 160 I80

Temperature ("C)

Fig. 1 . (a) Schematic illustration of friction coefficient measurement using RMS, (b) Friction cwfficient us. temperature used in
this study.

the equipment as well as the experimental data. In top vacuum box down over the sheet and pulling a
the thermoforming process, the mold and sheet tem- vacuum. Both the bubble height and the rate at which
peratures are different. Therefore, in the numerical the vacuum is pulled can be varied. Calculations have
simulation the temperature used for the friction coeffi- shown that maximum strainsfor the part studied here
cient was the average of the sheet and mold tempera- in the pre-stretched bubble approach 230%. Follow-
tures. ing pre-stretching is a delay time until the rising mold
contacts the deformed sheet. Forming is completed
Thermoforming by continued upward motion of the mold, and fmal
The method of thermoforming used in this study is application of vacuum to pull in the remaining non-
referred to as vacuum snap-back forming, a sche- contacting regions. The relatively complex mold of a
matic of which is shown in Fig. 2. Immediately after commercial refrigerator liner was used, as detailed in
completion of the heating cycle, the sheet undergoes a Fig. 3. Experiments were run using a Drypoll thermo-
pre-stretching, which is implemented by moving the former.

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Je Kyun Lee, Terry L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott

I "
1 1 II vacL

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the vacuum snapback thermoforming operation: (a) The heated polymer sheet is loaded under
the vacuum box (b) The bubble formation stage by vacuum, (c) The male mold approaches and vacuum is drawn through sheet,
(d) Thermoformedpart.

Thermoforming Simulations of Tsheet= 170°C Tmold= 90°C. f = 0.25, bubble

height = 390 mm, a = 0.2893, p = 0.25, and sheet
The commercial simulation program T-SIM@ (version
thickness = 3.05 mm.
3.4, T-SIM CZ Ltd.) was used to predict the effect of
material and processing parameters on the thickness
distribution. This software uses K-BKZ type single in- Evaluation of Thermoforming Performance
tegral nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive models to de-
In order to compare the thermoforming performance
scribe viscoelasticity and large deformation of mate-
in terms of part thickness distribution quantitatively,
rial. Coulombs law of friction was enforced at areas of
we used the Coefficient of Variation (COV), which is
contact between sheet and mold. The sheet was spa-
the standard deviation normalized by average thick-
tially divided into 3626 elements with 1913 nodes in
ness (e.g., STDEV/average thickness (mm)*100). The
order to provide a balance of simulation time and ac-
standard deviation (STDEV)measures how widely val-
curacy. It is common practice in the industry for proc-
ues are dispersed from the average value (the mean),
esses with these types of molds to be run by control-
using following equation:
ling the bubble height. Thus, a constant bubble height
of approximately 390 mm was used for our simulation.
Five relaxation times were used to describe linear vis- STDEV = (71
n(n - 1)
coelastic behavior and the time step was 0.05s. The
heat transfer was calculated after the time step and the where n is the number of points at which the thick-
temperature field in the elements was modified on this ness was measured and {xi}is the set of thickness
basis. More detailed features and descriptions of T-SIM@ values. All measurement was made along the center
simulation software can be found in (44). The effects line illustrated in Fig. 3. Note that the average part
of material shrinkage and sagging of the sheet on the thickness is constant because of conservation of mass,
thickness distribution were not simulated. A recent but the average thickness along the measuring line
study of shrinkage and sagging effects can be found may vary as a result of movement of materid in or out.
in (45) and (46), respectively. Unless otherwise noted, of that area. Management of the COV value is com-
the simulations were run under standard conditions monly used in the thermoforming industry for quality

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Effects of Rheological Properties and Processing Parameters on ABS Thennoforming

I I'


50.2 Undercut


... "..........
" " ......


X=170 ern X=O cm

Fig. 3. (a)Mold geometry for reSngerator liner (dimension in centimeters).(bl The part thickness measurement path (.+lfrom top,
across the back and then the boteom

control. A smaller COV indicates a more uniform and constant (2.76 t 0.20) within experimental error and
thus better quality part. Also, when the effects of ma- independent of temperature and elongation rate for
terial and processing parameters on the average thick- this material.
ness along line of symmetry are significant, the values The Wagner model parameter values obtained by
of thickness are included with COV values for better data fitting at different temperatures are given in
understanding. Table 1. Note that the model parameter values vary
substantially with temperature. The temperature-spe-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION cific model parameter values rather than the averages
were used. Although the Wagner model predicts a
Elongational Viscosities and
steady-state elongational viscosity that is not observed
the Constitutive Model
experimentally owing to sample failure, it simulates
The measured uniaxial elongational viscosities for more accurately the experimentally observed maximum
the ABS at d = 1.0 s- along with the best fit by Wag- in elongational viscosity (41).Since some part of ther-
ner model are provided in F@. 4 . Considerable strain moforming may proceed beyond the melt failure point,
hardening behavior is exhibited a t lower tempera- it is important to have an accurate model prediction
tures, but at higher temperature strain hardening is for maximum elongation viscosity. The study of a vis-
reduced primarily due to increasing mobility of the co- coelastic constitutive model to predict the melt failure
polymer matrix. The experimental elongational viscos- behavior is separate topic, requiring hrther investiga-
ity curve has a maximum followed by a sudden drop tion.
associated melt failure due to necking or other insta-
bility. The maximum is an artifact of nonuniform defor- Comparison of Simulation
mation and melt failure which occur during the strain With Experimental Results
softening phase (41). The apparent Hencky strain- Comparison of the simulation and experimental re-
to-neck (strain at visually observed neck) is roughly sults is not emphasized in this paper, but instead in a

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Je Kyun Lee, Terry L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott

1 o8

a, 10’


1 o5

1 o4
lo-’ 1 oo 10’
Time (s)
Fig. 4. Measured transient uniaxial elongational viscosity and the best f i t by the Wagner model at different temperatures,
t = 1 .O s-I. Symbols are experimental data, lines are modelfit.

separate study. However, one example is presented The back area is where the pole of bubble contacts
here to support the validity of the simulations. Figure 5 the mold. The bubble formation is primarily a biaxial
presents the comparison for a typical set of conditions deformation, especially near the top of bubble. Variation
for this combination of material and process in terms of the flow mode over the surface of the part will be
of the thickness distribution along the measuring line discussed systematically in a later section. The differ-
shown in Fig. 3. The COV was 22.8 for simulation, ences between the experimental and simulation results
compared with 25.5 in the experiment. Also, the aver- are partially due to the use of rheological parameters
age thickness along the measuring line was 0.85 mm obtained from shear and uniaxial elongation experi-
for simulation, compared with 0.87 mm in the experi- ments to predict biaxial behavior. As Treloar (47) and
ment. Considering the complexity of the mold and Koziey et al. (15) pointed out, biaxial elongational be-
process in this example, agreement is excellent. In havior calculated by using model parameters obtained
particular, the simulated thickness distribution in the from uniaxial viscosity data may give erroneous re-
bottom area is very consistent with experimental re- sults. In addition, shrinkage (45). sagging (46) and
sults. Several investigators (22, 24, 32) reported large nonuniform temperature profile over the sheet (48) oc-
differences between experimental and simulated thick- curred during the heating stage in the experimental
ness distributions when molds with relatively complex thermoforming operation. These are not considered in
geometries were used. this study and may play important roles in the differ-
ences between the experimental and simulation results.

Table 1. Temperature Dependence of Best Fit Effects of the Nonlinear Rheological

Wagner Model Parameters, (Y and p, Calculated From
Specific Temperature Relaxation Spectra.
Model Parameters

Temperature (“C) Q P Modification of the a and p parameters of the consti-

tutive equation provides for changes in the nonlinear
140 0.3202 0.1036 rheological behavior. Subsequent numerical simula-
150 0.2678 0.2012
170 0.2893 0.2500 tion of the thermoforming behavior of these variations
185 0.2542 0.2825 yields important information concerning rheologically
200 0.2781 0.2757 desirable behavior. Figure 6 illustrates the depend-
Average 0.2819 0.2226
ence of the uniaxial elokgational viscosity of ABS poly-
mer on the 01 and p parameters. As the value of either

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Effects of Rheological Properties und Processing Parameters on ABS Thennoforming

Distance along line of symmetry (mm)

Fig. 5. Comparison of simulation and experimental thickness distribution along line of symmetry.

CY or p increases, the uniaxial elongational viscosity is with a sharp pole. This is due to the lower biaxial elon-
decreased and the maximum is observed at earlier gational viscosity and less strain hardening (see Fig. 7u).
times. As expected from Eq 2, the effect of the p para- Similar changes in bubble shape occur as the p pa-
meter is stronger than that of the CY parameter. Note rameter is increased. The effect of the p parameter is
that the best fit values of the CY and p parameters to more conspicuous than that of the CY parameter, as we
the experimental measurement were CY = 0.2893 and expected from the biaxial elongational viscosity behav-
p = 0.25 at 170°C (see Table I ) , which are located in ior. In the case of CY = 0.05, p = 0.4, and p = 0.9, the
the middle of Rg. 6a and b. narrowness of the bubble at its base resulted in its
We also predicted the biaxial elongational viscosity touching the mold in the bubble blowing stage.
behavior using the Wagner model. Since the CY and p Note that in each case the blowing pressure profile
parameters were obtained by fitting of experimental was adjusted to obtain similar bubble heights of ap-
data in startup of steady shear and uniaxial elonga- proximately 390 111111. We monitored the vacuum pres-
tion, the accuracy of extrapolation to biaxial elongation sure required to obtain this bubble height during the
is questionable. However, the simulation software uses inflation stage of polymer sheet at each different com-
these parameters for all types of deformation. The re- bination of the model parameters, CY and p. I t is well
sults are shown in Fig. 7. The dependence of biaxial known that the pressure applied to polymer sheet
elongational viscosity on the model parameter (Y is dif- during bubble inflation stage can be related to the
ferent from that of uniaxial elongational viscosity. As rheological properties of polymer, especially biaxial
the CY value increases, biaxial elongational viscosity is elongational viscosity. The dependence of the required
also increased. From comparison of Fig. 7 with FXg. 6 pressure on the model parameter CY and p is shown in
it is clear that the model predicts a maximum viscos- Fg. 9. As the CY value increases and the p value de-
ity in the biaxial elongational viscosity at earlier times creases, the pressure required increases, consistent
than in the uniaxial extension. with the biaxial elongational viscosities given in Fig. 7.
First we investigated the effect of rheological prop- The nonlinear rheoiogical parameters have a signifi-
erties on the bubble shape and subsequently, the ther- cant influence on the part thickness distribution and
moforming performance. Formation of the bubble is COV. The simulated results of the effect of a parameter
primarily a biaxial deformation, particularly near the on the thickness distribution and COV are provided in
pole. The influences of CY and p on the bubble shapes Fig. 10. From Fg. IOa we observe that the thickness
are summarized in Fig. 8. As the value of model param- of the back and top areas is increased as a parameter
eter CY decreases, the bubble shapes become narrower of Wagner model increases, but the thickness of the

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
J e Kyun Lee, Teny L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott


I- a: 0 . 0 5
a : 0.1
- a :0 . 2 8 9 3
a: 0.9

Time (s)

1 o-2 1 0-1 1 oo 1 o1 1 o2
Time (s)

Fig. 6. Dependence of uniaxial elongational viscosity on the Wagner model parameters at T = 170°C. B = 1 .O s-I: (a)ci parameter.
[b) p parameter. The asterisk indicates the actual valuefor the material under study.

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Effects of Rheological Properties and Processing Parameters on ABS Thermoforming

t I- a:0.05

1 o5

t /

I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I l l l l I I , 1 1 1 1 ,

1 o-2 1 0-1 1 oo 10'

Time (s)

- R. n nc I

1 ° i

1 o4
1 o-2 10-l 1 oo 10'
Time (s)

Flg. 7 . Dependence of biaxial elongational viscosity on the Wagner model parameters at T = 170°C.P = 1 .O s - l : (a)a parameter,
fb) p parameter. The asterisk indicates the actual value for the material under study.

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Je Kyun Lee, Ternj L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott

Rg. 8. Effects of Wagner model parameters on the bubble shape. Lines at right, lest, and upper side of bubbles indicate the upper
tool of thermofonner.

bottom side is decreased. Also, 3.l o b shows that as predicted by the model after the maximum viscosity
a parameter increases, the thickness distribution be- peak. Our results are consistent with the previous
come more uniform. Figures 6a, 7a,and 8 demon- work of several investigators (30,31, 36,37),in which
strate that the thickness distributions on the back the polymer with more strain hardening behavior
and top areas depend on the bubble shape but that of shows better thickness distribution than that with
the bottom side depends primarily on the extension of strain softening behavior. We may conclude that the
sheet after contact with mold. Based on the biaxial biaxial elongational viscosity behavior is more im-
elongational viscosity behavior in Fig. 7a,polymers portant than uniaxial for most of the measurement
with higher elongational viscosity, more strain hard- line used here. However, the thickness distribution of
ening, and later maximum peak show better thick- the bottom side determined generally after contact-
ness distributions. Note that severe strain softening is ing the mold shows a close relationship with uniaxial

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Effects of Rheological Properties and Processing Parameters on ABS Thennoforming








Rg.9. Pressure required for a con- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.o
stant bubble height of 390 mm at
different Wagner model pararne- AlphavalueofdampingfunctionofWagwmodel
ters: (a)Pressure us. 01 value at
fued p = 0.25. lb) Pressure us. p
value at&ed 01 = 0.2893.






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Bdavdue d darrpingfunctiond W w model

elongational viscosity behavior. This is consistent with small bubbles. Rgure 12 presents the simulated re-
Throne’s study (l),in which the uniaxial elongational sults for the effect of bubble height on part thickness
viscosity had a significant influence on the part thick- distribution. Simulation with bubble heights smaller
ness after the sheet contacts with the mold. than 300 mm and larger than 410 mm could not be
Figure 11 shows the simulated results of the effect completed because of excessive deformation after
of the p parameter on the thickness distribution and contact with mold and during the inflation stage, re-
COV. As p increases, the thickness distribution be- spectively. Figure 12 shows that as the bubble height
comes less uniform. Values of p above 0.5 could not be increases, the thickness of back area is decreased and
simulated accurately due to excessive thinning of the the thickness of bottom and top areas are increased.
sheet during the inflation stage. As with Rg. 10, Rg. I 1 A larger bubble height means more deformation and
indicates very clearly that the polymer with strain hard- less material in back side. Figure 12b shows that gen-
ening and higher elongational viscosity shows more erally, as the bubble height increases up to 405 mm,
uniform thickness distribution. a more uniform thickness distribution along the sym-
metry line is observed.
The Effect of Bubble Height These results show an optimum bubble height range
A previous experimental study (4) has shown that for the uniform part thickness distribution. If the bub-
the quality of this part is sensitive to the initial bubble ble height is too large, some areas become exces-
height and there is clearly an optimum bubble height sively thin during bubble inflation. Also, if the bubble
range, bounded by extremely small average thickness height is too small, there exist two areas with different
for larger bubbles and poor thickness distribution for thickness in thermoformed parts. Since the back area


15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Je Kyun Lee, Terry L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott



TOP Back Bottom

--- < >

0 40 0 800 1200 1600

Distance along line of symmetry (mm)

0.28 1

.-0 -
0.25 -


0.23 -

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .o

Alpha value of Wagner model

Fig. 10. EBect of model parameter cy on the thickness distribution a t f i e d p = 0.25: (a)Thickness along line of symmetry. [b)Co&-
cient of Variation us. cy values.

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Effects of Rheological Properties and Processing Parameters on ABS Thennoforming



0.5 . I -
\ '*
Back Bottom
0 400 800 1200 1600
Distance along line d symnetry (m

0'40 -$
0.35 -

0.30 -

0.25 -

0.20 -

0.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50

Beta value of Wagner model

Flg. 1 1 . Effect of model parameter p on the thickness distributionatfived (Y Thickness abng

= 0.2893: (a) line of symmetry, (bl Coef-
jkient of Variation us. p values.

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Je Kyun Lee,Terry L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott

Height = 279 mm
(a) - - Height = 354 mm
- - - -Height
. = 314 mm
- - -- Height = 401 mm

A -..___.--

0 400 800 1200 1600

Distance along line of symmetry (mm)

0.75 I , 1.4
f-; <-'L1___)
imperfect Perfect Forming 4 Imperfect Forming
Forming I I
0.65 - I

0.55 -
c I .2
2 0.45 -


0.35 -

I .o
0.25 -

250 300 350 400 450 500
Bubble Height (mm)

Rig. 12. Effect of bubble height on the thickness distribution: (a] Thickness along tine of symmetry, @I Coefficient of Variation and
average thickness us. bubble height.

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Effects of Rheological Properties and Processing Parameters O R ABS Thennoforming

primarily depends on the bubble thickness, it becomes material from the sheet to the mold surface and oxi-
too thick owing to less deformation of the polymer dation of the mold surface may change the friction co-
sheet during bubble growth stage. However, polymer efficient over time. The mold surface may be modified
at the back area may not easily move to the top and in order to provide a desirable friction coefficient.
bottom areas after contact with the mold owing to
high friction at the contacting area. Therefore, these The Effect of Sheet Temperature
areas become too thin owing to excess extension of a
relatively small sheet by the mold, resulting in a non- The dependencies of the thickness distribution, COV,
uniform thickness distribution. The simulation indi- and the average thickness of the finished part on the
cated on an optimum bubble height in the range of sheet temperature are provided in Rg. 1 4 . Note that
380-405 mm. Based on these results, we selected since the friction coefficient was based on the average
the bubble height of 390 mm for further study. The of the sheet and mold temperatures, the friction co-
experimental investigation of this system (4) yielded efficient ranged from 0.15 to 0.35 as the sheet tem-
an optimum bubble height of 380? 20 mm, in excel- perature changed from 140°C to 200°C. In Fig. 14%
lent agreement with the simulation results. the thickness distribution of the top and back regions
shows a similar trend in which the part thickness along
The Effect of Friction CoefEicient the measuring line decreases as the sheet temperature
increases from 140°C to 170°C; however, it is increased
The thermofoxming simulation software utilized Cou- as the sheet temperature increases from 170°C to
lombs law of friction for contact between the sheet and 200°C. This is consistent with the previous discussion
the mold. If f.FN is larger than FT then the node is of the influence of biaxial elongational viscosity and
fixed to the wall (nonslip),wherefis the friction coeffi- bubble shape on the thickness distribution. Interest-
cient, FNis the normal force, and FT is the tangential ingly enough, Fig. 14b clearly shows that at 170°C.
force. Iff. FN is less than FT. the node is allowed to the worst thickness distribution and the thinnest
slide on the mold surface with FT appropriately re- average part thickness along the measuring line were
duced due to friction. As Tsai reported [33), we also obtained. The most uniform thickness distributions
observed experimentally that the friction between a were observed at 140°C and next, 200°C. The thick-
sheet and a mold is a function of temperature and in- ness distribution effects in the bottom area shown in
creases approximately exponentially at higher temper- Fig. 1 4 are controlled by two primary influences of ir-
ature above Tg (see Fig. 1). creasing the sheet temperature: a decrease in uniaxial
Simulations were run with the friction coefficient viscosity and strain-hardening character as well as an
varying from zero (no friction, perfect slip) to much increase in the friction coefficient. If we consider the
larger values than our measured values. The depend- parabolic shape effect of the friction coefficient on
ence of the thickness distribution. COV, and average the thickness in Rg. 1 3 , it leads us to conclude that
thickness along a symmetry line on the friction coeffi- the higher average thickness at 185°C and 200°C com-
cient at 170°C are provided in Fig. 1 3 . The thickness pared to that of 170°C may occur as a result of the ef-
distribution simulated with the perfect slip condition fect of higher friction coefficients. From comparison of
is significantly different from that with frictional char- FLg. 1 3 b with the temperature dependence of uniaxial
acter, especially in the top area and comers. The larger viscosity of Rg. 6, the effect of the temperature depend-
thickness in the top and back areas and the smaller ence of friction coefficient on the average thickness
thickness in the bottom and comers may occur be- seems to be more significant than the effect of the
cause of faster movement of more materials to the top temperature dependence of elongational viscosity.
areas, resulting from the lower friction coefficient. Note
that the first contact area with the sheet is the comer The Effect of Mold Temperature
between the top and back areas and the final contact
occurs at the comer in the bottom area (see Rg. 3).As The effect of mold temperature on the thickness dis-
we expected, the average thickness along the measur- tribution is potentially quite complex. The mold tem-
ing line was increased when a larger value of friction perature influences the friction coefficient as well as
coefficient was used and this result for the average heat transfer between the mold and sheet. Note that
thickness is consistent with previous studies of sev- -
the range of friction coefficient of 0.15 0.3 was used
eral investigators (19, 20, 26, 29-31, 33).A more uni- as the mold temperature changes from 25°C to 110°C.
form thickness distribution was observed for a friction In addition heat transfer between the sheet and the
coefficient in the range of 0.05-0.2. Overall, the fric- mold changes the polymer viscosity. The effect of the
tion properties between polymer sheet and mold exert mold temperature on the thickness distribution is
a great influence on the average thickness and thick- shown in Fig. 15. The effect of mold temperature on
ness distribution. It is important to recognize this when the thickness distribution is very similar to that of the
considering the effects of other process variables which friction coefficient [see Fig. 13a).There is an optimum
may influence the friction coefficient, such as sheet mold temperature of approximately 90°C. which pro-
temperature and mold temperature. Observation of vides uniform thickness distribution, consistent with
an optimal friction coefficient has important implica- the effect of friction Coefficient. Also, note that as the
tions for mold design. However, in practice, transfer of mold temperature increases, the average thickness


15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Je Kyun Lee, Terry L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott


I 1 I I I I I I I I I I
0 400 800 1200 1600
Distance a l o n g line of symmetry ( m m )

FQ. 13. Effect of thefriction coeflcient on the thickness distributiox [a)Thickness along line of symmetry. (b) Cwflcient of Variation
and average thickness us. friction coeflcient.

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Effects of Rheological Properties and Processing Parameters on ABS Thermoforming


Back Bottom

0 400 800 1200 1600
Distance from frange along line of symmetry (mm)

0.30 I 1 1.09
t 1

0.27 - - 1.08

- -
c 0.23

> -
0.20 - 1.06


0.17 - - 1.05

0.10 " ' 1 " " ' 1 " " " " ' 1 " 1 ' ' " 1 ' " ' 1 ' 1 ' ' 1.03
130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210
Sheet Temperature ( C )

Fig. 14. Effect of the sheet temperature on the thickness distribution: [a)Thickness along line of symmetry. @)I Coefficient of Variation
and average thickness us. sheet temperature.

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Je K y m Lee, Teny L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott

2.0 I 1


1 .o

TOP Back Bottom
0 400 800 1200 1600
Distance along line of symmetry ( m m )



C 0.28
.-0 I

-a ,’ -

m I
> 0.27 I



E,-===- _w
] 1.02

0.24 1 .oo
20 40 60 80 100 120

Mold Temperature (“C)

Fig. 15. Effect of the mold temperature on the thickness distribution: (a)Thickness along line of symmetry, Coemient of Variation
and average thickness us. mold temperature.

15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Effects of Rheological Properties and Processing Parameters on ABS Thennoforming

2.0 I I b




TOP Back Bottom
- c - I r / >
I I 1 I

0 0.20

1 10 100 1000

Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m2 K )

Q. 16. Effect of the heat transfer coemient between sheet and air on the thickness distributiorx [a)Thickness along line of sym-
metry, (b)Coeficient of Variation and average thickness us. heat transfer coeflcient.


15482634, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Saechsische Landesbibliothek, Wiley Online Library on [11/04/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Je Kyun Lee, Terry L. Virkler, and Chris E. Scott

along the measuring line also increases, mainly be- ACKNOWLEDGMENT

cause of the higher friction coefficient. This indicates The authors are grateful to the Bayer Corporation
that more material is retained along the centerline of for the support of this work. We appreciate the work
the part at the expense of other regions. Changes in of Mr. Don Williams of Solutia for his measurements
the thermal conductivity of polymer have little effect of friction coefficients and the thermoforming experi-
on the thickness distribution. This reinforces the con- ments done by Mr. Mike Nikolakopoulous and Mr.
clusion that the primary influence of the mold tem- Jim Deary. We also appreciate the efforts of T-SIM CZ
perature is through the friction coefficient. Overall, Ltd. for their helpful and responsive assistance with
the mold and sheet temperatures play less important software.
roles in determining uniform thickness distribution
than the friction coefficient itself. However, it should be REFERENCES
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