Machine Learning and Supply Chain Management - A

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© June 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 9 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Machine Learning and Supply Chain Management- A

conceptual view

Pooja Sareen
Assistant Professor, PGGC46, Chandigarh

Abstract— Machine Learning algorithms forecast algorithms, are great at analysing trends, spotting
demand, improve logistics management and help us anomalies, and deriving predictive insights within
reduce paperwork, and automate the manual processes. massive data sets.
It uses data, probabilistic models, and algorithms which
To manage a wide network of suppliers, warehouses,
includes problem identification, cleaning the data,
logistics service partners, supply chain management
implementing the model, training and testing,
evaluating, deploying and updating the data files. In
can become a daunting task and machine learning
this paper a conceptual view of Machine learning and and AI can help us at all stages of the supply chain
Supply Chain Management is taken. It also outlines management. Machine Learning algorithms will
Supervised methods to make predictions on future data correctly forecast demand, improve logistics
such as predicts demand, classify images, detect fraud, management and help us reduce paperwork, and
or make medical diagnoses and Unsupervised Machine automate manual processes.
learning methods for customer segmentation and
product recommendations works on unlabelled and
uncategorized data. The paper is an attempt to outline
Machine learning and its methods to make supply chain
more effective.
1 To outline various Machine Learning Methods
INTRODUCTION 2 To outline key challenges and benefits of
Machine learning in supply chain.
Machine learning uses data, probabilistic models, and 3 How machine learning work for Supply Chain to
algorithms. The machine learning process requires make it more effective?
problem identification, cleaning the data,
implementing the model, training and testing, A. Machine Learning Methods
evaluating, deploying and updating the data files. Supervised Learning method for Prediction and
Machine learning methods can be classified into three Classification
types supervised learning, unsupervised learning and Supervised learning methods use labelled training
reinforcement learning methods. data to make predictions on future data such as
According to Gartner, supply chain organizations predicts demand, classify images, detect fraud, or
expect the level of machine automation in their make medical diagnoses. It is an algorithm that uses
supply chain processes to double in the next five labelled training data to help you predict outcomes
years. At the same time, according to a recent study, for unforeseen data. It can be compared to learning in
annual Industrial IoT (IIOT) spending by growing the presence of a supervisor or a teacher. Building,
companies is estimated to be a whopping $500 billion scaling, and deploying accurate supervised machine
by the year 2020. learning models successfully takes time and technical
Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence expertise from a team of highly skilled data scientists.
that allows an algorithm, software or a system to Moreover, Data scientist must rebuild models to
learn and adjust without being specifically make sure the insights given remains true until its
programmed to do so. It uses data or observations to data changes.
train a computer wherein different patterns in the data Suppose the input in the labelled data is weather
are analysed and used to improve its functioning. conditions and output is time taken back home on
Machine Learning (ML) models, based on that specific day. In this a set of labelled data inputs


© June 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 9 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

includes weather conditions, time of the day, strategy more effective. Such as people who buy X
holidays, route chosen etc. You instinctively know item (suppose a bread) are also tend to purchase Y
that if it’s raining outside, then it will take you longer (Butter/Jam) item. A typical example of Association
to drive home. But the machine needs data and rule is Market Basket Analysis.
statistics. The first thing you required is to create a
training set. This training set will contain the total Reinforcement Learning Method for neutral networks
commute time and corresponding factors like Reinforcement learning methods use rewards to
weather, time, etc. Based on this training set, your guide training and can also be used for skill
machine might see there’s a direct relationship acquisition. It is the process of taking suitable
between the amount of rain and time you will take to decisions through suitable machine learning models.
get home. So, it ascertains that the more it rains, the It is a feedback-based machine learning technique,
longer you will be driving to get back to your home. whereby an agent learns to behave in an environment
It might also see the connection between the time you by observing his mistakes and performing the
leave work and the time you’ll be on the road. Your actions. It is concerned with how software agents
machine may find some of the relationships with should take actions in an environment.
your labelled data. Reinforcement learning applies the method of
learning via Interaction and feedback.
Unsupervised Learning method for Pattern Discovery For example:- Cats don’t understand any form of
Unsupervised learning methods used for customer language and therefore a different strategy has to be
segmentation and product recommendations works followed to communicate with the cat. A situation is
on unlabelled and uncategorized data in which created where the cat acts in various ways. It will be
models are not supervised. So, models itself find the rewarded with fish if it is the desired way. Therefore
hidden patterns and insights from the given data. It the cat behaves in the same way whenever it faces
can be compared to learning which takes place in the that situation expecting more food as a reward. The
human brain while learning new things without scenario defines the process of do’s from positive
supervision. For Example:- In learning algorithm in experiences and don’ts from negative experiences.
which there an input dataset containing images of
different types of cats and dogs the unsupervised This leads to the following explanation
algorithm is never trained upon the given dataset. The The cat acts as the agent as it is exposed to an
task of the unsupervised learning algorithm is to environment i.e the house. The agent performs an
identify the image features on their own. action by transiting from one state to the other like
Unsupervised learning algorithm will perform this moving from a sitting to a walking position. The
task by clustering the image dataset into the groups action is the reaction of the agent. The policy
according is used ng to similarities between images. includes the method of selecting an action in a
particular state while expecting a better outcome in
It can be further be categorised to solve two types of the future state. The transition of states might provide
problems:- a reward or penalty.
A. Clustering: Clustering is a method of In reinforcement learning an initial state of input
grouping the objects into clusters in which similar should be provided from which the model will start
objects remains into a group and has less or no and many possible outputs are generated through
similarities with the objects of another group. It finds varied solutions to a particular problem. The Training
the commonalities between the data objects in a of the RL method is based on the input. After the
problem and it categories the data as per the presence generation of output, the model will decide whether
and absence of those commonalities. to reward the model. Therefore, the model keeps on
B. Association: In large databases an getting trained. This model continuously keeps on
association rule is used for finding the relationships learning and the best solution for a problem is
between variables. It also determines the set of items decided on the maximum reward it receives.
that occurs together in the dataset. The Association
rule used for large databases makes marketing


© June 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 9 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

B. Machine Learning in the Supply Chain Quality and safety

Machine learning can be used for many categories of Maintaining a dual check on quality as well as safety
supply chain applications. ML can be used for becomes a big challenge for supply chain firms with
prediction or forecasting of demand, supply, on-time mounting pressures to deliver products on time to
deliveries, and risks. ML can help automate many keep the supply chain assembly line moving. It could
routine elements of supply chain operations and help produce a big safety hazard to accept substandard
detect or predict exceptions to routine operations. ML parts not meeting the quality or safety standards.
can be used for planning and design such as of Further, issues and risks causing significant problems
networks, inventories, schedules, and routes. Finally, on the supply chain can be environmental changes,
ML is a key component of autonomous supply chain trade disputes and economic pressures.
vehicles such as trucks, ocean freighters, delivery
drones, and forklifts. Problems due to scarce resources
Issues faced in logistics and supply chain due to the
Key Challenges In Supply Chain Management scarcity of resources are algorithms predicting
The global supply chain market is full of demand and supply needs early planning and
uncertainties, fragilities, and lack of transparency and stocking. Machine Learning has also made the
businesses can improve its supply chain management management of the inventory and team members
by using machine learning making it more resilient to become super simple by offering new insights into
any disruptions. According to the recent Supply various aspects of the supply chain.
Chain Complexity survey by Körber, only 1 in 10
businesses can stay ahead of their supply chain Inefficient supplier relationship management
challenges. Companies are now faced with a unique A steep scarcity of supply chain professionals is yet
set of challenges like customer expectations, lack of another challenge faced by logistics firms that can
visibility, and operational complexity, transportation make the supplier relationship management
complications, remote work, shortages because of cumbersome and ineffective. Machine learning and
unexpected increased demand, etc. According to artificial intelligence can offer real insights into the
McKinsey, due to present pandemic there are five supplier data and can help supply chain companies
major sources of vulnerabilities in the supply chain make real-time decisions.
and machine learning use cases in the supply chain to
serve as a ready-made blueprint of activities Benefits that Machine learning delivers to supply
regarding what supply chain professionals should chain are as follows:-
begin with in order to solve major supply chain Following are several benefits that machine learning
issues. delivers to supply chain management including-
 Cost efficiency due to machine learning, which
These are some of the challenges faced by Supply systematically drives waste reduction and quality
chain and logistics which can be solved through improvement
Machine learning and artificial intelligence powered  Optimisation of product flow in the supply chain
solutions:- without the supply chain firms needing to hold
Inventory management much inventory
Inventory management is for supply chain  Seamless supplier relationship management due
management allows enterprises to deal and adjust for to simpler, faster and proven administrative
any unexpected shortages. No supply chain firm practices
would want to stop their company’s production while  Machine learning helps derive actionable
they are find another supplier. Similarly, they don’t insights, allowing for quick problem solving and
want to overstock as it affects the company’s profits. continual improvement.
So, Inventory management in supply chain helps in
striking a balance between timing the purchase orders 3. HOW TO MAKE MACHINE LEARNING
to keep the operations going smoothly and not WORK FOR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT?
overstocking the items they don’t need or use.


© June 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 9 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

There are three significant steps you should take to  Choose the right tech stack to consider your data
adopt machine learning in supply chain management. readiness by focusing on data quality and
They are: quantity.
a) Understand your supply chain’s structure  Develop, train, test, and optimize models.
Before implementing machine learning into your  Deploy and retrain models where needed.
supply chain, you should evaluate your entire supply  Monitor the performance of model used in
chain’s structure: Machine Learning.
 The first step is determining the critical
components in company’s operations. 4. TOP COMPANIES USING SUPPLY CHAIN
 Next step is conducting a detailed analysis of the MANAGEMENT
supplier network including Tier 1 suppliers and
sub-tier suppliers. Here are some of the top companies using machine
 Thirst step is to Identify hidden relationships and learning to enhance the productivity of their supply
nodes of interconnectivity. chain management:
 Then, Quantitatively diagnose the relative a) Amazon – eCommerce
fragility of the supply chain. Amazon, one of the renowned supply chain leaders in
 Next Step is to identify bottlenecks and risk the ecommerce industry use technologically
factors in the supply chain. advanced and innovative systems like automated
 Sixth step is to draw meaningful comparisons warehousing and drone delivery which is based on
with peers and industry benchmarks. artificial intelligence and machine learning.
 Seventh is to assess the security of the supply Amazon make heavy investments in intelligent
chain. software systems, transportation and warehousing to
 Finally, evaluate your functional maturity against have a direct control over the main areas like
the process, people, and technology. packaging, order processing, delivery, customer
support and reverse logistics.
b) Establishing transparent business KPIs and
calculate ROI b) Microsoft Corporation – Technology
Companies need to conduct a Discovery Phase and The supply chain and logistics of Microsoft heavily
calculate ROI to understand under what relies on predictive insights driven by machine
circumstances machine learning use cases in your learning and business intelligence.
supply chain to be advantageous to your business. The company product portfolio generates a huge
After calculating ROI estimate TCO and the amount of data which needs to be integrated on a
profitability in the short run and the long run. It is central level for predictive analysis and driving
also important to prepare a detailed plan for defining operational efficiencies. Machine Learning
company goals and requirements needed to reach techniques have allowed the company to build a
them. To eliminate inconsistencies, it is obligatory to seamlessly integrated supply chain system which
align machine learning KPIs with business KPIs. In enables them to capture data in a real-time and
other words, you should define the business problem analyse it. Further, the company’s supply chain is
in Machine Learning terms. also proactive and has a warning system to assist
them in mitigating the risk and quick query
c) Ensuring an effective ML engineering process resolution.
Machine learning use cases in the supply chain
depending on the following aspects: c) Alphabet Inc.– Internet Conglomerate
 Set up a multifunctional team of professionals A well known technological giant and a highly
with expertise in data science, DevOps, Python, innovative technological company, Alphabet relies
Java, QA, business analysis, etc. on a flexible and responsive Supply Chain which can
 Start with a business problem statement and collaborate across regions in a seamless fashion.
establish the right success metrics.


© June 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 9 Issue 1 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Alphabet’s Supply Chain is completely automated An attempt has been made in the paper to outline
leveraging machine learning, AI and robotics. various machine learning methods, key challenges
and benefits of Machine learning in supply chain,
d) Procter & Gamble – Consumer Goods how to make machine learning work for Supply
Procter and Gamble, the consumer goods leader, has Chain and view of top companies using supply chain
one of the most complex supply chains with a management.
massive product portfolio. The company leverages REFERENCE
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