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ANNOTATION – Objective 1

I have attached my class observation tool (COT) rating for the limited face-to-face. As rated, the
first objective was been met since the given rating was 7 under indicator 1 for applying
knowledge of content across the teaching curriculum. It is said that teachers need to understand
and master the subject matter to create cognitive maps, relate ideas to other fields and address
misconceptions. This broadened in the study of Shulman (1986) as he introduced the phrase
pedagogical content knowledge which the teachers need to master two types of knowledge:
content and knowledge of curricular development. These things are evident during the conducted
demonstration teaching as reflected in the daily lesson log or DLL as attached herewith. (See

ANNOTATION – Objective 2

In the attached Daily Lesson Log (DLL), I employ the use of social media through our FB Group
for the additional concepts for the full grasp of the lesson and to know the practical applications
of the concepts and skills in daily living. It is said that the use of social media as part of the
teaching-learning process encourages collaborative and creative work from the learners. If the
social media used with positive intention, it can influence the way each learners learns and
absorbs information in the classroom. Incorporating social media into a more traditional learning
environment will expand students' creative freedom and encourage them to work harder and
engage more.

ANNOTATION – Objective 3

I have attached my class observation tool (COT) rating for the limited face-to-face. As rated, the
third objective was been met since the given rating was 7 under indicator 2 for the display of
proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English to facilitate teaching and learning. It is
noted that learners begin their education in the language they understand best - their mother
tongue - to which they develop a strong foundation in their mother language before effectively
learning additional language. Having that strong foundation, the use of mother tongue or other
language, learners are more attentive in class discussion and be able to explain their answers well
when responding to questions and makes them more confident to converse. This is evident
during the course of discussion in the demonstration teaching which requires the learners to
explain or give their answers in the language they are proficient to best express their thoughts.

ANNOTATION – Objective 4

I have attached my class observation tool (COT) rating for the limited face-to-face. As rated, the
fourth objective was been met since the given rating was 7 under indicator 3 for the use of
effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner
understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement. The verbal and non-verbal
communication work in tandem to deliver an understandable message. The use of words, body
language, tone of voice, and visual cues that determines how one is being understood. this has
been an evident showing during the course of demonstration teaching.

ANNOTATION – Objective 5

I have attached my class observation tool (COT) rating for the limited face-to-face. As rated, the
fifth objective was been met since the given rating was 7 under indicator 4 which establish safe
and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the consistent implementation of
policies, guidelines, and procedures. During the demonstration teaching, it is evident that the
teacher provides a safe space for the learners by diligently monitoring for bullying, make the
learners comfortable and empowered to learn and express themselves, creating a culture of
diversity, including and belonging inside the classroom. Positive reinforcement was employed
through praising student's strengths to build student's confidence.

ANNOTATION – Objective 6

I have attached my class observation tool (COT) rating for the limited face-to-face. As rated, the
sixth objective was been met since the given rating was 7 under indicator 5 to maintain learning
environments that promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning. As observed, the
teacher is consistent with the responses given to the learners, given the same measure of praise
from the teacher, according to learner's own unique ability and talent. According to Stephen
Brookfield, author of The Skillful Teacher, perceptions of unfairness can undermine the trust
between student and teacher that is necessary for effective learning. It is important to carefully
monitor one's behavior and policies to ensure that they are not only, in fact, fair but are perceived
as fair by students.

ANNOTATION – Objective 7

I have attached my class observation tool (COT) rating for the limited face-to-face. As rated, the
7th objective was been met since the given rating was 6 under indicator 6 shows that the teacher
maintains learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate, and
collaborate in continued learning. Collaborative learning can be done through peer-to-peer or in
larger groups to which the purpose of it is to discuss concepts or find solutions to problems given
during the course of teaching-learning process. This is indicative in the lesson during the
demonstration teaching.

ANNOTATION – Objective 8
I have attached my class observation tool (COT) rating for the limited face-to-face. As rated, the
8th objective was been met since the given rating was 6 under indicator 7 which the teacher
applies a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate
learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning. One indicative
employing such strategy is that the learners were been grouped to work for the given tasks and
given the time to communicate among themselves, think together, share ideas, and construct
meaning by discussing and collaborating to get the right answer/actions to the task given. It
ended then with the use of appropriate tech tools to support their learning through journal writing
of the things they have learned on the specific subject matter.

ANNOTATION – Objective 9

I have attached my class observation tool (COT) rating for the limited face-to-face. As rated, the
9th objective was been met since the given rating was 6 under indicator 8 which the teacher must
design, adapt, and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities,
giftedness, and talents. The teacher recognized the unique value of each person and equipped
learners with special needs with essential skills to integrate into mainstream classrooms. An
indicative of this objective as reflected in the DLL and during the demonstration training, on the
part of Extend (DLL 1) and on finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
(DLL 2). Lastly, the Reflection part where they are required to write what they have learned
during the day's discussion. The creativity opens for the gifted and with talent students and those
with disabilities will be given chance to be recognized on matter how they write their thoughts.

ANNOTATION – Objective 10

I have attached my class observation tool (COT) rating for the limited face-to-face. As rated, the
10th objective was been met since the given rating was 6 under indicator 9 that the teacher must
adapt and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from
indigenous groups. During the teaching-learning process regardless of the learner's cultural
identification, the employ of teaching strategies is evident as to its relevance and "relatedness" of
the learners to the subject matter. The learners are engaged in the process for the learning to
takes place and focused to achieve learning objectives and outcomes. It is said that educators
should not base classroom practice on deficit models as it creates the idea that Indigenous
students need to catch up as they are not as accomplished as other students (Stronger, Smarter
Institute, 2014), rather high expectations of student’s individual strengths and capacities are

Annotation – Objective 11
The question as posed by a learner that “when will he/she ever use their learnings in the real
world?” As such, on this MOV, the relevance of the theoretical material is essential to the
learners for them to be motivated and expect that what they have learned in school prepared them
well for their future career. Likewise, relevant and meaningful activities that both engage
learners emotionally and connect with what they have learned in school builds neural
connections and long-term memory storage. This is evident in the activities in SACTO.

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