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A. How well did you do in this unit? Please review your progress. CIRCLE your answer (2, 1 or 0.5) according to the scale

2 = very well

1 = well

0.5 = not so well

B. Complete the exercises on page 18, exercise 1 Grammar part A-B, exercise 2 Vocabulary part A-B and exercise 3
Wordpower. Make sure to highlight your answers. Then take a picture and paste it in this document.

C. According to your criteria, do you consider that you are able to…? Choose your answer.

a. use the grammar of this unit? 100% 50% 20%

b. use the vocabulary given in this unit? 100% 50% 20%

D. Be honest with yourself. Choose (a, b or c)

I come to class…
a. every day b. twice a week c. once a week

I am… punctual.
a. always b. sometimes c. never

I … participate in class.
a. always b. sometimes c. never

I … work as a team with my classmate.

a. always b. sometimes c. never

I … respect my classmates and professor.

a. always b. sometimes c. never

I … do my best in this course.

a. always b. sometimes c. never

I … review what I have learned.

a. always b. sometimes c. never

I … communicate with my classmates and professor in English.

a. … really try to b. hardly ever c. prefer not to

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