Department of Education: Third Periodical Test in English 10 S.Y 2022-2023

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


S.Y 2022-2023
Name:___________________________________________________ Score: _______________
Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.What is an argument?
A. Is an idea that supports the claim C. Is an idea that tells a story.
B. Is an idea that has feelings in it. D. All of the above
2. What does an argumentative essay present in order to let the reader know why it is more favorable?
A. The main idea of an essay C. A sentence that gets the reader's attention.
. B. Evidences for a claim D. All of the above
3.What do you call an idea in which the opinions of people are different?
A. Argument B. Issue C. Claim D. Evidence.
4.What is the meaning of counterargument?
A. Agreeing with your opponent's claim.
B. The response to an argument.
C. An idea given by the opposing side against the claim given.
D. All of the above
5.What is a rebuttal?
A. The response counterargument. C. The return to your claim.
B. The conclusion. D. All of the above
6.There are three parts of an essay. Which choice contains all of them?
A. Thesis, Lead, Hook C. Claim, Counterclaim, Rebuttal.
B. Introduction, Body, Conclusion. D. Only A and B
7. What are the elements of an argumentative essay?
A. Claim, Argument
B. Evidence, claim and conclusion
C. Claim, Counterargument, Rebuttal.
D. All of the above
8.In which paragraph is the thesis found?
A. Body B. Introduction C. Conclusion D. None of the above
9.How many paragraphs should your essay possess?
A. at least four B. at least two C. at least three D. at least five
10.Your thesis statement must include the points you will discuss. At least how many should you have in your
A. Three B. One C. Four D. Two
11.What are the components of an argumentative essay?
A. Introduction and Body. C. Introduction, Body and Conclusion
b. Refutation and Conclusion D. All of the above
12.What do you call the body paragraph where facts of the given thesis statements of the essay are written?
A. Introduction B. Refutation C. Body D. Conclusion
13.What is a Conclusion?
A. This is rephrasing the thesis statement only.
B. This is rephrasing the introduction.
C. It is rephrasing the thesis statement, major points and call attention.
D. None of the above
14.What is logic?
A. Reason B. Feelings C. Facts D. Opinions
15. What do you call the gateway of an essay?
A. Introduction B. Body C. Refutation D. Conclusion
16. Which type of writing aims to convince the readers to agree with the writer’s opinion or perspective?
A. Argumentative Writing B. Descriptive Writing
C. Informative Writing D. Persuasive Writing
17. Which of the following statements best describes argumentative writing?
A. It presents the writer’s side about an issue and the evidence to prove his points.
B. It uses emotive language to sway the readers to agree with the writer’s opinions.
C. It usually ends with a call to action.
D. All of the above.
18. Which of the following is not an acceptable evidence to prove one’s point?
A. opinions of random people B. research findings
C. statement of experts D. statistics
19. What is an important aspect to consider when writing a persuasive or an argumentative essay?
A. length of the essay C. knowing the target audience
B. extensiveness of vocabulary D. using all writing techniques
20. What persuasive writing technique uses an interrogative statement to emphasize the obvious and make the
reader reflect about it?
A. Appeal to Authority B. Appeal to Emotion C. Repetition D. Rhetorical Question
21. What technique aims to persuade the readers by telling that everybody else has accepted the idea or that
the majority is already doing it?
A. Appeal to Authority B. Bandwagon C. Repetition D. Rhetorical Question
22. Which of the following is a thesis statement?
A. An app or tablet can provide children with an alternate medium for education.
B. Gifted children can also benefit from technology-based learning environments.
C. The use of technology and screen time can be positive for children.
D. Technology allows children to excel academically.
23. What is the purpose of a counterargument in argumentative writing?
A. It is primarily aimed at setting argumentative from persuasive writing.
B. It is meant to make the essay longer and meet the word count.
C. It provides a chance for the writer to acknowledge the loopholes of his own arguments.
D. It is intended to weaken the opposing arguments by presenting evidence that would invalidate their
24. Which of the following is an example of a counterargument?
A. The result of several studies have shown that corporal punishment is harmful.
B. Poor cognitive development skills is also a result of the stress caused from the anxiety associated
with corporal punishment.
C. Corporal punishment can cause children to have a poor view of their own self-worth, which may be
an entirely internalized behavior.
D. Although corporal punishment can provide positive and temporary child compliance, the effects of
such action is deleterious and can last for many years.
25. From the given options in #24, what is the writer’s stand about the issue on corporal punishment?
A. He is against it because he has experienced it when he was a child.
B. He is against it because of its many negative effects on the child.
C. He supports it because it can make children comply.
D. He supports it because experts say it is effective.
26. What literary approach analyses the material by examining underlying structures, such as characterization
or plot, and attempts to show how these patterns could be used to develop general conclusions?
A. Feminist B. Formalist C. Marxist D. Structuralist
27. Which of the following questions is used in critiquing literature using the Marxist approach?
A. Is the author male or female?
B. What literary devices are used in the text?
C. How do characters overcome oppression?
D. How does the text play out ethical principles?
28. Which of the following analysis depicts the Marxist approach?
A. In the story, the characters have proven that true love waits.
B. The story tells a message that with God nothing is impossible.
C. In the story, the society depicted an unequal distribution of goods.
D. The story serves as a reminder that when there is light there is hope
29. Cinderella told us about social class and how they struggle in order to achieve their goal in life, this
statement is an example of what criticism?
A. feminist B. formalist C. Marxist D. structuralist
30. Which of the following is NOT true about the Marxist approach?
A. Karl Marx is the founder of Marxist criticism.
B. Marxist criticism answers the question, “Is the author male or female?”
C. To show how a social class affects a story is one purpose of Marxist criticism.
D. The Marxist critic is a careful reader or viewer who keeps in mind issues of power and money.
For number 31, read the poem and answer the question that follows.
Flower in the Crannied Wall
by Lord Alfred Tennyson

Flower in the crannied wall

I pluck you out of the crannies,
I hold you here root and all, in my hand,
Little flower – but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, and all in all
I should know what God and man are.
31. What can be inferred about the author’s spiritual beliefs?
A. He mocks God’s powers. C. He believes in God’s power.
B. He doubts God’s existence. D. He disregards God’s promises.

32. Which of the following statements can be considered the theme of the text?
People on the outside think there’s something magical about writing, that you go up in the attic at midnight and
cast the bones and come down in the morning with a story, but it isn’t like that. You sit in the back of the
typewriter and you work, and that’s all there is to it. - Harlan Ellison

A. Writing is a series of hard work and requires a lot of perseverance.

B. Writing is an act of faith. The writer must believe in his work before others believe in him.
C. Writing is a craft that is viewed by non-writers as an occupation for nerds and weirdoes.
D. Writing is a series of inspirations about people and a whole lot of hard work on those inspirations.

For numbers 33-34, read the excerpt of the poems and answer the questions that follow.
Faith believes in possibilities. It is the ability to carry with our plans or to be true to our work even though we feel
discouraged or tired. It is staying active in relationships even when we receive little in return or when our friends
aren’t able to respond. If there were no doubts, there would be no need for faith. Faith is temporarily putting our
doubts on the shelf and working toward our goals. Faith is trusting that help and support will be there for us even
though they’re not in view. It is looking at a map and choosing a new destination, getting on the road to go there, and
trusting that the marks on the map symbolize a real place that we will find.
33. What can we infer from the selection?
A. There is no need for faith. C. There are no sure things in life.
B. Faith knows you are right. D. Faith believes amid uncertainties.
34. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. How to have faith C. The meaning of faith
B. Where to find faith D. The significance of faith
35. Which of the questions belong to the feminist approach?
A. What are the values implied in the text?
B. How was the problem in the story resolved?
C. What is the author’s attitude toward women in society?
D. How do characters from different classes interact or conflict?
36. Which of the following lines suggests feminism?
A. “The souls of women are so small, some believe they have none at all.”
B. “I don’t chase women, I just sit on my wallet and wait for them to come to me.”
C. “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”
D. None of the above
37. If a piece of literature is written by a woman, I cannot use feminist literary theory to analyze the piece. This
statement is_____.
A. False B. Maybe C. Not Sure D. True
38. Which of the following questions does NOT belong to the feminist approach?
A. Is the author male or female?
B. Is the text narrated by a female?
C. What literary technique is used in the text?
D. What types of roles do women have in the text?
39. The point of view that is told from one character’s perspective and uses pronouns such as “he” and “she”
A. narrator first person B. first person C. second person D. third person
40. Who was the famous naturalist around the turn of the 20th century?
A. O. Henry B. Jack London C. John Lennon D. Arthur C. Clarke
41. It refers to social, religious, economic, and political conditions that existed during a certain time and place.
A. social context C. historical context
B. political context D. economical context
42. How important is the historical context in the analysis and interpretation of a text?
A. It depicts the probable happening in the future.
B. It shows significant people and events in the present.
C. It gives little information about the important events in the past.
D. It gives all details of the time and place in which a situation occurs.
43. Why do you think the story entitled ‘A Day in the Country’?
A. It is because the author lives in the country the major characters live.
B. It is because the characters made their way to adventure and explored the beauty of nature.
C. One day, a little boy had trapped his hand inside a hole in the bark of a tree in the country forest.
D. The story is so-called as it is based on the incidents in the life of the three country folks in one single
44. What significant lesson can we learn from the story ‘A Day in the Country’?
A. It can be difficult sometimes to understand the lessons of life.
B. Living a simple life means living an unsatisfactory life whether you’re in a country or not.
C. We should know every little detail the fields have, the river banks, the birds, and the trees.
D. In modern days, people have been too preoccupied with technology that they forget to appreciate
the benefits and wonders of nature.

45. Why does Terenty come back to the

orphans and puts bread under their heads?
A. He is happy to be with the kids.
B. He has nowhere to go for the night.
C. He silently loves and cares for the orphans.
D. He wants to see how the orphans are doing.
46. Who wrote the selection “A Day in the Country”?
A. Anton Chekhov C. Ernest Hemingway
B. Craig Rain D. F. Scott Fitzgerald
47. When a narrator is a major character in a story, what point of view is being
A. first-person point-of-view C. third person point-of-view
B. second point-of-view D. omniscient person point-of-view
48. The line ‘colors of the rainbow that are on the faces of people convey _____?
A. generosity and serenity C. happiness and contentment
B. friendship and camaraderie D. lasting relationship among
49. What academic writing requires you to analyze a book, identify its arguments, and
evaluates its strength and weaknesses?
A. book report B. book review C. article critique D. literature review
50. What is the first step in critiquing a book or article?
A. Write your reactions.
B. Note the author’s main point/thesis statement.
C. Begin by reading the book or article and annotating as you read.
D. Divide the book/article into sections of thought and write a brief summary of each thought in your
own words.

Prepared by: Checked and Quality assured by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher I


Subject Teacher Principal I

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Public Schools District Supervisor

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