Lost and Found: The Banana Peelings

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Lost and Found

Pedro and Jose came to school early.

There were no other pupils in school yet.
“Look!” said Pedro. “There is a
handbag under the stairs. It is a girl’s
Jose got the handbag. He opened it.
There was a red pencil, a pink
handkerchief and fifty pesos in it.
“Let us look for the owner of this
handbag”, said Pedro.
Just then the school principal arrived.
“Goodmorning, Mr. Cruz. We found
this bag under the stairs”, said Jose.
Mr. Cruz smiled and said, “Thank you
boys. I shall help you find the owner”.
The Banana Peelings
Celso was eating bananas one evening.
He threw the peelings out of the window.
The next morning, Celso got ready for
school. He did not want to be late for
school. He walks fast.
“Ouch!” Celso cried as he stepped on
some banana peelings. Down he fell. His
clothes became dirty. His books dropped.
“Are you hurt?” Mother asked
running to him.
“No mother, I am not hurt!”, Celso
said as he got up. He looked at the banana
“Somebody did not use the garbage
can”, mother said.
“I threw this peelings last night,
Mother. Nextime, I will use the garbage
can,” said Celso.

Growing Vegetables
Lino went with mother to market.
They bought some vegetables. Mother
said,”I was able to buy only some with
my money.Vegetables cost much now”.
Lino was sorry for mother. They did
not have much money. So he said, ”Let’s
plant vegetables in our backyard. Then
we will not have to buy them in the
So Lino planted three plots of
tomatoes, two plots of eggplants and a
plot of pechay. He had some amargoso
climbing on the bamboo fence. Lino
worked in his garden after class every
afternoon. He grew more vegetables
than they could eat. Mother sold of them
in the market.
A Moonlight Night
The moon was big and bright. The
children played in the moonlight.
They played hide and seek. Mario
hid behind the acacia tree. Andres
hid behind some bushes. Isabel hid
behind a pile of hollow blocks. Rita
is behind some banana plants.
Edmund looked around but saw no
one. Just then someone moved
behind the bushes. Edmund ran to
see who it was and found Andres.
“One, two, three!”he said. “Now
your ‘It’, Andres.” The children
played and played. How happy they
Ramon’s Cake
It was recess time. Pedro and Ramon
went to buy cakes. Then they sat near the
gate. They began to eat their cakes. Just
then Oscar ran against Ramon. Ramon’s
cake fell to the ground.
“Look what you did with my cake,”
Ramon said.
“I am sorry Ramon. I did not mean to
knock your cake down,” said Oscar.
“Why did you not look where you are
going?” asked Ramon.
“Tony ran after me and I did not look
where I was going, “said Oscar.
“Never mind,” said Pedro. “Oscar did
not mean to knock your cake down,
Ramon. I still have my cake. Let us divide

Antonio was the eldest child. They
were six children in the family. His
family was poor. His father was sick. His
mother worked hard to earn money. She
washed clothes for other people.
But mother sent Antonio to school.
He was in Grade Four. Antonio helped
mother to earn money. He worked after
classes in the afternoon. When he
arrived from school, he usually carried
his box and shouted “Shine! Shine!” He
earned P80.00 or more on school days.
On Saturdays and Sundays, he earned
three times as much.
Would you like a boy like Antonio for
a friend?

Fowls are animals. They are animals
with two feet and two wings. Their
bodies are covered with feathers. They
give us eggs. Their meat is good to eat.
Chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese are
fowls. They eat grains such as palay and
corn. Chickens like worms. Ducks and
geese like to swim. They like to stay in
the water. They are water birds so they
have webbed feet. Turkeys have
beautiful feathers. The male turkey
spreads its tail like a fan. Geese are good
watchers. They make loud noise when
people come near. Fowls are good to
raise. Many people get rich because of
poultry raising.

A Notice
June 11, 2004
Attention: Girl Scouts
All Girl Scouts must join
Independence Day parade
tomorrow afternoon. Come in full
Girl Scout uniform. The parade
will start at 2:00 in the afternoon
from our school and end at the
Luneta. Let us all meet at 1:00 in
front of our school. Please come on

Miss tan
Girl Scout Leader

The First Monkey

Long time ago, there was a
farmer who had a wide corn field.
He grew big and sweet corn. One
day he saw some of his corn gone.
Many corn plants had no more
fruits. He wanted to catch whoever
stole his corn.
The next day he hid behind a
big mango tree. He carried a stick.
He watched and watched until he
saw a man coming. The man
passed through a broken part of
the fence. The man began to pick
some corn.
The farmer went from behind
the mango tree and walked
towards the man. The man saw the
farmer and started to run. The
farmer ran after him but he could
not catch with him. Then he threw
the stick at the man. The stick in
the man’s back and became a tail.
The man went up the tree. He
became smaller and smaller until
he became a monkey.

The Bees
The bees live in a big family.
There are many bees in the family.
We cannot count them. The bee
family is called a swarm. The swarm
lives in the hive. The hive hangs on
the tree. Each swarm has a mother
bee. She called the queen bee. She is
the mother of all the bees in the
swarm. There are two kinds of bees.
The busy bees are called workers. The
lazy bees are called drones. They sting
the lazy drone. The workers gather
nectar from flowers. They put the
nectar in the hive. The bees make the
nectar into honey. Honey is sweet. It
is the food of the young bees.

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