What I've Become 1: Divian Sanchez Sacred Heart Junior College College English 1 March 31, 2023

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What I’ve Become 1

What I’ve Become

Divian Sanchez

Sacred Heart Junior College

College English 1

March 31, 2023

What I’ve Become 2

In this current era, bullying has become a common trend. It can be seen all over our

society, work, home and especially schools; but sometimes we forget about the consequences of

bullying and how quick and unexpected things can escalate. When you're the one doing the

bullying, you pick on individuals that are weaker or frailer than you, but sometimes we choose

the wrong person to pick on, we chose someone that you would never expect to hurt a fly, our

high school bully Joshua chose to bully Jacob, the school`s ambiguous loner.

It was officially the first day at Blemished High, a local college that was in New Zealand.

Like any other school, there were many different people. There were those that had many friends

and those that chose to have none. Those that prefer to seek thrills and excitement, while some

prefer to be in books and focus on their education; that is what school is for, right? Jackson

fuller, a senior that didn't quite agree with anything that is not his idea. He was the kind of person

to pick on people even though he is basically a grown man almost finishing college. He had

several friends; some were his actual friends and some just claimed to be his friends, so they

didn’t get picked on. “Oh, that’s time guys, thank you all so much for your introductions, see you

next class” said Mr. Swift, a known introduction to computer hardware instructor at the college.

When everyone was leaving the class, Jackson decided to stay back and talk to Mr. Swift. “What

do you think about the newbies, Sir? Jackson said. Right when Mr. Swift was about to reply, a

student walked in the class; this student looked very anonymous. “Is this Intro to computer

Hardware?” the student asked. “Why yes, it is, I’m guessing you're new? What is your name,

young man?” asked Mr. Swift. “Jacob Conorquie, sir” “Conorquie? Conorquie as in the Mentally

ill Conorquie’s?” Jackson said while trying to hold in a laugh. Unfortunately for Conorquie, the

surname Conorquie was rumoured to be the surname of troubled individuals, either being people

diagnosed with hallucination disorders or being linked to numerous murder cases in the town.
What I’ve Become 3

“That’s enough of that, Jackson.” Mr. Swift was angry at Jackson for saying such words,

however he was still judging this anonymous student for having this perfidious last name.

Jackson looked at Conorquie with utter disgust and walked out of the class, just then the other

students started to walk in for their class. Although Conorquie was upset, the class went on like

any other and just shared introductions. However, an admin stepped into the class and announced

the bad news, “There is a hurricane approaching and you all will be excused to prepare, please be

safe.” Everyone was excused and went home early. When Conorquie managed to get off the

campus, he was greeted by Jackson and a few of his friends. “This the Conorquie freak you were

talking about Jack?”,” Yup.” Jackson and one of his friends exchanged words and then one of

them grabbed Jacob. They pushed him to the ground and started to kick him repeatedly. Someone

even went as far by spitting on him. Jacob however, didn’t shed a single tear, although he was

obviously hurt, he didn’t show any sign of pain. He stood up, picked up his bag and slowly

limped home. Jackson and his crew laughed at Jacob as he was going home. “I hope you learnt

your lesson, you sick freak!” Jackson yelled.

It’s been a week and everyone was at home, getting ready for the hurricane to hit.

Everything seemed fine, good weather, no chaos, just a regular evening. Jackson’s mother

decided to turn on the news, because it was 6 o’clock pm. Nothing was interesting on the news,

until the unexpected news hit the entire family, especially Jackson. “An 18-year-old man was

found brutally mutilated in his home, witnesses say to have seen a person entering his home,

later hearing a painful scream” the newscaster announced, leaving Jackson and his family in

shock; mainly because the person that was murdered was his friend, Gary. Gary was one of the

boys that was with Jackson when he approached Jacob. “Jackson isn’t that- “his mother said

“Yeah it’s, Gary”. Jackson then went to his room, not being able to handle the loss of his friend,
What I’ve Become 4

he cried silently. Bang! A sudden thunder rumbled throughout the town, followed by a power

outage. It was dark, Jackson only had his phone light to illuminate the darkness in his room.

“AGH!!” His mother screamed. Jackson then rushed outside with his phone light and saw the

horrifying scene that caused the scream. It was Eddy`s severed head sitting on the kitchen table.

He then threw up and everyone else was either crying or panicking. There was a note in Eddy`s

mouth. It read “I am not a monster, I didn’t choose to be one, you took me for a monster, now I

will show you one” Confused and scared the note was thrown away immediately. It began to

rain, and the police were called. “I’m sorry ma’am, but due to the weather conditions we cannot

dispatch any officers, we hope you understand.” The receptionist officer said. Furious and scared

Jackson's mother cursed the officer and hung up. As soon as she did, the family heard a wicked

giggle coming from inside the dark bathroom. “No one to help, heHehe, nowhere to run” the

mysterious voice taunted the family. “Who are you, what do you want? “Jackson’s mother

fearfully asked. Bang! Another thunder wave echoed throughout the town and the light from a

gunshot filled the house. Jackson saw a face he would never have expected, and the face of the

person that killed his friends and shot his mother in front of him. That face was Jacob Conorquie.

Jacob killed the entire family and left Jackson for last. Jacob said in the last moments of

Jackson’ s life. “I wasn’t going to do any of this if you didn’t push me to, I wanted to be a normal

student but instead I got bullied horribly because of something I had any control of. You said I

was a freak right? Let me prove you right then, goodbye Jackson.” Bang! Lightning illuminated

the room along with the light from the gunshot and the thunder swallowed the loud bang of the

gun as well. As for Jackson, he and his family died at the hands of the person he was bullying.

Jacob was nowhere to be found after the hurricane, and was listed as missing after the disaster, in

local police stations. From a quiet yet misunderstood student to a devious serial killer, bullying
What I’ve Become 5

had changed Jacob to something he didn't want to become. If bullying changed Jacob, surely it

can change you.

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