Case Study 1

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Natalie Calaway

Case study 1

In Part 1 of the case study I went with an obsessive-compulsive related disorder with his

symptoms and given scenario to his personal choices. The individual has reoccurring thoughts

and doesn’t appear to suppress the thought process of his triggers. His attempts to relieve his

anxiety through hand washing, becomes repetitive when his hand washing isn’t satisfactory. His

behavior is also time consuming due to his detail handwashing and ensuring that he washes away

all semen after masturbating. While masturbation was his reasoning behind his compulsive hand

washing, there wasn’t any trauma related incidents that could indicate the start of his

compulsiveness. This led me to believe that he has a “Unspecific obsessive-compulsive and

related disorder” ().

Part 2 In Terms of treatment, I would suggest medicine (holistic and/or

pharmaceuticals) , and I would provide the short term goal and effects of both styles of medicine,

along with the long term as well. Antidepressants, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has

proven to help individuals with their disorders. The CBT part of the treatment is imperative,

since it has two components to the overall therapy program. Exposure and retort are basically the

part of the program where in some form or fashion the individual is faced with their fear upon

acting in their compulsive manner. The cognitive part of the program helps change and turn

around negative thoughts to assist in a changed behavior pattern. There are phases that an

individual has to accomplish in over coming a compulsive disorder. Relabel, Reattribute,

Refocus, and Revalue used throughout the program. Relabel- helps with a visual in telling

themselves that something is what it looks like (or the opposite of what you want to think) , even

though a person feels differently. Reattribute- is verbally/internally sending a message to the

brain in assuring the right message is given, by what you see and not feel. Refocus- is when the
Natalie Calaway
Case study 1

attention span is diverted. An example would be when a compulsive urge arises, another

behavior is quickly engaging in order to not indulge in the behavior. Revalue- is when you train

your thought process that the compulsive thoughts are not importance. This would diminish the

initial desire or trigger to want to engage in order to be temporarily satisfied.

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