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science Our bodies are our ga

Our wills, the garden
(William Shakespeare
Adolescents suffer from many
changes, especially because they are
in this critical stage. The body begins
to evolve, like the mind, proto everyone
makes a 360 degree turn and nothing
is the same.

It is a crucial moment for

development, as well as decision
making. This causes an avalanche of
problems and others, which affect the
health of young people. It is important
to pay attention to what is done
during this period, because everything
affects the future.

The World Health Organization

(WHO) defines health as a state of
complete physical, mental and
social well being and not merely th
absence of disease or infirmity’
01 02 03
Social Mental Physical
It is an individual’s ability
to handle and act based
on different social
Relates to how
comfortably we can
adapt in social
Social relationships
have an impact on
our mental health,
physical health and
mortality risk. Is our ability to interact
and form meaningful
relationships with others
Some signs of Being Socially Healthy

To be yourself in Treating others

all situations with respect

Balancing your Having a supportive

social and network of family
personal time and friends
Negative Side of Social Relationships
Not all relationships are healthy

Bad Influences
Teaches others to do wrong or to
make them have bad thoughts
about someone or encourages
wrong actions and thoughts by

Toxic Relationships
One person may take advantage
of the relationship by using the
other person to do things for
them and not return a favour
Mental health refers to cognitive,
behavioral, and emotional
well-being. It is all about how
people think, feel, and behave
Mental health can affect daily
living, relationships, and physical

Stress, depression, and anxiety
can all affect mental health
and disrupt a person’s routine.

Factors Common use

In people’s lives, interpersonal In many conditions that
connections, and physical doctors recognize as
factors can all contribute psychological disorders have
to mental health disruptions physical roots
Emotional disorders Psychosis
Psychological disorders characterized When people lose some contact with
primarily by maladjustive emotional reality. This might involve seeing or
reactions that are inappropriate or hearing things that other people
disproportionate to their cause. cannot see or hear (hallucinations)
and believing things that are not
actually true (delusions).

Childhood behavioural Suicide and self-harm

disorders Self-harm is a preoccupation with
deliberately hurting oneself without
These problems can result from Eating disorders conscious suicidal intent, often
resulting in damage to body tissue.
temporary stressors in the child's Are behavioral conditions characterized Individuals who are suicidal are
life, or they might represent more by severe and persistent disturbance in experiencing severe life stressors
enduring disorders. eating behaviors and associated and/or mental health disorders that
distressing thoughts and emotions. are causing unbearable pain and
suicide is their way to end this pain.
Represents one dimension of total
well-being. The term refers to the
state of your physical body and
how well it's operating.
Today's definition can
consider everything
ranging from the
absence of disease to
fitness level
Key areas

Physical activity Nutrition and diet Alcohol and drugs

Includes strength, flexibility, Includes nutrient intake, Includes the abstinence from
and endurance fluid intake, and healthy or reduced consumption of
digestion these substances

Medical self-care Rest and sleep

Includes addressing minor
Includes periodic rest and
ailments or injuries and
relaxation, along with high
seeking emergency care as
quality sleep
Physical activity on teens
Regular physical activity can help children
and adolescents improve cardiorespiratory
fitness, build strong bones and muscles,
control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety
and depression, and reduce the risk of
developing health conditions.

It leads to an energy imbalance and can
increase the risk of being overweight or obese. It
increases the risk of cardiovascular disease
factors, including hyperlipidemia, high blood
pressure, obesity, and insulin resistance and
glucose intolerance. It increases the risk of
developing type 2 diabetes and cancers of the
breast, colon, endometrium and lung. It leads to
low bone density, which in turn, leads to
Pancduesm ic
reper sions
Effects of the pandemic on teens
"Peer groups and social
interactions are a critical part
of development during adolescence.
But these opportunities have been
limited during the pandemic,”
Freed says. “Many teens may feel
frustrated, anxious and
disconnected due to social
distancing and missing usual
social outlets, like sports, Parents in the poll say their kids seem
extracurricular activities and hardest hit by changes in social
interactions over the last year, with
hanging out with friends.”
three in four reporting a negative
impact on their teen’s connections to
Forty-six percent of parents
say their teen has shown
signs of a new or worsening
mental health condition since
the start of the pandemic in
March 2020, according to
the C.S. Mott Children’s
Hospital National Poll on
Children’s Health at
Michigan Medicine. Parents
of teen girls were more likely
to say their child had a
new onset or worsening of
depressive symptoms and
anxiety than parents of teen
During the COVID-19 crisis, there
has also been an increase in
consumption of sugary drinks (35%),
snacks and sweets (32%), and fast
food and convenience products
(29%); and a decrease in
consumption of fruits and
vegetables (33%) and water (12%).

Around 1 in 4 (23%) of U-Reporters

participants say they saw more
ads for unhealthy products in the
media during the pandemic.
U-Report is a digital platform
present in more than 75 countries
with more than 13 million
adolescents and young people
registered globally.

They mentioned a decrease in

physical activity. 52% reported
that they were less physically
active compared to pre-pandemic
times. While 33% reported no
physical activity and 25% were
less than one hour per week
physically active. In the other
hand, only 7% did practice more
than 6 hours per week of physical
R iasvikors
Can be defined as ‘one's
purposive participation in
some form of behavior that
involves potential negative
consequences or losses (social,
monetary, interpersonal) as
well as perceived positive
consequences or gains’
Risk behaviors during
be i n g the m this stage,
lth, y in
a nt s in hea nd mortalit poor d
rm in i t y a n c y ,
ete id gna
Are d le for morb e, early pre ression and mply
s i b s ep i
respon h i c h drug u nfections, d d. 4-6 These
w itted i ntion e ent's
among t ransm ers, are me the adolesc on with
l l y erti
sexua among oth ration
ife, ins
ci d e , e t e r i o y o f l
sui ble d eir qua
a con affecting th society.
, in
health portunities
o p
Common diseases that Mexican
adolescents have
Injuries and Mental health
trauma Depression is one of the leading
causes of illness and disability in
Unintentional injuries and
adolescents, and suicide is the
trauma are one of the
third leading cause of death
leading causes of death or
ts. between the ages of 15 and 19.
disability among adolescen
Mental health disorders account
for 16% of the global burden of
disease and injury in people aged
Consumption of
alcohol and drugs HIV AIDS
Adolescents and young adults must
It can reduce self-control and know how to protect themselves from
fuel risky behaviors, such as HIV infection and must also have the
unsafe sexual practices or means to do so, which means in
dangerous driving, and is an particular that they can have
underlying cause of injury access to prevention interventions and
(particularly from traffic better access to HIV testing and
accidents), violence, and counseling services. HIV, as well as
premature death. stronger links to HIV treatment
services for those who test positive.
It is impor
tant to k
changes d now the b
uring adole iological a
as well a scence, th nd psycho
s which a e variations social
man's wa re health within nor
ys of gettin needs, risk mality,
adolescent g sick. M s and the
s can be ost of the young
we have s followed in problems
een, no sp Attention of the
needed. M ecial test Primary;
ost of the s or specif since, as
therefore, psychosocia ic treatm
early dete l problems e n ts are
factors, p ction and are preve
romoting r preventive ntable,
Adolescen isk facto measures
t care m rs protect o n risk
many so u s t b e done in a io n o r resilience.
professiona metimes help from comprehen
s iv e way; in
ls and th o
e pediatric thers will be neede
knowledge ian must d
, interest coordinate
and profe it with

The end!
Made w
ith a lo
and eff t of sw
ort by X eat
as and imena
Montañ briela

te modelo de
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es en ta ç ã o foi criado p
i ícones da
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