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7EX6.3 OPERATING SYSTEMS UNIT 1 : INTRODUCTION - History, Operating system services, types, responsibilities, generations, LINUX, WINDOWS.

UNIT 2 : PROCESS MANAGEMENT- Operations on process, Process state, Scheduling, Criteria, scheduling algorithms, Evaluation, Synchronization, Semaphores, Monitors . UNIT 3 : MEMORY MANAGEMENT- Swapping, Continuous memory allocation, Paging, Pure paging, Demand paging, Page-replacement algorithms, thrashing, ExamplePentium, Disk Scheduling. UNIT 4 : INFORMATION MANAGEMENT- File and directory concept, Access methods, Protection, Free space management, Efficiency and performance, Access matrix, Capability-based systems, Programthreats, User authentication, Firewall . UNIT 5 : DEAD LOCKS- System model, Dead lock characterization, Deadlock prevention, Avoidance, Detection, Recovery, Classic problems of synchronization.

3EX2 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++ Unit-1 PROGRAMMING IN C: Review of basics of C. structure & pointer type. Variables. Singly and doubly linked lists. I/O and text file handling. Command line arguments. Unit-2 OOP FUNDAMENTALS: Concept of class and object. Attributes, public, private and protected members. Derived classes. Single & multiple inheritances. Unit-3 PROGRAMMING IN C++: Enhancements in C++ over C in data types, operators and functions. Inline functions, constructors and destructors. Friend function. Function and operator overloading. Unit-4 Working with class and derived classes. Single and. multiple and multilevel inheritances and their combinations. Virtual functions, pointers to objects. Unit-5 Working with text files. Templates. File handling in C++, Input output flags and formatting operations.


13/06/2007 13:38:00 #bharat#

5 3L+0T MM: 100 Ex Hrs: 3 UNIT 1 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Basic concepts: Class, Object, Method, Message passing, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism. UNIT 2 Basics of C++ Environment: Variables; Operators; Functions; user defined, passing by reference, passing an array to the function, inline function, scope, overloading; Pointers: objects and lvalue, arrays and pointers, the new and delete operators, dynamic arrays, arrays of pointers and pointers to arrays, pointers to pointers and functions; Strings: String I/O, character functions in ctype.h, string functions in string.h. UNIT3 Object oriented concepts using C++: Classes: Member functions, Friend functions, Constructors, Access functions, Private member functions, class destructor, static data and function members; Overloading: inline functions, this operator, overloading various types of operators, conversion operators; the String Class; Composition and Inheritance: Hierarchy and types of inheritance, protected class members, private versus protected access, virtual functions and polymorphism, virtual destructors, abstract base classes. UNIT 4 Templates and Iterators: function and class templates, container classes, subclass templates, iterator classes; Libraries: standard C++ library, contents of a standard C headers, string streams, file processing: Files and streams classes, text files, binary files, classification of files, the standard template library. UNIT 5 Data Structures Using C++: Linked lists Singly linked list, Doubly linked lists, Circular lists, Stacks and Queues priority Queues, Stacks, Queues.

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