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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Cabanatuan City
NO. ______, S. 2016


TO: Secondary School Principals/OICs/TICs

PSDSes and Elementary School Principals Concerned

1. This is to announce the conduct of the English Olympics in the Secondary Level on the following
dates and venues:


CD I December 5, 2016 ELJ National HS
CD II December 6, 2016 Gen. Luna NHS
CD III December 7, 2016 Santa Rosa NHS
CD IV December 8, 2016 Putlod High School

2. The objectives of the Olympics are to:

a. reinforce love for the English Subject among students’ through different literary activities in
b. enhance five macro skills through friendly competition; and
c. tap the multiple intelligences of students in language learning.
3. Participants to the Congressional District competition are the first-place winners in the different
categories in the school level conducted prior to this competition, while participants to the
division level are first place winners from the CD level in Infomercial Category, and top three
winners in all categories.
4. The different categories and the grade levels are:

Grade Level Category

Grade 7 Readathon and Spelling Bee
Grade 8 Declamation and Quiz Bee
Grade 9 Essay Writing and Word Smith
Grade 10 Oration and Quiz Bee
Grade 11 Extemporaneous Speech and Oration
Selected Students from Grade 7-11 or Senior Infomercial
High School only
5. The contest guidelines and mechanics are found in Enclosure no. 1 while the list of working
committee and contest administrators are found in Enclosure no. 2.
6. In all contest categories, top three winners shall be recognized in the division level.
7. There will be no registration fee. Transportation and incidental expenses of the participants and
coaches shall be chargeable against local/school funds subject to the usual accounting and
auditing rules and procedures.
8. Participants and their coaches are expected to be at the venue at 7:30 AM for a brief orientation
and opening program. They are likewise advised to bring their own provision for lunch and
9. All decision of the members of the Board of Judges shall be final, therefore, unappealable.
10. Immediate and wide dissemination of this memorandum is enjoined.


Schools Division Superintendent
Enclosure No. 1 to Division Memorandum No. _____ s. 2016



The Readathon contest involves the reading of a selection under a given reading speed. Questions which
are based on the selection are then asked to check the contestants’ comprehension. This portion of the
contest is under time pressure.

1. The contest is open to all Grade 7 students.

2. There are three (3) rounds in this category namely; slow, average, and fast.
3. The reading time for every selection shall be based on the reading rate of reading set for each
Slow round - 150 words per minute (WPM)
Average round - 250 words per minute (WPM)
Fast round - 350 words per minute (WPM)

The reading time per selection shall be announced by the quiz master.

4. All contestants will preview the comprehension question before they read the selection. The
time allotted for the preview shall be thirty (30) seconds only. Then, the proctors will retrieve
the comprehension questions.
5. All contestants will read the same set of selection for every round. There will be two (2)
selection per round with five (5) comprehension questions per selection. The quiz master shall
announce the target reading time per selection.
6. After the target reading time, a buzzer sounds. This signals that contestants will automatically
stop reading and the proctors will retrieve the selection.
7. The proctors shall again give the comprehension questions to the contestants. The contestants.
Will only answer in writing after the Quizmaster has announced the answering time which is
one-half of the reading time.
8. After the time limit for the answering time, a buzzer sounds. This signals that the contestants
will automatically stop and shall submit their answer to the proctor.
9. Points are assigned for each question per round:
Slow round - 1 point
Average round - 2 points
Fast round - 5 points
10. The proctors shall check the contestants’ answer.
11. The contestant who got the highest point s will automatically be declared the SUPER READER OF
THE YEAR, the second highest, 1 st RUNNER-UP, and the third highest, 2 nd RUNNER-UP. The
winners shall be announced by the Board of Judges.
12. Should there be a tie among the contestants getting the highest score, the second or third
scores, the contest continue to the clincher round to determine the champion or the runner-up
as the case may be.


1. Before the start of the contest, each pupil is assigned a number that corresponds to his/her
number in the registration form.
2. There are three rounds for this category with the ff. time limit and no. of items
a. EASY - 30 seconds - 8 words
b. AVERAGE - 45 seconds - 7 words
c. HARD - 1 minute - 5 words

In case of tie, a clincher round shall break the tie.

3. The following scoring system shall be adopted:

Easy Round - 1 point
Average Round - 2 points
Difficult Round - 3 points
Clincher Round - 5 points
4. For the contest proper, the word to be spelled shall be used in a sentence. This will be read
twice by the quizmaster and a proctor shall signal when to start and when to stop.
5. Each contestant is required to bring 1/8 illustration board, chalk and eraser.
6. Answer will be checked and scores will be tallied on a score sheet by a designated facilitator.
7. Top three winners shall be declared after the tabulation of points in the different rounds.


1. The contest is open to all Grade 8 students.

2. Each participating school must have one participant only.
3. The declamation piece must be original and shall evolve on the general theme. “Nationalism.”
4. Usage of props or other items to demonstrate a viewpoint at any point during the delivery is
strictly prohibited.
5. The criteria for judging are:

Mastery of the Piece 20%

Delivery (Interpretation, voice, diction.
Enunciation) 50%
Gestures and Facial Expression 10%
Costume 10%
Overall Impact 10%
Total 100%


1. The contest is for Grade 9 students.

2. The essay must be original and must expound on a theme that shall be announced before the
contest starts.
3. Essays are to be written within 1 hour in designated contest rooms together with assigned
4. All essays shall be written in English and shall consist of not less than 300 words but not more
than 600 words.
5. For purpose of anonymity, the writer’s real name, school, and/or other contact details must only
appear in the official registration form and in the manifesto which shall be signed before the
contest proper. No distinguishing mark or name of the contestants shall appear in the entry.
Only the number from the control sheets shall be written on the top right portion entry.
6. The use of mobile phones and/or other electronic devices is strictly prohibited during the
contest proper.
7. Criteria for judging are as follow:
a. Content 50%
b. Clarity and coherence 20%
c. Conventions (Grammar, spe lling, punctuations 20%
d. Relevance to the theme 10%
Total 100%

1. The contest is for Grade 9 students.

2. There are three (3) rounds for this category with the ff. time allotment and corresponding
a. Easy - (three-letter-word) 1 point - 30 seconds
b. Average - (four-letter-word) 2 points - 1 minute
c. Difficult - (five or more letter word) 3 points - 1.5 minutes
3. The quizmaster gives a word and the contestants will form as many words as possible within
allotted time.
4. Answers will be checked by the contest administrator and facilitators after each word.
5. Contestants are not allowed to bring cellphone, dictionary, books, or any reference materials,
except pencil or ballpen to the contest venue.
6. Failure to comply with these shall be ground for disqualification.


1. The contest is open to all Grade 11 students.

2. Each participating school must have one participant only.
3. All pieces must be in English without an aid of a public address system.
4. There shall be only one topic for all the contestants.
5. During the contest proper, there shall be a holding area for the contestants while they are
waiting for their turn.
6. Each contestant shall be allowed two (2) minutes to prepare his/her piece/answer and another
three (3) minutes to deliver it. A deduction of one (1) point from the average grade for every
excess of one (1) minute shall be applied. Contestants shall be isolated from the contest venue
and shall be called one by one for their own delivery.
7. Reading of notes of any form is not allowed.
8. The criteria for judging are:

Content 25%
Voice and Diction 20%
Organization 20%
Poise and Stage Presence 15%
Impact and Effectiveness 20%
Total 100%

1. The mechanics of the contest are as follow:

a. The oratorical piece must be original and must expound on the theme, “Nationalism” and
“Spirit of Christmas”
b. The oratorical piece shall be delivered in English for no less than 3 minutes and not more
than 5 minutes to avoid penalty deductions from their over-all scores.
c. Time starts from the moment the contestant speaks and ends at the time he/she takes a
bow. A contestant whose speech is less than the minimum requirement of three (3) minutes
as well as those who exceeded the maximum of five (5) minutes will get a deduction of one
(1) point from his/her total score for every minute or a fraction thereof in excess/deficit of
the allotted time.
d. The sequence of the orator’s presentation shall be determined by drawing of lots.
e. The use of sound effects, microphones and props is strictly prohibited.
f. The oratorical piece shall be submitted in three copies during the contest.

2. Criteria for judging are as follow:

a. Relevance of the topic 50%

b. Delivery 40%
Quality of voice, diction, fluency/
mastery of the speech, pronunciation, and

c. Stage Presence 10%

Stage poise, gestures, and appropriate
use of the stage
Total 100%
QUIZ BEE (Grade 7,8 & 10)

1. Quiz bee includes grammar and literature lessons of each grade level.
2. There will be one contestant from each Grade level.
3. The contestants are required to bring 1/8 illustration board where they will write their answers.
4. They will answer the same set of questions in writing. Before the question is read, the
contestant must raise their markers. Questions will be read twice by the Quizmaster.
5. After the second (2ND) reading, the quizmaster shall say, “go”, only then will contestants be
allowed to write their answers. Automatically, the ten (10) second time limit begin with the
word “go” by the Quizmaster.
6. There will be three (30 components with corresponding points namely:
Easy 10 Questions 1 point each
Average 10 Questions 3 points each
Difficult 10 Questions 5 points each
Clincher 5 questions 5 points each
7. After the time limit, the whistle is blown by the time keeper. The contestants must stop writing
and must raise their answer boards.
8. The Quizmaster together with the Board of Judges shall read and verify the answer.
9. The contestants who get the highest number of points will be automatically declared the
champion or the runner-up as the case may be.


The mechanics of the contest are as follows:

1. The infomercial must be original and must expound on the topic about promoting Nueva Ecija
with the spirit of Christmas.
2. There must be a minimum of 7 and maximum of 10 members in each group.
3. At least three copies of the script for the infomercial must be submitted to the facilitators before
starting the performance.
4. The sequence of the presenters shall be determined by drawing of lots.
5. Three minutes will be given for each group to set-up their props on the stage. After, three
minutes a green flaglet will be raised to signify that the performance may now start. Five (5)
minutes is the time allotted for the performance.
6. Performers whose infomercial is less than the minimum requirement of 5 minutes as well as
those who exceeded the maximum of 6 minutes will get a deduction of 1 point from his/her
total score for every minutes or a fraction thereof in excess/deficit of the allotted time.
7. One minute will be given to the performers to exit the stage and take all their props with them.
8. All performers should bring their laptop or any material for technical purposes. There must be
no major adjustments to the sound control system before the performance. Minor adjustment
should only be applied to the performers’ laptop.
9. The decision of judges is final and irrevocable.
10. Criteria for judging:
a. Script 25%
Content is logically organized and relevant to the theme
b. Creativity 25%
Exhibits uniqueness and originality
c. Voice quality 20%
d. Technical Application 15%
Implements technologies appropriately
e. Props and costume 15%
Enclosure No. 2 to the Division Memorandum No. ____ s. 2016

Overall Chair:
Schools Division Superintendent

Asst. Schools Division Superintendent

Planning Committee:
Chair: Carmencita Gatmaitan - EPS, English and Journalism
CD I: Mrs. Rosalinda Duran
CD II: Mrs. Shirley Jimenez
CD III: Mrs. Nieva C. Mico
CD IV: Mrs. Mary Ann Rodriguez
Technical Committee:
Chair: Mrs. Diosalyn Azarcon - Head Teacher V, English
Ms. Candace Yvette Attendido
Miss. Krisciel Ann Macapagal
Mr. Raymond Santos
Mr. Mark Denisse de Jesus
Dec. 6, 2016 Dec. 7, 2016 Dec. 8, 2016 Dec. 9, 2016

Bonifacio De Bonifacio De
Mel Garcia Mel Garcia Mata Mata
Readathon Japeth Nabor
Rona Hilario Rona Hilario Angelina Angelina
Bernardino Bernardino

Noelito Noe Noelito Noe Lucila Gonzales Lucila Gonzales Jocelyn

Declamation Gina Castro Gina Castro Lourdes Fraile Lourdes Fraile Fernandez

Lani Domingo Lani Domingo Jesseelyn Ortiz Jesselyn Ortiz

Diosalyn Diosalyn Maria Kristina
Essay Writing Wilma Manalo Wilma Manalo
Azarcon Azarcon Espiritu
Maura Usita Maura Usita
Darmo Timario
Ma. Magdalena Ma. Magdalena Raymond Santos Raymond Santos
Word Smith Lorna Naco
Castillo Castillo Leonora Rullan Leonora Rullan

Mario Mario
Rogelio Bue Rogelio Bue Quiambao Quiambao
Mario Reyes, Jr.
Infomercial Florante Escosa Florante Escosa Lowell Lowell
Fuentabella Fuentabella
Melvin Galapo Melvin Galapo
Agnes Soro Agnes Soro
Ronabelle Ronabelle Diosalyn Diosalyn
Matadling Matadling Azarcon Azarcon
Extemporaneous Mary Ann Mary Ann Roselle Roselle Shiela Dela Cruz
Rodriguez Rodriguez Fernandez Fernandez
Vilma Ocan Vilma Ocan Rene Duclayan Rene Duclayan
Elmer Manilag Elmer Manilag
Candace Yvette Candace Yvette Camiling
Camiling Sherry Ann
Oratorical Atendido Atendido
Emilia Mauricio Ganareal
Emilia Mauricio
Mark Denisse Mark Denisse A.
Loradel Nieto Loradel Nieto
A. De Jesus De Jesus
Quiz Bee Angelica Angelica Manue Dario Villajuan Dario Villajuan Joshua Reyes
Manuel Edmar Azurin Rosalinda Duran Rosalinda Duran Mark Andrew
Edmar Azurin Fernandez
Arriane Louren
Jun Ainne
Spelling Bee Beverly Del Beverly Del Rayo
Caoile Jun Ainne Caoile
Rosario Rosario Mariane
Tabulators Allan Lazaro Allan Lazaro Wilfredo Wilfredo
Lotgarda Cruz Lotgarda Cruz Bautista Bautista

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