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Guardiola 1

Jorge Guardiola

Professor Powers

English 1302-219

27 April 2023

Instructor Feedback

After finishing the first essay along with the grade comes the feedback and since this was

the first essay not as much criticism was added to the essay. The first comment was about the

missing names in the in-text citations and how the works cited entries need to be worked on as

the ones in the essay do not conform to MLA style. Another comment that was added was about

how I could have added the limitations of my research and how other ways would have improved

the results and it also adds how it would have been good to add new directions the experiment

could take.

The second essay had more comments than the first one. The comments started about the

clarity of the paragraphs and how some words needed to be changed while also adding to clarify

to the audience how am I talking about. Comments about defining key terms were also added

due to the lack of explanation that goes on in the paragraphs. Fixing inconclusive sentences was

another comment because many of my sentences that included in-text citations were not

complete and understandable.

For the third essay, some comments were repeated from the previous one. Some

comments that were repeated were the clarity and contraction ones. New comments suggested

that I should spread out the information for a better paragraph instead of trying to fit everything
Guardiola 2

in the same sentence. Some other comments included fixing my citations and taking out

information that was unnecessary for the paragraph.

Guardiola 3

Works Cited

Guardiola, Jorge “The Effects of Coffee.”15 February 2023. English 1302-219, Texas A&M

International University, student paper.

Guardiola, Jorge “Women’s movements around the globe.” 12 March 2023. English 1302-219,

Texas A&M International University, student paper.

Guardiola, Jorge “Video Games Are Not Harmful.” 17 April 2023. English 1302-219, Texas

A&M International University, student paper.

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