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Kasiglahan Village Senior High School

San Jose, Rodriguez Rizal


Title of the research:

Effectiveness of Installed Educational Platform on the Tablet from LGU used by the
Selected Grade 12 HUMSS Students in KVSHS in
Practical Research 2


Amaro, Vincent
Lamsen, Christine Anne
Mallete, Diana Rose
Quintos, Jovince


Mrs. Ria Micor

Chapter I
This chapter includes the introduction, background of the study, scope and limitation,
statement of the problem, hypothesis, conceptual framework, and the definition of terms.


The use of technology in education has become increasingly popular in recent years.
Many schools now use tablets as a common tool to give pupils access to instructional resources
and information. The emergence of digital technology has significantly changed the nature of
education. Many schools and governments have begun to invest in various educational
platforms to improve student learning as a result of the expanding accessibility of educational
technology. In this study, grade 12 students at Kasiglahan Village Senior High School who are
studying humanities and social sciences will use tablets that have been loaded with an
educational platform by a local government unit.

The goal of this study is to evaluate how well the educational platform improves the
learning opportunities for the chosen Grade 12 HUMSS students. Based on how the students
view the platform's features, content, and usability, its effectiveness will be evaluated. We intend
to use this study to identify areas that need improvement and give the LGU and school officials
feedback to help them make better choices.

The study is crucial because it aims to provide insight into how educational technology
affects students' learning and experiences in school as a whole. The results of the study may
also aid in the creation and improvement of educational platforms in other institutions and
schools, improving teaching and learning outcomes.

Background of the Study

According to a study conducted by Delos Santos et al. (2019), the effectiveness of

technology as a learning tool among selected Grade 12 HUMSS students at Bestlink College of
the Philippines during the school year 2018-2019 was examined. The study aimed to determine
the effectiveness of using technology for homework, projects, and research tasks. Technology
has become an integral part of education in the digital age, and many teachers are integrating it
into their lesson plans to improve their students' learning outcomes. It is crucial to investigate
the impact of technology on student learning, and studying how technology works for Grade 12
HUMSS students can offer valuable insights into using technology in humanities and social
science education. This can assist in the development of technology-integrated curricula and
effective teaching methods that enhance student learning.

Based on the study by Audrei Jeremy et al. (2022), it was observed that most
educational systems worldwide have transitioned to online distance learning, especially when
physical contact is restricted. Using a quantitative phenomenological research method, this
study aims to investigate the awareness of Grade 12 humanities and social sciences students at
Lagro High School regarding physical communication challenges in online distance learning.
The study sought to understand the students' perceptions of these challenges and identify
effective coping strategies. The researchers conducted semi-structured interviews to gather data
from the respondents. Online distance learning allows all students to be present at the same
time, unlike face-to-face classes where only a limited number of students can attend, leaving
others without explanation or guidance.

According to the researcher Ghavifekr and Rosdy (2015) claims that the main purpose of
study is to analysis the effectiveness of ICT integration in. Specifically, this study aims to
identify; the effectiveness of ICT integration form teaching and learning perspectives and the
effective elements of ICT integration in teaching in public schools in Kuala Lumpur. Research on
the effectiveness of ICT integration in schools might point to successful methods for enhancing
student outcomes including academic performance, engagement, and digital literacy. The
effects of technology use in the classroom on various student populations, such as kids from
low-income homes, students with impairments, and English language learners, can be
determined through research. By doing this, it may be possible to guarantee that all student
groups receive an equitable share of the advantages of technology. In general, studies on the
performance of ICT integration in schools can offer insightful information about how technology
might be successfully incorporated into education to enhance student outcomes and better
prepare children for success in a digital world. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage this research.

The "One Tablet, One Student Program" law or Republic Act No. 11293 according to
Senator Sherwin Gatchalian (2019) he claims that the main objective of this proposed law is to
enhance educational quality and guarantee that all students have equal access to digital
technology. This law is crucial for students to succeed in their studies especially in the students
with low-income families who may not have access to devices can now have their own tablet,
which can help them keep up with their studies and participate in online learning. By providing
tablets to students who may not have access to them, the One Tablet, One Student Program
can help bridge this divide and ensure that more students have the opportunity to learn and
succeed. Tablets can offer a range of educational tools and resources that can enhance the
learning experience of students. For example, students can access online textbooks,
educational videos, and interactive learning apps that can make learning more engaging and
interactive. Overall, I support the One Tablet, One Student Program law because it can help
improve access to technology, bridge the digital divide, enhance the learning.

Local Government Code of 1991 was enacted into law by the Congress of the
Philippines on October 10, 1991, and signed into law by President Corazon C. Aquino on
October 27, 1991. According to Senator Aquilino Pimentel Jr. (1991) He states that the law
establishes the structure, duties, and obligations of local government units in the Philippines. He
bases this claim on the legislation. This law gives local government units the authority to
implement policies for the general welfare of the residents in their jurisdictions, including the use
of technology for service delivery and public information. This law may be used by LGUs as a
foundation for establishing tablet initiatives that encourage accountability, transparency, and
citizen participation. The law gives LGUs additional autonomy and responsibility over their local
affairs by transferring to them some national government duties and authorities. Decentralization
of power is intended to foster regional growth and improve services for all citizens, particularly
those who reside in rural areas. Overall, the Local Government Code of 1991 is a significant law
that supports decentralization and equips LGUs to offer public services more efficiently and
effectively. By bringing government services closer to the people, it is a crucial part of the
Philippine government system and has contributed to the improvement of many Filipinos' lives.

According to Nina Ricci Ynares, the governor of Rizal (2022). According to Ynares' post
on the provincial government's official Facebook page, the Grade 12 students who received the
tablets. On the first week of courses, the vice governor Junrey San Juan and the governor
distributed the technology to senior high school students in various parts of the province.
Program for Employment of Students of the Department of Labor and Employment paid the
students who had worked for 20 days in person by Governor Ynares. Giving students access to
tablets can assist ensure that they have access to technology, which is essential for learning in
today's digital world. This article is really beneficial, especially for students. Students may find
tablets to be more handy than traditional textbooks because they can access all of their course
information on a single device. In summary, if the Rizal LGU is indeed distributing tablets to
senior high school students, this initiative could have several potential benefits for the students'
education and learning experience.

According to Janvic Mateo (2019), the department of education he said in a statement

issued that it had taken into account various studies on the use of technology in schools prior to
implementing its computerization program. The department said it has put in place policies and
safeguards to ensure that the information provided under the program becomes effective
learning material and not be misused by students. “the use of tablets in the school system
should be carefully monitored and their use guided by teachers, as they should be maximized as
effective learning tools,” the deped said. “when technological aids are misused incorrectly, the
department also acknowledges the dangers they pose to student success. It was found that
gadget use and the prolonged use has resulted in poor performance,” it said all students should
use the tablet to study and not in a bad way, the deped gave a tablet because most of the
students are online class and that tablet they will use for online distance learning. In this article
DepEd has a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of students in public schools by
monitoring technology use, it can prevent cyberbullying and other forms of online harassment,
which have become prevalent in recent years. Additionally, it can also prevent students from
being exposed to harmful or inappropriate content, which can have a negative impact on their
mental health and well-being. monitoring technology use can help teachers and school
administrators identify students who may be struggling with their studies or experiencing
personal issues. By monitoring their online activity, teachers can see if they are falling behind in
their studies, and school administrators can identify if they are experiencing any problems at
home or in their personal lives that may be affecting their academic performance.
Scope and Limitation

The study will focus on determining the Effectiveness of Installed Educational Platform
on the Tablet from LGU used by the Selected Grade 12 HUMSS Students in KVSHS. The target
population of the study for achieving its objectives are the Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS) students of Academic Year 2022-2023.

The study will only focus on the selected Grade 12 HUMSS students in KVSHS who
have access to the LGU tablet and the educational platform. Therefore, the findings cannot be
generalized to other student populations or educational institutions. The research focused on the
result of Grades in subject Pr2 which became the basis of using tablet using tablet.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the Effectiveness of installed educational platform on the
Tablet from LGU used by the Selected Grade 12 HUMSS Students in KVSHS in Practical
Research 2

It was specifically designed to answer the following question.

1. What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 sex

1.3 grade

2. What are the Educational Platform Installed on the tablet?

3. What are the uses of Educational Applications that are installed on the tablet for the subject
practical research 2?

4. What are the effectiveness of Installed Educational Applications in subject Practical Research


1. There is no effectiveness outcome on the installed educational platform on the tablet from
LGU in practical research 2
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. In this figure we use a free model which shows LGU with the tablet provided
students in KVSHS. Tablet where can only use as educational tool. There are installed
educational applications like Google classroom, Coursera, edX, Udemy, Skill share; etc.
Students who lack the funds to purchase learning tools will find this tablet to be of great
assistance. This tablet is a great help for them in studying particularly in subject practical
research. Tablets from LGU can be helpful for students in several ways. Here are some
possible benefits. Tablets can allow students to access digital learning materials such as
ebooks, and educational platform. This can be especially helpful for students who don't have
access to physical books or other resources. Students can also use tablets to communicate with
their peers for collaborative projects. Overall, tablets from LGU can be a valuable tool for
students in their learning journey, providing access to digital resources, improving
communication, promoting mobility, and offering cost savings and personalization options, so
that it is truly possible to claim that using a tablet to study is very effective.
Definition of terms

The following terms used in the study are defined in the context of the research to help
reach a better and more common understanding.

Academic Performance. Determined by continuous assessment or cumulative grade point

average and indicates how well a student has met their short- or long-term educational goals.

Data Privacy. Pertains to the protection of personal Data for those who should not access to it.

Educational platform. A comprehensive group of engaging online resources that support

students and improve the management and delivery of education.

Installed Educational Platform. Applications you can find in the tablet that are installed and
used by Students in studying.

LGU. A political subdivision of the Republic of the Philippines at the provincial, city, municipal, or
Barangay level, who offered tablets.

Tablet. A wireless easy to carry computer device provided by the LGU that can use by the

Technology. The whole procedures, processes, techniques, and skills employed in providing
quality services or achieving goals, such as doing scientific investigation.

User’s management. Is a component of educational platforms that allows for simple account
management and access for students. Managing which users can access specific folders and
file on the Tablet.

REFERENCES A. Related studies

Ghavifekr, S. & Rosdy, W.A.W. (2015). Teaching and learning with technology: Effectiveness of
ICT integration in schools. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1105224.pdf

Mendador A.J. et al. (2022) Students’ Awareness Towards Physical Communication Barriers in
Online Distance Learning.

Santos D. et al. (2019). Effectiveness of Using Technology as a Learning Tool of the HUMSS
Grade 12 Students in Bestlink College of the Philippines: An assessment.

B. Legal basis
Gatchalian, S. (2019). One Tablet, One Student Program or Republic Act No. 11293

Pimentel, A. (1991). Local Government Code of 1991.


C. Article
Mateo, J. (2019). DepEd to monitor technology use in public schools.

Ynares, N.R. (2022). Rizal LGU distributes tablets to senior high students.

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