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Norvelyn Grace, Ergina


Activity 4: Difference Between Kayak and Canoe

Compare the two floating crafts; kayak and canoe. Think back of the unique features of
each one and the similarities as well. You also need to think of at least four categories
to compare them. Two for differences and two for similarities. Use the Venn diagram to
write your answer.

Kayak Canoe

Kayaks are typically Both kayaks and canoes are

Canoes are wider and
narrower and have a used for similar purposes,
such as exploring lakes,
have a flat bottom,
pointed bow and which makes them
rivers, and other bodies of
stern, which makes more stable and
water. They are often used
them more for recreational activities like spacious.
streamlined and fishing, camping, and wildlife
maneuverable. In a canoe, the
paddler kneels or sits
In a kayak, the Both kayaks and canoes are on a raised seat and
paddler sits with their made from similar materials, uses a single-bladed
legs extended in front such as wood, fiberglass,
of them and uses a plastic, or Kevlar. They are
double-bladed designed to be lightweight
and easy to maneuver on the

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