Week 5 PT

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E 11
5 PERFORMANCE St. John Paul II January 12, 2021

Goal: To promote different forms of physical activities,

specifically Yoga, as effective alternative way of
promoting and maintaining physical fitness and as an
effective way of managing stress.

Role: Yoga Performer

Audience: Classmates, Friends, Parents, Teachers

Situation: You are to perform the different basic Yoga positions

in a routine exercise. Create your own routine using
the different basic positions presented in Module 4.
Use all the steps, and incorporate music of your
choice. Since Yoga promotes relaxation, kindly
utilize instrumental and slow music.

Product: A 2-3 minute Yoga video presentation

Standard: Posture
Proper Placement of hands and feet
Overall Presentation

For further questions, kindly reach me through my messenger account, our Group Chat or my mobile number
(0927-973-1612) during working hours. Send your output in our Group chat, my personal gmail account
(McGile93@gmail.com) or my messenger account. If the limit allows it, kindly include also the bloopers when
shooting your output.
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement
(20-18) (17-15) (14-10)
Posture The body angle is The body angle is good; The body angle is not
perfect; it shows the it shows preferable body good for the routine; it
optimum body placement placement for the routine presents difficulty for the
for the routine dancers

Proper placement of The hands and feet are in The hands and feet are in The hands and feet
hands and feet perfect position good position but it can position are improper
be improved

Gracefulness Smooth flow of Smooth flow of Struggles to keep the

movements were movements were movements smooth as
observed perfectly and observed consistently possible throughout the
consistently throughout throughout the routine routine
the routine

Overall Presentation The presentation is The presentation is The presentation

excellent and shows very organized, neat and unorganized, messy, and
high quality of effort. shows a good quality of shows a poor quality of
effort. effort.

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