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Whitten 1

Tristan Whitten

Intro to American Studies

Dr. Cook

02 September 2022

What is an American?

What is an American? This question does not have just one correct answer… the

definition of an American depends on the perspective of who you are asking. I have been

learning about “American history” since I was young enough to remember Christopher

Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 or some variation of that saying. In school they taught us

about the birth of America, how we fought for our freedom, the advances we have made as a

country, the wars we have fought, the rise of industry, our rights and liberties granted to us under

our Constitution.

Several of my family members are veterans, and I spent my early childhood moving from one

military base to another. I grew up saluting the flag, hearing taps on post, seeing all the military

people training, hearing how fortunate you are to live in a country that has so many freedoms.

For me having to say “see you soon” to the people I loved when they went off to Iraq or

Afghanistan, families with tear filled eyes as their loved ones loaded onto buses. In my eyes

being in the military is one of the most selfless and brave acts a person can do. Brave signing up

knowing that one day you may have to deploy overseas, knowing there is a chance you may not

come back, selfless knowing you may have to leave your family for extended amounts of time,
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fighting for the freedoms of others. With the knowledge that not only are you protecting your

family and the things you hold precious but protecting others.

Some may say an American is an entitled person who is arrogant and does not appreciate the

things around them. Boastful of living in the “best” country. Ignorant of the world around them

because they are only concerned with what directly affects them. Lazy because they expect

things to be handed to them instead of working for them. Others may say that an American is a

hard worker who takes pride in their work and their country. Americans are respectful and abide

by the laws set forth by our nation, grateful for the freedoms, and liberties they have. That they

are family oriented and cherish their loved ones. Prideful to live in a nation that affords so many

opportunities. Being an American involves freedom of religion, you can be Christian, Jewish,

Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, or even Buddhist.

I guess for me being an American is being proud of the country you live in, grateful for the

freedoms we as American citizens have, and being brave enough to stand up and fight for what

you hold dear. As I have gotten older, I have realized that life is not black or white. There are

many facets to the world around me. Being an American is religion, ethnicity, entitlement,

freedom, and culture. Depending on who you ask as I saw today in class you will get a different

answer every time. Everyone looks at the world around them through a different lens.

So, if I were to sum it up in my own words, an American is someone who shows pride in their

country, respects the many things that our country encompasses, grateful for their freedoms and

willing to fight for what they hold dear, but Americans can also be entitled, arrogant, or even


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