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Gavilia Gamarra Aldair Cafu (

Ramírez Tamara Anali Olga (

Yanac Baylon Ailyn Heidy (

Quiroz Cáceres Milagros Rosario (NP)

Espinoza Rosales Stephany Alexandra (

López Cabrera Hugo Carlos (



1. Inclusion: Action and effect of including or integrating people into

society so that they can participate and contribute to it.
2. Psychological abuse: is the regular and deliberate use of non-physical
words or actions made to mentally and emotionally weaken, hurt,
manipulate, or frighten a person.
3. Self-esteem: It is the value that each person attributes to his person and
his abilities.
4. Emotional state: Our emotional states are the sum of a series of
neurological processes that occur in our brain.
5. Aggression: Aggression is an emotional state that consists of feelings of
hatred and desires to harm another person, animal or object, pretend to
physically and or psychologically hurt someone
6. Sexuality: Set of anatomical and physiological conditions that
characterize each sex

7. Consequence: A result or effect of an action or condition.

8. Isolation: The state of being separated from other people or things; the
condition of being alone or lonely.
9. Trust: A firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or
10. Harassment: This violence involves sexual, physical or psychological
abuse in and around schools committed against those who do not
conform to prevailing sexual and gender norms.
11. Threat: Gender violence through mild threats is established in article
171.4 of the Penal Code. It is committed by whoever threatens in a slight
way whoever is or has been his wife, or woman who is or has been
linked to him by a similar affective relationship even without cohabitation.
12. Affectivity: Gender violence is that which is exercised on women by
those who are or have been linked to them by affective relationships
(partners or ex-partners).
13. Slapping: Involves causing or attempting to cause harm to a partner by
hitting, kicking, burning, grabbing, pinching, shoving, slapping, pulling
hair, biting, denying them medical care, or forcing them to use alcohol or
drugs, or using any other kind of force
14. Accompaniment: It is the process of assistance, guidance, advice and
comprehensive support given to victims of violence against women,
institutions -government or civil society- and the personnel who work in
them in order to verify the strict compliance with the Law in the
processes, so that they can choose and take.
15. Barrier: They face professional segregation, stereotypes and customs,
barriers to exercise their property rights, lack of access to credit,
resources, and technology, gender violence and many other obstacles
that make it difficult.

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