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Kylee Pitts
With in the last few years therapy has not only become
normalized it has become encouraged. There are
many different types of therapy, but one of the most
controversial therapy types is hypnotherapy. Hypnosis
has been around since the 1700’s but has just recently
been incorporated into therapy sessions to help with
the reduction of pain, anxiety, and many other

´ Therapy is a way of treatment to

help relieve or treat a disorder.
´ Hypnotherapy is a type of
psychotherapy using relaxation,
concentration, and attention to
reach a heightened state of
´ Considered alternative medicine
which can help reduce or alleviate
symptoms of certain illnesses.
W ´ Hypnotherapy is used to help alleviate symptoms that
coincide with anxiety, depression, PTSD, phobias,
unhealthy habits, and even pain management.

´ Many people with certain illnesses and/ or disorders do
not want to be reliant on medication and will turn toa
´ As time goes on therapists & researchers are finding
more and more illnesses & disorders to cure, using


2 Types:

Suggestion: Helps with bad habits such as

smoking, nail biting, gambling, & excessive eating. Can
also be used to help with self confidence, self
motivation, & chronic pain.
Individuals' ability to respond to suggestions
HOW? given by therapist while in a trance.

Analysis: Used to help with anxiety, depression,

PTSD – anything that has been caused by a trauma.

Helps with “digging deep” to retrieve repressed

memories & traumas. Determines root cause, disorder,
and symptoms.
´Traumatic event
´Helped using
Car accident Child Abuse

Pain Management Death

Smoking Gambling Over Eating

Public Crisis's


Soldiers back from war

Hypnotherapy in South Africa
´ “a system of institutionalized racial segregation that ruled in South Africa from 1948 to 1990
(Mayne, [26]) - it follows that large groups of our population suffers from trauma. South Africa
still in the adapting phases of dealing with traumas of the past are now ridden with violent
crimes that results in physical and psychological injuries” – (Du Plessis et al., 2021)
´ Alternative medicine is highly sought out by people in south Africa
´ Many disadvantaged groups still do not have adequate access to mental health care. Culture
plays a critical role (Clay, [ 9]). As Hernandez et al. suggest "culture influences what gets
defined as a problem, how the problem is understood and which solutions to the problem are
acceptable." Furthermore, a lack of understanding on how cultural diversity influence mental
health is often a barrier to treatment as different populations have inherently different needs
´ Universities in South Africa provide training and education in applied psychology,
while hypnotherapy can only be studied as an add-on skill at certain
institutions. Hypnotherapy being an effective treatment in trauma (Burrows & Boughton, [ 7])
can be very helpful and relevant in South Africa, however our exceptionally diverse population
has very different ideas and beliefs regarding its use. Unfortunately, academic research on the
subject – that may aid in dispelling these myths are also lacking, even though the
psychological needs of our country clearly underline the importance of studies to explore and
describe the use of hypnotherapy. While a considerable amount of research has been
conducted on the use of hypnotherapy internationally, this study is among the first to explore
and describe perceptions on hypnotherapeutic myths within South Africa. (Du Plessis et al.,
So much Controversy!!!
´ The risks; Slight possibility of creating false scenarios that the patient may come to believe
actually happened. Headache, dizziness, and can sometimes make anxiety worse or
create anxiety that was not once there.

´ Myths surrounding hypnotherapy –

´ Therapists can put thoughts and scenarios into a patients head.
´ Stereotypical clock in front of patient making patient not in control of their body
´ Patient will not remember what they said

´Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy are not the same!!

´ Despite the controversy and myths behind hypnotherapy it has proven to
be very effective when treating many different illnesses & disorders

Gabapentin vs. hypnotherapy when

treating hot flashes in breast cancer
´ David, S. M. L., Salzillo, S., Bowe, P., Scuncio, S., Malit, B., Raker, C., Gass, J. S., Granai, C. O., &
Dizon, D. S. (2013, September 1). Randomised controlled trial comparing hypnotherapy versus
gabapentin for the treatment of hot flashes in breast cancer survivors: A pilot study. BMJ
Open. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from
´ Du Plessis, C., Nel, L., & Taylor, H. (2021). You’re going to do what? patients’ myths regarding
hypnotherapy as described by South African psychologists. Integrative Psychological and
Behavioral Science.
´ Gupta, A., & Sidana, A. (2020). Clinical hypnotherapy in grief resolution - A case report. Indian Journal of
Psychological Medicine, 42(2), 193–197.
´ Langham, D. R. Y. (2019, June 29). What is hypnotherapy? does hypnotherapy work? TherapyTribe.
Retrieved November 29, 2022, from
´ Watt, A. (2019, April 1). Hypnotherapy and depression: How it works. Healthline. Retrieved
December 5, 2022, from
´ Wells, D. (2022). The controversy over hypnosis in medicine. Singapore Travel Guide.
Retrieved December 5, 2022, from

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