Inventory Brianna Boeckeler

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Outcomes & Evidence
Progress Inventory*
Center for Student Leadership Development
Memorial Union
University of Rhode Island

Name: Brianna Boeckeler

Date Enrolled: Spring 2023
Date of Graduation: May 2026

*The Outcomes & Evidence Progress Inventory is the intellectual property of the Center for Student Leadership Development (CSLD) at the
University of Rhode Island and cannot be reproduced in part, or in its entirety, without the written permission of the acting Assistant Director of the

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 1

• Center for Student Leadership Development Information
• Minor Information
• Developmental Model

ADVISING INFORMATION (students will include own documentation)

• Tracking Sheet / Advising Updates
• Syllabi of Minor Classes (Core and Electives)
• Internship
o Guidelines
o Syllabus
o Mid-term
o Final

• Outcomes (Self-Leadership, Interpersonal and Organizational, Leadership Theories, Inclusive Leadership, Critical
• Targeted Classes
• Experiences
• Evidence


Office: Memorial Union Room 210 Phone: (401) 874-2726 Fax: (401) 874-5317

CSLD Mission Statement

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To enhance the mission of the University of Rhode Island, The Center for Student Leadership Development aims to:
• Provide developmental opportunities for all students to become informed, inclusive, effective, and ethical leaders in the global marketplace through the implementation of learner-centered
academic, experiential, and co-curricular programming.
• Engage in research, assessment, and advancement in order to positively impact the expanding field of leadership studies.

CSLD Vision Statement

The URI Center for Student Leadership Development will promote dynamic strengths-based leadership development through multiple delivery methods to prepare students to be competitive in the
work place and global marketplace. The CSLD seeks to progress as innovators for experiential engagement and enriching assessment.

CSLD Values Statement

Grounded in the Social Change Model of Leadership Development (Higher Education Research Institute), Relational Leadership Model (Komives, Lucas, & McMahon), and Servant Leadership
(Greenleaf), the URI Center for Student Leadership Development values:
• Engaged and experiential learning through a constructivist approach
• Inclusion, Social Justice, and Civic Engagement
• Ethical and Value-based Leadership & Relationship Building
• Innovative Assessment and Presentation Models


At URI, we are among only a handful of colleges and universities across the country that offers a Minor in Leadership Studies and one that is customized for each student. We utilize a cross-
disciplinary approach to leadership education designed to complement your academic studies. All courses utilize a variety of teaching methods but ultimately include some form of experiential
learning, practical application, and reflective learning. Employers, now more than ever, are seeking candidates with exceptional skills in the areas of interpersonal and group management, problem
solving, critical thinking and effective communication.  We can help with all of the above.

• Regardless of your major, you can minor in Leadership Studies.
• Requirements may be satisfied by completing 18 or more credits related to leadership and offered by more than one department.
• Twelve (12) of the 18 credits must be at the 200 level of instruction or above. A course grade of “C” or better must be earned in each graded course. At least 12 of the credits must be earned at
• No course may be used to apply to both the major and minor fields of study. Courses in General Education or for other minors may be used for the minor* (*this does not apply to students in
the College of Business). With the exception of internship credit, all courses for the minor must be taken for a grade. The Introductory class must be taken before the internship and the
capstone course.
• Application for the minor must be filed in your academic dean’s office no later than the beginning of the final semester or term.
• Approval of the minor does not guarantee that the suggested courses will be available to you on a schedule correlated with your graduation plans nor guarantee space in any required course.

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Required Element Class options Notes

Introductory Course HDF 190: FLITE Only offered in spring for first-year students
3 credits or
HDF 290: Modern Leadership Issues Offered Fall and Spring for sophomores & juniors

Internship HDF 417: Leadership Internship Requires 40 hours/credit with a min. of 80 hours & a max. of 120 hours of documented internship
3 credits or experience for graded credit
Experience through Office of Experiential Learning & Community Engagement
Internship Class in Academic Major The only time the major and minor can overlap

Capstone HDF 412: Historical, Multi-ethnic & Alternative Leadership Offered only in the fall with preference given to seniors
3 credits or
COM 402: Leadership & Motivation Offered in the spring and summer with Dr. Leatham
BUS 441: Leadership Skills Development Offered in the fall and spring with Dr. Cooper
HPR 411/412: Honors Senior Seminar
Must be in Honors or have GPA of 3.3

Portfolio HDF 492: Leadership Minor Portfolio Taken last spring semester of enrollment (some exceptions)
1 credit


*Additional classes may be appropriate and therefore added to the list; see CSLD for the most updated list or bring a class that you think should be an elective

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AAF 300: Civil Rights Movement in the US COM 402: Leadership and Motivation (capstone option) HDF 416: Leadership in Organizations
BUS 341: Organizational Behavior COM 407: Political Communication HDF 417: Leadership Minor Internship
BUS 342: Human Resource Management COM 415: The Ethics of Persuasion HDF 437: Law & Families in the U.S.
BUS 441: Leadership & Motivation (capstone option) COM 421: Advanced Interpersonal Communication HDF 450: Introduction to Counseling
BUS 443: Organizational Design & Change COM 422: Communication and Conflict HPR 118: Honors Course in Speech Communications
BUS 448: International Dimensions of Business COM 441: Race, Politics and the Media HPR 203: The Prepared Mind
BUS 449: Entrepreneurship COM 450: Organizational Communication HPR 412: Honors Seminar (capstone option)
COM 100: Communication Fundamentals COM 461/462: Managing Cultural Differences in Organizations MSL 101: Introduction to Military Leadership
COM 202: Public Speaking CSV 302: URI Community Service MSL 201: Leadership & Military History
COM 208: Argumentation and Debate GWS 150: Introduction to Women’s Studies MSL 201: Military Skills and History of Warfare
COM 210: Persuasion: The Rhetoric of Influence GWS 310: Race, Class, Sexuality in Women’s Lives MSL 202: Leadership & Team Building
COM 221: Interpersonal Communication GWS 350: International Women’s Issues MSL 301: Leadership & Management
COM 250: Small Group Communication HDF 190: First-Year Leaders Inspired to Excellence (FLITE) PEX 375: Women in Sport - Contemporary Perspectives
COM 302: Advanced Public Speaking (introductory course option) PHL 212: Ethics
COM 308: Advanced Argumentation HDF 290: Modern Leadership Issues (introductory course option) PSC 304: Introduction to Public Administration
COM 322: Gender & Communication HDF 291: Rose Butler Browne Program Peer Mentoring Program PSC 369: Legislative Process and Public Policy
COM 351: Oral Comm. in Business & the Professions HDF 412: Historical, Multi-Ethnic, & Alternative Leadership (capstone PSC 504: Ethics in Public Administration
COM 361: Intercultural Communication option) SOC300/WMS350: Women and Work
COM 383: Rhetorical Theory HDF 413: Student Organization Leadership Consulting THE 221: Stage Management
COM 385: Communication and Social Influence HDF 414: Leadership for Activism and Social Change THE 341: Theater Management
HDF 415: FLITE Peer Leadership

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Wilson, 1998 (URI Memorial Union / Center for Student Leadership Development)
Revised after the publication of Exploring Leadership: for College Students Who Want to Make a Difference by Komives, McMahon and Lucas, 1998.

You need to have your own act together before you can lead others:

2. Lead Yourself

▪ Time management
▪ Organization
1. Know Yourself ▪ Self care
▪ Self discipline
Lead Others ▪ Strengths ▪ Perseverance
▪ Weaknesses ▪ Develop and maintain family,
▪ Values PROGRESS interpersonal, and intimate relationships
▪ Needs ▪ Academic, social, personal goals and
P ▪ Styles objectives
R o Learning
O o Teaching
G o Personality P
R o Membership R
E o Leadership O
former stages as E
you progress S
4. Develop and Refine S

▪ Leadership theory and

practice 3. Broaden Your Perspectives…
▪ Communication Understand others
▪ Group Development
▪ Inclusion ▪ Hierarchy of needs
▪ Citizen Activist Skills ▪ Racial, cultural, gender, sexual orientation,
Critical Thinking PROGRESS
▪ religious, class, ability, etc. diversity and
▪ Teaching and Programming commonalities
▪ Power, privilege, oppression, liberation;
individual and institutional discrimination

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In this section, you will track your progress toward the outcomes. Each class in the minor targets different outcomes; all of the classes list these
outcomes on the syllabi (the words “goals” or “curriculum areas” may be used instead). In many of our classes, the assignments can serve as your
evidence. Periodically, and not less than at the end of each semester, you should update your outcomes progress. In the “additional experiences”
column, name additional classes or experiences that contributed to you becoming proficient in that outcome. As the semesters pass, you will think of
things from recent semesters and semesters further in the past, or people or jobs, etc. in your past that also influenced your progress on that outcome.
Do not let that ambiguity upset you. Reflecting on development is not a linear process, but it does help to reflect often. In the “descriptive notes”
column, share insights about your growth, lack of progress, successes, stumbling blocks, etc. At the end of each section, you need to include evidence
that supports your development toward the outcomes. Copies of papers, grading sheets, evaluation letters—anything that shows that someone has
determined that you have demonstrated proficiency (or not, or are making progress). Make sure to keep electronic copies of all of your evidence to
include in your Portfolio.

Outcome Category: Self-Leadership

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

1. Student will demonstrate autonomy and a

minimized need for approval

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2. Student will demonstrate personal, HDF 190 VIA Being an older sister can be tough sometimes. My sister often gets on my nerves,
organizational, and academic examples of bothers me, and annoys me. Although she acts this way, because I am the older
sister, I have to stay composed. I have to set a good example for her and by
staying composed through her annoyance, I show her that acting that way is not
“cool”. It takes a lot of patience to not turn around and scream at her when she
says my name a million times just to say “Hi” after I respond with “What?”. I was not
always like this, though. When I was younger I would have expressed my inner
anger towards her. Now, I just let it pass. My VIA strength of “prudence” helps me
stay calm and collected. I learned to understand that she just wants my attention
and it is hard for her now that I am at college. She had a really tough time adjusting
to home life without me. I took that into consideration for the way I act towards her
now. Having this self-discipline has also improved our relationship.

I am a very organized person (shoutout to my OCD). An example of how I stay

organized is how I keep track of all my assignments and exams using Google
Sheets. Google Sheets has helped me stay on top of all my work, and even get
ahead in some assignments. I have it color-coded by class and organized by due
date. Organizing my tasks is a form of self-discipline because I am staying on track
and staying motivated.

My organizational self-discipline helps me have academic self-discipline.

Organizing my assignments by due date helps me thrive academically because I
never turn assignments in late. It also allows me to turn things in early and get a
head start on assignments that are due later in the week. I love getting things done
ahead of time because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I am also the type
of person to start studying for an exam a week+ in advance. Some people might
think I am crazy about my grades, but I do this all on purpose. This is self-discipline
because I am helping myself perform at the best of my ability, and I never have to

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3. Student will demonstrate the ability to CHM 102, CHM 101 VIA, Gallup This semester I am taking the lab CHM 102. I decided to take chemistry lecture
manage emotions (CHM 101) & lab this semester rather than last semester because honestly I was
scared to take them. Now that I am in them, I realize that I definitely could have
taken them last semester. To me, lecture is a lot easier than the lab. The lab makes
me upset sometimes because my TA grades very harsh. The labs are also pretty
difficult sometimes. Through it all, though, I use my Gallup strength of “focus” and
my VIA strength of “prudence” to stay focused, engaged, calm, and collected. Even
though CHM 102 is annoying sometimes, I remain composed because somethings
are out of my control. The labs are pre-set, I cannot choose them or their difficulty
levels. The grades are what I earn. Even though sometimes I may disagree with my
TA’s grading (one time he took a point off because I said “colorful” instead of
“purple”) it is what it is. My goal is to get at least an A-, and hopefully I will be able
to achieve it by staying collected and staying on my grind.

4. Student will demonstrate knowledge of URI 101 Greek 101 Last semester I took the course URI 101. We did not do much in that class,
stress management methods honestly, but I remember during one class our professor, Evan Priesser, wrote
down a bunch of different questions on a big list. The questions ranged from “Are
you excited about attending URI? Nervous, happy, sad, etc” to “How do you
manage stress? Do you manage stress well? Are you stressed about URI?”

Most students in our class said that they were stressed and either nervous or
excited to be starting college at URI. After seeing those results, Dr. Priesser started
listing ways to manage stress. The way that stuck out to me the most was breaking
down all of your assignments at hand. He recommended creating to-do lists and
showed different ways to create them. He also went on to say that if the
assignments flow in super fast and seem overwhelming and stressful to simply take
a break. Take a shower, do a face mask, play video games, go to the gym, etc…
just give yourself some time to be alone and rest your mind. After letting yourself
calm down a bit, it helps you become much more at ease and less stressed.

I also rushed a sorority this semester, Alpha Chi Omega, so I had to take Greek
101. The first session of Greek 101 was about mental health and different ways to
manage stress. The presenter showed us different resources that URI has on their
website, and different URI apps that can help us with managing it. One app is
called “MY SSP”. Some things she recommended were: self-care, go to the gym,
and let your body rest (take a nap). Pretty similar to what I learned in URI 101,
except she showed us online recourses on top of it all.

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5. Student will demonstrate the ability to
manage stress

6. Student will express a personal code of HDF 190 Girl Scouts, babysitting, and dental So far in HDF 190 I have developed/expanded interpersonal skills and have
leadership / membership ethics assisting. learned new forms of leadership. I have also started to learn more about myself
and my leadership styles through the two strength assessments that we have done.
I am also a Lifetime member of the Girls Scouts. My leadership journey definitely
started there. From learning how to work together and build a fire, to rounding up a
team for capture the flag, leadership skills were necessary. These skills were
brought upon me and have been used nearly every day. I have also been a
babysitter since I was 12yrs old. Babysitting is a big responsibility because you are
in charge of other people, and potentially pets. Leadership is needed for a job like
this because of your responsibilities. You have to constantly keep an eye out for the
kids, keep them entertained, cook for them, clean up after them, put them to bed,
etc. You have to be a leader while babysitting or else the kids will go crazy and the
parents can get mad. Additionally, I am a certified dental assistant. Even though I
am almost at the bottom of the totem poll, I have so many responsibilities. If I do
not step up and do my part, it effects my coworkers, patients, and the business. In
the work setting I like expressing my ideas to better the practice and I like to help
out whenever I can. This shows leadership because I am helping the team while
taking charge myself.

7. Student will demonstrate practice of the HDF 190 Biology recitation and futsal game In HDF 190 I learned what a personal code of ethics is. I demonstrate my personal
personal code of ethics code of ethics pretty much daily. I displayed leadership today (3/7) when I
volunteered to go first to present my community ecology presentation in my biology
recitation (BIO 262 REC). By doing so, I set an example for the rest of the class. I
spoke calmly and clear with an enthusiastic voice. Additionally, I had a futsal game
today. Whether I was playing in the game or on the sideline, I was giving ideas out
to the team on strategy. Although I am not the captain, I still help lead our team to
victories by being a team player and by having a strong voice. You do not have to
be the captain in order to be a leader. I help my team just as much by being a
helpful teammate who shares ideas when beneficial. On the field I also will say if
people are open or if I am open, so my teammates can get some guidence. Futsal
is very fast pasted, so it helps having another set of eyes to guide you.

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8. Student will express a personal values HDF 190 Group projects, sports, dental In HDF 190 we discussed ethics, morals, and values. A lot of my opinions and
statement (Sources = VIA, values assisting values are based on my morals. As for ethics, that is a “bigger” term that applies to
clarification exercises, etc.)
multiple people, unlike morals which is personal. Ethics plays a role in my
workplace because I am a dental assistant who works in a dental office.

I think it is important to discuss these topics and what separates them from each
other because sometimes these topics can get mixed up with one another. The VIA
strengths assignment helped bring light to my values. My top five results were:
honesty, kindness, love, leadership, and prudence. I think this is very accurate for
me because I value these qualities in myself and in my relationships with others.
These five results also play a big part in my day to day life. I am that friend who is
always honest, yet kind about it. I will show so much love to my friends, as well. I
also tend to find myself being the leader in group projects or sports. As for
prudence, this does not get used everyday because I simply do not need it
everyday, but when situations arise, I tend to stay calm and be careful.

9. Student will demonstrate practice of the HDF 190 VIA My morals are very important to me. They are what shape my values and opinions.
personal values statement Today, (3/7) it was my birthday. Even though I would have loved to take the day off
from school work and just have a nice chill day, that did not happen. Unfortunately
my birthday falls on midterm week. Yay me! I spent the entire day in the library or in
class. Not very fun, but I prioritize school over everything. This is because I value
good grades and hard work. My goal is to get into dental school, so I cannot slack
off in undergrad. I need the best grades as possible. I tried to pull my prudence
strength out today. Even though it was tough because I have a surplus of
assignments to complete, I tried to stay calm today and during this whole week.
Once this week is complete, I will be very relieved and proud of myself from what I
have accomplished. I will value this hard work because it will have paid off.

10. Student will demonstrate the ability to WRT 104 Group work Last semester I took the course WRT 104. This course was all project-based, which
lead a project from start to finish (follow- meant there we no test or quizzes, only group work/projects. I was in a group of
three for the entirety of it. I stepped up to be the leader of our group. Not in every
case, but most times I think it is good to have at least one leader who guides the
group. By taking on this role I organized when we were going to meet to work on
the projects, got materials for the projects, and divvied up the work evenly. Our
group earned a 100 on every project, resulting in us all getting 100s in the class. I
was very proud of myself and my group for accomplishing that.

11. Student will describe goals and objective

statements regarding personal issues,
career issues, and community issues

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12. Student will show evidence of goals and
objectives that were planned and

13. Student will show knowledge of the

“Hierarchy of Needs” theory by Maslow

14. Student will show application of Maslow’s

theory to own life

15. Student will show knowledge of the theory

of Superleadership by Manz & Sims

16. Student will show application of Manz &

Sim’s theory to own life

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17. Student will describe StrengthsQuest HDF 190 Gallup StrenghtsFinder, clubs, orgs, In HDF 190 we completed the StrengthsFinder Inventory from the website, Gallup. My top
Signature Themes, shadow side of Dental Assisting Gallup strength is achiever. I use this strength everyday with pretty much everything I do. I
Strengths and/or weaknesses, and always try to go above and beyond with my school work. Some might call me a “try hard”
examples of application (Source = Gallup) because I am an over-achiever. I strive to do the best that I can and get the most work done
that I can, efficiently. The weakness of this strength is that I always do so much that I
sometimes have too much on my plate. I also get disappointed with myself when I get an
average grade back and not a top grade. Being an achiever means I do not really make
time for myself. I am almost uncomfortable with down time. This is the price I pay for my
perfectionism and constant need to do school work.

My second Gallup strength is discipline. I use this strength to stay composed when
situations get tough. As a leader it is good to have discipline and composure when people in
the group are stressed trying to solve a problem. By doing this, everyone gets reeled in and
can focus on the problem at hand. The downside to discipline is that it can be frustrating
when other people do not have it. When I am trying to stay composed and others are all
over the place, it makes it harder to focus and get the work done.

My third Gallup strength is focus. To me, focus goes hand-in-hand with discipline. Having
composure means that you are focused, you are locked in on the problem at hand. It also
means that you focus on other people and see what everyone has to contribute. The
downside to focus is similar to discipline. Not everyone is able to focus easily, so you have
to work extra hard to help them.

Futuristic is my fourth Gallup strength. This means that I am actively doing things that will
effect my future (positively) and I have a goal/plan for the future. I want to go to dental
school to become a pediatric dentist, which means I need the very best grades. I need to
think about my future and do my best now so that my dreams can come true. To tie in the
focus trait, I need to stay focused on this goal and try to reach it. Besides getting good
grades, I have to network, continue dental assisting, and learning. The downside to being
futuristic is that I do not always allow myself to have fun because I always put school over
everything, including my mental health. I feel as though I have to do everything that I can,
even if I over commit to clubs and orgs because I need to be at the top.

Finally, my fifth Gallup strength is consistency. By being consist I am able to find a plan/
method the works and continue to put it into action. “Consistency is key” is a phrase I have
heard many times and it is a phrase in which I believe in. Being consistent means that you
stay on track. I use consistency to help other people get on track and to create habits for
myself to keep my grades steady. The downside of consistency is that it is hard to keep up.
I like things being done a certain way, and while in a group, some people might want to do
things differently than I do. This honestly bothers me because I like doing things my way,
but it is always important to hear other people’s ideas and take them into consideration.

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18. Student will describe personal leadership
style and/or personality style including
strengths and weaknesses and examples
of application (Sources = Leadership style
inventories, the L.P.I., Type Focus (MBTI),
LAMP, DISC, and other career
inventories, etc.)

Outcome Category: Leadership Theories

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

19. Student will show knowledge of the

“Authority and Bureaucracy” theory of
leadership Weber

20. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Weber)

21. Student will show knowledge of the

“Scientific Management” theory of
leadership by Taylor

22. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Taylor)

23. Student will show knowledge of the

“Management by Objectives” theory of
leadership by Drucker

24. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Drucker)

25. Student will show knowledge of “Theory

X and Theory Y” theory of leadership by

26. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (MacGregor)

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27. Student will show knowledge of the HDF 190 Soccer and group work In HDF 190 we learned about what servant leadership is and what it means to be a
“Servant Leadership” theory of leadership servant leader. Servant leadership is when you focus on the ideas, needs, and
by Greenleaf
wants of others before your own. With this mindset, you are interacting with others
to help them and to benefit them, not necessarily yourself. According to Greenleaf,
there are 10 characteristics that go into servant leadership. They are: listening,
empathy, healing, self-awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight,
stewardship, commitment to the growth of the people, and building community. The
characteristic that resonates with me the most is empathy. I consider myself an
empath because it is very easy for me to empathize with others and understand
how they are feeling (sometimes I can feel others feelings physically). Being an
empath has made me a very understanding and considerate person. When I was
the captain of my high school soccer team for two years, I away tried to get the
younger, shyer players involved. I was in their shoes when I was a freshman and
would often be left out because I was shy around the older girls. I made it my
mission to make sure that when I was captain, no one would feel left out like I was
because it made me really sad. I wanted what was best for the team and the
individual players and I knew that in order for our team to grow and improve we all
needed to work together and be friends. By having this sense of empathy and
awareness, I am able to include others and feel for them. It helps me in my daily life
during group work, the way that I act towards people, and what I say to certain
people. It is important to be considerate and kind because you never know what
someone is going through. I like being an empath because it makes me feel a
sense of connection with others. I use empathy in my leading style because I think
it benefits the team and makes everyone feel better.

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28. Student will describe personal application HDF 190 Intramural sports, group work, and at In HDF 190 on 3/7 we presented speeches in regards to our knowledge of the
of the above theory (Greenleaf) work (dental office - I am a dental Servant Leadership theory and characteristics from our class discussions/
presentations. We were asked to talk about a leader who advocates for a cause
that inspires us in our fields of study/ career paths and/or co-curricular
involvements. To tie it all together, the leader that we chose had to have relation to
the characteristic that we decided to talk about. Additionally, we had to mention how
that characteristic helps us and our advocate be successful.

According to Greenleaf, servant leadership is when you focus on the ideas, needs,
and wants of others before your own. I spoke about the characteristic of
“commitment to the growth of the people” and how it applied to my dentist and I.
With help from two Mind Tools articles and our class discussions, I defined
“commitment to the growth of the people” as when you are devoted to helping
everyone on your team or in your organization grow.

Currently, this characteristic helps me be successful because I am always thinking

about how my teams can grow together and how everyone on the team can get
involved. I don’t like leaving people out of things, so this characteristic of mine and
servant leadership helps make sure that everyone is participating so that we can
grow together and no one is left behind. By growing as a team we all become more
successful rather than just a few of us. I often show this in intramural sports and
group work.

This characteristic will also help me to be successful in my future because I want to

be a pediatric dentist and have my own dental practice one day, and I want myself
and my employees to be successful and happy with what we’re doing and how the
business is being ran. By focusing on the personal and professional development
of everyone on the team, I will have the best business that I can.

My role model in the field of dentistry is Dr. Jolanta Macdonald, aka Dr. Mac. She
has been my dentist since I was a kid, and now she is my boss. Dr. Mac is an
advocate for “commitment to the growth of the people” because it helps her be a
successful business woman with many happy patients. It is clear that she wants her
employees to be successful and happy, too.

29. Student will show knowledge of the

“Principle Centered Leadership” theory by
Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 16
30. Student will describe personal application
of the above theory (Covey)

31. Student will show knowledge of the “14

Points / TQM” theory of leadership by

32. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Deming)

33. Student will show knowledge of the

“Visionary Leadership” (now often cited
as “Transformational Leadership”) theory
by Sashkin

34. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Sashkin)

35. Student will show knowledge of the

“Individuals in Organizations” leadership
theory by Argyris

36. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Argyris)

37. Students will demonstrate knowledge of

the “4 V’s” theory of leadership by Grace
(Center for Ethical Leadership)

38. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Grace)

39. Student will show knowledge of the

“Situational Leadership” theory by Hersey
& Blanchard

40. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Hersey & Blanchard)

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41. Student will show knowledge of the HDF 190 Group work The relational leadership style is a relational process of people working together in
“Relational Leadership” model by an attempt to accomplish change or make a difference to benefit a common good.
Komives, McMahon & Lucas
This style focuses on group members being seen as constituents, participants, and
co-creators. There are three basic principles of relational leadership: knowing,
being, and doing. “Knowing” represents how you must know yourself, how change
occurs, and how others view things differently than you might. “Being” represents
how you must be ethical, open, caring, and inclusive. “Doing” can be thought of as
a way of acting because it represents how one must act in socially responsible
ways. This means being consistent and congruent as a member of a community,
and fulfilling your commitments & following your passions.

There are 5 components to relational leadership: inclusive, empowering,

purposeful, ethical, and process-oriented.

Being inclusive means understanding, valuing, and actively engaging diversity in

views, approaches, styles, and aspects of individuality. Doing this adds multiple
perspectives to a group’s activity and helps build a connection between the group

Empowerment reinforces the fact that you have the right to be present and get
involved, and that you are allowed to say what you think and feel. There are two
dimensions to empowerment. One is a sense of self that claims ownership, claims
a space, and expects to be involved. The other is a set of conditions that promotes
involvement by reducing barriers that block the development of individual talent and
involvement. This component uplifts all group members, as well.

Being purposeful means being committed to the task at hand, and having the ability
to collaborate with others to find common ground & facilitate positive change.
Creating positive change helps the group gain a shared vision which can lead to
improving organization or enhancing others. Everything is done with intention, too.

Ethical leadership is a crucial part of the relational leadership style because it is

driven by values, standards, and leadership that is morally good.

Having an intentional process is how people are able to work together and
accomplish positive change. Being process-oriented refers to the involvement of
group members, group consensus, and how the group handles tasks. The process
creates energy, synergy, & momentum and helps a group see what decisions to

- Center for Student Leadership Development. (2010). Academic classes and

provided Brightspace content.
- Komives, S.R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T.R. (2007). Exploring leadership: For
college students who want to make a difference. Jossey-Bass.
Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 18
42. Student will describe personal application HDF 190 Group work, WRT 104 The component of the Relational Leadership Model that I connect with the most is
of the above theory (Komives et al) “process-oriented”. Having an intentional process is how people are able to work
together and accomplish positive change. Being process-oriented refers to the
involvement of group members, group consensus, and how the group handles
tasks. The process creates energy, synergy, & momentum and helps a group see
what decisions to make.

I feel connected to this component because I always try my best to involve all of the
members in my group, and I like hearing everyone’s opinions on how we should
handle our tasks. I think group consensus is important because if we are all on the
same page while working on something together, we can be more efficient and
people are more likely to help when they agree with what we are doing.

Additionally, I think it is valuable to have positivity in group work and to have a

thought-out plan. When a group is positive and has a plan, things seem to run
smoother and the group’s end result is well put together.

When I took WRT 104, it was all group work based. Being able to properly form a
plan, collaborate, and communicate with my group members helped each of us be
successful and get an A in the class.

- Center for Student Leadership Development. (2010). Academic classes and

provided Brightspace content.
- Komives, S.R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T.R. (2007). Exploring leadership: For
college students who want to make a difference. Jossey-Bass.

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 19

43. Student will show knowledge of the HDF 190 Constructivism is the theory that says: “Learners construct knowledge rather than
concept of constructivism just passively taking in information. As people experience the world and reflect
upon those experiences, they build their own representations and incorporate new
information into their pre-existing knowledge (schemas).” (University of Buffalo).
Basically, learners use their previous knowledge as a foundation and build on it with
new information that they learn.

According to Western Governors University, there are three types of constructivism:

cognitive, social, and radical.

The core principle of cognitive constructivism is that learning should be related to

the cognitive stage of the learner. By making connections between new information
and what they already know, these teaching techniques aid students in learning
and remembering new material and help them merge their existing knowledge to
the newfound knowledge. This idea has a lot to do with schema.

Social constructivism emphasizes how learning is a collaborative process. How

people interact with one another, their culture, and society shapes knowledge. The
building blocks that students use to develop their own knowledge and reality are
often derived from others, and learning from others also helps with this process.

The central belief of radical constructivism is that learning is constructed only to

serve and support our ability to survive and thrive in our surroundings. This idea
basically means that knowledge is created, not discovered and that we can only
have interpretation of knowledge.

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 20

44. Students will describe personal examples HDF 190 Northwoods Challenge Course “Constructivism promotes social and communication skills by creating a classroom
of implementing constructivism facilitator training, Leadership environment that emphasizes collaboration and exchange of ideas. Students must
learn how to articulate their ideas clearly as well as to collaborate on tasks
effectively by sharing in group projects.” I added in that quote because I believe it
explains how I implemented constructivism at the Northwoods Challenge Course
over the weekend (4/1-4/2).

On the second day of facilitator training I had to run an activity (with the help of a
partner). Throughout the time that the participates were going through the course
we were running, I was encouraging them to collaborate with their peers, even the
people who were on different platforms as them (there were three platforms), to
strategize and create plans when the course got tough.

At the end, my partner and I opened up a debrief discussion, asking the group
multiple questions. Afterwards we received feedback and advice from the returning

Being a facilitator meant that I had to shadow, engage, and learn the activities so
that I could run them myself. I used my prior knowledge of the courses from the
Leadership Institute to aid me in completing some of the challenges, too. One of
the main takeaways from constructivism is activating schema to help you build
knowledge, and that is what I did over those two days.

45. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the Experiential Learning Model (Kolb)

46. Student will describe personal application

of the Experiential Learning Model (Kolb)

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 21

47. Student will show knowledge of the HDF 190 The Social Change Model of Leadership by Astin et al is about socially responsible
“Social Change Model of Leadership leadership with an awareness of the ways in which the group’s decisions and
Development” by Astin et al
actions effect and impact others. This model was created for students in college
who wanted to learn how to work effectively with each other to create social

The Social Change model is a collaborative model built on the premise that the
model: is inclusive, sees leadership as a process not just a position, promotes
values of equality, social justice, & self-knowledge, personal empowerment,
citizenship, and service. Additionally, it examines leadership development from
three perspectives: the individual, the group, and the community/society. The
assumptions for this model go along with these premises and perspectives.

The Social Change Model is built on social change (as one can assume from the
name). Social change is collaborative work that addresses the root causes of
problems rather than surface-level ones. There are 7 “C’s for change”:
consciousness of self, congruence, commitment, collaboration, common purpose,
controversy with civility, and citizenship.

Consciousness of self, congruence, and commitment focus on an individual’s

values. Consciousness of self is the awareness of personal beliefs, values,
attitudes, and emotions that lead someone to take action. Congruence is being
consistent and acting with authenticity. Commitment is demonstrated by
involvement, investment, and motivation to follow-through on service.

Collaboration, common purpose, and controversy with civility are under the
category of group values. Collaboration is crucial to group development because it
allows the group members to work together, share responsibility, and accountability.
Collaboration also shines on each member’s talents and perspectives to help come
up with solutions. Common purpose is the shared goal between the members.
Controversy with civility means that even though disagreements are inevitable,
there is room for thoughts and different opinions to be heard.

Lastly, citizenship helps individuals be responsibly connected to the community/


- Center for Student Leadership Development. (2010). Academic classes and

provided Brightspace content.
- Higher Education Research Institute. (1996). A social change model of leadership
development (Version III). Los Angeles: University of California Los Angeles
Higher Education Research Institute.
- Komives, S.R., Wagner, W., & Associates. (2009). Leadership for a better world:
Understanding the social change model of leadership development. San
Fransisco: Jossey-Bass.
Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 22
48. Student will describe personal application HDF 190 Girl Scouts I see the 7 C’s for change from the Social Change Model of Leadership in my
of the above theory (Astin et al) actions through Girl Scouts. Now that I am a Lifetime member of Girl Scouts, I am
constantly using the C of “commitment”. This is because I volunteer my time to help
the younger troops. For example, my sister is a freshman in high school, and her
troop is doing a project on the effects of littering on our planet. Their job is to pick
up litter that they find and throw it away, and then they will be doing a write-up and
presentation. This summer I will be helping them by collecting trash and assisting
them with their write-up.

I remember being her age and having to do a similar project, but we did not have
an older girl come and help us out. I like being able to come and help out because
it makes me feel good by giving back, and the younger girls look up to me as a role

People used to make fun of me when I was my sister’s age for being in Girl Scouts
(my sister has also gotten her fair share of comments), but the fact that these girls
in my sister’s troop see me still in it as a college student shows them that it is not
weird, but it is cool.

I pretty much see the reason for Girl Scouts being social change, too. The point of
being apart of the organization is quite literally to give back to your community and
to help others in need.

49. Students will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Leadership Identity Development
Model” by Komives et al

50. Students will describe personal

application of the above theory. (Komives
et al)

51. Students will demonstrate knowledge of

the Strengths-Development Model by
Hulme et al

52. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Hulme et al)

53. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

behavior theories of leadership from
Michigan and Ohio State

54. Student will describe personal application

of the above theories (Michigan & Ohio

55. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Charismatic leadership

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 23

56. Student will describe personal application
of the above theory

57. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

contingency approach to leadership by

58. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Fiedler)

59. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Path-Goal theory by House

60. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (House)

61. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Leader Member Exchange (LMX) theory
by Dansereau, Graen & Haga; Graen &
Cashman; Graen

62. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Dansereau, Graen &
Haga; Graen & Cashman; Graen)

63. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Leadership Substitutes Theory

64. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory

65. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Models of leader emergence

66. Student will describe the impact of traits

on leadership emergence and

67. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

Chaos approach to leadership by

68. Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Wheatley)

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 24

Outcome Category: Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its Application to Leadership

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

69. Student will demonstrate how cultural

anthropology / paradigms relate to

70. Student will describe personal example

of using cultural anthropology /
paradigms as a leader

71. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Cycles of Socialization” (Harro)
theory and its uses in leadership

72. Students will demonstrate personal

application of the “Cycles of
Socialization” (Harro)

73. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Cycles of Liberation” (Harro) theory
and its uses in leadership

74. Student will demonstrate personal

application of the “Cycles of
Liberation” (Harro)

75. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Configuration of Power” (Franklin)
and its relationship to leadership

76. Student will demonstrate personal

application of the “Configuration of
Power” (Franklin)

77. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

racial identity development (Cross &
Fhagen-Smith; Rowe, Bennett &
Atkinson; Ferdman & Gallegos; Kim;
Horse; Renn etc.)

78. Student will demonstrate personal

application of model(s) of racial identity
development above

79. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

models related to gender / identity /
gender identity development (Lev;
Bussey; Bussey & Bandura; Bilodeau;
Gilligan; Belenky et al; etc.)

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 25

80. Student will demonstrate personal
application of model(s) of gender identity

81. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

additional social identity development
model(s): Sexual ID, Faith & Spirituality,
Disability, Social Class (Dillon et al;
Fowler; Parks; Astin et al; Peek; Smith;
Johnstone; Gibson; Forber-Pratt &
Aragon; etc.)

82 Student will demonstrate personal

application of additional social identity
development model(s) above

83. Students will demonstrate knowledge of

McIntosh’s theory of privilege and its
relationship to leadership

84. Student will demonstrate personal

application of McIntosh’s theory

85. Student will describe the differences and

similarities of individual and institutional
oppression and relationships to
leadership (Source = Three Dimensional
Matrix of Oppression)

86 Student will demonstrate knowledge of

relevant laws and policies related to
issues of equity and its relationship to
leadership (i.e., Title IX, Affirmative
Action, Protected Classes, etc.)

87. Student will show knowledge of effective

leadership as it relates to change agency

88. Student will describe personal examples

of being a change agent

89 Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the “Model of Intercultural Sensitivity” by
Bennett and its uses in leadership

90. Students will demonstrate personal

application of the “Model of Intercultural
Sensitivity” by Bennett

91. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

the ally Action Continuum by Griffin &

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 26

92 Student will demonstrate personal
application of the Action Continuum by
Griffin & Harro

93. Student will show knowledge of the

Multicultural Organizational Development
Model (Jackson)

94. Student will show personal application of

the Multicultural Organizational
Development Model (Jackson)

95. Student will show knowledge of the

Multicultural Change Intervention Matrix

96. Student will show personal application of

the Multicultural Change Intervention

97. Student will create a personal code of

inclusive leadership

Outcome Category: Critical Thinking

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

98. Student will show knowledge of principles

of critical thinking and fallacies (logic is
used in this minor)

99. Student will demonstrate proficiency of

critical thinking

100. Student will show knowledge of

metaphorical analysis to critically analyze
self and leadership situations

101. Student will demonstrate proficiency of

metaphorical analysis to critically analyze
self and leadership situations

102. Student will show knowledge of at least five

decision making methods

103. Student will describe personal examples of

having used five decision making methods

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 27

104. Student will show knowledge of at least five
problem solving / conflict management
methods, as well as understanding the
roots of conflicts

105. Student will describe personal examples of

having used five problem solving / conflict

106. Student will demonstrate the ability

to synthesize multiple knowledge
perspectives (course work), competencies
(communication, writing, information
literacy or mathematical/statistical skills)
and responsibilities (global, diversity &
inclusion or civic knowledge)

107. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

leadership that is used in crisis (i.e., James
& Wooten; Garvin; Covey; Frohman;
Lalonde; Schoenberg; Joni; Braden et al;

108. Student will describe examples of

leadership in crisis situations (i.e.,
application of James & Wooten; Garvin;
Covey; Frohman; Lalonde; Schoenberg;
Joni; Braden et al; etc.)

Outcome Category: Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts & Skills

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

109. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

active listening techniques

110. Student will describe examples of using

active listening skills

111. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

functions of group communication by

112. Student will describe personal application

of functions of group communication

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 28

113. Student will show knowledge of techniques
regarding giving and accepting of feedback

114. Student will describe examples of giving

and accepting feedback.

115. Student will show knowledge of the 7D

coaching model (Knott)

116. Student will demonstrate personal

application of the 7D Model (Knott)

117. Student will show knowledge of elements

of a Crucial Conversation and steps to
maintain dialogue and move to action
(Patterson, McMillian & Switzler)

118. Student will describe examples of

engaging in a Crucial Conversation

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 29

119. Student will demonstrate knowledge of HDF 190 Northwoods Challenge Course I learned facilitator techniques this weekend (4/1-4/2) during my Northwoods
facilitation techniques facilitator training Challenge Course facilitator training. What I picked up on so far from watching &
learning, and from feedback & advice is to use inclusive language. This is
something I have to practice because I am so used to saying phrases like “you
guys”. I was taught to instead use words like “y’all” or “everyone” or “teammates”.

After facilitating the low elements challenge course with my partner Ryan, we
received the advice to have one facilitator on each side of the course to ensure that
no one is breaking rules or getting hurt on our blind sides. Having someone on
each side of the course helps us make sure that everyone is playing safe.

I also learned that everyone facilitates differently. The way I like to facilitate is by
starting with getting all the participants to stand in a common area, then to explain
the safety rules, then to set a scene and create a story while simultaneously
explaining the objectives of the course. Doing it this way is what flowed right for me.
I also like putting in some enthusiasm.

Another thing I learned is that you do not have to have the course take place
exactly where you found it (if moveable). Ryan and I set up the low elements where
they were originally, even though it was in the chilly shade. Ally informed us
afterwards that we could have moved the element into the sunlight in a different
space, which is what I will do in the future. Same goes for the debriefing session.

Additionally, I picked up on the facts that facilitators are motivators, active listeners,
and bridge builders. Ultimately, their goal is to make sure everyone in the group is
actively participating, engaged, and involved while being safe and a little
challenged at the same time. Also, when working with difficult participants, it is good
to be a peacemaker, and not directly call them out in front of everyone. Sometimes
people just need a little redirecting. I also made sure to praise collaboration and
group work along with successes to encourage them to keep going and to work
together as a team.

120. Student will demonstrate proficiency of

facilitation techniques

121. Student will demonstrate knowledge of de-

briefing techniques

122. Student will demonstrate proficiency of de-

briefing techniques

123. Student will demonstrate knowledge of

framing based on psychology and its use in
group facilitation

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 30

124. Student will demonstrate proficiency of
framing based on psychology and its use
in group facilitation

125. Student will demonstrate knowledge the

four frames of organizations, and the
meaning of reframing by Bolman and Deal

126. Student will describe personal application

of organizational analysis using the four
frames of organizations, and breaking the
frame / reframing (Bolman and Deal)

127. Student will show knowledge of organizing

meetings / setting agendas / and leading

128. Student will describe personal examples of URI 101 Delta Epsilon Mu, meetings I joined Delta Epsilon Mu (DEM - co-ed, pre-health academic fraternity) last
organizing meetings / setting agendas / semester. I am currently the Conference Chair for our chapter. My job is to oversee
leading meetings
the scheduling and documentation of all conferences attended by DEM members.
Currently, I am tasked with planning an on-campus pre-health conference.

To get the process started, I reached out to Carrie Brown, who is the Assistant
Director of Conference Services at URI, via LinkedIn. In my message to her I asked
if we could meet and discuss setting up the conference. She responded and
agreed. During our meeting she recommended some other people for me to talk to
in addition to herself, and I took notes of her advice and tips for running a

After my meeting with Ms. Brown, I had a Zoom with the head of DEM Nationals for
further advice on the conference (this lady, Allajah, is who gave me this task). She
provided me with an agenda outline that she likes to follow when she hosts
conferences. It included times and activities. I saved the agenda and will be
implementing it into the conference.

I decided to hold the conference next semester, since it is so late in the spring now.
I would not have been able to set up these two meetings if I did not have time
management skills or self advocation. URI 101 helped me learn skills to time
manage, like creating a Google Sheets to see when things are do and keeping a
calendar to keep track of meeting times. My mom is the one who taught me to self
advocate. She told me that if I want to get things done I need to shoot my shot and
go out and get it myself. Carrie Brown and Allajah were not going to set up the
meetings for me, I had to reach out to them to get a meetings scheduled.

129. Student will show knowledge of

Parliamentary Procedure

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 31

130. Student will show knowledge of techniques
for working with difficult people

131. Student will describe personal examples of HDF 190 Northwoods Challenge Course This weekend (4/1-4/2) at the Northwoods Challenge Course facilitator training, I
using techniques to work effectively with facilitator training, dental assisting had to run an element on my own (with the help of my partner, Ryan). Besides my
difficult people
HDF 190 classmates being the participants, three peer leaders joined in. One of the
peer leaders, Abby, was the designated “bad kid”. Her job was basically to be
annoying and break the rules, and only to follow the rules after being redirected.

I work in a pediatric dental office as a dental assistant, so I am constantly coming in

contact with difficult kids. In the office I learned to keep a soft, calm tone when
speaking to them, and to try and redirect them without being mean. I have noticed
that difficult kids are a lot more likely to listen when they are being spoken to in a
gentle tone because they do not feel as attacked.

I used that technique with Abby. I spoke calmly and did not target her when she
was acting out. By staying calm and redirecting her by speaking to the group as a
whole, not just her, seemed to work well. By not singling her out, it helped make her
not feel embarrassed.

At one point she had her AirPods in and was not listening. When this happened, I
reminded the group to put AirPods and phones away while at the course. She then
put her electronics away.

She later took her phone out again and had Siri play out loud “this is stupid”. I
reminded the group to stay positive and to put electronics away. She took the hint
and stopped.

I think it is effective to not directly point the difficult kids out, but still get your
message across. Speaking to the group as a whole and not singling Abby out was
good because it did not draw attention away from the challenge and onto her.
Keeping a calm tone was also beneficial because it helped keep the peace and not
make the difficult kid mad, which would have just created an additional challenge
for me.

132. Student will show knowledge of the stages

of group development (Tuckman/Tuckman
& Jensen, Bennis or others)

133. Student will describe personal examples of

group development in use (Tuckman/
Tuckman & Jensen, Bennis or others).

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 32

134. Student will show knowledge of group roles
and how they contribute to group dynamics
(Johnson & Johnson; Benne & Sheats;
Knowles & Knowles; etc.)

135. Student will describe personal examples of

group roles and how they contribute to
group dynamics (Johnson & Johnson;
Benne & Sheats; Knowles & Knowles; etc.)

136. Student will show knowledge of effective

memberships skills in groups

137. Student will describe personal examples of

membership skills in use

138. Student will show knowledge of the

Challenge and Support theory by Sanford,
and its relationship to organizations

139. Student will describe personal examples of

using the theory of Challenge and Support

140. Student will show knowledge of the

construction / elements of informative and
persuasive speeches

141. Student will demonstrate proficiency in

informative and persuasive public speaking

142. Student will show knowledge of planning

and conducting interviews (as the

143. Student will describe personal examples of

planning and conducting interviews (as the

144. Student will show knowledge of preparing

for and effective answers in interviews (as
the interviewee)

145. Student will describe personal examples of

preparing for and being interviewed

146. Student will show knowledge of effective

collaboration / coalition building (Sources:
Cilente/Komives et al; NCBI; etc.)

147. Student will describe personal examples of

working in collaboratives/coalitions

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 33

148. Student will demonstrate knowledge of
techniques to communicate and engage in
difficult dialogues related to diversity and

149. Student will demonstrate proficiency in

communicating and engaging in difficult
dialogues related to diversity and inclusion.

150. Student will describe ways to maintain

accountability in leadership / member

151. Student will describe personal examples

related to maintaining accountability as a

152. Student will describe ways to build

relationships between leaders and

153. Student will describe personal examples of

building relationships with members as a

154. Student will describe how credibility applies

to leadership, as well as the characteristics
and skills of a credible leader

155. Student will describe personal examples of

building, maintaining, and repairing his/her
own credibility as a leader

156. Student will describe ethical standards in


157. Student will describe influence applies to


158. Student will describe principles of effective

mentoring, as well as problems particular
to the mentoring relationship

159. Student will describe personal examples of

mentoring and being mentored

160. Student will describe principles of effective

peer leadership, as well as problems
particular to peer leadership

161. Student will describe personal examples

related to being a peer leader and being
led by peers

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 34

Leadership Inventory Revised 08/22/2017 35

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