Mizyed Below Is A List of Common Science Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words, Look Up Each and Provide Its Meaning

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Common Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes Unit 1 Name Marim

Below is a list of common science prefixes, suffixes and root words, look
up each and provide its meaning.

a- not, without meta- Among, between

auto- self micro- Small
bi- two mono- Single
bio- Life,living muta- Change, alteration
chemo- Chemical nom- Law, custom
clado- Branch -ology Field study
com- Together -phage Eat
di- Two, double -philia Liking
-ecious Concerning the enviorment -phobos Fear, panic
ecto- Outside, external poly Many
endo- within post- After
epi- On, upon pre- Before
eu- Well pseudo- False
exo- Outside external re- Again, new
glyco- Sugar retro- Back
hetero- Other, diffrent -stasis Slowing down
homo- Common alike sub- Under, below
hydro- water super- Over
hyper- Above, beyond supra- Beyond
hypo- Under, beneath syn- together
inter- Among, between therm- Heat
intra- Within tri- Three
-lyse decomposition -troph Relating to nutrion
macro- Large, great uni- One

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