3102147-En R03 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

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FireWorks Life Safety

Network Application Guide

P/N 3102147-EN • REV 03 • ISS 24SEP15

Copyright © 2015 Walter Kidde Portable Equipment, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This document may not be copied in whole or in part or otherwise
reproduced without prior written consent from Walter Kidde Portable
Equipment, Inc., except where specifically permitted under US and
international copyright law.
Trademarks and The FireWorks name and logo are trademarks of Walter Kidde
patents Portable Equipment, Inc.
SQL Server is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Other trade names used in this document may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the
respective products.
Version This document applies to FireWorks 8.1.
Contact information For contact information, see www.edwardsfiresafety.com.

Important information iii

Limitation of liability iii
Advisory messages iii
Disclaimers iv

Introduction 1
Referenced documents 1
General notes 1
FW-UL6 computers and watchdog cards 4
D6600 Communications Receiver and OH Network Receiver 5
VESDA nodes 5

Setting up a nonredundant FireWorks network 6

Introduction 6
Equipment requirements 7
Prerequisites 8
Nonredundant server and client setup 8

Setting up a redundant FireWorks network 11

Introduction 11
Equipment requirements 13
Prerequisites 15
Setting up the SQL cluster 16
Setting up SQL mirroring 20
Setting up a client workstation 25

Troubleshooting practices 27

Appendix A Network software SKUs 34

Appendix B SQL Mirroring utility functions 36

Appendix C Changing the SQL server type 39

Introduction 39
Changing from SQL Server 2012 Express to Standard 40
Changing from SQL Server 2012 Standard to Express 41

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide i

Appendix D Firewall exceptions required for redundant
networking 43

Glossary 45

ii FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Important information

Limitation of liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will Walter Kidde
Portable Equipment, Inc. be liable for any lost profits or business opportunities,
loss of use, business interruption, loss of data, or any other indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages under any theory of liability, whether based
in contract, tort, negligence, product liability, or otherwise. Because some
jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or
incidental damages the preceding limitation may not apply to you. In any event
the total liability of Walter Kidde Portable Equipment, Inc. shall not exceed the
purchase price of the product. The foregoing limitation will apply to the maximum
extent permitted by applicable law, regardless of whether Walter Kidde Portable
Equipment, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages and
regardless of whether any remedy fails of its essential purpose.
Installation in accordance with this manual, applicable codes, and the instructions
of the authority having jurisdiction is mandatory.
While every precaution has been taken during the preparation of this manual to
ensure the accuracy of its contents, Walter Kidde Portable Equipment, Inc.
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.

Advisory messages
Advisory messages alert you to conditions or practices that can cause unwanted
results. The advisory messages used in this document are shown and described

WARNING: Warning messages advise you of hazards that could result in injury
or loss of life. They tell you which actions to take or to avoid in order to prevent
the injury or loss of life.

Caution: Caution messages advise you of possible equipment damage. They tell
you which actions to take or to avoid in order to prevent the damage.

Note: Note messages advise you of the possible loss of time or effort. They
describe how to avoid the loss. Notes are also used to point out important
information that you should read.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide iii

This document is intended for use with a dedicated FireWorks life safety network
consisting of UL 864 Listed Ethernet switches, and FW-UL6W workstations and
FW-UL6S servers configured as a cluster (i.e., a flat workgroup network). The
workstations and servers are not members on a domain or attached to a domain
Domain networks are outside the scope of this document, whether or not the
FireWorks computers are domain members. While the information may be valid,
some procedures will fail without the domain administrator’s password privileges.

iv FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Instructions in this guide are written with the assumption that your FireWorks
network will be built on a dedicated fiber network. This is a requirement for UL
Listing, and also results in the best network performance.
If you are not using a dedicated fiber network, you will need to work closely with
the site IT department as the potential variations in configuration make it
impossible to present specific directions in this guide.

Referenced documents
The following documents are referenced in this publication and may be found in
the C:\FireWorks\Documentation folder:
• MN-FVPN Firmware Upgrade Installation Sheet (P/N 3102373-EN)
• MN-NETRLY4 Firmware Upgrade Installation Sheet (P/N 3102372-EN)
• FireWorks 8.1 Software Installation Guide (P/N 3100034-EN)
• FW-UL6W FireWorks Workstation Installation Manual (P/N 3102213-EN).

General notes
Here are some points to bear in mind as you proceed:
• We strongly recommend that you print this document and follow it step-by-
step, crossing off each step as you complete it. Leaving out steps or
performing the steps out of order greatly increases the risk of failure.
• If you are using MN-FVPN modules or MN-NETRLY4 modules in a redundant
network you must update the firmware as described in the following
publications, located in the C:\FireWorks\Documentation folder:
MN-FVPN Firmware Upgrade Installation Sheet (P/N 3102373-EN)
MN-NETRLY4 Firmware Upgrade Installation Sheet (P/N 3102372-EN)
• A global time server must be available to the computers in the FireWorks
network to keep them in sync. This is often handled by the operating system,
but must be enabled. Mirroring will not start if the primary server computer
and the backup server computer are out of sync.
There are numerous ways to set up a Windows Time Service for your
network. If you do not know how to do this, we strongly recommend that you
engage the site IT department. There are also plenty of resources available
on the Internet.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 1

For example, a YouTube search for “Windows Time Service” finds a video
titled “40 Windows Time Service.wmv”
• The primary server computer, the backup server computer, and the witness
computer in a redundant network must all be set for the same time zone.
• Establish your computer naming convention and change the computer names
before you install FireWorks. If you want to change the computer names later
you have to uninstall both FireWorks and SQL Server, change the names,
and then re-install FireWorks and SQL Server.
• FW-UL6 computers support multiple network connections. Work with the site
IT department to choose the appropriate network connection for your
application. Be aware that each network adapter can have a different IP
address, and changing the network connection, or changing the IP address of
the network adapter can cause unexpected results.
• We recommend using static IP addressing on all FireWorks computers if
possible. This will ensure that nothing changes unexpectedly. If this is not
possible, you can use DHCP, which has been tested and found acceptable.
Consult the site IT department or network administrator if you are unsure
what is best for your network situation.
• Various ports must be opened on the FireWorks computers to allow the
servers and clients to communicate. The required ports are:
8021 for Remote Client
5022 for SQL mirroring
5023 for SQL mirroring
5024 for SQL mirroring
1433 for SQL server
1434 for SQL browser
873 for Unison (TCP)
The easiest way to ensure that the ports are available is by turning Windows
Firewall off. This may not be feasible in all situations. Turning Windows
Firewall off may negatively impact security policies and should be discussed
with the onsite IT personnel.
The FireWorks installation process opens the necessary ports, but restarting
the PC may close them again. To re-open the ports, on the Start menu,
browse to the Edwards Software\Fireworks\Utilities\Network folder, and then
click Open Firewall Ports Batch File.
A list of firewall exceptions is shown in Appendix D “Firewall exceptions
required for redundant networking” on page 43. The script that allows for the
firewall exceptions is C:\FireWorks\Exe\Network-Port-Opening.bat.

2 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

• On FW-UL6 computers, under Local Area Connection properties, the Internet
Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) is not is selected by default (i.e., the check box
is cleared). If you want to use TCP/IPv6, you must check the check box.
TCP/IPv6 requires local IT support.
• We recommend that you use the Windows Update utility to turn off automatic
updates, whether you have a dedicated or a nondedicated network. Updates
may require a restart or render the computer unusable. Always apply updates
and patches manually, so that you retain supervision and control of the
update process. Automatic updates are disabled on FW-UL6W and FW-UL6S
• Filtering at a client computer will not affect event printing or event history.
Printing and history filtering are determined by settings at the server where
reports are printed and history is stored.
• After the first database mirroring process, the system may repeat prompt
messages regarding mirroring. If this occurs, simply click OK to acknowledge
and continue.
• You can run System Builder from any station at any time. Any programming
changes you make (e.g., changes to maps, devices, etc.) will be stored
properly in the project database. However, to see the result of your changes
in real time, you must have System Control up and running at every station
including the station from which you made the changes.
• If you have System Builder open on two different computers on the network
and System Control is not running on at least one of them, when you make
changes in the same area, (e.g., the same node), the changes you made
from one computer may not be visible on the other computer in real time. If
this happens, do not worry. No data is lost. Simply restart System Builder on
the second computer.
• Putting a primary server in local mode will have the effect of putting the
system globally into local mode.
• If you are filtering out trouble events on the server, when you acknowledge a
trouble event at a client workstation the server does not pass the
acknowledgement to any clients that subsequently connect to the server.
There isn’t an issue if the trouble event restores beforehand.
If you filter out troubles on the server, the Trouble LED may remain flashing
even though the event count is zero. All of the rest of the information
displayed is accurate.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 3

• The File Distribution system runs in the background and keeps your maps
and other resources in sync. Changes to any resources are not refreshed
automatically but rather when you browse to that map. This can often be seen
when you first start a client or station and the site map is blank.
• When you create or modify a user or role on one station, and then you try to
access it on a different station without restarting both stations first, you may
see an "Info: Default user set." Error message. If this happens, simply delete
the user/role, and then re add it.
• If there is an error that the system detects before System Control is fully
initialized it will go to the diagnostics status form. If this happens before the
system is ready to display the form, you will notice that the screen flashes a
bit. When this happens, simply go to the menu item status "Diagnostics
Status" and select, any information will be readily available there.
• If you delete a node on one station and do not restart all of your systems you
may see a warning message when you try to bring up the node status. The
warning is harmless and can be dismissed.
• If you find any of your stations on the network in the situation where they
appear to have control but the Acknowledge button is unavailable, log out and
then log back in again to make the Acknowledge button available so you can
acknowledge points.
• When System Control starts for the first time on a redundant client or on a
nonredundant client station you may briefly see the following error message
before System Control shuts down:
“Error starting System Control: No Text with ProductID =
If this happens, simply restart System Control and it should start normally.

FW-UL6 computers and watchdog cards

• To meet UL Listing requirements, all FireWorks computers in a network must
have watchdog cards. FW-UL6 computers meet this requirement.
• Watchdog cards must be added and programmed when creating the
FireWorks project. Refer to System Builder Help for instructions.
• Watchdog card failures are local to the computer and are not annunciated
across the network.

4 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

D6600 Communications Receiver and OH Network
To accomplish no single point of failure in redundant network applications:
• When using D6600 communication receivers, connect one D6600 to the
primary server and another D6600 to the backup server.
• When using OH Network Receiver, install FW-IPMON1000 on the primary
server and on the backup server.
• For each server-receiver combination, use separate accounts with the same
Contact ID (CID) events defined in each account. This doubles the
programming effort, but fortunately CID strings now automatically populate.
• On maps, for each CID event, you can drop a point from each receiver
account (i.e., two icons adjacent to each other) or you can drop the
corresponding points from each account to the same device icon or TSA.

VESDA nodes
A redundant network uses two FW-HSSX1 VESDA Modbus High Level Interface
modules for each VESDA node. The FW-HSSX1 modules must be kept in sync
so that events are reported properly and consistently to the primary and backup
servers. This means that when you issue an HLI Refresh command from the
primary server you must also issue an HLI Refresh command from the backup
server, and vice-versa.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 5

Setting up a nonredundant FireWorks

A nonredundant FireWorks network consists of a primary server and one or more
clients connected to one or more of the following:
• EST life safety systems
• VESDAnet networks
• D6600 receivers
• FireWorks remote clients
Figure 1 below shows a basic nonredundant FireWorks network.
Note: For UL Listed systems, use MN-FNSx Ethernet switches. Remote client
connections are ancillary. This means that you may use third-party Ethernet
switches to connect remote clients.

Figure 1: Nonredundant FireWorks network

6 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Legend for Figure 1
Arrow Description
Primary communication path between the FireWorks server and the EST life safety
Redundant communication path between the FireWorks server and the EST life safety
system (optional)
Communication path between the active client and the FireWorks server

Equipment requirements
The computer equipment required for a UL Listed nonredundant network system
is shown in Table 1. For more information, see FW-UL6W FireWorks Workstation
Installation Manual (P/N 3102213-EN).
For applications that do not require UL Listing, you may use third-party (off-the-
shelf) computers that meet the minimum system requirements of a FW-UL6W
computer. For minimum system requirements, see FireWorks 8.1 Software
Installation Guide (P/N 3100034-EN).
Note: FireWorks software is not UL Listed when installed on third-party

Table 1: Minimum computer equipment requirements

Quantity Hardware Function
Primary 1 FW-UL6W running FireWorks 8.1 Primary communication path
server with common controls between FireWorks and other
(FW-CGSUL) and SQL Server systems/equipment on the
2012 Express [1] nonredundant network. The
primary server may also serve as a
system control point.
Clients 1 to 15 [2] FW-UL6W running FireWorks 8.1 Alternate system control point.
with common controls Clients communicate to other
(FW-CGSUL) and SQL Server systems/equipment on the
2012 Express [1] nonredundant network through the
primary server.
Remote 1 to 15 [3] Third-party computer running Remote annunciation of system
clients FireWorks 8.1 Remote Client events. Remote clients are
considered ancillary.

[1] Installed automatically when you install FireWorks 8.1

[2] Depends on the number of nonredundant client licenses you purchase
[3] Depends on the number of remote client licenses you purchase

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 7

1. The network requires at least two computers, one for the server, and one for
a client. The maximum number of client computers is determined by the
software options you have purchased. (See Appendix A for an explanation of
the model numbers used.)
2. All FireWorks computers in the network must use Windows 7 Professional,
64-bit, SP1, and must be 64-bit computers. UL Listed FireWorks computers
come with this operating system installed.
3. Established computer names. In our example we use:
Nonredundant server: FW-Primary
Client computer: FW-Client-1

Nonredundant server and client setup

To set up the nonredundant server and clients:
1. Plug the USB software key into the computer, insert the FireWorks installation
disc (P/N 85012-0019) into the DVD drive, and then follow the on-screen
instructions. For more information, see FireWorks 8.1 Software Installation
Guide (P/N 3100034-EN).
2. When prompted, enter the PINs for all of the software products you
purchased, starting with FW-CGSUL. Refer to Appendix A for a description of
product SKUs.
3. When prompted to load SQL Server 2012 Standard, click No. This will
automatically install SQL Server 2012 Express.

8 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

4. After the installation has finished, start System Builder. FireWorks recognizes
your setup by reading the PINs on the software key, and then opens the
Display/Change Database Server dialog box shown below.

5. In the Computer Name box, type the computer name of the server computer.
If you do not know the computer name, on the Start menu, right-click
Computer, and then click Properties. The computer name is listed under
Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings. Type the name exactly as
it appears there.
6. Click Select Server.
7. Click OK to acknowledge the warning message.

8. After System Builder starts, add the server computer and client computers to
the project. For details, see “Adding a server workstation” and “Adding a client
workstation” under “Setting up nonredundant networks” in System Builder

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 9

9. On the client computer, start System Builder. FireWorks recognizes your
setup by reading the PINs on the software key, and then opens the
Display/Change Database Server dialog box shown below.

10. In the Computer Name box, type the computer name of the server computer,
and then click Select Server.

The clients are now connected to the server, and the nonredundant network
setup is complete.

10 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Setting up a redundant FireWorks network

A redundant FireWorks network consists of a primary server, a backup server,
and a witness (collectively called an SQL cluster), and one or more clients
connected to one or more of the following:
• EST life safety systems
• VESDAnet networks
• D6600 receivers
• FireWorks remote clients
Figure 2 below shows a basic redundant FireWorks network.
Note: For UL Listed systems, use MN-FNSx Ethernet switches. Remote client
connections are ancillary. This means that you may use third-party Ethernet
switches to connect remote clients.

Figure 2: Redundant FireWorks network

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 11

Legend for Figure 2
Arrow Description
Communication path between the primary server and the EST life safety system
Communication path between the backup server and the EST life safety system
Communication path between the active client and the primary server

Communication path between the active client and the backup server

A redundant FireWorks network makes use of an advanced database

survivability technique known as database mirroring. Mirroring is a Microsoft SQL
Server technology that has proven to be very robust. It is used in commercial
applications that require a high degree of reliability and limited down times.
Mirroring requires a minimum of three computers: a primary server, a backup
server, and a witness. The three computers are collectively known as an SQL
cluster. The witness provides arbitration for the applications and for the other
servers, determining which database is currently active. This provides
survivability and flexibility because a failure at either server computer in the
cluster lets the system continue operation with no loss of data integrity.
For mirroring to provide database integrity as intended, two of the three
computers in the SQL cluster must be running and be visible to each other on the
network at all times.
So that there is no single point of failure, each EST life safety system, VESDAnet
network, and D6600 on the redundant network has a parallel communication
path to the primary server and to the backup server. The backup server takes on
the role of the primary server if the primary server should fail or is taken out of
service. You can also use the backup server to manually issue commands and
view the status of the system. However, the LEDs and events in the New Event
List on the backup server may not be in sync with the primary server.
The backup server may also be unmanned. For this reason it defaults to the
FireWorks local mode so that after an event activates and restores it will be
automatically acknowledged by FireWorks on the backup server. With the
backup server in "local mode" and sending acknowledges to the panel if the
panels are in proprietary mode said acknowledges will come back to the primary
and some point may seem to self-acknowledge.
If the site requires that the LEDs and event queues on the backup server be
synchronized with the primary server, then the EST life safety systems must be
configured for proprietary mode. In proprietary mode, an acknowledgement at
one gateway port is passed to the other gateway ports, which sends the
acknowledgement to any FireWorks server attached to that gateway port. See

12 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

the 3-SDU Help for instructions on setting the project for a proprietary
The witness computer is a critical component of the redundant network SQL
cluster. Bear these points in mind:
• The witness computer may not be used as a system control point. Since it is
crucial to the viability of the cluster, it must be left on at all times.
• If the witness computer fails or becomes unavailable, a witness failure event
is annunciated across the network. You should have a contingency plan in
place for this event.
• The witness computer has a watchdog card and must be placed in an area
where a watchdog failure trouble buzzer can be heard, as this failure event is
not otherwise annunciated at any point in the network.

Equipment requirements
The computer equipment required for a UL Listed system is shown in Table 2.
For more information, see the following documents:
• FW-UL6W FireWorks Workstation Installation Manual (P/N 3102213-EN)
• FW-UL6S FireWorks Server Installation Manual (P/N 3102221-EN)
For applications that do not require UL Listing, you may use third-party (off-the-
shelf) computers that meet the minimum system requirements of an FW-UL6
computer. For minimum system requirements, see FireWorks 8.1 Software
Installation Guide (P/N 3100034-EN).
Note: FireWorks software (FW-CGSUL) is not UL Listed when installed on third-
party computers.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 13

Table 2: Minimum computer equipment requirements
Quantity Hardware Function
Primary 1 FW-UL6S running FireWorks 8.1 Primary communication path
server with common controls between FireWorks and other
(FW-CGSUL) and SQL Server systems/equipment on the
2012 Standard SP1 [1] redundant network.
The primary server may serve as a
system control point.
Backup 1 FW-UL6S running FireWorks 8.1 Primary communication path
server with common controls between FireWorks and other
(FW-CGSUL) and SQL Server systems/equipment on the
2012 Standard SP1 [1] redundant network — if the primary
server fails or is taken out of
The backup server may serve as a
system control point.
Witness 1 FW-UL6W running FireWorks 8.1 Maintains database integrity so
without common controls state changes are not lost when the
(FW-CGS) and SQL Server 2012 primary server and the backup
Express [2] server switch roles.
The witness may not serve as a
system control point.
Clients 1 to 50 [3] FW-UL6W running FireWorks 8.1 Alternate system control point.
with common controls Clients communicate to other
(FW-CGSUL) and SQL Server systems/equipment on the
2012 Express [1] redundant network through the
primary server.
Remote 1 to 15 [4] Third-party computer running Remote annunciation of system
clients FireWorks 8.1 Remote Client events. Remote clients are
considered ancillary.

[1] Requires separate installation disc (P/N 7460008).

[2] SQL Server 2012 Express is installed automatically when you install FireWorks 8.1. FW-CGS
is required only to monitor the watchdog card and provide audible notification of computer
[3] Depends on the number of redundant client licenses you purchase.
[4] Depends on the number of remote client licenses you purchase

14 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

1. The primary server, the backup server, the witness, and the clients must be
on the same network.
2. Established computer names. In our example we use:
Primary server: FW-Primary
Backup server: FW-Backup
Witness server: FW-Witness
3. All three computers must have Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, SP1, and
must be 64-bit computers. UL Listed FireWorks computers come with this
operating system installed.
4. The user must have two copies of SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition SP1,
one for the primary server and one for the backup server.
If you have purchased the appropriate PINs and software licenses, the
required copies of SQL Server 2012 Standard are included with your
purchase. Refer to Appendix A for a description of product SKUs.
5. To accomplish the required mirroring, you will need either:
A shared folder that is on the primary server. Create the folder, share it, and
use it as a common folder for all three computers. To do this you must create
a common “administrator” user with the same name and password on all
three servers. Note: FWUL6 computers are configured with an Administrator
user account with ESTFW for the password.
— or —
A shared folder on a network-attached storage (NAS) device. The shared
folder must be accessible to the FireWorks administrative user who sets up
mirroring. The folder should have full read/write/execute (R/W/E) permissions.
Note: Be sure to get assistance from the site IT department when creating
the shared folder. If this is not done correctly the first time, it takes much
longer to troubleshoot.
Disclaimer: Domain networks are outside the scope of this document, whether
or not the FireWorks computers are domain members. While the information may
be valid, some procedures will fail without the domain administrator’s password

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 15

Setting up the SQL cluster
The SQL cluster consists of the primary server, the backup server, and the
witness. The general steps for setting up the SQL cluster are:
1. Install FireWorks on the primary server, and then add the primary server, the
backup server, and the witness to the project database.
2. Install FireWorks on the backup server.
3. Install FireWorks on the witness, and then change the SQL logon password to
the Windows administrator password (ESTFW).
4. Create a shared folder that is read/write accessible from all three computers
in the SQL cluster.
5. Set up SQL mirroring.

Setting up the primary server

Setting up the primary server consists of installing FireWorks, naming the primary
and backup SQL servers, and then adding a primary server, a backup server,
and a witness to the project database.

To install FireWorks on the primary server:

1. Plug the USB software key into the computer, insert the FireWorks installation
disc (P/N 85012-0019) into the DVD drive, and then follow the on-screen
instructions. For more information, see FireWorks 8.1 Software Installation
Guide (P/N 3100034-EN).
2. When prompted, enter the PINs for all of the software products you
purchased, starting with FW-CGSUL. Refer to Appendix A for a description of
product SKUs.
3. When prompted to load SQL Server 2012 Standard, click Yes.

4. Insert the SQL Server 2012 Standard for FireWorks Redundant Networks disc
(P/N 7460008) into the DVD drive, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

16 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

The next step is to name the primary and backup SQL servers.

To name the primary and backup SQL servers:

1. After the installation has finished, start System Builder. FireWorks recognizes
your setup by reading the PINs on the software key, and then opens the
Display/Change Database Server dialog box.
2. In the Display/Change Database Server dialog box, verify that the computer
name for the primary and backup server is: (local). This means that
FireWorks installed as a stand-alone workstation.

3. Under Primary SQL Server, type the computer name of the primary server.
If you do not know the computer name, on the Start menu, right-click
Computer, and then click Properties. The computer name is listed under
Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings. Type the name exactly as
it appears there.
4. Under Backup SQL Server, type the computer name of the backup server.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 17

5. Click Select Server, and when prompted to start the mirroring process, click
No, and then click OK.

The next step is to add a primary server, a backup server, and a witness to the
project. If you wish, you can also add any clients to the project at this time.
Tip: If you have an existing project, restore the project before you add the
primary server, the backup server, the witness, and any clients.

To add a primary server, a backup server, and a witness to the project:

1. Start System Builder.
2. Add a primary server. For details, see “Adding a primary server” in System
Builder Help.
3. Add a backup server and witness. For details, see “Adding a backup server
and a witness server” in System Builder Help.
Tip: If you have client workstations, you can add them now. For details, see
“Adding a client workstation” under “Setting up redundant networks” in System
Builder Help.

Setting up the backup server

Setting up the backup server is the same as setting up the primary server, except
that you do not add the primary server, the backup server, and the witness to the
project database. For instructions, see “Setting up the primary server” on page
Note: Since there is a high likelihood that the backup server could be unmanned,
it is automatically configured for local mode. See System Builder Help for any
questions on local mode.
After you name the primary and backup SQL servers, start System Builder, and
then verify that the project includes the primary server, backup server, and
witness that were added to the project on the primary server.

Setting up the witness

Setting up the witness consists of installing FireWorks, and then changing the
SQL Server (FIREWORKS) logon password to let the Administrator user account
automatically log on to the FireWorks instance on the SQL server.

18 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Installing FireWorks on the witness
1. Plug the USB software key into the computer, insert the FireWorks installation
disc (P/N 85012-0019) into the DVD drive, and then follow the on-screen
2. When prompted, enter the PINs for all of the software products you
purchased, starting with FW-CGS. Refer to Appendix A for a description of
product SKUs.
3. When prompted to load SQL Server 2012 Standard, click No. This will
automatically install SQL Server 2012 Express.

To change the SQL Server (FIREWORKS) logon password:

1. Set the SQL Server (FIREWORKS) logon password to use the administrator
password, ESTFW. For more information, see “Assigning SQL Administrator
User,” located in the C:\Fireworks\Documentation folder.

Creating a shared folder

Create a shared folder on the root of the C: drive on the primary server, and then
map the shared folder on the backup server and on the witness. For more
information, see “Creating shared folders for redundant networks,” located in the
C:\Fireworks\Documentation folder.
Verify each computer in the SQL cluster has read/write access to the shared
folder. For example, create a temporary folder on one computer, and then verify
you can open it on the other computers. Delete the temporary folder on a
different computer, and then verify it is deleted on the others.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 19

Setting up SQL mirroring
1. On the primary server, start System Builder.
2. In the Display/Change Database Server dialog box, verify that the computer
names are correct. If not, the mirroring process will fail.

3. Click Select Server, and when prompted to start the mirroring process, click

20 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

4. In the SQL Mirroring dialog box, type the names of the primary server, the
backup server, and the witness, and then type the path of the shared folder
as shown below.

5. Click Create Users and Certificates. The users and certificates allow SQL
Server to talk between the three servers.
6. As each certificate is created, the SQL Mirroring utility displays the message
box shown below. Verify that the certificate file is visible in the shared folder
on both of the servers and on the witness, and then click OK.
Note: Do not click OK until you verify that the certificate file is visible in all
three shared folders. This gives you the opportunity to fix permission
problems without having to restart the process from the beginning.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 21

When all three certificates have been created, the shared folder should look
like the following illustration:

If you do not see any of the certificate files on any of the servers, then you
need to physically go to the computer with the shared folder, and change the
permissions of that certificate file to allow users read/write/execute access.
7. The creation process may take several minutes. Wait until you see the
following message box, and then click OK.

22 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

8. In the SQL Mirroring dialog box, click Start Mirroring.
The utility displays a progress bar. The startup may take up to 5 minutes.
Allow the utility to work without interruption. When the mirroring process is
finished, click OK.

9. Click Close to close the SQL Mirroring dialog box.

The mirroring process is now complete and System Builder will proceed to open.

Error conditions
If there was something wrong with the settings you entered, the mirroring
process will fail. The SQL Mirroring utility displays the message shown in
Figure 3 below.

Figure 3: SQL mirroring error message

Be prepared to send the log file to Technical Support. The file is:
If you choose, you can open the log file from the SQL Mirroring dialog box by
clicking Open Log File.
You can use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to verify the correct
operation of SQL mirroring. This can be done at any of the computers in the

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 23

To verify the mirrored system:
1. Click Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2012 > SQL Server
Management Studio. (Startup may be delayed, depending on your network.)
2. Select the desired server from the Server Name list. This will be one of the
suggested server names:
Primary server = FW-Primary
Backup server = FW-Backup
Witness server = FW-Witness
3. Enter the credentials in the Login and Password boxes.
Login = sa
Password = Firew0rks*
Note: The character 0 in the password is the number zero, not the letter O.
4. Click Connect.
5. Expand the Databases folder.
6. Verify the status of the databases FireWorks and FireWorks_History
databases on the primary server. These must show “Principal, Synchronized”
as shown in Figure 4 below.

Figure 4: Verifying mirroring

24 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Setting up a client workstation
Client workstations are added to the FireWorks project on the primary server. For
details, see “Adding a client workstation” under “Setting up redundant networks”
in System Builder Help.

Installing FireWorks on a client workstation

1. Plug the USB software key into the computer, insert the FireWorks installation
disc (P/N 85012-0019) into the DVD drive, and then follow the on-screen
2. When prompted, enter the PINs for all of the software products you
purchased, starting with FW-CGSUL. Refer to Appendix A for a description of
product SKUs.
3. When prompted to load SQL Server 2012 Standard, click No. This will
automatically install SQL Server 2012 Express.

The next step is to name the primary and backup SQL servers.

To name the primary and backup SQL servers:

1. After the FireWorks installation has finished, start System Builder. FireWorks
recognizes your setup by reading the PINs on the software key, and then
opens the Display/Change Database Server dialog box.
2. In the Display/Change Database Server dialog box, verify that the computer
name for the primary and backup server is: (local). This means that
FireWorks is installed as a stand-alone workstation.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 25

3. Under Primary SQL Server, type the computer name of the primary server.
If you do not know the computer name, on the Start menu, right-click
Computer, and then click Properties. The computer name is listed under
Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings. Type the name exactly as
it appears there.
4. Under Backup SQL Server, type the computer name of the backup server.
5. Click Select Server. If the client cannot reach either of these two servers then
it posts an error message.

26 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Troubleshooting practices
Recommended startup for FireWorks on a redundant network
1. Exit FireWorks System Control and System Builder on all computers, in this
a. Clients
b. Witness
c. Backup server
d. Primary server
2. Start System Control on all computers, in this order:
a. Primary server
b. Backup server
c. Witness
d. Clients
This will avoid possible bouncing issues that could arise if the backup is also
starting at the same time.

Changing the FireWorks platform, or upgrading from a nonredundant to

redundant network (SKUs FW-RSZ5UP or FW-RS15UP)
If you have installed the wrong FireWorks platform, for example, you wanted to
install a redundant network but instead you installed a nonredundant network,
use the procedure below to change the FireWorks platform.
Note: We strongly recommend that you perform a full backup prior to uninstalling

To change the FireWorks platform:

1. Uninstall FireWorks.
a. On the Start menu, click Control Panel, and then click Programs and
b. In the program list, right-click FireWorks, and then click Uninstall.
2. Uninstall SQL Server 2012.
a. On the Start menu, click Control Panel, and then click Programs and
b. In the program list, right-click Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (64-bit), and
then click Uninstall.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 27

Be sure to minimize the Programs and Features window so you can see
the dialog boxes and progress messages associated with the uninstall.
In the Setup Support Rules dialog box, click OK.
In the Select Features dialog box, select FireWorks in the “Instance to
remove features from” list, click Next, click Select All, and then click Next.
In the Removal Rules dialog box, click Next, verify the selections, and
then click Remove.
c. For all remaining items beginning with “Microsoft SQL Server,” right-click
the item, and then click Uninstall.
d. Select Microsoft VSS Writer for SQL Server 2012, right-click, and then click
e. Acknowledge any residual status or error messages resulting from the
3. Delete the C:\FireWorks folder and all of its subfolders.
4. Delete the C:\Programs\Microsoft SQL folder and all of its subfolders.
5. Restart the computer.
6. Reinstall FireWorks and the appropriate SQL Server edition.

Database enters a suspended state

When hardware issues cause multiple computer restarts, the database can enter
into a “Suspended / Restoring” state that is not automatically corrected. When
this happens, FireWorks displays the following error message:

28 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Figure 5 below shows how a database that is in a suspended state looks in the
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Figure 5: Database in a suspended state

To bring the database out of suspended state:

1. On the Start menu, in the Edwards Software\Fireworks\Utilities\Network
folder, click SQL Mirroring (Redundant Networking only).
2. Enter the required values, and then click Stop Mirroring. See Figure 6 on
page 30.
3. Click Delete Users and Certificates.
4. When the process is complete, click Create Users and Certificates.
5. Click Start Mirroring. The database state will return to “Principal,

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 29

Figure 6: SQL Mirroring utility dialog box

FireWorks does not start on redundant network systems

This issue may occur on redundant network systems when the database has
failed over to the backup server and the connections strings were not set up
correctly. FireWorks may report a database connection error or an error
connecting with user “sa.”

To diagnose and correct this issue:

1. On the Start menu, in the Edwards Software\Fireworks\Utilities\Network
folder, click Repair Connection Strings.
2. In the Connection String dialog box, verify that the Fireworks Connection
String box and the Fireworks History Connection String box both include the
Failover Partner delimiter and that the delimiter correctly specifies the backup
server and database instance.

30 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location.

3. If the Failover Partner delimiter is missing; at the end of the current

connection string, type: ;Failover Partner=(local)\Fireworks.
4. Click Apply, and then close the Connection String dialog box.
5. Start System Builder.

A client is not connecting to the primary and backup servers in a redundant

1. On the Start menu, in the Edwards Software\Fireworks\Utilities\Network
folder, click Repair Connection Strings.
2. In the Connection String dialog box, in the Fireworks Connection String box
and in the Fireworks History Connection String box, verify that the correct
server names are used to path to the FireWorks database instance.
For the Data Source delimiter, replace (local) with the primary server’s
computer name (e.g., FW-Primary)
For the Failover Partner delimiter, replace (local) with the backup server’s
computer name (e.g., FW-Backup)

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 31

3. After the server names are replaced in their respective strings, press Apply,
and then close the utility.
4. Start System Builder and it should open.

A client is not connecting to the primary server in a nonredundant network

1. On the Start menu, in the Edwards Software\Fireworks\Utilities\Network
folder, click Repair Connection Strings.
2. In the Connection String dialog box, in the Fireworks Connection String box
and in the Fireworks History Connection String box, verify that the correct
server name is used to path to the FireWorks database instance.
For the Data Source delimiter, replace (local) with the primary server’s
computer name (e.g., FW-Primary)

3. After the server name is replaced, press Apply, and then close the utility.
4. Start System Builder and it should open.

Other considerations
• There can be only one event printer per server on the system. The printers
used on all the servers must be the same make and model, and must be
configured identically.
• Having two or more computers with the same computer name wreaks havoc
on the system.
• On large systems there may be a startup delay of one or two minutes. This is
by design, so that all the required initialization is complete before events are
received from the fire panels. This optimizes event processing speed.
• The network version of FireWorks contains a File Distribution system that will
automatically sync your resource files.

32 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

This feature runs automatically in the background and normally requires no
actions for correct operation. While you can modify your project on any server
or client, the File Distribution system works from the primary server to push
changes out to the clients and backup files. This means that you should
always run System Builder from the primary server.
If you experience problems synchronizing resources across the FireWorks
computers refer to the publication How to troubleshoot the FireWorks File
Distribution System located in the C:\FireWorks\Documentation folder.
• Any undefined events that come in to the server propagate to currently
connected clients and are logged to history. Undefined events are not passed
to clients that connect subsequently.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 33

Appendix A
Network software SKUs
See Table 3 below for a list of network software SKUs. Figure 7 shows you how
to interpret the SKU numbers.

Figure 7: FireWorks networks SKUs

Table 3: SKU descriptions

Type SKU Description Notes
Client FW-NCZZFP New nonredundant system client Requires FW-UL6 Class or higher
license. Requires UL6W Class workstation.
workstation. HASP key PIN.
Client FW-RCZZFP New redundant system client Will automatically connect to
HASP key PIN. Requires UL6W primary server IP.
Class workstation. HASP key PIN.
Server FW-NS15FP New 15 seat nonredundant server. Nonredundant server. Supports up
Requires UL6S Class server. to 15 nonredundant clients for a
HASP key PIN set for servers. total of 16 possible points of
Server FW-NSZ5FP New 5 seat nonredundant server. Nonredundant server. Supports up
Requires UL6S Class server. to five nonredundant clients for a
HASP key PIN set for servers. total of six possible points of

34 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Type SKU Description Notes
Server FW-RS15FP New 15 seat redundant server for Redundant service server license
new installations package. set. Supports up to 15 IP client
Requires UL6S Class servers. workstations. Includes 3 FireWorks
HASP key PIN set for servers. servers, 2 full MS SQL, and 1 MS
SQL Express licenses for primary,
backup, and witness servers and
15 clients.
Server FW-RS25FP New 25 seat redundant server for Redundant service server license
new installations package. set. Supports up to 25 IP client
Requires UL6S Class servers. workstations. Includes 3 FireWorks
HASP key PIN set for servers. servers, 2 full MS SQL, and 1 MS
SQL Express licenses for primary,
backup, and witness servers and
25 clients.
Server FW-RS50FP New 50 seat redundant server for Redundant service server license
new installations package. set. Supports up to 50 IP client
Requires UL6S Class servers. workstations. Includes 3 FireWorks
HASP key PIN code set for servers, 2 full MS SQL, and 1 MS
servers. SQL Express licenses for primary,
backup, and witness servers and
50 clients.
Server FW-RSZ5FP New 5 seat redundant server for Redundant service server license
new installations package. set. Supports up to 5 IP client
Requires UL6S Class servers. workstations. Includes 3 FireWorks
HASP key PINs set for servers. servers, 2 full MS SQL, and 1 MS
SQL Express licenses for primary,
backup, and witness servers and 5

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 35

Appendix B
SQL Mirroring utility functions
The SQL Mirroring utility also provides the following functions:
• Delete users and certificates
• Stop SQL mirroring
• Start SQL mirroring
Use these functions only as described here, or with assistance from the Edwards
Technical Support staff.

Deleting users and certificates

Scenario: This is used if you want to take the computer back to their initial
condition, or if the computer name of one of the servers was changed after the
mirroring process started.
Implementation: Enter all the fields as shown in Figure 8 below, and then click
Stop Mirroring. Wait for the utility to complete the process, and then click Delete
Users and Certificates. Again, wait for the utility to complete the process.

Figure 8: Delete users and certificates

Make sure that you recreate the users and certificates before trying to set up

36 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Stop mirroring
Scenario: This is used if you want to manually stop the mirroring process. Don’t
do this unless instructed to by the Edwards Technical Support staff.
Implementation: Enter all the fields as shown in Figure 9 below, and then click
Stop Mirroring to stop the mirroring process.

Figure 9: Stop mirroring

Once you click Stop Mirroring (or open a different project, create a new project,
or restore an old project), you will be asked if you want to start SQL mirroring the
next time you start System Builder. If not, run

Starting mirroring after the FireWorks restore function

Database backup and restore operations can be performed normally using the
FireWorks software. No extra steps are required, but these functions can only be
performed from the primary server. Backup and restore operations should not be
done from the backup or witness servers, or from any client computer.
Once the database is restored you will need to restart the mirroring function. On
starting, System Builder displays a message box that lets you start the SQL
Mirroring utility. Repeat the procedure given in “Setting up SQL mirroring” on
page 20.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 37

The Create Users and Certificates process (step 5 in “Setting up SQL mirroring”)
is required only once for the FireWorks network. You don’t need to repeat it after
a restore.

Figure 10: Start mirroring

Troubleshooting mirroring failures

A document with useful troubleshooting information is stored on your computer
during the FireWorks installation. Refer to How to Troubleshoot the SQL
Mirroring Tips and Tricks found in the C:\FireWorks\Documentation folder.

38 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Appendix C
Changing the SQL server type

This topic shows you how to switch between SQL Server 2012 Express and SQL
Server 2012 Standard.
In summary, the process is to manually remove (uninstall) the incorrect edition of
SQL Server 2012, and then let the FireWorks installation wizard install the
correct edition of SQL Server 2012.
This may be required if, for example, you installed SQL 2012 Server Express by
mistake on a redundant network server, which requires SQL 2012 Server
This topic can be used as a reference in these scenarios:
• Users want to convert their stand-alone FireWorks computer to a redundant
or nonredundant FireWorks network server.
• Users inadvertently installed SQL Server 2012 Express on a primary or
backup server computer.
• Users inadvertently installed SQL Server 2012 Standard on a client computer.
• Users inadvertently installed SQL Server 2012 Standard on a witness

SQL Server editions

The following table shows the editions of SQL Server 2012 that are required for
each type of FireWorks computer.

Computer SQL 2012 Server edition

Primary server (redundant network) SQL Server 2012 Standard
Primary server (nonredundant network) SQL Server 2012 Express
Backup server SQL Server 2012 Standard
Witness SQL Server 2012 Express
Client computer SQL Server 2012 Express
Stand-alone computer SQL Server 2012 Express

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 39

To determine which edition of SQL Server 2012 is installed on a computer:
1. On the Start menu, in the Edwards Software\Fireworks\Utilities folder, click
Key and Database Verify.

Changing from SQL Server 2012 Express to Standard

To change from SQL Server 2012 Express to SQL Server 2012 Standard:
1. Click Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.
If your preferences are set so that the Control Panel is not displayed as a
menu, you’ll see the Adjust Your Computer’s Settings page. In the Programs
group, click Uninstall A Program.
2. In the Programs and Features list, right-click Microsoft SQL Server 2012
(64-bit), and then click Uninstall.
3. In the SQL Server 2012 dialog box, click Remove.
This starts the Remove SQL Server utility. You’ll work through several pages
displayed by the utility.
4. On the Setup Support Rules page, click OK.
5. On the Select Instance page, make sure that FIREWORKS is selected in the
Instance to Remove Features From list, and then click Next.
6. On the Select Features page, click Select All, and then click Next.
7. On the Removal Rules page, click Next.
8. On the Ready to Remove page, click Remove.
9. When the utility displays the Complete page, showing that the removal was
completed successfully, close the dialog box and restart the computer.
10. Install FireWorks. When prompted to load SQL Server 2012 Standard, click

40 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

Changing from SQL Server 2012 Standard to Express
To change from SQL Server 2012 Standard to SQL Server 2012 Express:
1. Repeat steps1 through 9 in “Changing from SQL Server 2012 Express to
Standard” on page 40.
2. Install FireWorks. When prompted to load SQL Server 2012 Standard, click

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 41

42 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide
Appendix D
Firewall exceptions required for redundant
The FireWorks installation process opens the exceptions shown in Figure 11, but
the site IT department may have configured these to close when the PC is
restarted or updated. In that case, the exceptions must be reinstated manually.
Note: Every FireWorks computer in the network should have this configuration.

Figure 11: Firewall exceptions

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 43

You must also allow file and print sharing through the firewall. See Figure 12.

Figure 12: Allow programs to communicate through Window Firewall screen

44 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide


Access File and directory access permissions granted to FireWorks users, using
Windows tools. Possible permissions are: read, write, and execute. See also
Read, Write, and Execute.
Backup server The (physical) backup server hosts a FireWorks server and SQL databases.
Client A FireWorks client is responsible for showing the status of the FireWorks
network. A client is able to execute nearly all the commands that a server
can. See also control.
Control The FireWorks network consists of several computers, each having roughly
the same capability. Certain actions, such as sending commands to a panel,
should only be done by one responsible party in the FireWorks network. This
computer is considered to have control. Control can be passed to any server
or client in the FireWorks network by means of the Function menu commands
Acquire Control and Release Control.
Execute A type of file and directory access permission. The execute permission grants
the ability to execute a file. This permission must be set for executable
programs, including shell scripts, to allow the operating system to run them.
When set for a directory, this permission grants the ability to access file
contents and metadata if its name is known, but not to list the files inside the
directory, unless the read permission is also in effect. See also Read and
Logical backup The logical backup server can be on either the primary server or the backup
server server. The logical backup server shows all activity in the FireWorks network
using local mode and is the backup computer in charge of the FireWorks
Logical primary The logical primary server can be on either the primary server or the backup
server server. The logical primary server shows all activity in the FireWorks network
and is the primary computer in charge of the FireWorks network.
Nonredundant In a nonredundant network, a FireWorks server coordinates activity with one
FireWorks or more FireWorks clients. Customers needing multiple locations to
network administer their life safety systems would use this configuration.
Primary server The (physical) primary server hosts a FireWorks server and SQL databases.
Read A type of file and directory access permission. The read permission grants the
ability to read a file. When set for a directory, this permission grants the ability
to read the names of files in the directory, but not to discover any further
information about them such as contents, file type, size, ownership, or
permissions. See also Write and Execute.
R/W/E Read, write, and execute. File and directory access permissions. See also
Read, Write, and Execute.
Redundant In a redundant network, a FireWorks server cluster coordinates activity with
FireWorks one or more FireWorks clients. Customers needing multiple locations to
network administer their Life Safety Systems would use this configuration. This is the
most highly survivable configuration.

FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide 45

Remote (web) The FireWorks remote client is an application that connects to a FireWorks
client server and shows the activity in the FireWorks network. (It is sometimes
referred to as the web client application.) The remote client cannot perform
any commands on panels.
Server A FireWorks server is responsible for communicating with all network
resources, such as panels. It is also responsible for coordinating activity
between all FireWorks clients.
SQL cluster The redundant FireWorks network is controlled by three computers: primary
server, backup server, and witness server. The primary and backup servers
both run FireWorks and host mirrored databases. The witness server is
needed by Microsoft SQL to mirror the databases.
SQL Database Using three computers to host SQL databases to provide a reliable database
mirroring to other systems. The databases continue to work as long as two of the three
systems are operational.
SQL Server The typical package used by FireWorks to host its databases.
Express Edition
SQL Server The more capable version of SQL Server that supports mirrored databases.
Standard Edition
Stand-alone A system in which a single computer runs FireWorks. This is the configuration
FireWorks used by most customers.
Witness server This server is needed by Microsoft SQL Standard Edition to ensure the
survivability of the SQL databases shared by all FireWorks computers.
Write A type of file and directory access permission. The write permission grants
the ability to modify a file. When set for a directory, this permission grants the
ability to modify entries in the directory. This includes creating files, deleting
files, and renaming files. See also Read and Execute.

46 FireWorks Life Safety Network Application Guide

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