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Raisa A.

ENGL 0100-06

Journal Entry #7

Responsibility is a word all of us should know. We have been hearing this word since we were

children. Whenever we did something wrong our parents would scold us and tell us that we

should take responsibility for what we did. Or when we would ask our parents why they needed

to go to work, they would say “Because it’s our responsibility as parents and as adults.” As a kid,

it can be a bit difficult to understand what being responsible is. What is responsibility? Well, the

easiest way to explain it is, taking the praise or the blame for something you have done. Now

hearing this new concept as a kid, we probably thought that once we grow up this so-called

“responsibility” wouldn’t be a problem anymore.  But little did we know that it was the complete


Personally, looking back, I realized how quickly I wanted to grow up. I thought that being an

adult was the best thing ever. But now that I am getting closer and closer to that age, I realized

the amount of responsibility that you have once you’ve become an adult can be quite scary.

However, this quality shouldn’t be seen as a negative thing. Being responsible is a great quality

to have. Working environments are frequently searching for people with this quality since it can

be seen as a sign of maturity. When you think about it, taking responsibility for something you

did, can be frightening since you are unaware of the outcomes of your actions. It takes bravery
and truthfulness to make such a decision. Seeing that I think the sense of personal responsibility

is very important for all aspects in life whether it be in your personal life or professional.

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