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Name: Rajnandini Rahul Shinde

Branch: Information Technology

Subject: HCI
Roll No: 60

Assignment No: 1

Aim: Identify and observe bad designs

Problem statement:

Students are expected to submit minimum of 3 to 5 photographs of bad designs in their

surrounding or home or any product or neighborhood and create a report mentioning why is it

bad? They can submit word/pdf file having photos and description, source of photos and

place and mention why is it bad and discuss the outcome during lab session


There are 2 main types of designs

1) Good design: A design of any product or an interface is generally considered to be good

when it is Simple, Usable, Learnable, Intuitive, and has a Waw factor.

2) Bad design: A design difficult to use, understand its functionality and not interactive

enough to understand its current state is called as Bad design. Few real life examples of

products and interfaces are mentioned along with its relevant explanation.
Examples Explanation

My Keyboard’s ⌨ red button

The next thing which I’m going to show

you is this red button on my laptop’s
keyboard. So I need you to know what it
does first. It just works like a touch pad.
I already have a touch pad then why
would I use it? I don’t think someone
would prefer to have that button at the
center of his keyboard.

2. Pant Labels

Why do pant size labels never indicate

which number is waist and which is
length? Not everyone was simply born
with this knowledge. All it takes is a
simple “W” and a “L”. Good design
should be internally coherent to the
user— it shouldn’t require an external

3. Bathroom doors that don’t clearly

indicate gender

Sometimes restaurants make bathroom

gender labels playful. That’s okay, so
long as the sign does the one job it’s
supposed to do: indicate the gender.
Unfortunately I’ve seen signs get too
playful— and run the risk of confusing
people (especially people who’ve had a
few drinks at a pub).
Social Media Icons on Print Ads

Why are social media icons in print

ads? A magazine is not a computer—
no one can click icons!

Classes with exclusively right-handed

desks This design does not work for all


6. A pot with handles on same side

7. We get confused when using such key.

8. It’s difficult to drink juice in such type

of glass.
9. When we put any liquid in this bowl it
will lick.

10. We can’t eat using this type of spoon.


Identify and observe bad designs.

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